Disorganized Religion: Self-Selected Belief Systems (e.g. "The Law of Attraction").

23 October 2018 [link youtube]

Guest starring (1) Kristen Leo and (2) Bonny Rebecca (links ensue).

(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY59N0kFl5s

(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9JfxVoFzm4


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Youtube Automatic Transcription

people imagine they are most free when
they believe not in religion but in science and the tragedy is that it's one you've come to regard your own religious views as science that you are the least free of all money and the law of attraction is hidden behind the law of attraction idea is that your thoughts control everything a lot good thoughts create everything in your life so whatever you're in today wherever you are today what have you doing today that has been created through your thought process and I 100% agree with this because according to the law of attraction if something bad happens to you you've attracted that as well because you're not just attracting the good you're also attracting the bad and I think that that is very unhealthy to obviously blame yourself for anything bad that happens to you and think that I manifested that or even worse to look at other people and their misfortunes and think that they attracted that so obviously they deserved it or whatever and that's what actually gets you know brought to you in real life is the lack of things rather than the abundance of things so it's a it's a it's a hard thing to get your heart hair around and it's even more hard to actually put it into practice because you'll find yourself often thinking about things from a place of lack rather than a place of abundance and that's the hardest thing in the law of attraction you have to feel as though you already have it before you have it and that is the trick one thing that I have noticed that is very common with everyone that talks about the law of attraction and the law of manifestation and that you know anything that you think you can bring it to life and and attract it whether that's a positive or a negative thing what you think about comes about whether you want it or not what I've noticed that what all those people have in common is youth and attractiveness and being born in a privilege if you want abundance of money you have to feel like you already have abundance of money if you ask for something you'll receive it have to be free we do money you have to be Stressless because if you are spending your money thinking oh my god I don't have enough to do so my god how am I gonna pay my next bill and that's how I used to live literally I used to be so worried about spending my money and I just always felt so tight with it and it wasn't until I started to become way more relaxed with it money started to flow to me if you don't have the privilege to have whatever you ask for then there is a good chance you're not gonna get what you're gonna ask for for example you could be you know really want some like-minded friends you really want some more money you really want to lose some weight you really want to do well at school all these things and rather than actually using the law of attraction we end up scaring the law or scaring it away we end up stressing about it we end up over thinking about it but thinking about it in a negative light thinking about it from a place of lack for example you might you know get up every day and be like I don't have any friends like me and no one gets me and no one understands me and I just really wish I had friends like this and I don't know why it's so hard and did it an all day the whole story that you're telling yourself is that you you want you one better friends or you want more Lackland like-minded friends but the vibration that you're putting out into the universe is quite opposite you're coming from a place of lack it life isn't fair not all people on this planet have the same privilege have the same look and have the same experience on this earth and it has so much to do with things that are completely not in our control I honestly do believe that our thoughts are everything because that's all there is you know what I mean like the law of attraction has to work because there's no other sense behind why things happen to us and how things happen to us and it's kind of like a similar thing to calm I totally believe in comma and and even if this is a whole bunch of there it can be nothing possibly bad that comes out of this a bonus Yin truth be told I had twenty different ideas around my head that I was really passionate about including in this video on my walk home from the gym today and I mean now I don't know I think we're gonna Whittle it down to just one or two most people contrast in their own minds the evils of organized religion to the virtues of disorganized religion and of course they won't refer to it as disorganized religion they'll use some more flattering term like spirituality or seeking and what I really want to warn you about in this video is that disorganized religion can be even more damaging I think that people in the 21st century can more easily see the victims of organized religion they can see piles of corpses they can quickly google it and look back on centuries of mass murder or genocide and just really bizarre cultural practices rituals strange forms of violence and insane ridiculous supernatural beliefs that in the past you know obviously your local priest or a mom would not draw your attention to in history of the religion even if information about the history might be hidden away on a book on a bookshelf somewhere if you weren't seeking it out if you weren't actively doing independent research you wouldn't learn about those things so just a few decades ago when I was a child I think you could say that the facade of organized religion was more convincing and now in 2018 that facade is less convincing than ever and people can more easily begin to question and discredit what organized religion has to offer and they can recognize the dangers but disorganized religion self-styled self-guided spirituality I think it impacts people's lives in a very negative way that they may have a great deal of difficulty perceiving themselves and religious views from my perspective may not always be considered a religion by those who believe in the most they may even regard their own religious views as science so I've met and spoken to young men who believed in social Darwinist evolutionary psychology men who believed this kind of narrative about humans being formed by competition for resources competition for dominance and competition for mating and sorry in German there's a there's a saying veedu de Velde and shouts so shows c-diff Vida ran though as you look upon the world so the world looks back upon you so the world seems to you there's this very scary thing where people who believe in participate in these notions what they perceive and what they fail to perceive in the world no not in the sense that they're going to walk down the street and bump into a flagpole that they hate that they didn't see because they have these beliefs but the opportunities they perceive in life and the opportunities they fail to perceive what they find value in and what they find worthless in profound and subtle ways it really does shape the way you see the world and you can imagine if a young man grows up with and clings to that kind of notion about evolutionary psychology that's above all else going to shape the way he interacts with members of the opposite sex assuming is