Episode 7.2 was AWFUL! (Game of Thrones) (ASOIAF)

27 July 2017 [link youtube]

Reasonably in-depth discussion / review / analysis (of season 7, episode 2 [S07E02], "stormborn") —with comparative reference to book, show and everything else extant.

Here's the playlist for all my Game of Thrones (& ASOIAF) videos, on this channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZEkgohG7k7oK5ShvyvAswb-3lSWjlQe6

A.S.O.I.A.F. = "A Song of Ice and Fire", i.e., the books of George R.R. Martin (G.R.R.M.), also known under the title "Game of Thrones", used by the T.V. adaptation to refer to the series as a whole.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

so this video opens with a biased
disclaimer my fundamental bias in making this video is episode 7.1 the first episode of season 7 was way better than I expected it to be an episode 7.2 was vastly worse than I expected it to be so you know you can stop watching this video now maybe that never occurred to you I thought everyone else would recognize that also we watched this together obviously this is my girlfriend I've been into Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire for like four years she's been into it for like four months at some point we're gonna have to update so what is it up five months now I don't know if you graduated five months whatever but you I've read the books I know more the deep background and she obviously has gotten deeper and deeper into this because she fell in love with me to her perpetual misfortune okay and by the way by the way by the way we are broadcasting this right now from Thailand we just got back from swimming in the ocean and we've had distractions we've had reasons not to make a video after each episode but if anything I feel really doubly motivated to make some kind of response a discussion because when we looked around at the other channels respond this we couldn't find a single person who in an intelligent way was criticizing episode 7.0 and so it was wrong which us it was just like facepalm obvious that 7.2 was a terrible episode horribly written horribly executed whereas 7.1 was way better than we expected was the best episode we've seen for several seasons yeah yeah I agree the second one was really cheesy there were a lot of which was bad there was a lot of bad scenes like just uncomfortable to watch like why play and watch and not in a good way yeah not like this is really philosophically challenging yeah yeah I like this scene with Jon Snow and Petyr Baelish was just like what was the point of that like like like they could have made it something so much more interesting but really it just was Petyr Baelish saying like oh hey you know I've always loved your stepmom and I've always loved Sansa one of the keys to the game here I do have a little bit of a background in screenwriting or script writing theatre or whatever want to say that scene so it's an interesting want to start with Petyr Baelish talking to Jon Snow down in the dungeon down on the crypts right yeah why does it start when it does and why does it end windows why does Petyr Baelish enter stage left when he doesn't watch the eggs and windows that's in terms of objective measurements of good writing you normally need a good answer square you don't just have people float on stage for no reason it's ridiculous and Jon Snow even references how ridiculous John snow says like you don't belong here what are you doing here it's like for watching the I it's like yes what are you doing here this is a few writers contrivance like yeah you don't you don't just drift into equipped you know what I mean you're like like he's not a vampire right if you go to the grave no but that is a classical sign of bad right now doesn't that is he like in terms of the formal definition some things you can't define what is a great poem what is not a great poem you can't objectively define it but that's a scene where in terms of the whole tradition we have ultimately going back to Aristotle you'd say that's classically lousy right yeah I thought he was going to but you see that would be that would have been better because then at least he has a motivation for why he enters stage left when he does Oh Here I am emerging from the shadows because I was down here plotting to murder you that at least gives him a motivation I mean the classic question you're taught to ask anteater is what's my motivation that's that again again once more why am i entering now why am i interfering with the plow am i doing what I'm doing I would say on the global level of abstraction about the episode as a whole I said to you after I we watched 7.1 that episode 7.1 was so good that if somebody washed that and they'd never seen anything else before that was their first introduction to Game of Thrones to Song of Ice and Fire that I felt you could kind of be proud of that like you sure that if someone was respectable episode 7.1 had a lot of old men talking about politics which for me is the core of the show and the core of the books it was like wow great you know to me there were a lot of solid well-written scenes were people talking about politics that had a sense of consequence and weight and ethical you know sure but they're insane point one even even Cersei talking to her brother you know those those had a sense of weight and consequence you know I mean it weren't flippant discussions about politics in this context of this war I felt that someone who'd never seen any other episode or never read the books can watch 7-point when I go oh this is a show to be taken seriously and then 7.2 I'm at the opposite extreme but I found seven point you so embarrassing and imagine how awful it would be if you watched 7.2 with no prior knowledge of anything to do with the show or the plot or whatever you write so if you kick it off with that then what you're looking at these long nude scenes that kind of start nowhere and go nowhere and so on and so