Commentary: Vegan Gains vs. FRK (Racism, etc.)

08 April 2019 [link youtube]

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a lot of you will not know that this
current controversy between vegan gains info levar Christina began right here on this YouTube channel and you may not have noticed that he has a little caption on screen saying YouTube : abolish CL when he's quoting the videos from John Rose now one reason why you would not know this is that on most of planet Earth you can no longer see the video on my channel that address this I've dealt with YouTube censorship in various forms and at various levels and that is the most intense censorship I've ever had from YouTube it's much more extreme than just getting a copyright strike or getting demonetised that video is now very very hard to find within the United States of America you can still see it if you have the link to take you to it but it will not show up in search results comments are disabled thumbs up thumbs down are disabled even the number of views is disabled you can't see how many people have seen the video and it's very hard to find now incongruous ly exactly the same video was carried on someone else's channel and I'll just mention that someone else was also a white bald male and on his channel it wasn't censored it wasn't demonetised he had to appeal it which is normal with anything on so you know I just say I think there is a natural apprehension well maybe when YouTube is coming and censoring this they're just reacting the fact that I'm a bold white male and now another channel has carried the same video vegan gains obviously adding his own commentary and perspective which is great totally happy is doing now I'm certain Richard saw that video on my channel about a year and a half ago when it first appeared on my channel we were in Thailand at that time you know Richard has we've seen many videos on my channel not not all in many of his videos earphones mine it's great it's fine it's positive but he's now taken exactly the same for had on my channel that appeared on one of the guys channel and when he's uploaded it he again it's not just not censored or not restricted it's it's monetized he seems to be getting advertising on it so this is an especially bizarre example of of YouTube censorship and the message of my video isn't just clear throughout all of these sources including Richard it has the caption I added has the warning where it says on screen I'm only quoting this in order to criticize it do not ban this as hate speech do you know you know like you of them telling YouTube don't censor this is HB I'm the one condemning others for his hate speech I'm the one calling someone up for August now and I've gotten just a couple of emails over the years from people who wrote in and said you know that video is really important I think one of them was somebody in Germany and they had to use a VPN like in order to see the video they had to dial up outside of the country you know but they said look this is really important people in Germany people in Europe they need to know about this stuff they need to know about racism and Holocaust denial and anti-semitism within vegan movements within these health diets and how are they gonna know if this sort of thing is censored so that's one part of story that's interesting and I've had a lot of responses from viewers who were genuinely interested in how YouTube censorship works I've talked about that in the past I don't find it that interesting but it's it's part of my daily life I guess the truth is if you're a viewer on YouTube it's part of your daily life also you just can't see how it works you're speaking from the outside what it is you're seeing and not seeing and you're indirectly content creators complaining about it but you don't really see what goes on but a YouTube videos get censored in many different ways and for many different reasons this is a convenience segue most likely that video was censored in the way that it was because of Cory McCarthy or the followers of court McCarthy because the only other experience I have of that now I have to explain what I mean whether were that the only other experience I have of that the only other experience I have where I was making an anti-racist video that was flagged and censored as if it were pro racist when it was completely obvious that it was anti-racist the whole purpose of the video is to point the finger and call this out same purpose being gained says now the only other experience I have of that is with Cory McCarthy and Tara McCarthy now here's the strange irony what vegan gains is doing right now which I completely support is the same thing that in the past he condemned me for and both vegan gains and ask yourself I don't know if they've kind of woken up out of their slumber or if they've taken a new attitude towards what they did in the recent past themselves or what but the question vegan gains and ask yourself used to ask you know publicly was well how can you condemn someone through guilt by association how can you just presume that because Richard vegan gains because vegan gains is friends with Cory McCarthy that therefore he supports Cory McCarthy's white supremacism fascism of his views on religion his views on race his views on politics well I agree you can't presume that but what richard has just done now is to demand that fully raw Christina clarified that she come out and say what her position is in these political issues given that there is this political public connection between her and John Rose so that the question is there now Richards connection to Cory McCarthy and Tara McCarthy was much more powerful than that it's not just that they were friends Richard appeared on Tara McCarthy's radio show of course it was YouTube so I'm not insulting it I just don't know why they packages if it's a radio program it was a very very popular YouTube program and Tara McCarthy was extremely successful she had a huge number of viewers and she was really connected to elite levels of the American white supremacist