heterosexual it's gonna shape the way he forms relationships and the way he ends relationships and the way he pursues women and how he treats them once he pursues them it may also you know influences his competitive behavior at the office but it may have all kinds of other of other impacts and once he believes in this even though he has no priest he has no church he has no temple he has no Imam he no one's leading him and he's not following anyone and from his perspective he doesn't believe in anything from his perspective he's merely more aware of a self-selected group of scientific facts then then some other people are you know this religion is all the more corrupting in his life precisely because he fails to perceive it with enough detachment to see that it is a religion now if you watch my channel regularly you may know that my father had nine children and my father at different times of his life believed in different ideologies he had a Christian period of his life and during that Christian period he gave his son's Christian names they get one daughter during that period also but not sure where she falls in that that schedule he might not have named her actually sometimes the mothers had a say in the naming so the the that period of his life he was already a left-wing extremist but he was a Christian left-wing extremist and during the time when I knew my father decades later obviously I knew him as a relatively old man because I was the youngest of his nine children I remember once we were in the gift shop on a the ground floor of a museum and I was a fully grown adult by there's some young adult but I was an adult and I pointed to two different gifts that were in this gift shop and they were well priced they were not expensive at all and I said you know Joel my brother Joel he'd really appreciate that you know if you pick that up for him and I pointed out there a couple things that you know Adam you know one of my other brothers there's you know some of this and I remember my father just sugar said and said no no no gifts I don't do gifts I don't do gifts for any of my children no to gifts or any of my son somewhat bizarre thing to say and I really stuck with it and kind of cross-examined this is it look I don't care I'm the kinda guy I don't care if you bought me anything you bought me no I'm not like that but I'm telling you something my brother Joel especially if you bought this gift for him this is really the kind of thing he responds to it's kind of little cultural artifact and he would really appreciate that when you were here you thought of him at this museum that you brought it from this place and I said to him I wanted to deal I said look you don't have to give it to him now you don't have to mail it to him you can just hold on to it until the next time you see him whether that's at his birthday or Christmas or whatever it happens to be but just have it in your back pocket so you have a gift to give him the next time you happen to see him you know why don't you this gonna take you five minutes you know we're standing here together next to this gift shop why don't you do it why don't you why'd you pick it up and you know my father is refusal to do this fit into his own self selected set of scientistic factoids that he put together all my life I heard from my father that in nature the male parent has no relationship with Joran and of course you would you would choose the examples he mentioned some species of mammal or another where the only role that the the father had was to impregnate the female and then walk away and even as a child I knew counter-examples I remember being up meteos eight years old maybe ten years older someone that I came over seen to him but you know I just was learning about isn't there a type of bird where they mate for life stay together forever isn't that what I was reading there's one type one species of monkey where they don't pair together but then these other species of monkeys or other species of primates where they do I mean you know nature isn't like that iid even read about well there were some species of fish with Remos you know there's a species of bats there is a species of bats where the male breast feeds the child even you know um you know my father was hearing none of this my father had in his own mind over many years in many decades constructed a pseudoscience a pseudoscience constructed out of genuine scientific anecdotes and he'd put together his own view of what human biology and human evolution was supposed to be in supposed to entail and what do you know conveniently enough this excused him from feeling any guilt over the fact that he had nine children and in my opinion he wasn't really a father to any of us - some more than others to be sure but he was either a terrible parent or no parent at all - all these nine kids yet so I don't know if he was imagining himself as an alpha wolf or as you know so which would be which were the examples from nature that he had drawn and again I mention this because this this it's not science and the way he carries it with him and what he perceives and fails to perceive in the world around him it runs so deep that that was why standing there in that gift shop there was this absolute refusal to pick up a gift for one or two of his own sons you know as I'd suggested who knows but I mean in a sense I mean it really is like I don't know the the refusal to to drink alcohol if you're Muslim or something they were refused 'el to do something that maybe just symbolically indicates that you're questioning the religion like if he lets in some weakness here if he admits that there is supposed to be some sort of relationship and some sort of responsibility maybe he starts to question other elements of the faith and it all comes it all comes crashing down I had a viewer a longtime viewer the channel right into me describing how my own videos on meditation had led to him profoundly changing his life because he had been up until he found my youtube channel he had been a true believer in meditation and putting many many hours into meditation I was just talking they're really having a Socratic dialogue just a few minutes ago now with someone over the internet on a vegan discussion forum and I was trying to get him to question these are two different people his belief in meditation and his belief in meditation was partly scientistic and partly religious in traditional but the irony is whether we're talking about meditation or the theory of evolution evolution being weaponized into a Darwinian Darwinian theory of social hierarchy and social competition these different social theories scientific theories people imagine they are most free when they believe not in religion but in science and the tragedy is that it's one you've come to regard your own religious views as science that you're the least free of all in the same sense that a Christian creationist will insist to you that what he or she believes is not religion but his science in the same way that a Holocaust denier will claim that their views are based on scientific evidence in the same way people come to put together these air SATs religions without having any temple or any imam perhaps without even having a god to pray to and these are the ties that bind they end up shaping how you perceive the world what opportunities you see and don't see and above all else I think they do shape the most intimate relationships in your life whether it's the women you love or relationships of father to son I think they they shaped them I think they shaped them irrevocably [Music] evolution