Weight Loss with Wengie! Lies, Lies, Lies!

06 December 2016 [link youtube]

30 LAZY LIFE HACKS for WEIGHT LOSS That Actually Work!!! How to Lose Weight Easily Without Trying

Youtube Automatic Transcription

did you know that drinking two cups of
cold water on an empty stomach improves your metabolism by up to 30% what what do you think that's measuring just just think about the measurement there do you know that drinking two cups of cold water that's what she says quote can boost your metabolism by thirty percent think about the math thirty percent of what is being boosted I'm gonna give you the real number in just a second okay chuka is just says cold water two cups of cold water can boost your metabolism and let's think about this in biological and evolutionary terms if you're talking with thirty percent of your total caloric intake for the day which is what she's talking about shet sasshi misinterprets this figure then you're telling me that in evolutionary history over the last several million years as we progressed from hominids to humans as human society went from the the great plains of northern Africa to building cities and civilizations Kay the drinking two cups of cold water she just says cold water would increase the number of calories you need to survive by thirty percent do you do you think we would have made it as a species if that were true or if it were true we would be an incredibly water of earth species movie a species who would die by drinking too much water very easily drinking jewish water be a huge health problem if drinking cheap cups of cold water increased your daily caloric needs which is how she interprets the word metabolism here you're about to hear we be doomed so you can burn more calories while sleeping another super simple hack to lose weight is actually to turn down your thermostat science is showing that your body burns slightly more calories in the cold spending warm temperatures scientists have found that laughing intensely for an hour to burn as many as 100 calories this actually proves that eating from the qualify think you're eating or that you actually our study found that eating food off the plate with contrasting colors will help people reduce the amount that they're eating I'm gonna soon all right so let's um let's let's get deep here people let's deal with health advice from wengie and let's let's face it you can't trust your doctor or you can't trust your high school principal you can't trust the cops you can't trust the cops but we got people from Chicago in the chatting room right now you can't trust the cops but you can trust wengie earning an extra 30% is like 300 calories so that is actually her claim is that you will burn an extra 30% of total cow and look I assume she did read this garbage somewhere on the Internet but I also assume she never pause to think about what the word metabolism really means um let's find out how much what is your increased caloric need in a given day by drinking cold water the statistic pertains to ice water so not just cold water not just cool water ice water okay if you drink one glass of ice water you burn an extra eight calories eat calories for every one cup of is a standard cup of ice water not cool water not colder than room temperature order ice water why is that again basically because it's disruptive to your body if you're shocking your body with ice-cold water your body has to respond and warm itself up if you sit in a freezing cold room which she mentions in the same video later in the video she suggests that you you sit in a you make your whole house colder to lose weight yes suffering in the cold burns calories suffering by drinking freezing cold water between ice water is an incredibly ineffective method of burning calories and incredibly ineffective method of losing weight so drinking one cup of ice water takes time let's say you drink 10 cups of ice water back-to-back that would give you a whopping 80 calories burned right would you maybe take 30 minutes do that sit down and drink 10 cups of ice water shocking your system sitting at a table I'm guessing that's half an hour can you think of a better way to lose fat and gain muscle mass in a 30-minute workout than sitting at a table drinking freezing cold water can you think of a method of exercise that burns more than eight calories eight but we'll see talk to your buddy and clear you skin as well there's that word detox so just mention it it's so easy to throw that in right it's like right away you've got pseudoscience what does detox mean in what sense does lemon juice detox your body in a sense that orange juice does not what is the meaning of the word detox like anyway sorry toxin has a meaning toxin has a real meaning but the word detox has obviously become a meaningless watchword for anyone trying to sell you any weight loss fad diet it's a shame when G when G you've gone over to the dark side I had so much affection for you when G believe me nobody could be more ready to accept a Chinese Australian diet guru wearing cat ears and a cut off skin tight shirt than me believe me when G I was really eager to accept you into the community of successful diet gurus here on YouTube I was I was ready to accept you but you know when you get into this detox stuff you know you're you're kind of crossing a dotted line you you may not be aware you're crossing freshly squeezed lemon juice reduces fluctuation in your daily blood sugar levels 510 percent and these trig advice are what leads to tech aid okay so this is her first her first claim that you can debunk or challenge with a two-minute Google search drinking lemon juice has an effect on most people's digestive tract that is often described and this is straight