Onision THINKS he's clearing his name… 🤔️

07 April 2020 [link youtube]

This is part one of two, but, in some sense it is, also, a sequel to "Onision, Don't Date the Babysitter…" —a video I made such a long time ago, that it was advice he really could have taken! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZEkgohG7k7p5A2AdHni2X0SE1VDq-hvQ

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#Onision #Kai #WeStandWithSarah

Youtube Automatic Transcription

like for instance why would you take
something from a store if everything was free if it's all free then it's there for you to take if it's not illegal then you why why would you steal something from a store when everything in that store was free back when I was a young man and my girlfriend probably wasn't born yet there was this guy named Bill Clinton remember and I remember Tucker Carlson who was at that time less famous talk Tucker Carlson today is more famous than Bill Clinton you know um I remember Tucker Carlson trying to do a talk show of the whether or not Bill Clinton should be impeached or face formal charges and hearings because of his own sexual escapades and this guy representing the Democrat Party sat there remember he was quite a fat guy in a suit and he could tell he had this prepared statement set out in his mind he was nervous and he said well my opinion is that Bill Clinton didn't do anything that broke the law and legal obligations are identical to moral obligations therefore there can't be any ethical question and in those days a lot of cable television a lot of broadcast news was pretty much live and unedited like even if they had the capacity edit they just didn't bother just dumped it onto television and Tucker Carlson just sat there saying to him what do you mean how can you possibly say that if it's not a legal obligation it's not a moral obligation how can you say that like how can you say the discussion didn't go anywhere you have this fat nervous guy sitting there who's kind of sweating and looking around your dark Rosen just like with his mind blown like how can you say that and you back then to cable is it wasn't uh I don't know wasn't so overcrowded with advertising you know they sat there for a couple awkward minutes now someone's gonna find a clip of that I mean must must be somewhere on the internet maybe maybe it's not interesting enough to have been archived here on a YouTube awkward moment in Clinton presidency I guess I guess there were a few all right this is a long way of saying I'm aware there are some people including some people have talked to you who now retreat to the position of claiming that anisia did nothing wrong in his own sexual escapades because he did nothing illegal and therefore if nothing illegal was done there's nothing immoral that was done and look bottom line is the reason why we talk about morality and ethics it's not to take something away from an se honestly it's to add something to our own lives okay it is worthwhile to reflect on the fact that for example an isiand lied to his wife so you can learn something from it so you can do the analysis so you can be a better person or reflect on what it would mean to be a better person and that kind of thing all right ultimately us sitting around and engaging in analysis and understanding of why and how and is seeing lied to his wife it's it doesn't take anything away from an se and it doesn't put in a scene in jail so and so forth and it may well be that a Nishant has obeyed the letter of the law without I think obeying the spirit of the law and we're left to analyze questions like a nobody is even suggesting that America should pass a law making it's making it a crime to to lie to your wife however if you were to say to me the innocent did nothing wrong in a situation where for example he promised his wife he was gonna meet up with a young woman and spend 18 year old woman and spend one week or two weeks with her alone and he promised his wife they would only engage in kissing no sex no penetrative acts of any kind and and you know they did in fact they did in fact have have sex of a peculiar kind in with it they didn't engage in a penetrative act of a particular kind Oh being the letter of the law although not the spirit of the law so that he could claim that he hadn't broken his promise to him there's something there for us to reflect on and and analyze the reason for this video today is one of my viewers one of my longtime viewers who's seen my own videos reflecting on and analyzing what went wrong with an SDN or what he's still doing wrong now I managed to get a question in edgewise in a day when an Sen really I think within 24 hours or 48 hours he recorded and uploaded many hours of self justifications and excuses so what you're going to hear now is a question that from one of my viewers that more or less confronts an SEM and from my perspective he really dams himself what he says is is unbelievably damning in its own defense in response to that question so if you already know my channel my past video isn't an SDN you'll realize that this question is kind of reflecting on and summarizing many of the issues I've raised you know one of them one of my first videos and an essay on was titled don't date the babysitter and you know in an in-state 16 is legal okay age you consent is 16 there I still think many people in my audience would concede the point that for a married man with two children to get sexually involved with a much younger woman he's employing and as his babysitter is an ethical problem is something to reflect on whether it's 16 or 17 or 18 or 28 I'm 41 years old what if I had a 28 year old oh it's my babysitter that I get sexually vulva I still think that's messed up and again the point is there's something for us to learn there's something for us to reflect on here it doesn't take anything away from initiative we reflect on it doesn't put him in jail and again I don't think anyone's even rushing to legislate on that matter I don't know maybe we should defensive babysitters act vote YES on Proposition 248 I'm gonna run for office I'm making it illegal to a law to make it illegal to sleep with your own household employees you know what I'm sorry I'm talking myself into 54 sets all right here we go and this scene confronted by one of my viewers quote like a little sister or foster daughter he claimed repeatedly that he had no attraction to her and something I've had to point out to people who were not in the loop when all this happened is that an SDN also repeatedly insulted the audience so an Sen lied to Sarah and Sen lied to his wife an isiand lied to his audience and he lied to himself so again even if there's no law broken there's something worthwhile to reflect on there what he insisted on again again he insulted the audience and announced them and claimed that you must be perverted if you imagine he would be sexually involved in sareth anyway this is a delusion in the audience it's something he would never do it's a very very strange dance he did of again trying to impress upon us his sense of moral superiority because allegedly this was a girl whom he related to as a foster or father to a foster daughter themselves answer me that I was supposed to one life tx3 okay well things change over time people change things change over time she became your live-in babysitter at age 16 and then one day she turned 18 and you know things change or it's kind of like what they're doing is kind of like saying okay let's say that you have this woman who's in your life and it's an interesting maybe not relevant analogy but you have this woman in your life and you would never [ __ ] her or anything like that because she's the friend of your spouse and then your spouse [ __ ] died really really strange choice of analogy because yeah the justification for Sarah living in their house and Clara with YouTube videos is that Sarah was the friend of his wife right have been five years later that person still in your life and you wind up being with them or whatever even though you never would before when circumstances change when like this huge barrier changes like this when the when the legality changes about something when like for instance why would you take something from a store if everything was free if it's all free then it's there for you to take if it's not illegal then you just why why would you steal something from a store when everything in that store was free 18 year old babysitter gains your head space and you started thinking well I mean this is a something that could be a possibility and oh hey look they're blackmailing me into doing it anyway so you're sitting there going there's nothing stopping you and they're bending your arm to do it and you're like well I just don't see the barrier so well like I don't know if I could stomach sleeping with someone who I've known since they were underage that's kind of so it's like you're robbing a store but everything in the store is available for free and they are blackmailing you into doing it anyway so you just don't see a barrier there and then he thinks he speak he thinks he's clearing his name