Unnatural Vegan: Donate Now… For What, Exactly?

31 October 2018 [link youtube]

With quotations from:

Unnatural Vegan. Bad Science & Bad Theology (Re: Sarah Therese, Why I Am Not Vegan) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SZdtuRA3Ww

PewDiePie. RATING YOUTUBER APOLOGY VIDEOS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeZtOmiJGOQ

Youtube Automatic Transcription

a bonus yen obviously I should film more
videos at this angle because this makes my shoulders look at Norma's not that I'm saying my shoulders are not enormous interesting what does unnatural vegan want you to give her money for what is the purpose of the donations she's requesting on the front page of her patreon it reads if she receives one thousand five hundred US dollars per month if she receives this amount of money quote I can now focus on making much longer documentary style videos I find all of the current Pro vegan documentaries lacking to varying degrees and I would love to provide an alternative one that is of higher quality than my current videos but still low-budget enough to provide for free on YouTube this would cost a lot more money stock footage etc since 2018 the cost of stock footage is what's holding her back here as well as a lot more time interviews etc but I think it would be well worth okay mm you don't have to be part of the vegan community to be vegan I'm vegan I have a vegan channel like every single day I get to wake up and chase my dreams and follow my passions and that's all been made possible because I lied to you I don't consider myself part of the vegan community either online or like in-person locally where I live shift blame whatever you could do okay never take responsibility if you take responsibility and that's omitting that you're wrong and doing that that's just impossible in my personal everyday life vegan just plays a small role obviously like never admit that you were wrong rule number one actually that's the rule number one rule number two shift blame rule number three play the victim you will you want to make sure that people know that day this has been a great inconvenience to you my family and I we don't we don't seek out other vegans to associate with we don't go to vegan meetups we don't go to vegan festivals or anything like that we eat a vegan diet we don't wear for leather etc that's pretty much it veganism is to some extent about ecology veganism is to some extent about ethics veganism is to some extent about saving the world saving the animals it's to some extent about human health and it is to some extent about money it is very very strange to me that someone like a natural vegan is in a position of leadership and a position of influence not just because I find her philosophy and her political claims absurd frankly even offensive I'm a very hard person to offend I really am offended by a lot of her content I'm really offended when she makes the case for why it's perfectly acceptable for vegans to raise sheep in captivity and then process their hair into wool it makes sweaters out of it when she argues that it's okay for vegans to keep cows in their backyards and milk them and drink the milk she makes these kinds of arguments for chicken eggs and so on she makes arguments in favor of eating animal products and even eating animals in even eating meat in circumstances where based on her ridiculous self-styled utilitarian philosophy it isn't directly causing the animals harm I actually am I shouldn't but it's problematic for me above all else because all of it comes from the perspective of someone who says she says it herself again and again she's not part of the community she doesn't want to be part of the community and the manifesto for this channel says oh my view is 180 degrees the opposite if you guys haven't seen that video it's short but I said oh it's interesting this is a natural vegans position my position is the diametric opposite of everything she says and police in in these videos and I feel that again now now 0.1 she these the the order in which he makes point her first point is she's not part of being community she just wanting for a vegan community she said that before and I've responded that before and then point to is she doesn't really go to any vegan meetups going vegan events she'd understand meeting or talking you were cooperating with vegan people this is not just because she's a social or anti-social this is really a code word for saying that she's not in any way part of veganism is political movement she's not getting organized to make a difference to any method other than a tea boycott she says a result that says she concludes this little portion of it yourself the only thing she does that's vegan is refusing to buy meat refusing to buy leather refusing to wear fur that's her thing that's all it is for all right and again my position here is 180 degrees opposite it's never going to be enough for veganism to just and merely be an economic boycott we need to get organized we need to form at least some elements of the community we need to go to meetups and socialize and meet each other and shake hands and have conferences and picnics and hobnob and make friends and boyfriends and girlfriends and fall in love and breakup and all that stuff all that stuff that goes on within every real community I'm sorry it's not unique to veganism goes on within every real political movement - you think people don't fall in love it Republican Party conferences sure it happens all the time only a handful who love we need all that going on precisely to provide a platform for real world vegan activism there is a term that's kicked around a political science a lot called social capital it's flawed like pretty much every popular idea in political science but the question is this what if you wanted to build a bridge I don't mean a hypothetical I don't mean Oh allegorical bridge there's a river and people need to get over that bridge need to get from one side to the other would you have what it takes to get organized and Lobby government to build that bridge in many societies the answer is no in some societies the answer is yes would you have what it takes to to get organized and go around within your community and talk to wealthy people talk to corporations that are there and get them to donate the money maybe say hey look if everybody puts a little bit of money in that hat we can build this bridge without the government getting involved the type of trust and communication and organization and planning that goes on in putting together that kind of project whether it's lobbying the government or whether it's completely civil society getting organized that's this right this involves social gap okay and it's social capital community formation creating the basis for a movement and then really having the passion desire to get out there and save the planet do something for the sake of ecology ethics so and so forth that's what we need that's we need to hear from leaders in the bean community and that is what's uh Turley lacking on a natural the industry a bonus Yin