Vegan Gains Got Himself Deleted (NOT PHILOSOPHICAL)
27 January 2019 [link youtube]
Look, pretty much any insult (spoken or written) on youtube can be classified as "bullying and harassment" by youtube: the policy is EXCEEDINGLY VAGUE, and it is NOT enforced consistently. Here's the link to the "snide" remark I made (mentioned in the video as an example):
Youtube Automatic Transcription
why was vegan gains his channel deleted
it ain't no mystery very simply put vegan gains within the last two weeks left comments on this channel that would be categorized by YouTube as bullying and harassment if you've been a fan of him for any length of time you have probably seen hundreds of comments he left on other people's channels comments he left in reply to people on his own channel that would qualify by YouTube's own definition as bullying and harassment okay I'm not saying that should be the law I think a really positive contrast is between the system of censorship we have here on YouTube where the rules are vague and up fusca tori and are not enforced in an even-handed way across the board and the type of rules they actually have on patreon I think patreon is a much more positive example of how basically corporate censorship can work on the Internet and according to them patreon about 10% of their staff are working in censorship so the problem we have here on YouTube is content by amateurs censorship by professionals a very large part of what vegan aids did on camera and in writing here on YouTube just even if you look at the definition of bullying and harassment that YouTube uses it would qualify as bullying and harassment and would get his channel deleted okay I did not flag any of his comments made on this channel I did not complain to YouTube about bullying harassment I don't play that and you know different people play the game by different rules there are definitely some people who are really delicate oh you know what I'll put it up on my Twitter and I'll give you guys the link below this video I made a comment about a week ago on another person's channel and you know it was a little bit snide it was a little bit insulting I said hey you know what the two people who you see on camera here do you really think either one of them has read a book in the last 12 months do you think either one of them even reads like a newspaper or magazine because like we're all here supposedly respecting these people's opinions but like when you really think about it and what I wrote that comment I knew uhm this is before vegan gains this channel I know the rules about which the game is played here I knew hey I'm actually risking my channel if someone really takes this as bullying and harassment we've got a problem and you guys can click and see that comment by my standards it's pretty mild I wouldn't think of it as bullying and harassment right those are the rules by which the game is played on YouTube and if you are breaking those rules if you are pushing your luck YouTube will then find a pretext to terminate your channel right and here's the thing I explained this in greater length in my more philosophical video recorded a couple hours ago the only shield you have the only defense the only pretext is that you're insulting people as a form of political critique and political commentary because in the United States of America the ultimate purpose of freedom of speech the reason why we have safeguards of freedom of speech is for political dissent right for criticism and commentary within politics and most of the videos on this channel my own channel that are really kind of mean and vicious it actually is for clear political reasons we're talking about politics time or questions of political leadership in the vegan movement okay you know if you've come on YouTube to make money you're here for the wrong reasons if you've come on YouTube to make the world a better place of God good news for you it's an unbelievably wonderful tool that no other social or political movement ever had at its disposal before
it ain't no mystery very simply put vegan gains within the last two weeks left comments on this channel that would be categorized by YouTube as bullying and harassment if you've been a fan of him for any length of time you have probably seen hundreds of comments he left on other people's channels comments he left in reply to people on his own channel that would qualify by YouTube's own definition as bullying and harassment okay I'm not saying that should be the law I think a really positive contrast is between the system of censorship we have here on YouTube where the rules are vague and up fusca tori and are not enforced in an even-handed way across the board and the type of rules they actually have on patreon I think patreon is a much more positive example of how basically corporate censorship can work on the Internet and according to them patreon about 10% of their staff are working in censorship so the problem we have here on YouTube is content by amateurs censorship by professionals a very large part of what vegan aids did on camera and in writing here on YouTube just even if you look at the definition of bullying and harassment that YouTube uses it would qualify as bullying and harassment and would get his channel deleted okay I did not flag any of his comments made on this channel I did not complain to YouTube about bullying harassment I don't play that and you know different people play the game by different rules there are definitely some people who are really delicate oh you know what I'll put it up on my Twitter and I'll give you guys the link below this video I made a comment about a week ago on another person's channel and you know it was a little bit snide it was a little bit insulting I said hey you know what the two people who you see on camera here do you really think either one of them has read a book in the last 12 months do you think either one of them even reads like a newspaper or magazine because like we're all here supposedly respecting these people's opinions but like when you really think about it and what I wrote that comment I knew uhm this is before vegan gains this channel I know the rules about which the game is played here I knew hey I'm actually risking my channel if someone really takes this as bullying and harassment we've got a problem and you guys can click and see that comment by my standards it's pretty mild I wouldn't think of it as bullying and harassment right those are the rules by which the game is played on YouTube and if you are breaking those rules if you are pushing your luck YouTube will then find a pretext to terminate your channel right and here's the thing I explained this in greater length in my more philosophical video recorded a couple hours ago the only shield you have the only defense the only pretext is that you're insulting people as a form of political critique and political commentary because in the United States of America the ultimate purpose of freedom of speech the reason why we have safeguards of freedom of speech is for political dissent right for criticism and commentary within politics and most of the videos on this channel my own channel that are really kind of mean and vicious it actually is for clear political reasons we're talking about politics time or questions of political leadership in the vegan movement okay you know if you've come on YouTube to make money you're here for the wrong reasons if you've come on YouTube to make the world a better place of God good news for you it's an unbelievably wonderful tool that no other social or political movement ever had at its disposal before