Freelee is WRONG, Jenna Marbles buys meat EVERY DAY.

23 July 2019 [link youtube]

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#freelee #vegans #veganism

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powdered chicken rendered chicken fat
padded dead bird carcass like I just I don't know what's wrong with the world I seriously don't person to be a right it is cruel is not a product that a vegan would or should ever buy and also advertise okay so this not a mistake on Jenna's behalf here and you know I'm calling her out with some tough love here because I do respect the girl a lot and I am just super disappointed that she just bought it and she advertised it because is watering down what vegan actually means and I say the same thing a burnished Ian really is wrong about jenna Marbles she's wrong and no I'm not here to defend Jenna Marbles it's just you that she's a good vegan on the contrary what freely decided to do was to ignore the fact that jenna Marbles is someone who buys animal flesh someone who even consumes animal flesh in an economic sense of the word each and every day what do I mean by that if I go to the butcher and I pay for beef and then I don't eat it let's just say I take it and flush it down the toilet just cut out the middleman here why bother chewing it digesting it experience let's just say I go to the butcher and I buy beef then I flush it down the toilet you know what all of the impacts are exactly the same except for the impacts on my personal health I'm still paying for someone else to kill a cow I'm still paying for the factory farming infrastructure an economy to carry on and on I'm paying for the continuation of however you want to think of it the ecological disaster the animal Holocaust the unending exploitation of animals for new animals to be bred into this world live their whole lives in captivity under a steel shed a concrete floor with a cage all around them being constantly impregnated exploited and executed it doesn't matter if I personally don't eat it if I go and buy a bag of beef from the butcher and flush it down the toilet all the other impacts are the same and you know what jenna Marbles is doing each and every day she's paying a human being to kill other animals so she can take that meat and feed it to her dogs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] she has a whole team of pet dogs how many turkeys do you think die every year to feed those dogs how many pigs do you think die every year to feed those dogs how many cows and how many how many other mammals have to die every year just so jennamarbles can keep on entertaining herself with her favorite living toy I don't know what the answer is but I know that it's plural I know that it's more than one and I know that it's more than none and let me tell you something just one just one would be too many and if you disagree or if you think you disagree just take a moment to go through this thought experiment would you keep a cow in your own backyard and raise it for years just so that one day you could go out and cut its throat chop it up into pieces and feed it to your pet dogs [Music] the omen thing promised to a player is the penetentary so my terrible minutes on smooth sailing [Music] would you keep a revolving door of sheep in your backyard for every so often you go and buy a new sheet then you keep them in your back yard eating grass for a few months so you could go in the back yard and suffocate that sheep to death and cut it up into little pieces to feed to your dogs your cats whatever kind of carnivorous animal is you're keeping why why would you that maybe one day you'd go out in the backyard and you look at the sheep and you look at your dog and say this does not make sense it would make more sense for me to kill the dog and let this sheep live eating my grass for the rest of its life it would make more sense for me to just switch from treating the dog as the pet to treating the sheep as a pet the actual knock-on consequence of that would be much much less but you know you know the real philosophical next step is to stop regarding animals as toys for human entertainment at all is to see that really what you're doing in keeping an animal in captivity for your own quote unquote enjoyment is actually something bad and evil and sick and now guys I'm gonna press the play button on a little edited video that I made it uploaded earlier I still get hate mail about this video to this day literally today I received hate mail several pages long and some of the email comes from vegans who want to make the excuse that it's completely morally pure to kill animals like cows and pigs as long as you're not the one eating it as long as you're taking that meat and flushing it down the toilet or you're taking that meat and feeding it to your cat it dog I get hate mail from vegans and I also oddly get hate mail from carnivores or meat-eaters who seemed to be all the more motivated to justify the evil of their daily life when instead of seeing themselves as the beneficiary they see their own household pets as such [Music] [Music] this what we live in here man it ain't nothing but wrong or everyone gonna harm you're in New York [ __ ] gettin jumper home but now they got your life in the pump but they in like a love song if [ __ ] with tons of hydroponic marijuana get thing you got to get or other than a song [ __ ] funky is Daisuke wasn't always that way she was twice bang I remember being named D pumping Chucky crib they let us at better give a [ __ ] what we did [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah that concludes a full 24 hours of Kermit wall-e recorded every time he [Music] [Music]