Onision's final judgement. And Kai? Everyone is transphobic. Everyone.

03 November 2019 [link youtube]

Onision did "spill the beans" and finally said Sarah's name (and admitted that he had sex with her, etc.) in an evasive and self-pitying article posted here, title,"“I Would Never Do Anything To Hurt You” They Said…" link = https://www.onision.co/i-would-never-do-anything-to-hurt-you/\

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And there is, in fact, a youtube channel that has my own legal name, Eisel Mazard: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuxp5G-XFGcH4lmgejZddqA


More links? (1) "Chris Hansen (Special) Looking deep into Onision with Vince and Sarah", found over at, "Have A Seat With Chris Hansen". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS5Spil1J10

(2) The video (very briefly) quoted from Jaclyn Glenn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zOXMKAu46I

Uh… or maybe it was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4_tV41pGTs

(3) The video containing Onision's lengthy promise that he never had slept with Sarah (past tense) and, moreover, that he never would (in future), can be found here, under the strange title, "Onision Goodbye?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNO2oUCIIEQ

Youtube Automatic Transcription

within just the last few hours this
article was posted publicly to the internet button Sen he also created a YouTube video that communicates absolutely nothing aside from providing you with the link to this article but I assume because you uploaded that article many people will see it the article is meandering and a fuss Kotori it conceals more than it reveals it neither asks nor answers any of the questions you may have but by contrast he's had a few very honest emotionally over-the-top statements on Twitter that I think do a better job of explaining his frame of mind at this stage of his life and career here he is saying on Twitter in case you didn't figure it out kai and I are not polyamorous if you thought you had a chance with us you don't you can drop the act if you aren't here to be strictly friends you can get out etc he and quite a series of statements like this including really kind of vile and violent statements that he doesn't want anyone to flirt with them he doesn't want anyone coming to his life as a third party he doesn't want anyone offering to go on a date with him he was in many ways overturning the hard work of many years because he's been working hard for years to set up this kind of 3-way polyamorous life they briefly achieved it with this young woman named Billie and that was a huge drama when that fell apart then they tried very hard with one woman after another to replace the role Billie had played to date other people to bring other people their life but he's been stating again not in the most common measured way that he's completely done with this now he's been broken or he's been we'd say an English scared straight quote Paul you more here's what happens when you think you want more monogamy is what happens you realize everything you wanted has been right in front of you tire time alright he can try to be a romantic about this but we have seen all the stages he has gone through and you know what one of the morals of the story is as I've said again and get in this channel polyamory is not for everyone open relationships are not for everyone and this entire drama is played out during a period of time in which an is Sein and his wife later became his husband they had first one child and then two children I think no matter how highly motivated you are to have an open relationship or live a polyamorous lifestyle I think you should recognize that when you have kids like 15 to 20 years you're gonna be living a de facto monogamous lifestyle I mean it's so we're responsible to prioritize your own sex life over family and job and other things once you have kids unless you get divorced and live separately then there's some time for you to pursue your own sex life and guys I mean I know I know some people try to talk two selves into these things like oh well I could still go on separate vacations like no you can't no you know no you can't all right when you're raising kids and they're in school and you have a job when you have a vacation that time is devoted to your kids period that's your priority and if you instead say you're gonna leave your kids behind in a daycare center with a babysitter it's 9 to go off and sleep with other people guess what you're a bad person it's I mean you know there are so many reasons why open relationships don't work for people but this is one of them now their attempt initia and Kai their attempt to square the circle their attempt to make something impossible possible was by incorporating these other women into their lives having them live in their homes and having them even work as babysitters he's always trying to save people he's really such a saint hello oh hey Manny oh he was mean to you again yeah why'd you just move in with me yeah yeah just like I'll pay your rent don't worry about it I'll feed you you don't have to clean up after yourself or like worry about any kind of responsibilities yeah well yeah I would help anybody of course no I don't know if to ask Lanie it's fine this is an especially telling screenshot this is private correspondence that's been shared publicly by the woman pictured on the right she has been mentioned on this channel before in discussing and this en I think her story is indicative in many ways even though basically nothing happened she was another one of the young women that Greg NECN tried to recruit to be the third party in there supposedly triangular bisexual relationship back when his wife identified as a woman so here she is as Lanie Bhatt and obviously she's in the middle of complaining about people saying disparaging things on the Internet at the top she comments not really I'm desensitized and there you have circled circled in digital ink here she is not just publicly but privately in a private conversation with someone who's a potential romantic partner completely dismissing the idea that she's having a sexual relationship with Sarah and Sarah is at this time under 18 and living in their house as a kind of live-in babysitter now here she is just