Vegan Supervillainy: Daphne Reloaded vs. Freelee.

11 August 2018 [link youtube]

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Do you really want the links to the sources?

Daphne Reloaded: "Veganism is a SCAM - Why I No Longer Eat Fruits & Veggies, nuts or seeds - Part 2"

Freelee's repeatedly-retitled video, "Should Meat Eater's be Forced to be Vegan?"

The aerial photography is from "Mercy for Animals" (those videos have surprisingly few videos in total, I note).

And, yes, the advice on how to eat celery comes from "Bro Science Life":

#exvegans #veganism #comedy

Youtube Automatic Transcription

veganism is a beautiful Armour but makes
for the heaviest sword I find myself being so overwhelmed with all of this compassion that vegans seemed to have and as you know vegans have the most compassion and that is why they are leaving me comments telling me that they hope that I get raped repeatedly and then murdered yes that's right speaking very calmly about the dark side of leafy greens has suddenly triggered vegans into thinking that I'm deserving of being raped repeatedly and then beheaded I am going to destroy even when I was a vegan I was still at odds with other vegans because they would say crazy things like people who eat meat deserve to die I was thinking about something in bed which I think about quite often and that's where the people who continue to eat me and dairy even though they know the impact of their diet choices on the planet on the animals they've watched earthlings they know the facts that being educated but they choose to continue eating animal products whether they actually deserve to continue living Big Top small action I would ask them are you serious but you yourself or a child who ate meat why would you wish that they would die instead of do what you did and grow up and learn and that's when I got the big picture that vegans don't want children to grow up and learn they want them to die I'm sure you've had that sort of like comment as a vegan oh I'm really like happy for you that you choose vegan good on you that's fantastic but no I can never do it it's like you shouldn't have the choice you should be forced to be vegan and am I being too extreme and yes it does include family members of mine who actually continue eating meat dairy and I love them very much but we're in this situation where drastic change needs to happen if people aren't taking it [ __ ] serious enough these are the same peaceful folks that claim that their diet is one of non-violence a diet that will and violence and one that ends anger hostility and aggression in humans don't you know you can't keep a good menace down do I want to kill people no I don't want to kill people you're just gonna step the [ __ ] up or you really don't deserve to live on this planet from my perspective you all have been violent aggressive hostile angry vile excessive and belligerent and the proof is in what you've said your behavior do you think wishing me dead and raped simply because I said kale isn't a superfood really proves how evolved in spiritual you are five minutes late Dale just comes down to the fact that veganism attracts people that think that they can stop aging people that think that they can stop death people who want to stop death delusional people vegan bodybuilders are some of the most narcissistic delusional people that you can watch on YouTube you can hear people shake if you really want to get jacked you need to eat your veggies I'm just not buying it celery here pretty sure this is like a vegan glow stick farm rave or something but until now I've actually never seen celery by itself it's always paired with buffalo wings or used as a ranch spoon so if you want to eat some celery try it with some of these pairings peanut butter so here's what you do you're gonna use the celery to scoop out the peanut butter then you eat the peanut butter and you [ __ ] throw away the celery but by living in fear of aging and death we give the government a lot of control it opens the door for them to sell you ideas notions and philosophies that literally do the exact opposite of what you want how is cutting down on pollution a government plot Dale open up your eyes man they're trying to control global warming get it global so hot so please don't ask me what you should eat that will allow you to live forever with tight skin and the tits of a 20 year old nothing is going to do that let's face it we're not going to live forever all of this around us that seems so important right now is all going to end vegetables Botox or not I wasn't shocked this actually kind of broke me a little bit because even though I thought I put so much [Applause] [Music] [Music] some people have a deep abiding respect for the natural beauty that was once this country and some people don't people start pollution people can stop it [Music] OCN