forth right yeah and it's not that I'm against having any new droids like I was I think I was talking to you about this like if the scene continued and we rid the audience got answers to how they would actually have sex how a eunuch would have sex with somebody you know like we really don't see you we don't get answers oh yeah and because they mentioned what the flag like everybody is curious like what does yeah okay so that scene again I felt it kind of started poorly and ended poorly like it fades out in a ridiculous time and it it goes on too long given how little colonists get I'm not opposed to nudity in principle but the nudies got it the nudity needs to be telling a story I think there were a lot of different questions that scene could have answered not just what equipment does the work yeah but like you know one it one thing that could've been interesting it could have been that we had the female lead to say like reflect on whether during sex or after sex or before could be fully clothed I don't care you could avert it--as the fact that she doesn't want to have children like you know I mean it would just be a human thing like oh okay so this would make sense because she actually she doesn't want to have kids she wants to do this one or you know you could have you could have a reflecting after sex like you could just ever say it's okay we can make this work before or during or after but it'd be different have more weight if it was after was like yeah you know what like you know she can be satisfied with this this can be liver but whatever the consequences are whatever the you know the the meaning is that the scene is trying to get across you know it can't just be nudity for the sake of nudity or not at that length I couldn't like I was sitting there just thinking well this is awful but at least we'll be over soon yeah I thought it could have ended when they first kissed right I know you started waiting for attention and nothing else nothing else got communicated by there was no it didn't advance the plot in any way it didn't answer any questions and quite a few different interesting questions could have been answered about like who is Miss on day or what does she want out of life yeah yeah apparently not kids or maybe she's never thought about it mean so many years ago again like if you're sitting in the writers room meaning maybe you could have been reflecting on the fact because they talked about this thing of being feeling afraid because they're afraid the other person's gonna die okay here's something else is interesting in the past I never had to plan for the future because I was a slave now I've got to think of it I have my own career my own family my own homework that's also terrifying right like there's so many different things where you have missandei saying to him look you know like I'm not going to be the Queen's plaything forever I've got to move on and have my own household and have my own kids or something that would be deep too that we had again I don't care if they're naked they could if they talk about something meaningful while they're naked then the nudity is no problem there's a million different dressing directions yep yeah and nothing it's just crickets and it's just it's just cue the violins it's literally get their clothes off and cue the violence and then it feeds out it feeds it in a totally meaningless way and again in so this is my pointed with the cartridge seven point one seven point two if I was watching that with someone who wasn't already a fan I would feel so embarrassed like watching up to somebody like I'm introducing the show I'm trying to tell you that it's not just about dragons and boobs you know and I mean like oh no this is something with real substance 7.1 was really kind of dignified and seven points he was utterly lacking that that sense of dignity but I don't think we want to go through it scene by scene and talk about everything that was so awful for me I think about 70-percent the episode was awful there was maybe 30% that had you know that held together canceled at every single scene and it was garbage but I don't think anyone the discussions that we watched talked about aria meeting with her friend Oh hot pie yes whose nickname Popeye right right right right she's missed opportunity taro missed oh yeah you know that's an opportunity for her to say I've totally changed like I've been through a lot and to discuss like how she's feeling about wood what she's done and oh yeah and they also didn't address what happened with the Lannisters The Ed Sheeran guys yeah that's true so worse to assume they just don't made good friends with the Lannisters and yeah when was going together but you know so Arya stepping into the scene there hot pie asks or some questions that could have interesting answers just including like we think he just asked what ever happened to you yeah it's probably that there could be a really interesting answer that question no he has no answer like she's just hungry yeah you like who the hell wrote this scene you know I can imagine right off the top of my head six or seven different really interesting answers for e to give the khari arya could have said I did whatever I needed to do to survive boom you know they could sit there and look at each other because this show they seemed to like long pauses in style they seem like silent facial and eye contact based communication so that's what you're going for she could say you know I got on a path of killing my family's enemies or something you know she could have said anything you know abstract or specific she could have said you know what I've spent a couple months with a bunch of religious fanatics that would have been command if that was that if she reflected on the fact you know what I was a member of a religion I never believed in that would have been really powerful two-for-two talked with a religious element that she's basically living like