movement now her objective Tara McCarthy and Cory McCarthy were very public on the Internet at that time that what they wanted to pursue and what they wanted to achieve was a United States of America in which the entire population was European and I sent Richard directly I remember a sentiment a Facebook message a link to a video that was just Tora answering the question it was after she had done a collab with Richard said look Richard you're collaborating with these people think about politically who it is you're collaborating with here's Tara answering the question if she had her way if her political party was elected king of the United States or in our home if they came into power would she or would she not exile Richard would she Excel vegan gains from Canada and the United States would she force him to go back to Africa because that was their political position their political position was they would force everyone of African ancestry to to go back to Africa and Tara McCarthy probably this clip is still on YouTube somewhere if you look around and find it terrible glad they answered the question and she gave a whole bunch of caveats she said she doesn't endorse violence and she doesn't enforce endorse mob rule and she made a few caveats but long story short of her answer was yes that she felt people like richer people like vegan gains should be exiled from the United States and Canada now again I talked about this at length with Isaac with ask yourself and everyone including Richard and and Isaac themselves that time they seemed to feel I was doing something really unreasonable what I said to Isaac and what I said to Richard at that time these these things have all happened over a couple of years you know was much more reasonable and much less confrontational than what Richard is doing to Bulevar Christina don't get me wrong it's great go Adam Richard it's fine I totally get it you know he's trying to get a reaction to fuller christina is going to be tough at the best of times so there's there's really no reason to be any more um you know any more genteel than he's being I sympathize with why he's using the tax he's using but I did not use tactics that rough with Richard or with ask yourself with Isaac I you know I really was just presenting Richard with a stuff like look Richard this is the reality of who Corey McCarthy is and what he represents politically Corey McCarthy and Tom McCarthy jointly at that time now okay sorry there are a couple different intersecting stories here I'll come back to the issue with ask yourself if you search for these guys today Cory McCarthy and Tara McCarthy deleted most of their internet present their websites and most of their racist white supremacist videos on YouTube there's still some of that around now why is that ironically in a nutshell what Tara was addressing what she was asked that question was she was asked should Richard be exiled from the United States and Canada given not not because he's black her political position that was completely clear she's a racist white nationalist oh it's completely their argument was the question was given that he is in fact half white given that he's a person of mixed race ancestry so you guys may not know but he had his mom in his videos in the past his mother is white European descent so that that was why she was asked that question it was already clear that she's racist against black people but it's like well you're friends with this guy Richard he's of mixed ancestry obviously culturally and linguistically he grew up speaking English in a western country what you know what is your what is your position this so the irony is that the whole racist white supremacist movement that had supported Tara turned against her when they figured out that she was herself also of mixed racial ancestry so she kept her cards close to her chest she got to a pretty high level of success but there were several scandals including a sex scandal about her that came out about her past life before she became this right-wing racist talk show host and yeah Tara McCarthy was in the absurd position of being a white ethno nationalists who was specifically harshly condemning the miscegenation intermarriage and people of mixed ancestry while herself being a product of such a nation a person of mixed ancestry and she got to see just how nasty her movement was when it want to turn against her now is that the whole story with Tara McCarthy I think it's the most important the story I think that Tara had to go from being a public figure to being a private figure I think that she's not doing collaborations with the Pettibone sisters and so on and so forth for that reason that she's disappeared because she was shamed and ashamed she was in effect D platformed by right-wingers people talk about that on the left well that's that's an example of it happening on the right it is also true that publicly she said that she got into trouble because they were crossing borders in the United States and England and there were questions about visa regulations and sort of government censored being brought to bear she stated publicly that one of the anti anti-semitic groups I don't know which one but some legal trust you know maybe Simon Wiesenthal Center or something maybe seven Poverty Law Center I don't know but one of the kind of civil rights equality groups that takes on you know voices that are engaging in Holocaust denial or this kind of thing that there was some kind of legal problem that way and she was concerned about how this was gonna impact her I guess her application for residency in the United States because she talked about that a lot that she was moving United States to have a kid with Corinne so she went underground after being an incredibly public figure and I think one of the most damning traces of all was she had a book deal to publish a book with an exclusively white supremacist book publisher a book publisher that only does that kind of propaganda those kinds of books and I think that book is no never gonna happen because I mean