10 Signs He's Not THAT Into You - Nina and Randa

05 March 2018 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

it's a little backstory you're seeing a
guy you're not sure how he feels about feels about you well we came up with all of the signs to help you guys out what was what was your first hint that I really was that I really was that into you what was your food and what was my first tip that you were really that into me I mean you know we have you and I both where people who have like barriers to entry we're like there's no I mean okay I know like you don't have as long a dating history as me but still it's like you can't really date me unless you pass over a threshold or a Barrett entry where you're super serious and super into me and I think that would be true for you too right like in ways both visible and invisible so yeah on the first date it was already as serious as cancer yeah yeah so for I have we I don't know if we ever stated I suppose before like one of the first things you said to me like after high was I'm gonna marry you yeah I think like I don't know if even said hi before that like you know like I walked if you I kissed you and hugged you it was a long kiss and a long hug and you said in my ear I'm gonna marry you so I think that might be the first like you might have made like a little squealing noise before that I don't think you actually said hello you're just barely in your twenties you're running out of your toys from women in their 20s what about me YouTube yeah you're 25 years old today what do you do you worked on your own education and career you bought [ __ ] Aristotle out of the bookstore but you another book some of the books are for me today but some of the books for you some were about baking they were not trivial books on baking you got some stuff on politics and philosophy wasn't one of the books on China free oh we order UK but we ordered a book they didn't have in stock yeah yeah so we got some stuff on contemporary ball but hey you're in your 20s like what when does life get serious you know I mean something okay look let's keep it over it once in a while you do offer me an excuse but I'm only 25 you've done that yeah you've done that you've done that more than zero times yeah but like what people still join the army at like 16 right now it's like we're all dealing with life-and-death stuff you know from from 16 forward something like that anyway it's hard it's hard but I thought you know sir I was gonna do a separate video on this but you know I got a question on what does it mean to be an intellectual what does it mean to be an intellectual now in 2018 to be a man of letters now but for me part of that is not not making excuses I think a lot of it is about the excuses you don't make for yourself yeah like this is the advice that I feel like every girl sometimes needs to hear we're like your big sisters if you feel like Nina and Rand are your big sisters yeah you should subscribe and post yeah yes I sometimes I do just feel like because I didn't have any sisters I just don't relate to a lot of yeah that's stuff I see on YouTube okay just like a lot of you know a lot of girls that I interact with ira questioning this though too in like religious texts and like buddhist philosophy when people talked about Brotherhood in relation between brothers and cousins and stuff in some languages the same way we say brotherly love they talk about cousinly love where's Lincoln's in some other languages that's like you know like a lot of people feel intense jealousy towards their sisters you know like a lot of people feel Envy in competitive feelings and you know like it's true what you say you didn't have any sisters yeah what if you did I can imagine that bringing a lot of really different dynamics into your life - yeah no like it's it's not all it's not all positive I was the youngest of my father's nine kids and about all I got was envy and hatred directed towards me you know from the older the older so it was a lot of them were really envious for what I had or what they imagined I had or you know a lot of things so I just mentioned it's not you know what is brotherly love I think it's it's deeply flawed and dangerous like a lot of forms did you know I think you weren't with me when I saw that you remember I once got a defensive pet ownership that way where a person who wrote in to me defending pet ownership saying like yeah like pet ownership is like exploitative and flawed and like you know destructive but so is all love so it's okay yeah I mean it's kind of sweet and poetic and touching but it's also really [ __ ] up it's like yes so is oh love but you know like Melissa when you fell in love with me you didn't take me to get castrated and declawed and keep me in a cage the first clear sign that he doesn't want to date you is when he hits you up past 10:00 p.m. oh yeah if he'd call well if he hits you a past 10:00 p.m. and it's like you don't really know each other that well I mean if you feel like if you know the person well and that happens it's not as big of a deal I'll keep telling myself that now you know when you meet someone and like you've been together for a week and then you rent an apartment and move in together you start by Richard apartment no I remember one time you realized screaming we're talking about getting yeah surely yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well you know right so there there were gendered expectations there if a woman does it to a man like I guess you're supposed to be flattered but I'm not you know I have a friend I won't I won't say his name but you know I have a friend who works in hotels so he's a man working in hotels and I could see he was shaken up by that he was shaken up by women like in the hotel just straight up booty calling him as he said he said to me women treating him like he was a [ __ ] where he was you know you can see he was shaken up but like you know you wondered maybe the first time it happened to him he felt flattered but then like it actually sunk in that it was kind of disturbing and Exploited ever stuff but yeah maybe it was the tenth time I don't know what I've never asked him that but you can see like sincerely he was he was shaken up about it like you know but yeah the woman giving a booty call to a man yeah it's a bit of a different thing second sign that he's not that into you is if he doesn't introduce you to his friends or his parents so my parents are coming to town oh really yeah stoked to be so fun no see I'll be here for a few days really Getti the beach so I'll see you next week sometime yeah yeah that dude that dude's got it going on you know this one gets misread in a lot of different ways I remember explaining it to my Chinese teacher that in the West I think it's fundamentally because most people hate their parents in Western culture that once you've met the other person's parents that's really today like being married to them that's the big high commitment thing is is meeting the parents and the Chinese culture it's not only that at all like in Chinese culture fair often you meet the parents before you meet the person you're dating or around the same time when you first start dating when it's not serious so it's not like that big step up like oh now you've met her parents yeah but he gets perceived the other way - right like there was this German girl I kind of sort of dated briefly but just by coincidence you know her parents were coming into town right at that time so I met her parents have spent the present I knew look I knew it was perceived that was like oh like you know like I spent quality time with her parents like we went out to dinner together and stuff we spent time