a priest as a member of religion she never believed it you know what a million interesting thing she could comment on and reflect on or you know and and we just get nothing all we get is her grabbing food and pushing hot pie including it was so that Arya found out that Jon Snow was at Winterfell right so that just gave her a reason to leave those the only point in the scene it yeah it advances the plot and that's yeah there's like an inside joke for people that have watched the show that oh yeah he Arya had baked up right right right - of the phrase into a pie oh oh yeah I didn't have you been baking have you been baking pies one or two right yeah awkward like just in general how intimacy is I don't know right you know Theon not the angry Yara oh yeah oh my god that's terrible no I actually forgot about that yeah yeah yes of the attempted lez be ro magazine yeah yeah terrible terrible well it's also interesting because you know female bisexuality is handled pardon me in in a pretty sophisticated way in the books in the books Circe herself is bisexual or somewhat and I think you could actually say sir she's sexuality in the book is closer to gender identity crisis so gender identity crisis is because they're different from a friend bisexuality and she's really kind of dwells and the fact that she wishes she was born a boy she feels her whole life would be better that she had only been a man instead of a woman and you know there's a lot to what Circe really reflects on her own sexuality alone she does get drunk and sleep with one woman you maybe just once or twice and so on and you know it's kind of heavy and you know it's also in a sense it's shows the quality of the writing because it manages to get you to sympathize with a woman who's committed so many atrocities real atrocities and in the book you see it up close where she's torturing people to death to get confessions out of them get false confessions of you and so on so I just say female bisexuality is in an intelligent and psychologically sophisticated way handled in the books and then the TV show you just have this kind of obscene yeah you know so but woky if we're actually our wine right so if we're actually stretching out if we're actually stretching out why that scene exists no obviously it's interrupted dramatically but if it doesn't what's the point their relationship isn't political it's not that one seducing the other for political reasons so the point is these are too drunk middle-aged women on a boat who are bored and decide to one get into bed together out of boredom Merilee and to to humiliate Theon that's all that's happening in that seat and it's awful yeah yeah yeah yeah we kind of already had that when theum was at the brothel with Yara the back in season six and that also didn't go anywhere I didn't seem to do anything productive but what's the point like your you know your brother has been to some extent eviscerated we don't really know we assume he's a eunuch also you know that's uh it is apparently right I'm you know I wonder if the writers point was to really give Theon a kind of an extra motive for why he would jump off the boat you know why he wouldn't feel positively towards Europe pretty much treating me like even though I stuck up for her right said that she should be the queen and I've been by herself right yeah and in that same scene at the yes she was like are you going to you know write yourself or what like are you gonna be a man you're gonna commit suicide yeah yeah and she didn't write from oh yes no which is terrible writing and totally bizarre and made no sense right yeah that was another like I can't even call it a plot hole or plot loophole it was just absolutely terrible let's let's take another step back on a big scale and we could have said this at the start of look for me there's a big problem which is more obvious in 7.2 than 7.1 that Daenerys simply doesn't represent an alternative to the status quo in any meaningful way now in uh in the East she did because she challenged slavery so it's like okay so these are the you know brutal overlords who are pro-slavery and she's the brutal overlord his gonna bullish slavery there was a difference but in Westeros and against this thing with having everyone wearing black so forever he's and Daenerys wears all black Cersei works on black so this is just another would be conquerer you know really offering you nothing but yeah yeah I mean how is she better then or different from ups and the wholeness of that in this dialogue with varies came out for me it comes out in the whole plot even just structurally and aesthetically so well what is Daenerys supposed to represent here when VAR YZ is saying she somehow represents hope for a better future or something better for the poor why part of me what so there was this joke from The Young Turks they were saying that that he's the Bernie Sanders of Westeros very Sanders right okay but I don't I don't remember dinero's promising one thing that would help before I don't remember her stating one word of concern about the poor of the peasants of Western not one before she had this anti-slavery thing which was a disaster and in the books it's a politically sophisticated nuance disaster in the TV show it's kind of never really explained but we get the impression that her attempts to abolish slavery were a disaster and then she just leaves town oh that's that's what you got in the TV show you don't get any real resolution or anything yet yeah maybe it's better in the books but it is really strange to see all these people that are backing up Daenerys right I don't think that she's had yeah a good track record okay wherever so the the Dothraki or a culture based on conquest looting pillage rape slavery a slave economy above all else right super fuel and she's brought into Westeros and we have this i think the probably the best scene in this episode was jeannie talking to randyll Tarly and