dismissing as ridiculous the idea that she herself has a sexual relationship with Sarah and moreover she's dismissing as ridiculous the idea that she's waiting for Sarah to turn 18 before she can be put into the role of having sexual relations with both her and Greg and we all know now in retrospect that is precisely what happened and there was there was no question Sarah that they knew you were underage that this started and around eleven twelve and continued and at this point we're talking about now you were 14 years old there was no question there there was no role playing where they thought you're actually 18 that first private message that CAI ever sent me was hey Sarah how old are you and was like 14 and do you end up having a relationship with Chi um we kind I never technically dated but we did have a sexual relationship and how long did did this come before your sexual relationship with Greg with the onus Yun no it happened at the same time so you were with both greg jackson and chi in a sex triangle essentially yes did this attention flattered to you the fact that they were getting back to you and communicating with you directly yeah no I was definitely like oh my gosh I can't believe that they want me to there they were just saying they were really giving me so much attention and I was so young and so infatuated with them and so it made me feel so special and like oh my gosh like this is like meant to be there you know they're so nice and you know I kind of just looked up to that in a way it wasn't really a sexual thing it was just me like having like an idol you had contact with somebody who was in your mind a celebrity is that fair yeah oh no definitely and it was look at the peak of his career too as one guy and I started the peak of Greg's career when Kai and I started talking so the first time I ever saw Greg on FaceTime or something like that I was I was on FaceTime with Kai and I was 14 and Kai he as soon as Greg came in the room turned off the phone and hung up on me and he said that he was worried about Greg knowing that he had a 14 year old friend the statutory age in a lot of US states in in 16 including Washington State were you claimed to have lived just saying how come no one can ever say anything correctly no one can type things in just English English is hard hey of he isn't breaking the law is any of it your business is he guilty of almost breaking the law I'm just here hoping to see your tits ah yes the intelligence of Internet comments whether or not he's breaking the legal age of consent is unknown what is know is that he preys on very young girls and grooms them until the point of them being legal as soon as they become legal he sleeps with them and then discards them a couple days after the Iowa accusations came out we just had sort of like fun sex I guess and so after that things just went like from zero to like a hundred and we were like talking like sexually they were like talking about me while like doing stuff and then telling me about it afterward then it was just like so I went there on this trip and I was just kind of like okay like this isn't actually gonna happen like you know they're all talk whatever and then we were watching a movie again one night and like I look over and I see Greg and Ty like making out which they've done in the past like made out with me on the bed and I was like okay whatever they're like I'm gonna watch the movie and then I looked back and they were like actively having sex and I was like so I just decided to like mind my own business and not just saying it just not say anything dudes like keep my eyes on the movie and then Greg kind of pulled me and told me to start doing stuff with them and you were 18 at this time so technically this is all legal and you were able to consent mm-hmm the most shocking and most recent controversy was their relationship with Sarah and I just want to say to my knowledge they never legally adopted Sarah that's the misconception however there were many public statements in the internet where they said that they considered her to be like an adoptive daughter that they considered her to be you know someone they would never have a sexual relationship with they said that again and again and again and is he and said that just a couple of days before he did have sex there when she had just turned 18 they made many many public statements that their relationship with her was platonic if not parental in nature and here we have a statement from Sarah saying you know during this period of time when she signed a nondisclosure agreement with him KY sets the nisshin's husband Chi Chi was born biological female formerly his wife now his husband etc this was when Chi was still the adult in control of my teenage bank account that all my money in it Sara here says I'm not Antion Sen I'm the girl that was quote like a foster daughter to you close quote I'm the girl whose self-esteem you've broken for years I'm the girl who you built back up weeks before my 18th birthday so you could have sex with me I'm the girl finally snapped my name is Sara so alright again I recognize that an isiand obeyed the letter of the law the impacts of this young woman you can hear it from her perspective now she just did a lengthy interview talking about it from our own perspective she got deeply involved in their lives starting at age 14 15 16 17 18 those are years in which people change and those are years where your experiences including your romantic experiences that lets change you although it is not the main point of this video I do just want to pause to draw attention to the fact that if you read and this Ian's long meandering self-pitying article about what happened between him and Sara you know that he reproaches her for exactly this he points the finger at her and his main complaint is you changed he goes so far it's the most maudlin thing imaginable to complain I don't even know who you are anymore this is the girl who you said it was like an adoptive daughter to you it was like your foster daughter between ages 16 and 18 right right if you're involved with 16 year olds if you're involved with 18 year olds guess what they're gonna change right now there are two types of change one they actually profoundly change who they really are as a human being and to the site