Jordan Reichert: vegans wouldn't let me join a SILENT protest!

31 March 2018 [link youtube]

Jordan Reichert is a vegan activist here in Victoria, B.C., Canada… and, yeah, I'm a vegan activist who just recently returned after living in China for about two years.

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Banas yen I tried to volunteer to be in
the [ __ ] you know the cube of truth [ __ ] you know the trick the cube of truth [ __ ] they wouldn't they wouldn't let me do cube of truth and what told other people that they're like flabbergasted because of course all these groups are like Oh everyone's welcome welcome to participate everyone's welcome to get involved nope but some people are welcome at some hard if I do an open mic night in a comedy club I think I can really reach like 200 people in a more meaningful way than standing on a street corner in Los Angeles so that's what I'm talking about I'm talking I'm not gonna talking about comparing street activism to something perfect I'm just talking about comparing it to like real alternatives you may have access to but I have already mentioned one of the other problems which is just the barriers to entry so for me I couldn't even participate in a silent protest the level of censor so that's a silent protest that cube of truth I wouldn't even talk I just stand there in my vegan t-shirt it's that thing that would be my job would be just to stand there holding you know a TV screen right and I couldn't do that cuz they're there whatever reason the snobs like I don't know why me I don't like I nobody told me why is it that they're too left-wing or they're too right went look why I don't know but they shut me out of participating in a silent protest if I get on stage as a stand-up comedian you know who's who's the gatekeeper who's the barrier to entry maybe the audience is gonna laugh maybe they're gonna boo you know maybe we're gonna have a good time maybe not right but that's really different right and maybe maybe I'm gonna listen to the audience maybe they're gonna talk a little tune I'm gonna respond to that and maybe I'm gonna shut them down there's there's a bit of a dynamic that way but you know I mean when you think about it that's really question who are the gatekeepers so I know I know quest doesn't want to roll with DXE anymore so now if you want to if you want to protest who do you roll with and because again you can be a one-man protest I think it's a lot worse than being a stand-up comedian but like you guys must now be trying to compromise with somebody Mercy for Animals or some group you know each one as to what Mercy for Animals there are things that are that are messed up about them pet other things that you know you got to make different compromises teach these groups right [Music] [Music] evolution