in time thanks I was speaking German - yeah host my viability and languages it's kind of weird but I was I was actually conversing with her parents in German but I know everyone was like perceiving this like whoa you guys are moving on to marriage fast kind of thing and it was like nope we've been on two dates I don't I don't really know her like that he should be proud to introduce you to his friends and and proud to introduce you to his parents because obviously those are important people in his life and if he's showing you off to his friends and his family that is you're important but if he's not doing that I know there's more than one thing because you can be ashamed of your parents I know what's I know it's stupid to take this video that seriously but you can feel ashamed your parents I don't want you to meet my parents yeah and I think that's even more true with not like if the girl doesn't want the guy to meet her friends like you may not be super proud of your friends the reaction she's gonna have to your your boyfriend you know what I mean like yeah mm sometimes when people turn that you from their family it's not a lot of people with really troubled troubled and troubling families white I know I well but don't you think it's I mean sorry we're not our relationship you know you had not seen your mom gray 15 years that's right yeah I said that to lure him in a minute with more on the other day I was like oh yeah another really funny thing about my relationship with Melissa is that like now like I talked to my mom and a regular basis like Jamila says in effect been a catalyst for me and my mom like no I can't say me and my mom have patched up our relationship but we do put more portion to our deeply flawed estranged relationship is now more accurate previously like you know you went 15 years without speaking right yeah we didn't see each other face to face face to face for 15 years I did keep in touch there about practical things like jobs and you know stuff like that like you know but no but didn't tell ya I wouldn't like I didn't expect knowing knowing about this right I expect to meet her you know right yeah but you know that's there comes up in a lot of my videos of a veganism and you know vegan ethics and stuff is you know just the idea of doing the best you can and that's part of me I was like well what's what can I do here that's positive you know how could I make a pause there to do something positive with limited you know where sources or options over time is a doing the best you can but just because he does show you to his parents and his friends that still doesn't mean he's in doesn't mean he's in time flies that yeah like oh my parents are coming to town I want you to meet my parents and then you think like oh okay like this is maybe this is a thing and it's still not a thing third sign he's not that into you is even hanging out and seeing each other and then you're not each other's Valentines it's like the day you find out that you're single happy single where you guys I know people always joking Oh like Valentine's Day took the worst day for singles like no it's the worst day for people that find out that they're single long like you're dating someone in the divalent say you find out like oh no no I gave my card to Becky like oh yeah yeah I'm dating you but she's my Valentine like what I've never heard of that like I have never even heard yes I guess like I gave my Valentine okay right so I guess that's also part of the like false youth of being like 29 on YouTube like these girls are is talking about things as if you're still in high school when you're really not when that kind of that kind of high school thing is really a lot of people just live in extended high school yeah sure if you look you grow up when you want to you mature when you want to you take on responsibilities maybe wants it with no sooner right getting getting older is not getting wiser yeah I know there are some people that have relationships they don't see each other that often but still like you know yeah I know I cannot I cannot imagine that Center but also but remember I date women who are like really attracted to me right I know that sounds like you know but the point is it's not that there aren't women around you or lukewarm about me but the point is I don't date people who are just a little bit into me like that's the topic of this you know I date the tiny minority of women who are really really really attracted to me I got a specimen right here so yeah uh yeah but anyway that's implicitly part of the point of this video is the art of only dating people who really want to be dating you sign number four I'm not that into you he introduces you as his friend when you and him know very well that your know it's like ah my other friend I don't can you do this to all your friends I just kiss my guy friends oh yeah this is my friend Randa oh hey any comment I think this is their best video ever like most their videos are really terrible they put some thought and effort into this man like Nina and Randa thereon though they're on the way out they got costumes they got a script they got a lot going for them I don't know we're gonna finish watching this video I think we'll read but uh that's that's really culturally different though you know like I'm okay in black urban african-american culture a lot of the time that yeah this is my friend like that's you know yeah he was my friend I was his friend have you had that well yeah right right right right but you know I don't know it's it's a different than why I told you in French the whole [ __ ] French lady yumoto lead that crazy anecdote about that the whole French you know culture like and the story is to jump to the punchline this woman is hitting on me and I'm sitting next to my wife now my ex-wife and you know she seems shocked it dawns on her that like the woman I'm holding hands with and kissing is not just some stranger or whatever you know and she's shocked and she says Oh in French said oh I didn't realize your eyes old friend and that's it in French it's just friend and other people at the table laughed and the guy who invited us there said no she's not his friend she's his wife you know but you know a lot of language is even just within Europe you know friend and just saying woman like in German this is my woman like that's it you know so anyway not to take this too seriously but I think they're ours I think there are real issues of language and culture and dialect there but yeah what does it mean I mean with most relationships like there's no commitment anyway so a lot of the time I don't know maybe there's not a lot more to say than just friend and then when he does text you he's like like want to come over and it's like 10:00 p.m. and you're like are you kidding me are you serious I'll be there in five Oh sighing that he's not that into you he just wants to get you drunk that happened to me oh that's the word oh my god you're like no that's I don't even know you like why do you want me to be a drunk you you're doing cause he's lacking in person I don't like to drink which brings us to the next side he only wants to Netflix and chill this tells you a lot about their bleak lives in Los Angeles I like I'm not I don't know I'm not hating the player I'm hating the game I don't think I get this whole video I was good you know the advice from you never end it could take but you know best Nina and random video ever I banish Yin ten signs that he's nothing thank you cuz we have to cheers now she's nice and cuddly no yeah we got there we got the new oh the new arrivals in the apartment coming in day by day tomorrow we got some new we got some new tables and desks or evanora