of their character they showed you the the person they are that's knowable to you that's broadcast you that can change even more dramatically right I mean guys you may be some people watching this video may be 18 years old right now if you're a little bit older it may be difficult for you to remember just how much you changed year by year and month by month 14 15 16 17 18 those are years of big dramatic changes and again they're changes for who you really are and their changes for how other people see you you may have changed a lot over two years but then other people don't recognize that change they don't realize that change into all of a sudden you have some kind of conflict it's like look I'm not that kid who took ballet lessons anymore I'm not that kid who used to play Sega Genesis on the couch anymore that's how you remember me that's what was a couple years ago but it's a change so I mean obviously as always the combination of an isiand sense of moral purpose and his fundamentally self-pitying and self-centered view of the world is is really incompatible with the horrible facts of this situation he can't just come out and say he did wrong he can't just come out and say he wish he'd done better II wish he'd had a better option or something now look uh I currently am in a relationship with a 26 year old woman and if someone were to say to me that hypothetically my whole life would be better if I were instead in a situation with a 36 year old woman someone 10 years older than my girlfriend it's irrelevant I mean all I can say is well you know what you got lemons make lemonade you know you work with the people you got in life and there's this really weird reluctance in the 21st century for people to just admit that they've done something bad or wrong or evil and maybe you admit that was the best they could do for the sake of this video hypothetically let's say she's 19 all right I would not make 80 of these [ __ ] excuses I just say yup this is bad and terrible and wrong and guess what there were no 36 year olds who wanted me this was my circumstance it's bad you got lemons make lemonade this is the best that could do and that's it and I would admit all the disadvantages of the situation believe me a lot of people were scented even my current relationship again she's 26 now she's not mature for her age she's not a 26 year old who's as mature as she's not she knows it whatever it is what it is she's grown a lot she's learned a lot in this relationship but you know there have been a lot of friction and a lot of suffering on a sorrow okay but I mean there's a sense in which omission is throwing away every possible reasonable excuse because he wants to cling to his sense of moral superiority over his audience his sense of moral superiority over all of the women he quote/unquote rejected because he has to imagine history of every relationship as being one in which women pursued him and he wasn't really addressing them or he suddenly decided he wasn't interested in them and then he rejected them and then he has this sense of moral superiority because he rejected them this is the turning point in the article here in just two relatively brief screenshots step one for initia is leaning on this idea of rejection so he claims all of these insane and untrue allegations against him reflect the psychological power of these women experiencing rejection it's it's deeply dishonest but the sense in which he's being honest is that this makes sense to him believes this and of course the irony is in many of these cases the rejection really did go the other way and what he's demonstrating is just just how sensitive he - rejection how he lashes out again and again when he feels rejected or when he actually is rejected sometimes right and now here's step to quote what is important to note is that sarah has accused us of being physically intimate with her while she wasn't told right so that is reality from Anna's perspective it's as shallow as simple as that there are no other considerations step one is he rejected her step two is it was legal therefore it's moral nothing else is going to be admitted into consideration here nothing and on this basis he completely asserts his moral superiority over the women he slept with over the audience over everyone end of story he complains repeatedly that all of the women in his life have changed their story after they hook up with them yeah but you know what great what when a woman is in love with you and she only says flattering things about you while she's in love with you and then she quote-unquote changes her story afterwards the version of the story afterwards even ten years afterwards it might actually be more accurate if my actual people were reasonable this guy I've been missing with absolutely zero humor he like he digs up a quote from Billy the blue haired girl they were in a relationship with briefly sometime ago where it's like oh well here's Billy saying that there was nothing inappropriate about their relationship with oh it's Sarah like oh yeah good good pull their way to dig up that quotation dude that doesn't prove your innocence only proves that all the people who were close to you in your life were forced to repeat your public relations mantra the same way there's another youtuber Billy the fridge even some of the men in his life they had to repeat you know the politically convenient half truths and half lies to justify this guy's crazy sex life and keep certain private things private is owned and that's exactly why now there's an avalanche of public criticism and disappointment cuz you lied to everyone and you lied again and again in this movie so centered so satisfied morally superior sanctimonious way you came out you made those videos innocent in which you said that you would never have anything romantic to do with Sarah you said again and again and again and then days after she turns eight turned eighteen you did have something just to sexually with Sarah so naturally the public is gonna feel betrayed and she now I think she's now nineteen she's now looking back at the last five years of her life and she's feeling betrayed she's feeling left him so again not the main topic of this video I think there are also a lot of very tough questions to be asked with this so-called open relationship