where Jamie makes taste around Tarly look if you're supporting Daenerys you're supporting hordes of barbarians who are gonna rape and loot and enslave people which is a hundred percent true so in terms of the politics that are explicit in the show everything about Daenerys and Daenerys aside is bad as negative even though before she represented an abolition of slavery now what does she represent what's her election promise what makes her different from anyone else playing the game of Thrones and that dragon right but from the audience's perspective the answer has to be nothing she doesn't have a moral leg up on him okay I guess you know I guess in the fictional universe Circe apparently openly acknowledges that she destroyed the great Sept of Baelor which is like destroying the Vatican which is a ridiculous in the books that'll never happen and in the books there'll be it hasn't happened yet we don't know respectively because the books aren't the next books talking but here aren't published yet but it's it's unthinkable to me that george RR martin would have something that gauche in the books i'm sure there will be some sophisticated excuse made that you know terrorists blew it out person then you know somebody else will be blamed other than Cersei at least by Circe herself but in this book I mean search party in the TV show in Congress to the books Cersei I guess has become so infamous she walked naked in the streets she burned down the equivalent of the Vatican she killed the the Pope you know it's on such a level of villainy okay maybe you can say people will look at Daenerys as a positive alternative to Cersei just on that level but I mean don't forget in the other hand Daenerys is arriving with the most infamous man in the world as her hand which watching it again because we quite rapidly watched all six seasons before the start of sees that we kind of did a watch the whole thing again and Season six really it with the play within a play mechanic in season six gets across to you just how infamous you know serial yeah it's it's not he murdered his own father or he murdered a prostitute he was a terrible hand of the king you know for any of this he apparently had something to do with the assassination of Joffrey from the outside perspective you know perhaps he's directly guilty of registering trophy but this is the most infamous and hated man in Westeros and in the world who's there standing next to Daenerys so do you really think morally you're so pure you're such a contrast it's it's surreal in Daenerys moved to not kill so many people in King's Landing she's determining that they should starve the people yes so we saw one we basically did a survey of all the major commentators on YouTube about Game of Thrones yeah we saw one who did say Preston Jacob said look the acting by Emilia Clarke playing Daenerys is absolutely terrible which we agree with and it's not going to change talking about would you agree with so that that is true you know I feel she was poorly cast even in season one I think she's been terrible through the whole show in terms of her performance in terms of her an interpretation lines but then there's the question of just what the script gives her to work with of what are the lines handed down yeah and for sure as you say I mean it's absurd it's like oh no we're not gonna bomb the city we're gonna starve them until they Oh oh great okay and you know this was delivered with no irony I mean maybe another actress could have interpreted that and a little more why well you know I don't believe in burning people to death them I have more subtle you know scheme in mind yeah starvation have you heard of it a word is devastatingly effective in town of work well you could have been in a little bit more of a self-aware but no you have for stating that robotic Lea with this blank expression saying no way not bombed em imagine I'm with you instead of her crappy British accent imagine how different would be if she just had a Russian accent the same character you would it would become farcical just by changing it but it is farcical her position is is ridiculous and look I mean obviously the whole thing is high fantasy there are dragons involved it's not like I'm asking for some greater degree of realism you know I don't need you know I don't need to hear about how they're getting enough oats for the horses and their army or something that's not my point but yeah yeah basically tells her not to trust her Ian yes she's the one not everybody follows along blindly with what Daenerys is planning but to me that's news because I see Olenna Tyrell the women from Dorne and Tyrion as all similarly discrediting Daenerys because like Daenerys if you represent some kind of moral high-ground whether it's abolishing slavery or maybe abolishing feudalism or maybe introducing democracy because you could be anything like this right Olenna Tyrell the women from Dorne tear they don't they don't represent that at all they just represent revenge right there they're embittered losers from the war of the five kings who want mass murder in one of masculine so how does that make you look good the conversation returned there would have been a great opportunity to talk about the very limited role that democracy has in the fictional world Westeros you did see that in the Iron Islands but which also they didn't mention in 7.1 why is your on the legitimate king of the are announced he was elected he was elected now it was shown poorly in the show he just had a bunch of old men with beards shouting yeah right yeah okay but still that is a system of election why did Jon Snow become commander of the Nights Watch they had elections you know and in the books in Essos they have very realistic ancient world style elections they do twice a realistic I mean like he talks about the corruption it's like oh it's election month here so they're all these singers out in the bar singing about how