she was the ultimate hypocrite so look I never said to Richard what Richard is now saying to fully well Christina I never said Richard Richard so if you see this video you know this I never said to you Richard if you don't make a video condemning Corey McCarthy of Tara McCarthy then you are guilty of the same thing because you support I've never said that to you Richard I said hey Richard I'm making a video control kaibacorp but this is what I know here are the facts here's the film clips I've got you know they deleted a lot of their material back then too they started covering up their tracks and I said look I mean I know Corey has been lying to you I know Tara lying to you this is who these people are this is what they really represent politically and in the video I made of a PewDiePie just a couple days ago I think a lot of people don't realize if you just look past the facade like I don't know that the the Britney petit born him is you know if you look past the facade oh I don't know she has nice makeup and hair like just think for five minutes about what it is she she represents politically you really just google the names involved really quickly you get images of neo-nazis with torches in front of fascist Flags marching it really only takes a few mouse clicks to figure out what these what kinds of organizations these these people are fronting for so Tara McCarthy really is that extreme Cory McCarthy really is that extreme he was Pro genocide and pro racist of the worst kind and both Richard and Isaac so Richard is vegan gains and Isaac is ask yourself work positively associated with them positively defended them positively collaborate with them pawsley positively and publicly identified us as their friends so it is somewhat bizarre but an improvement to see Richard today has has turned around this way and look guys some people criticize me when I made the suggestion you can still see it on my blog in text you can see exactly what I said to Isaac I didn't confront him this way I didn't say I mean you know Richard you've taken it to kind of level 10 here you said hey you know that she must make a video condemning someone who's her friend you never did that Corey you never did that cetera and you appeared in an interview supporting Torrez channel on her channel I think it was an hour long at least it was a long long video Richard it wasn't like you met up with her for five minutes at a Costco or something oh hey how you doing no I mean you really you really supported her overtly racist white supremacist channel and at that time they had their own website and I remember sending you a screenshot of the front page I could get that screenshot you know the front page in the about page is that Richard do you not see what's spelled out here their opposition to miscegenation and cool unquote [ __ ] races and like just think about openly what these people say they represent and you're the face of their movement now you're their supporter they're able to say oh they're not so racist they're so bad because they have this black guy who appears in their channel and they're getting support they're getting an endorsement from a channel with with a lot of followers this is this is really it's really black really bleak so I just say Richard I never confronted you the way that you are now confronting feel about Christina I never confronted Isaac the way you're now front and confronting Luber Christina when I wrote to Isaac you can see exactly whatever I said look man your situation is you're not really racist I know look I know Isaac is not really racist but you had a period of your life where you got drawn in by some of these racist sources his best friend was this guy Jack green who's an open neo-nazi even a classical Nazi a pro Hitler guy you guys were associated together for ages you were friends with Corey McCarthy you defended Corey McCarthy against my criticism of them and my critism OVA was completely factual factually accurate and correct and your defense of him was full of lies and half-truths and one have you okay so you took that position and then you know it didn't stop there that was the start Isaac went to this long period we was fascinated with sources like of Jay Phillipe Rushton and the bell curve and the race and IQ debates he was going down this spiral of pseudo-scientific I had no better worthless than scientistic racism race Theory race in IQ theory and he was hanging out with a lot of far right I can't even say all right I mean some of these people were fascists and neo-nazis he was hanging out with these people and they were in his discord server and it was normalizing a lot of these views he had a period to be infested with it but I don't think I don't think in his heart of hearts I don't think Isaac is a racist I don't when I talked to him about racism I think most of the points I raised were just things he'd never thought about before he never thought about the history of the Cree in the edgy way and the Mohawks he never thought about the British Empire and colonialism and language and to what extent language is really important and not you know bloodline or race or you know I raised a lot of issues to give him new thoughts and a new you know I think ultimately he's a kid he wants to make the world a better place he's a kid he wants to be an activist in his own way and through the magic of the internet and patreon donations he was he was offered this opportunity and unfortunately you see what he's done with it yeah in some ways what he's done is tainted by this but what I said to Isaac you can still see the exact wording of said was look man all you have to do is make a positive statement about what your position is you don't have to go back and apologize for something in the past and you don't have to attack Cory McCarthy or denounce Tom McCarthy or deal with that stuff but if you just make one video that even in passing states like what your view is on these things positively what it is you think is is good here you know then it's gonna set to rest you know a whirlwind of