Miley Cyrus: Morality Doesn't Make You a Hero, VEGANISM Doesn't Make You a Hero.

03 September 2020 [link youtube]

Heroism is not morality; morality is not heroism . Morality lectures don't sell comic books or happy meal toys. In this video, our intrepid hero responds to ex-vegan Miley Cyrus, pointing out the gap between morality as it is presented in legend and fable, and the reality of living with/by ethical principles (or, in plain English, being a good person). #vegan #joerogan #mileycyrus

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listen if i i give home i have 22
animals on my farm in nashville i've got 22 in my house in calabasas like i'm doing what i need to do for the animals okay okay but when it comes to my brain you're not vegan no you can't be vegan and living this kind and being this quick but sure you can some people can i cannot because it was really giving i was how did it do for your brain i feel that i must slow you down now i'm so much sharper than i was and i think that i was at one point pretty malnutrition i don't make these observations to be different i do not say this in order to be a contrarian i am not trying to distinguish myself from the morass of public opinion on these issues i really sincerely see these issues in a very different way i see this issue in a very different way from my contemporary and former youtube collaborator vegan gains when i look at miley cyrus when i hear her narrative of why she was vegan what veganism means to her and why she and veganism have now parted ways i think of a 17 year old kid with a machine gun who's been in the news a great deal lately a guy named kyle rittenhouse i would bet money that kyle written knows grew up reading batman comics and this kid who's ended up shooting several people believe at least two of them are dead he's on camera proudly saying in the middle of this riot that he's there with a machine gun but that he also had a medical relief kit you know to provide care to the injured um and he's on camera going and trying to help people with this medical relief kit and he's on camera taking a fire extinguisher and trying to put out a fire and you know he he was there to be a hero and that was what miley cyrus wanted to be she wanted to rescue trapped and injured animals she wanted to be able to boast to the world that she has 22 rescued animals in her apartment that when she was a child she rescued these chickens that were going to be devoured by a snake right what she wanted was heroism was to be remarkable to be exceptional and her notion of heroism probably is something she acquired in childhood probably just like kyle rittenhouse she probably took it from storybooks from cartoons from comic books from movies without really questioning the tremendous gap between that notion being presented as commercial for-profit mass entertainment and the real world you know if we're on hollywood and there's the best dad award i scratch out best and put worse um but he was also the best because he would allow me to do a lot of other crazy things that were awesome well it you're fine yeah i'm fine my dad let me steal chickens from the malibu barn that little red barn when you come down to panga my dad they were gonna feed these chickens to the snakes and they let us back there my dad was like listen i'm billy ray cyrus i'm going to totally distract him you shove as many chickens in the back of the corvette as you can while i'm signing autographs and we're going to get the hell out of here so i did i went me and my brother got all these damn chickens and we shoved him in the back of his car and he was gonna snakes went hungry he was about to go work for david lynch well he was gonna audition for him for mulholland drive and my dad brought the chickens in the corvette and he said if you're gonna have chickens in the corvette like you're playing the pool guy you know that's a pool guy thing to do so my dad got the job so because he got the job he had to stay in l.a and we had to go back to tennessee so he told me and my mom to tell the people on the airplane that they were exotic himalayan cockatoos and we did and they let them on the plane and we had them in the purse and we we they lived in a bathtub and like on hollywood and highland in some hotel for a long time and then we got home and the night we got there our dogs got in the chicken coop made them all so they died anyway romance and marriage in the real world look nothing like the story of cinderella it's nothing like a fable it's not like a cartoon and there are many reasons for that including i mean i'm a writer myself if i were writing a story for children i might have the most pious of motives i'm not going to realistically depict what a marriage is like i'm not going to realistically depict what romance i'm not going to realistically depict for an audience of children what you have to think through and the decisions you have to make before choosing a girlfriend or boyfriend and before choosing to get married to that person right so i mean even without the presumably evil motives of trying to sell as many toys in as many happy meal products as possible right the commercial motives that warp the production of batman movies as well as disney movies as well as all this stones and without even getting that we have to admit if you're producing something for children they're gonna be many ways in which the picture of the world you present is warped and it's gonna give children a warped sense of romantic love of marriage it's going to give children a warped sense of heroism