great this or that candidate is so he has this kind of realistically Renaissance context for what elections might be like and talks about the bribery and different types of influence but I'm going to have you so yeah I mean it's a he doesn't he doesn't present democracy as a simple pure alternative to feudalism but it's if there was an alternative so imagine how totally different the dialogue between varies varies the fake-ass Robin Hood character varies who all of a sudden is motivated by uplifting the poor sorry what sorry when when if you do that Margaery Tyrell was more of a hero with a poor than you are boys the high Sparrow the High Septon was more of a champion varies when were you a champion that we're never this is completely phony for the TV show it's a hundred percent phony and inconsistent for the books maybe it's only 98 percent phony but I don't think the books he'll ever say anything like that claiming to represent the poor claiming to represent the realm is different from representing the poor and the downtrodden right but what what does Daenerys represent Daenerys doesn't have any to say to herself except her bloodline except she's born to do it therefore she's gonna kill whoever gets to her on the throne that's all she's got to save herself right now and yeah that would be way more sufficient anymore Varys you come from the east you know that Nassau not everything is determined just by birth or wealth you know that in the cities in the Free Cities of the East you I've cut cities without slavery where you elect your leaders where leaders can change where people can be changed without being decapitated that's another big thing to write with an elected system when you lose the chené or you get replaced you know you won last time but you lost this time you don't get decapitated well Westeros isn't like that feudalism isn't like that right the ability to change sides and change leaders without having massacres or executions you know there could have been something really sophisticated in there what we had I think two seasons ago was dinero's declaring she was gonna break the wheel I think that was season five or the season sex right what does that mean yeah what does that mean that does not hope for the future that's not abolishing slavery that's not Bernie Sanders that's not free health care or a cheaper college tuition what what does breaking the wheel mean all right so baby you you're less of a book reader you have you she has read some of the the ridiculously enormous corpus of text was there anything put it this way do you have any questions about like where the series is going put it that way cuz like to me some point it was a disaster we agree about that I just say like you know and I feel embarrassed after seven point seven points you made me feel embarrassed to be a fan of Game of Thrones yeah so I do wonder what will happen with Cersei yeah I don't know if she well I don't know now that you're on Zhaan her side you're on yeah just and was it was it all of the armies was it yeah he's devastated her her enemies Navy yeah were the dragons yes well maybe they don't fight in the fog just too too sudden well but it was in fog fog I mean maybe don't mention to me with him all but in fog could be affected that the dragons didn't even notice what's happening yeah nobody knew from afar fog historically and warfare Fargas awesome enough crucial importance that would fur for naval battles especially yeah I mean I think the truth is right now Cersei is the only character with a coherent plot line that's still kind of going on and a coherent motivation I thought so that's interesting as Cersei could get married that's been discussed Cersei can marry your honor circular saw Jamie also could get married so you know instead of torturing to death the woman from Dorne they could say well your punishment is you're gonna get married to Jamie in have kids with Jamie I think they won't do that because that would actually solve some of their problems you could create an alliance from kids Island and Dorne but both of them both of them could be married to cement their their position but I don't know I mean the other thing is whether it's you know Lord Varys or anyone else the lack of interest that the show demonstrates in the small folk we have no feeling of how ordinary people in King's Landing or anywhere perceive these bizarre over-the-top characters because in this universe everybody knows the Jamie and Cersei or an incestuous couple it's just like an overt established fact right you can't say it in front of the Queen because you'll get executed but everyone knows it everyone knows she burnt down the great Sept and everything so like you know the level of infamy and these you know ridiculous of the things we got a sense that just with Tyrion through the the play within a play mechanic so we have a sense of how Tyrion is perceived with a polar we have no sense of how Cersei Jamie or even Daenerys we have no sense about any of the other players are really perceived by the public and I think that would I think that would really enrich the whole thing as a work of art as a TV show if we had that sense role you know yeah it's not really a question but more of like a prediction the whole point of Jon Snow getting the dragon glass is to fight the White Walkers yeah so I see it going one or two ways so I don't know if Cersei has even acknowledged this war in the north yet but Daenerys is now learning about it and she obviously next season I'm sorry next episode Jon Snow we got just one scene where Cersei completely dismissed the situation the north yeah she dismissed it as superstition and nonsense yeah and so yeah basically she represents someone who was not taking that seriously well just just out of like entertainment value I think would be interesting to have Daenerys win the Seven Kingdoms and then all of them fight weight walkers and I guess but in the end of