BLM leader admits she's a Communist: Marxism and Black Lives Matter.

15 December 2020 [link youtube]

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#AntiCommunism #BLM #BlackLiveMatter

Youtube Automatic Transcription

patrice colors is a marxist all right
y'all i mean let's let's just talk about it am i a marxist i'm a lot of things i do believe in marxism it's a philosophy that i learned really early on in my organizing career this is december 15 2020 and interestingly part of the political context for this announcement comes as no surprise to those of us who've been following the political history of black lives matter closely is that the economist magazine published their estimate that total donations to black lives matter causes exceeds 10 billion us dollars that does not mean that this particular activist has 10 billion dollars at her disposal it does not mean that any one agency or organization received 10 billion this is a category of agencies associated with this cause however it is fair to say that she is someone with tremendous power and influence and basically a bottomless budget to work with i don't know if it's worth us talking about communism because it it just has such a bad rap well because that it's failed every time that's why it has a bad it still has capitalism it's very tempting to respond to this sort of self-righteous ignorance by immediately pointing to the human casualties of communism by pointing to the proverbial millions of corpses the huge piles of skulls for example here in cambodia i don't understand how it's possible in the year 2020 for an influential highly educated highly funded political leader like patrice cullors to be so insensitive i just don't understand it and you know it wasn't just cambodia's tragedy it was the whole world's tragedy like i understand her political position i grew up in a family where the majority of people around me were marxists and were even hardcore communists not just my parents but aunts and uncles and people like that i have grown up surrounded by people with this mentality people who are willing to commit to making these excuses for mass murder but couldn't you have some sensitivity couldn't you have some compassion couldn't you have some human dignity when dealing with this issue if that is your political position but to take a step beyond these mind-boggling numbers let's just talk about the kind of mediocre middle ground of communism for a moment right now in the year 2020 would you be more excited about going to a university in vietnam then you would be excited about going to a university in japan if i offered you a fully paid scholarship to get a phd in japan you'd have to live in japan for let's say four years or a scholarship to get a phd in vietnam think for a minute you know you you can do some google searches if you were going to go spend four years your life in vietnam under communism today under the unbelievably mild diluted mixed economy form of communism that is this today i mean vietnam is now a hybrid of communism and capital still you would be choosing to move to a very dangerous place where you have no freedom of speech we have none of the civil rights or political rights you take for granted in japan or south korea how about how about cuba would you be excited at the prospect of going to get a university degree in cuba even now even today and how would you have felt in say the 1950s you know back when communism was really murdering all these people back when communism was in its much more repressive much more authoritarian phase how would you have felt about devoting four years of your life to living in russia to living in communist china to living in a place where you had none of the freedoms none of the civil rights that you can take for granted in the western world how how would you feel about the difference between living in east germany or versus west germany under communism or still today how would you feel about the difference between living in north korea and living in south korea and right now let's be honest in north korea as bad as it is there are no piles of skulls like this no patrice there's a really meaningful sense in which communism has been a failure and you can't just turn around and say that capitalism equally has been a failure that's just not true we can't allow for fear to dictate how we understand what's possible you want to know a funny fact everybody called dr martin luther king a communist