Vegans vs. Gerson Therapy (Unnatural Vegan is Still Right)

19 September 2016 [link youtube]

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by donating money to this cause you are
supporting quack therapy that kills people you are supporting a treatment center that preys off of people's desperation and their fear of surgery medication chemotherapy and radiation so what is the truth about the Gerson Therapy you may be asking well the truth is um the Gerson Therapy themselves will never tell you the truth because if they do then that person amount of business and quite frankly the truth is doesn't work changing your diet to start ingesting the I think it's likely 13 pounds worth of fruit and vegetables you need a day even juiced is incredibly unhealthy taking the six coffee enemas a day that will a give you a really good chance to end up killing you and deep by dehydration caused massive problems by taking loads of potassium out of you and be doing potentially so much damage to your colon that you lose control of it meaning that you will be put on a colostomy bag that is that is what essentially the truth is about the Gerson Therapy it is dangerous it calms people into thinking that they somehow have this hope when there is no hope Gerson Therapy really has nothing to do with veganism Gerson Therapy is a cancer treatment protocol and it's a rare case of a controversial topic on which I can recommend you see the Wikipedia article the Wikipedia article on max Gerson the inventor of this therapy is remarkably robust well sighted and factual you can't you can't consult Wikipedia for anything about Cambodia anything about Buddhism anything about Canadian politics even Wikipedia can't handle the wikipedia has a remarkable denunciation of Gerson Therapy and the reasons why it's not approved for use in the United States other important facts about this this approach to cancer therapy you can get straight at a Wikipedia with with no problem at all and like anything else there are people on the internet who defend Gerson Therapy there are people on the Internet you defend it literally with their dying breaths and there are people who bitterly condemned it for killing their loved ones or giving their loved ones false hope when their loved ones were trying to get legitimate treatment for their disease and instead only got worse and worse thanks to this very expensive and at least shall we say unproven approach against the therapy I think it's rather sad that a natural vegan is receiving so much criticism for having taken a stand on this issue and I think it relates to a larger question or a larger issue of having guts of taking risks when you're gonna talk about politics I guess even if you're gonna talk about questions of health and nutrition you're on youtube I actually sent a natural vegan fan mail when she first made that video or when I first saw it I think I saw the time it came out because I respected the risk she had taken I really understood immediately how controversial would be how bitterly she would be hated for making her statement on Gerson Therapy and I knew that there would be people attached to particular patients people who who died or people who tried to you know get treatment in their dying days through the the Gerson Treatment Center I either people here for that reason I could immediately imagine a bunch of different angles from which she would catch heat or she would be despised or ridiculed for having taken a stand on this I saw a comment from someone who claims to be a personal friend a relative of of Jennifer Lucy one particular woman who spent her dying days seeking out this treatment and actually raising money so she could get this dream she could afford this treatment and one of the you know statements in passing there from someone who's apparently a relative or friend of someone who got this treatment said well I don't care at all if this treatment is just a placebo effect you know it made my made my loved one happy so I don't care in the if the effect is merely a placebo well there are some people in the world who care passionately whether or not it's a placebo effect there are some of us for whom it is actually of crucial importance whether or not this is a placebo effect or whether this is legitimate medicine and for whom for some of us that's that's really a life-or-death matter because ultimately it does relate to whether or not other people getting that treatment live or die and I understand you're gonna be perceived as Cavalier insensitive offensive in the extreme that you're gonna hurt people's feelings if you come out and make a stand as a natural vegan did and saying no this is not legitimate science there's a good reason in this case why the different American government authorities do not approve this treatment and there are some other channels there's one nail called a bowler hat man of videos really delving into the history of how this treatment even came about Boulevard Man has videos he read the original book that this treatment is based on the book by max Gerson that first proposed these ideas the original case studies of people allegedly being cured or improving because of this treatment and and so on it's no laughing matter but for me I mean the broader question is really one of having guts of taking risks I've very often put up videos on a topic within