it okay good end to the whole so I just say this a back when I was studying the theater I remember two of the students started beating each other with these wooden bats their stage bats they don't actually hurt you and the teacher said I don't know why the teacher did this and you know the students kind of laughed but they didn't you know it was just kind of funny to see these two students do it and the teacher rather said no and she handed me the bat to me and the guy next to me and she said show them how it's done so I know it's none under parrot on my Hurst and whereas the other two guys were really rapidly just beating each other for no reason me and this other guy next to me he you know hit me once you know slowly you know climbing and then I really reacted and touched it you know we did facial expressions everything no problem really you know acting it out and she circles you see the difference you said you know beating each other with bats in a vacuum is meaningless it's not funny it's not exciting it's not an action you know you have to have the motivation and the emotional wreck reaction and you have to you know I mean yet this is not it's not the bat striking the person it's seeing the person recoil seeing them in their in their eyes thinking now I'm gonna get back at you and you know pulling the prey of the person it's you know the acting is about kind of everything outside and surrounding the event likewise I mean you're talking about these wars the war in a vacuum is just meaningless watching stuff get lit on fire yeah it's only it's all I mean episode 7.2 was so dire that the battle scene was like a nice relief it was the best part of the episode was watching these boats you know crash into each other there was the only part that was what that was well represented but still I mean you know war in a vacuum it's it's the same with three news paper though if you're reading about a war where you know nothing about you know none of the sides then it's just a body count it's meaningless to you so it's again Daenerys fighting a war to abolish slavery that's meaningful right it's partly the objective and her struggling with that and you know missing the mark that's what makes it meaningful boom what is it now Daenerys fighting a war so that she can be queen just to be the wood right because her bloodline is better than the other persons but we all know the author doesn't believe in that the moral of the story is not gonna be people with good breeding should rule over those who do not have that is not conceivable but that's what the story like Daenerys is more fantastical like where she's come from is this foreign land and she has dragons so it just seems more likely that she would be the ones to take she would be the one to take down the walk white walk sure as opposed to Cersei it just doesn't seem like something Cersei would be able I don't know I could be wrong but so there there are fewer than eight more episodes of the season I forgot if they have ten only seven episodes this season I think yeah it's a really so I can ask you do you think they're gonna wrap it all up this season do you think this is the last season or there's no after that I don't know the answer maybe nobody knows it was going faster than I expected because the season aired the premiere for the next episode show Jon right now I mean the next the next episode he's gonna be so maybe that's it maybe that's the ending is dinero's goes to the north team's up Jon and Daenerys teen up go to the north beat the whoa and then it's a wrap that's it so it's possible this is it it's possible this is the last season we have so many thousands of pages more in the books that there's got to be more to it but maybe they just said hey you know what we cast this with child actors and now the child actors are all middle-aged breathing fire and then try to sell t-shirts with with that image and then call it a wrap I guess that's all we're gonna see at HBO the damn shame is that legally there will never be a movie series made there will never be an animated movie series HB owns the only rights so there this is all that's ever possible when we're old people 20 or 30 years from now it'll take another hack at it but I think this artistic and intellectual failure is all that we're gonna see in our lifetimes now I just wish that wasn't the case I wish contractually it were possible for us to look at this and say well you know there can still be a movie adaptation and I've always felt just in terms of budget also budget and also we can put on screen I think it'd be great to have an animated film or to have a film that just is going to blend the two yeah you know because there's a lot of supernatural stuff that's easier to do in the books that's easier to do with with anime than with you know actors there's to give you an example there's a scene that nobody's read yet but the Georges talked about where Tyrion sinks down to the bottom of a river and as a conversation with some kind of God so I don't know what what that God really is is another question because I think this is being written by an atheist that's probably not I got it all but you know a scene like that I can totally imagine being done in an animated format or even just trying to get across the sense that there's something meaningful about the mind mind to wolf's relationship then the stark family has a TV show that completely fumbled varies to do a thing with animation or some kind of more creative and surreal filmmaking very difficult to do with actors you know in this kind of Star Trek style that they've adopted on HBO yeah I know yeah and just from the little bits that I've read from the book I think it would be easier to animate rather than do hair and makeup oh it sure was like impossible to actually come that's probably why they did what they did in the show right because you can't have like made out of glass yeah yeah the children for one