Blackpill Problem: Chad Solution. @Incel TV

20 July 2022 [link youtube]

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you gotta know better than to trust people rule number four look at what women do not what they say look at what they do behind closed doors guys people are their truest selves when they think there's no one watching what you do how you think when there's no one watching and judging you is exactly who you are if anything looks are more important to women than to men plain and simple things when i was online dating i thought it was the worst being an asian guy and i thought maybe because i was also an asian model it would be a little bit better because i've heard of online dating being horrible for asian guys it was horrible i mean i literally remember days of just swiping and then watching your white friends like kill it on online dating then i figured let me ask an asian girl out maybe she'll say yes hey want to go to this dance with me [Music] sorry i don't find asian guys attractive bro you can't lift away your ugliness and i am speaking from experience here i have gym self for years four years i was like i can't be scrawny and skinny i gotta go to gym i gotta get muscled i have wasted so much time and money and it is all pointless for years i have used so much creatine prevalence products and more i have gyms out religiously and now i have nothing to show for it that's a topic for a video [Music] the black pill philosophy is partly correct it is partly incorrect that's why it's important to criticize it however we should acknowledge both that it is in large part correct and also that the themes and issues being dealt with in the black philosophy have tremendous importance to the people involved now by contrast utilitarianism is not worth discussing it's not worth debating i cannot believe how many of these losers there are on the internet who want to take the time to talk through a chalkboard hypothetical scenario in detail of waiting in a doctor's office and having to choose between sitting on a wooden chair and a more comfortable leather chair because by sitting on the leather chair you're hypothetically contributing to in future killing another cow to replace that chair with another leather chair once the leather is worn out over the very gradual process of hundreds and hundreds of people sitting on the same leather chair like utilitarianism is a philosophy that doesn't matter it doesn't matter academically it doesn't matter politically and it does not matter in anyone's day-to-day lives the way the black pill philosophy matters it's very easy to trivialize and dismiss these problems some of you will be thinking isn't blackville philosophy isn't in cell philosophy generally isn't it just a bunch of video game addicted nerds complaining about the fact that they can't get laid well yes that is part of the problem but there are deeper and more important questions raised questions that will never appear on cnn questions that were never addressed in documentary filmmaking or in books or in social science research like guess what one of the consequences of multiculturalism as a political policy as a model for western societies is that there are significant numbers of young men of indian descent of middle eastern descent living in these white western cultures and partly for cultural reasons partly for religious reasons but partly for ethnic reasons for reasons of what you could call racism i suppose they can't get laid when was last time you heard that perspective when was the last time you heard the perspective of an east indian guy talking about how hard it is to live in a white western democratic society where his accent is looked down upon his education is looked down upon yes yes but also his appearance the way in which that's denigrating and frustrating hey when we came up with this utopian ideal of the multicultural society did we think this through did we think through the extent to which there would be winners and losers not just economically the economics are important but also on this most intimate scale human sexuality caucasian picture and batch name gets 3.09 average then if you change the name to a non-dutch name the average attractiveness gets a little lower to 2.79 but not too much this confirms what i have said before just be white it's about books not politics the reason why just white exists is not because white women somehow are politically loyal to their race or nation and when you take the name of it is another small hit about seven percent it doesn't matter what country you are from if you look white you're white you can't from cameroon you can't be from nigeria it doesn't matter then we look at what happens when you change the picture to a middle eastern guy with a dutch name intention to date decreases to 1.72 there is a nearly 50 percent 50 degrees then if you change the name to a non-dutch name it gets even lower and i know what people are gonna say oh man you know these are white respondents you know of course they will prefer their own race how this is even just the right okay look at this when we look at the preferences of non-white respondents we see nearly identical numbers again you see a similar 50 decrease in perceived attractiveness when you change the race but the numbers deviate in much smaller size when you change only the name these results suggest that while perceived ethnic similarity might not play a direct role in the choice of a potential partner the ethnic appearance of a tender profile could influence its perceived attractiveness which in turn impacts its data believing these findings are in line with existing research on the role of race in online dating underscoring that caucasians are generally favored over all other groups race not only becomes a filter but also appears to contribute to users stating market value so i do respect the project of blackpill philosophy i do respect the questions that they're raising i think these are really important questions and i totally acknowledge the failure of mainstream media academia the social sciences of i don't know any agora anywhere in our society the failure to address these things anywhere other than here on youtube maybe in some podcasts that have been created by the in cells themselves who are saying look these questions need answers and of course they have to come up with answers for their own personal lives they have to in their own idiom learn how to cope in talking about politics and talking about philosophy and in talking about sexuality claims cloud our judgment as to qualitative