paradigm alright and this scene has a primary partner they're raising kids together if you bring in this eighteen-year-old girl are you gonna have kids with her also is she really gonna be equal I mean there's an inequality created by age this inequality created by financial circumstances you know she's younger and poorer and less powerful they're all these different problems but also like dude if you commit to this like dude if that's your lady oh so what is she gonna have two kids with you also are you all gonna live in houses are you really gonna be equals are you gonna be equals deciding what you eat for dinner that night and no man the one of the few things I can say about a mission he has been a really sincere advocate for vegetarianism his whole life and to some extent in consistently an advocate for veganism and you can see here I'll throw up some screenshots there's a huge source of conflict between him and his current wife who became his husband and guess what it's a huge conflict with all these chicks he tries to bang all these chicks he invites Ann to be his live-in babysitter live in his house and be come to some extent his second simultaneous wife in this triangular relationship right because all he cares about is that these girls have a pretty face there's he doesn't give any consideration who they are morally ethically even religiously because I mean he's also an atheist and he's been romancing even true believing Christians and stuff they're all meat eaters none of them even have vegetarianism in common with them I'm making YouTube videos that go with it anyway the guy the guy is shallow to a fault and again not the main topic of this video but I think there's a really interesting thing to examine that morally I think there is an onus on us as both men and women to care about more than just a pretty face you're not supposed to just love someone for the way they look you're not supposed to choose someone for the way they look whether you're a man or a woman it's an interesting moral you know obligation you have to actually care about things that are more than more than skin-deep maybe you can only care to a limited extent don't get me wrong I'm not saying that means you have a moral obligation to sleep with people you don't find attractive but yeah you're supposed to be doing more than just flipping through facebook friend requests and Twitter alerts to see who's got the prettiest face and then offer them an airplane ticket and status as a live-in babysitter in your guest room which is fun and this attack I did over and over and over again yeah yeah just like I'll pay your rent don't worry about it I'll feed you this whole controversy at every stage including even the the current interrogation of initials ex-girlfriends and survivors them giving these long public interviews reflecting on their experiences at every stage of this I think we've had cause to reflect on the extent to which all of us are transphobic in the most profound sense possible right there's an interesting little thought exercise we do in political science and political philosophy which is hey let's reconsider this scenario thinking in terms of responsibilities rather than rights okay it's very easy to state the case for trans rights and then it gets more complex and nuanced if you start talking about transgender responsibilities this young woman formerly Lainey bought who made the decision to become to identify as a man using the name Kai all right obviously she was interested in the type of sex life she could have once she transitioned and became male obviously she's put a lot of effort a lot of time and energy even a lot of money into seducing women in her new role as a self-identified trans man etc okay I don't think she's given any thought at all to the responsibilities she would have in taking on the role of a man and taking on the identity of a man there was a comment from Sarah so Sarah is the younger woman who's now giving interviews talking about Oh basically how horrible her life has been being dominated by kaya great together there's a comment from her where she said that she never really told her own father what had happened with Ana CNN Kai but that if she did her father would want to take revenge against an isiand and that this would be a terrible thing she claimed her father was some kind of tough guy I think US Marine Corps veteran she made that she she illustrated the fantasy there were vanished fantasy for people in the audience in making this this company no one's talking about Kai being responsible right everyone just thinks oh yeah you can just change your wardrobe change your outfit change your hair and you know it's understandable that the trans rights paradigm is mostly focus on transgendered people you know avoiding various forms of oppression and even inconvenience that are created by society you know that it should be possible for a transgendered person to not get fired from their job because they choose to transition between genders completely understand that completely understand that that's like the first order of business especially if you live in a very homophobic culture or very transphobic culture to address the trans rights movement okay what what about what about the trans responsibility Kai formally known as lady but is this fantastic example of someone who takes on the male role and starts instigating these relationships starts seducing these women sometimes that the seduction transpired over years you put years of work into talking to these women by you know Twitter message and and Skype and what-have-you and drawing them into her life and then buying the airplane ticket and bring them at their home she had a long-term game right she's bringing these women in she's making them babysit her kids she's making them act out her sexual fantasies with her and so on right but absolutely nobody is looking at this situation as if moral accountability as if their responsibility rests on Kai's shoulders so in a world where everyone seems to want to blame everyone else I think it's interesting to examine the implicit transphobia in the fact that nobody is blaming Kai or no one's holding you accountable the same extent is that hold Gregg general I think fundamentally because we all know kai can't get someone pregnant