rumors and accusations that you're that you're racist and that you're linked to these these races that he knew was was swirling around now nobody thinks that vegan gains is a racist and of course I don't think being gay is a racist unfortunately in Richards case I mean I can remember a time when Richard described himself as a kind of techno socialist when his belief was that the progress of Technology if some people this isn't someone coming you he thought that the progress of technology was gonna make most forms of Labor obsolete that like factory work wouldn't be needed anymore cuz robots do the work and as technology became more and more advanced it was necessary to have some kind of left-wing socialist set up to distribute wealth because just unemployment was going to become chronic the sort of thing um I've seen Richard speak well of left-wing causes and left-wing concerns and somehow I mean whether it was that he hung out in the wrong discord servers or listening to the wrong video game live stream meters or whatever he seems to he seems to a for a couple of years gotten fascinated with some far right-wing demagogues and he's never discussed that with me philosophically I mean none of these guys read books and this is the most you want to grab some of the books I'm reading don't do it don't do it misty III read books we go here you go one can look up what this is it I read books my who my you know my thought in my perspective of the world is actually shaped by reading books and that in ways both coarse and subtle it's a very different process interrogating books as sources rather just being influenced by YouTube videos and now as you guys know I'm trying to shift this channel to be more focused on analysis of politics news and whether those are in books article form or what have you so guys I end this with just this thought I was young once too I was young and I was ignorant I didn't grow up smart I really didn't have the benefit I without even getting into my family I said stupid offensive crap as a teenager and I didn't know the difference between real world history and propaganda and [ __ ] it's really before the internet but you know I didn't know what was true what was false and I was you know groping around in the darkness for meaning in life as all kinds of people do and it doesn't stop when you're a teenager you can be groping around in the darkness when you're 40 years old and you can be groping or any darkness in your your mid-20s it's you know it's not like because you grow pubic hair you've suddenly become wise doesn't come with your molars or you know the the hairs on the hairs in the backyard Necker or anything else it's a struggle I can relate to and I'm cursed with a very accurate memory so I the stupidity and ignorance of my youth and I remember how hard it was to work my way out of it and how hard it was to overcome propaganda and misinformation that I assumed was was true but including some simplistic narratives that were left-wing and some that were right-wing and and and what-have-you what's odd to me about these particular characters is that they don't seem to be intimidated the way I was and the way I think most people are it's like look when I was 16 why didn't I start learning Latin I can remember thinking about this it was intimidating it was scary to imagine sitting down alone with teacher self Latin and looking Latin you know at 16 I was confident enough to read Plato and Aristotle and you know something Herodotus or some some great authors in Asian world in English but the thought of learning Latin or Greek only that that was scary that was intimidating and I felt I wasn't born rich I wasn't born into a family with the kind of privilege and background I wasn't the kind of person who would learn Latin okay and now I feel like I could learn Latin in three months I mean I mean I'm 40 years old I worked on many languages seems like the easiest thing in the world of course I could go to the library and go to the books into them myself people like Richard people like vegan gains are exactly the kind of people who are not intimidated to say hey they have no education in science but they're gonna go to the library or get in the Internet and they're gonna get detailed scientific articles and read the footnotes and figure out exactly what the scientific facts are in doing an analysis of the protein to fat ratios and different kinds of food all the stuff he's done on nutritional side he's not intimidated by that he's not intimidated by picking up big scary books off the shelf and I think I can say this about Isaac also he's someone who's not intimidated by textbooks on philosophy and logic and history and these thorny issues and they're not intimidated by taking on topics that are politically edging or scary or at big consequences they're not intimidated by by any of that the problem is that they're groping around in the darkness and their own arrogance blinds them to the fact that it is in the darkness they're groping that you know they didn't go through a process of you know developing an appreciation for an a solid foundation and the basics before reaching out for you know these these more advanced more compelling topics that the things that they they just felt motivated to them to publicly you know take a stand on now and it's it's not too late for either one of them it's great to see Richard turn around and take on a topic like this I don't know why he didn't do it year and a half ago when my video went up when he saw it I know why do it doing it now but hey you can't you can't do everything you can't do everything all the time it's great but you know it is a bizarre irony to see Richard today doing exactly what he used to criticize others for and what he used to criticize me for as being a social justice warrior as standing up to someone and drawing a line as saying no it's not acceptable to have anti-semitism like this within the vegan movement and it's not acceptable to be making excuses for it and supporting somebody when somebody else takes that stand