veganism and then I search YouTube to see who else has made a video on the topic because I think they're major important issues and I can't find anything as a huge number of videos about a certain boyfriend and breaking up with his girlfriend within veganism right now there's a huge number videos about my own divorce my divorce happened three years ago and there's nothing interesting or setting about it but a lot of people want to talk about that now of course that's shallow and that's caddy and that's gossip but it's also safe you know you're not really taking a risk by gossiping about another vegan sex life you're also not really making any contribution to the future of the movement or the progress the progress of science shall we say or what have you when I made the videos criticizing Sam Harris you know it's taking at risk and people hated me for that there there are organized fans of Sam Harris Sam Harris has continued to take a kind of wishy-washy position on veganism and vegetarianism he seems to change his position every few months and at some points he's been kind of openly anti-vegan saying that he tried it but just couldn't do it and at other points he said he's trying again or what-have-you sam Harris is I think the kind of high profile figure who really deserves criticism perhaps encouragement whatever reserves a response from vegan voices on YouTube and I see him just not getting it but yeah that there is an element of risk there I think there are still people watching this video today there are people who are regular viewers of mine who discovered this channel because of my criticism of Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky is a huge number of fans the internet organized fans if you're gonna come out and criticize Noam Chomsky as I did for what he has to say about veganism and animal rights you're gonna get a considerable amount of heat of criticism of negative response for daring to say that this incident with Gerson Therapy with unnatural vegan taking senators therapy at the only time I can really remember her taking a stand that way of taking a risk and I wish she'd do more of it but yeah I think if you're gonna come out and talk about anything meaningful and really important within veganism within vegan politics there is an element of risk and I think it's sad to see someone like a natural vegan being punished for having taken that risk on something that is of profound importance to her it's not important everyone I just quoted this one person says they don't care in the least whether this is a placebo effect or it's a real medicinal effect well for some of us that's extremely important that's the meaning of life that's a matter of life and death that's a matter of science versus pseudoscience or whatever it's it's to some people that's that's incredibly important and I have to ask you guys to sympathize the natural vegan to an extent even if a natural vegan were wrong and if you read that Wikipedia article I think you'll be convinced that she's not gone I think you have to sympathize with her perspective because from her perspective she is opposing a dangerous form of pseudoscience that actually costs human lives that gives false hope to the sick that takes money away from people who probably don't have that money to spare and that ultimately does result in deaths for people I've asked that kind of question before on the many videos on this channel about vivisection again a risky topic why doesn't a natural vegan address that I'd love it if other people would take these risks and really talk about the other section the use of animals and medical sciences there are so many issues where I feel like I'm the only person willing to take that risk and people do hate me because I spoke about vivisection within within veganism um I asked you to sympathize the scientist even if that scientist is wrong if you were a scientist who really believed you were doing important research finding the cure for cancer but finding that cure for cancer involved killing animals in a world where the other people working in that laboratory are probably wearing leather shoes everyday leather shoes kill animals and don't find a cure for cancer don't make the world a better place in any way whatsoever etc etc I think you can sympathize even if the scientist is wrong even if his research turns out to be worthless and useless and discovers nothing I think you can still sympathize with the perspective that leads him or Houdon to make that choice to commit to torturing animals to death in a laboratory because something is so important it certainly should be much easier for us to sympathise with someone like a natural vegan being a bit insensitive being a bit crass being a bit of a jerk but to do so on a topic that is of such tremendous importance to her from her perspective many of you see this as lacking compassion even those of you who acknowledge that gearson therapy is [ __ ] you believe that to deny a dying woman her final wish to die in peace and comfort is just cruel you aren't giving money to help Jen when you donate you are giving money to quack therapy and con men who are preying on Jen these people will use your money to advertise their services to more victims after they've finished with Jen only luring away more people from legitimate medical treatment and to their deaths a vadas yen