realities in fact quantitative claims rarely have any significance other than to bias the course of our thinking on political matters and the black pillars and the end cells insist on using numerals to indicate how attractive someone is everybody is a number between 1 and 10 reflecting their so-called market value how attractive they are how sexy they are and they will normally admit at least one more scale ranking you from one to ten that reflects your wealth and to some extent your social status how much power and influence you have put it that way so they will admit that to some extent a man who is ugly if he has a tremendous amount of money or tremendous amount of political power or a tremendous amount of fame this in some ways does and in some ways does not compensate for the fundamental value they insist on as being the uh the great source of inequality that they are fulminating against that first scale of ranking human beings from one to 10 based on their appearance this is interesting in part because it is a critique of multiculturalism as i've already mentioned in part because it's a critique of egalitarianism both as a cultural and political concept the notion that we already are living in an egalitarian society where we all treat each other as equals and these sources of inequality don't matter it's interesting in part because it's a critique of religion and a lot of what these guys struggle against is the fundamentally christian notion that no no no it's not your appearance that matters it's your soul it's not your appearance that matters it's being kind to people you know just suffer in silence and you'll be fine a lot of dogmatic christian ideas that have crept into and shaped our our culture i would say more specifically christianity has shaped the way our culture perceives itself the excuses it makes for itself and these guys are going to stand up and say no look it's all [ __ ] women really do choose men based on their appearance not because of uh their soul they don't weigh their soul in a uh in a scale against a feather or what have you and of course they also want to insist on the corrupting effect that money education political status and and these things have in the same competition for who does and who does not have to suffer with simply being shunned and alone and if you you know if an indian guy came up to you in the bar or in the club would you consider dating him yeah yeah no you don't like indian guys no what's the reason for that my most fundamental and most useful complaint against the black pill worldview is that this analysis although partly true is inadequate that these two quantitative measures these two scales ranking you from one to ten on how attractive you are and how much money you have that those are not the only scales these are not the only measurements these are not the only qualitative factors that can be thought of quantitatively now every incel i've spoken to about this and i've spoken to several at this point over the internet they get very uncomfortable when you start talking about intelligence and you know you have to invite them to think about how they would feel if positions were reversed don't you think women care about how intelligent you are that you speak in an intelligent way you know a man might be very attractive and very athletic but when he speaks he sounds like an imbecile and it's interesting to me a statement as simple as this they get very uncomfortable they get very defensive i think they're aware that this challenges their world view and it challenges it in a way that would compel them to be less lazy and self-indulgent obviously one aspect of the black pill is a fatalistic resignation the idea that there is very little that they can do to help themselves as soon as we add a spectrum for intelligence from one to ten there's the notion that they could work hard to be more intelligent and that this would have positive outcomes in their life including their love life including their sex life that they could become a more sophisticated person right and sophistication that involves intelligence it involves knowledge what you do with your intelligence how you accumulate expertise over time and it also involves cultural factors their contraries haven't been going through centuries of harsh genetic competition neither so they can't easily get a life through arranged marriage but they can't compete in global data marketplace neither they're in a brutal brutal situation your spouse is from your same family yes this is one of a number of clinics here in doha where couples come for pre-marital testing now doctors hope that the procedure which is now law will go some way towards lessening the high rates of hereditary and genetic diseases associated with intermarriage both here in qatar and the wider middle east now again some of the things these guys are complaining about are reasonable to complain about yes they're going to have to grow up they're going to have to you know adopt a more mature attitude worth it but it is reasonable for them to complain that at the first stages of initiating a relationship with a stranger very often a woman shows interest in a man a woman is willing to talk to a man a woman starts asking a man questions about his life where you come from what you do for a living a woman arranges to have coffee with a man just because of his appearance and i myself have been one of the beneficiaries of this my whole life and i i very often experience it as an unwanted intrusion into my life it can be it can be very obtrusive and disturbing to have women flirting with you and women trying to ask personal questions about you and trying to get a date with you when you know i don't know you're just shoe shopping you're trying to buy shoes and you're not trying to pick up women and you're not trying to be picked up by them so i know and some of you in my audience you may think i'm horrendously ugly well guess what you know that is my experience in life and i'm aware that a lot of the guys in the black pill in cell side of the ledger they are saying that they resent deeply that they are at such a stark disadvantage when they look at the process of human beings making friends making connections and meeting lovers at that first shallowest stage of one person showing interest in another and then being willing to talk to another being willing to get to know someone else being willing to give someone else a chance but as soon as we add this further quantitative measurement of intelligence then we can start thinking about then we can start talking