all right and morality is actually not about heroism morality is not about doing something extraordinary it's precisely about honing your own character engaging in a sort of self-discipline such that these extraordinary things become ordinary and indeed the most extraordinary things about you are completely invisible to everyone else around you veganism is a perfect example of that i would say also the discipline of the mind that goes into being an intellectual i would say also even the strange sort of discipline that goes into charity work into being a charitable person and really helping people doesn't make you extraordinary doesn't make you stand it makes you you move invisibly in this society carrying with you those habits of mind carrying with you those qualities of the heart even if you want to put it that way right the things that really do make you a good person in this world right they don't make you exceptional they only let you move invisibly about sobriety the commitment and living with that commitment the commitment to never do drugs to never do alcohol to never gamble man to man here i mean this is this is different for men than this to women to never rape a woman to never even grope a woman i remember one of my uh teenage friends i could i could say she was a girlfriend but you know there there was this girl i knew as a teenager and i remember her describing to me that when she went to concerts all of these men would grope her you know what she really talked about this now i i was never into going to live music and you know my response like i'd grown up reading batman is like why doesn't someone beat the crap out of these immediately thought you know emilia you know for a man to really grab a woman's like breasts and vagina and ass and this is normal i mean in ontario in that period of time let me tell you that she herself was describing that she kind of got used to it and you know she'd go to these she'd get growth by strangers there's completely mind-blowing to me i mean there's nothing there's nothing extraordinary about you there's nothing heroic there's nothing that makes you visibly different from other men in the society if you live with the self-discipline with the quality of character that you would never it may be only fractionally as bad as outright rape but i think it is in principle the same kind of transgression morality doesn't make you a hero right what makes you a hero arbitrary circumstances that are beyond your control and that's what makes heroism so meaningless if you happen to be standing by a river when someone falls off a bridge you have the opportunity to swim out and save someone it's the most ridiculous and the most meaningless thing and if you weren't there or if your hands were busy doing something else or if you were wearing a cast on your leg because you had a broken ankle maybe you'd have to stand there and watch that person drown and you couldn't rescue them because the circumstances just weren't right when you really understand what heroism is you realize it's something you shouldn't even desire you shouldn't want to be there you shouldn't want to go there it shouldn't be something you aspire to you should recognize the arbitrariness of it because it's just the result of circumstances to be under control and every day a million acts of heroism of that kind go unnoticed and unrewarded you can you can choose to try to be a hero like miley cyrus right miley cyrus with her 22 rescue animals and saving the chickens from the snake and this whole ego trip she's on where she thinks she's not just a good person she thinks she's a great person she thinks you ought to admire she thinks she has to be able to boast about this right but she doesn't have the self-discipline to stop herself from eating this piece of cheese pizza she is obviously trying to make herself look like a beauty icon here while publicly eating a piece of cheese pizza and we're supposed to believe that this cheese pizza is being eaten for the sake of her physical and mental health is ridiculous excuses that are made up you know that's that's another aspect of human nature as ridiculous and remarkable as it may seem these people in wanting to be something extraordinary in wanting to have a kind of heroic morality whether we're talking about miley cyrus or kyle ridden house these are the people who cultivated a heroic notion of morality they wanted to be something and someone extraordinary and for that self-same reason they never developed ordinary morality the very ordinariness the very banality of what morality is in principle and practice is what makes it so hard to talk about so hard to package into a product so hard to make a hit disney movie about the ordinariness the boringness the unremarkableness of morality is precisely why nobody wants to pay to hear a morality lecture in movie theaters morality lectures don't sell comic books they don't sell happy meals they don't sell figurines they don't sell rock albums in the same way that practical advice about how to find a husband or wife is never gonna sell the next hit movie like snow white and the seven dwarves we all grow up being presented with legends and i see people like kyle rittenhouse and miley cyrus as being in some ways a victim of a kind of legendary morality that not only misled them led them away from real morality but made them unfamiliar with the cultivation of what real morality really means in principle and in practice i mean really people like to disrespect my crew but the fact is that you know my name and i don't know you