lemon juice this is straight bitter lemon juice same thing with drinking straight approximately the same thing there's a difference with drinking straight vinegar especially apple cider vinegar some forms of vinegar rather than others this has an effect on the stomach that is often described as delaying digestion a less flattering word would be disrupted digestion straight lemon juice no sugar added not that looted hard to take straight vinegar hard to take you're reacting to it in that way already in your mouth it's not that surprising that biologically it has a little bit of an arresting effect on your digestion it slows down a little bit it gets a little bit disrupted um is that a good thing for diabetics it is maybe so some people struggling with diabetes swear by the use of lemon juice and the use of other extremely bitter substances mostly vinegar certain types of vinegar in terms of having this effect and helping them to regulate their blood sugar does that mean it'll help you lose weight no [ __ ] are these people who the [ __ ] are these 3 million people who gave on YouTube and went to wengie for help this [ __ ] it's less it's less of a laughing matter but guys you may have missed this this core message of mine cuz it was on this channel like eight months ago plus but you know to me there's a big difference between blaming durianrider blaming a health guru like during writer and blame me the audience and asking people why are you ignoring the red flags that are there durianrider had the honesty to tell you guys he's been diagnosed with schizophrenia he's been diagnosed with bipolar disorder he had the honor he had the honesty show you a lot of the red flag IIIi would still give him credit for that he's talked about his struggles with mental health he's talking about his struggles with the medical establishment with diagnosis and false diagnoses he's had a lot of honest talk and anyone who listens to that objectively would recognize this is some video I should not be taking diet advice so it's separate question you know there's there's blaming the Guru and there's blaming the followers and in a lot of these cases I think we got out we got a question the followers [Music] I actually want to take this in a slightly more constructive and useful and meaningful direction now something that's more important in my own life a lot of people on the Internet lie they straight-up lie and I've had a lot of experience of that within the vegan movement I've had a lot of experience that even before I was on YouTube a lot of experience that within Buddhism within politics human beings lie and part of maturing is really gaining a feeling for a sensitivity to that human propensity for outright lies for outright false in okay but a lot of what I see on the internet is not people telling lies in the strictest sense of the world it's people telling you things that are true in a way that's intentionally misleading okay do you burn more calories by drinking ice-cold water yes you burn 8:8 more calories okay so it is true but this video is incredibly misleading so it's funny I mean I talk a lot on this channel about the type of courage it takes to really be honest the type of courage it takes to keep it real to keep it all the way real and I think you know there's a question of that with weight loss and weight gain there's a question that with with health advice there are vegans who come on camera and I appreciate this and they really honestly say when they became vegan they expected to lose weight and instead they gained weight my teacher here here in China I inspired her to try a vegan diet and she was really disappointed because when she started even if he can diet she found she was more hungry than she was used to feeling and she was gaining weight she was overeating because she's not using she's been a mediator her whole life she tries being vegan and it was the results yet and I sympathized and I talked her in a totally down-to-earth way I'm not gonna lecture her and say oh no that's impossible it's it's possible you can't gain weight in a vegan diet no no question even here in China this is a Chinese vegan diet you know it takes a certain type of courage to keep it real it takes a certain type of courage to be honest but it's also interesting because there's a certain kind courage that's required for the lie the courage to lie the courage to tell a lie and I guess one of the reasons why have so much contempt for these people whether it's the people making up gossip and drama on a blog or people like wengie here on youtube they neither have the courage to be honest nor the courage to tell a lie they're complete cowards they're people of absolutely zero intellectual integrity and they're producing something that both has no substance in terms of keeping it real but they're also producing something that doesn't have any of the redeeming qualities of fiction I have fans I have fans in this chat room right now who've watched all 400 of my videos we are getting any closer to each other if you have the illusion after watching 400 videos that she came closer to me I Venice yen you got to hear her outro I'm gonna from now on I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm not gonna try to imitate Wendy's outro I'm just gonna directly steal do trow from her video and use it in the ending of all my videos why should i reproduce perfection I'm obviously I'm just gonna I'm just gonna directly quote her so much and I'll see you guys next week bye love you she puts her hands under her chin says I miss you guys so much oh my god Oh again I'm not even going to close up the video I'm not gonna imitate that I'm just gonna directly clip that piece of video and put a virus yen