about the situations in which a woman is interested in a man not because of his appearance but because he seems to have a sophisticated and well-informed opinion about something she is also interested in herself [Music] [Music] for many of you in the audience you're going to be thinking what's the big deal why why is this the major thesis of this video why is this worth debating why is this worth contemplating well if you're thinking that it's because you are not an incel and you are not a black pill in cell they always respond to this with extreme hostility and i i can't even call it skepticism it's more like denialism they want to insist that no woman anywhere in the history of the world has ever taken an interest in a man because of his intellectual sophistication and guys i'm sorry you are only able to deceive yourself this way because you spend all your time playing video games because you spend all your time watching anime because you're not out in the real world developing intellectual sophistication putting yourself into situations where you would see that happening between men and women you'd also see it happening with gay men and lesbian women and other combinations of of genders but we're having a largely heterosexual discussion here today as it so happens i remember meeting an unbelievably gorgeous woman she is one of the most beautiful women i've ever talked to in my life and uh she started getting really interested in me okay i'm understating it she was asking to meet up with me what's the most delicate way i can put this because unexpectedly i had a well-read well-informed sophisticated opinion about an intellectual topic she cared about like she came up to me to talk to me about something completely different completely unrelated and then she mentioned oh you know i'm working on this and you could tell from a way of talking about it this is like an area of research she was engaged in where like her parents don't know what it is and think it's boring probably her brothers if she has any or her other friends all have no interest in this and no knowledge of it and all of a sudden i'm like oh really yeah and i start talking to her i'm in i'm incredibly well read in that topic and i have a sophisticated opinion on it okay guys that is normal that is normal but it seems abnormal to you because you don't have those kinds of experiences and you haven't developed yourselves intellectually so that there's any one field let alone dozens of different fields in which you can state a sophisticated intelligent opinion that way and then see that kind of response from a woman this is the fundamental point that none of the in-cells want to accept and it has a complex cause and effect relationship with how and why they became in cells in the first place they will be flabbergasted they will be taken aback at the suggestion that the way for them to escape from their end seldom the way for them to ascend is to actually cultivate intellectual and moral characteristics to come to be seen as a sophisticated person with highly intelligent well-informed opinions it is fundamentally not what they want to hear it's fundamentally something they refuse to hear they would rather hear that they have no choice but to get plastic surgery they have no choice but to use steroids and try to get enormous muscles they'll be willing to hear any advice other than this but what i'm saying is improving your intelligence improving your sophistication is the only chance you've got now i could expand this video by about an hour if i digress to deal with are misconceptions about the meaning of the word intelligence itself people think incorrectly that intelligence is an innate hereditary characteristic that you're just born smart or you're born dumb and that's it game over most people in our culture think about intelligence the same way that incels think about facial bone structure and height and masculinity and the characteristics that attract women so in a sense there's no point in expanding the analysis of human sexual attraction and adding intelligence if we don't also start to think in a new 21st century way about what intelligence is how we cultivate it how we improve it deepen it expand it and so on and not just in our school days guys as life goes on year after year decade after decade through hard work through a process of learning and self-improvement that never stops i am not joking when i say your looks are your vocational credentials it is all about how you look have other people perceive you because that's gonna have a crucial impact on your social circle your likability your personal skills and many more according to studies good looking people are considered to be funnier kinder and more competent even if they aren't like literally at every turn your looks is gonna play a very important role from my perspective this is the death of the black pill philosophy this is where it reaches its limit this is where it ends this is where people will break away from it and take on new directions in their lives because as soon as you recognize that you can ascend by reaching higher and higher levels of intelligence higher and higher levels of cultural sophistication and that is going to give you a more meaningful life a better life better friends better colleagues and ultimately better sexual partners a better wife if that's what you're going for i know maybe you want a plural marriage whatever it is you're into as soon as you recognize that that is made possible through the cultivation of those mental and moral characteristics now you have to look back at what you did with the last 10 years of your life and realize the extent to which your status as a black pill in cell is your own fault you can no longer blame the color of your skin you can no longer blame the shape of your face or your height or at least not to the same extent you did before now you have to admit to yourself that if you have been spending your time pressing against the upper limits of what you were intellectually capable of if you were really becoming a better person mentally and morally instead of playing video games instead of watching anime instead of watching sports on tv whatever your vices may be you would be in a different position today in relation to women yes and also in relation to your potential to change the history of the world to in some way make the world a better place you may not believe me guys but ultimately that's what chicks dig a man who can make the world a better place even if he's a little bit ugly that's very attractive indeed [Music]