they're they're they're intentionally described very vaguely the children of course a lot of people think they're supposed to be lizard like you know but we don't know it's like yeah it's picking a few adjectives here and there it's really like we really don't know what they look like on the show - I guess they kind of went a little bit lizardy a little bit yeah but anyway it's funny I mean in some ways it's hard for you to imagine it as an anime you know as an animated series of films I guess it's hard for me to imagine it just keeping your attention when there are long scenes that are just people's faces talking to other anime I guess that's the weakness that's not you know that's really kind of the disadvantage of that but in other respects it would be such a huge advantage and like I said if I was ever handed this creative task my first challenge would be just getting rid of the horses because the amount of budget and time and everything else and we saw this you know this analysis of the Battle of the bastards oh so you didn't wash that with me but anyway there was this video analyzing what went wrong with that yeah it's millions of dollars and a huge hassle to get horses to charge at each other and not die you can't actually impale a horse on a spike you know on TV anymore it's not legal want someone so yeah I mean you know I could imagine Game of Thrones also being great with no horses just set in a fictional world war where they're in horses there a lot of changing babe but a absolutely none of that is ever gonna happen I I think this is it I mean I think they're rushing through the books here I think this is the last season and they're just gonna have you know the robot Daenerys Targaryen go up north solve everyone's problems with dragon fire and that's the happy ending and that and then that is it and then I guess we'll have a few years where the other books come though from George where you know we get the other seven duncan egg stories and we assume two more novels in the in the in the book set but the rights to the fictional universe of Westeros are exclusively on by HBO so really not much else as possible so yeah for me that's that's really a great shame sorry no point getting this but I think ideally what would have been done or what could still be done would be to have a series of films backed up by like net Netflix features so you know you have side stories you have some of the lesser characters are smaller side journeys as made for TV or made for internet short films and then have big films taking on some of the big topics because in the books me again the books are not perfect but like at one point Tyrion goes on this long mission down a river he goes out he has this long journey and it's not that easy to do with that for cinema you know and at one point Brienne it goes on a long journey yes No so I mean I can imagine trying to do a hybrid but yeah look I mean obviously everyone involved in this project including Emilia Clarke nobody can tell them they're doing a good job because from their perspective it's a multimillion-dollar success nothing blinds you to your failures like success especially what that success is number two the the millions of dollars and millions of viewers so I can't I can't blame them for that and I just say I'm also I'm not like this sir I'll get the guys channel name wrong I'm not like some other critics you really feel like this is a total failure and that Dan and Dave the the show runners and producers didn't have a right to make the creative decisions they made I think that it is natural to make decisions to try to work on the strengths of the actors and try to rewrite the script around the cast you've got to make the most of the talent you've got the advantages in disadvantage got a call that's natural and normal but I do nevertheless kind of think this is a failure from my perspective it doesn't matter how many millions of dollars you make and in too many important ways to do and that's how I feel after watching 7.2 and I would have felt completely different about this if we had cored this video right after 7.1 I would have been so much more optimistic but we were busy we just flew to Thailand and all this stuff but yeah so that's also a funny irony is that instead of because after 7.1 I would have come out of here I said wow we're finally back to great writing and show that's fundamentally discussions about politics and where it's really about the plot and the substance you know wow this is a show we can be proud of again and after 7.2 my optimism is gone after I give up this as a as a failure all right in just a few more months it'll be all I'll be over and then it just I'm guessing it'll be a few years from now that we'll get the new book and then that I'll be an interesting bittersweet thing you'll get to look around the internet and say hey who's still passionate about this now that this isn't on HBO anymore who's still really into this you know work at literature and then probably like over the next ten years probably there'll be a really cool scene in terms of conventions and things as the TV show gets forgotten and the enduring value of the books you know really good news people will keep podcasting about it but at a very different pace and very different mood when it's no longer a multi-million selling TV show when it's just this book series where it's people oh yeah all those books are still coming out oh really you know what I mean that's I'm sure for people who're fans I'm not a fan of talking but it must have been like four for for Tolkien fans after you know the movies happened for Lord of the Rings and then there must have been this transition to a very different kind of quiet period where you know the no longer was a mass media spectacle yeah so I think that's we're going to that's ten years well the next episode redeems itself I have no home I don't all right guys thanks for hanging in with us