Is Reducetarianism Retarded, Or Is It Just Me?

16 August 2018 [link youtube]

Vegan Gains vs. Unnatural Vegan vs. Brian Kateman.

#vegan #reducetarian #kalel

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you can change the world by ordering a
smaller steak but once more steeped in the great contest of wits between vegan gains and unnatural vegan to try to determine who is more mentally disabled it has come to a contest over the meaning and moral significance of the reduce Italian movement and in this contest Swayze a natural vegan tries to make reduce at Arianism seem as intelligent and reasonable as possible while vegan gains Richard represents reduce at Arianism as incredibly stupid who's right and why do our conclusions matter well they're both wrong reduce eteri anism is much much more stupid than vegan gains has told you I'm sorry that he's been misleading you in this way but if we're going to start to understand this unbelievably idiotic digression from the history and progress of the vegan movement we have to start with the legendary lecture from Brian Kate Minh that kicked off this whole phenomenon this is to reduce at arianism with a communist manifesto is the communism with its rousing battle cry that you yes you can make the world a better place by eating a smaller steak and I can only imagine that this is in a Star Trek fantasy universe where through genetic engineering we've come up with smaller cows I don't know do you think it's moral or ecological progress if people eat steak from a veal calf from a younger cow that's smaller than a fully grown if they eat a steak from a cow as opposed to a fully grown bull or steer just what how could anyone be stupid enough to seriously found a new movement at a counter movement to veganism an alternative to veganism on the premise that you can save the planet you can make the world a better place by eating a smaller steak here is that argument in its original context it's only two minutes long if you're a sincere ethical vegan this is gonna feel like the longest two minutes of your life ladies and gentlemen Brian Caitlin and this used to happen to me all the time my friends and family knew that I was a vegetarian and once in a while we would go out to eat I'd order bacon with my eggs and pancakes and they would literally catch me in the act red-handed eating a slice of bacon do you know what it's like for a Jewish vegetarian to be caught eating bacon that is a double whammy no one wants to experience with their morning coffee so look what I think this means is that even though we know it would be better more healthy and environmentally friendly if everyone just stopped eating meat this is an ideal a romantic ideal that we have been unable to achieve we can learn a lot from vegans and vegetarians who have so admirably reduced their meat consumption that they effectively eat none at all but vegans and vegetarians can also learn a great deal from those who simply strive to eat less meat in many ways the use of categorical imperatives that we must never eat meat has put vegans and vegetarians and those who simply strive to eat less meat in a boxing match for moral superiority it's exhausting and as the data suggests largely unproductive it is my hope that we can leverage reduce Italian a positive and inclusive term of moral worth to encourage ourselves and others to eat less meat improving the health improving our health and the environment and making a lot of animals very happy in the process it starts with us all of us to encourage ourselves and others to simply eat less meat so this is my message to you consider eating less meat this week and be a reducer terian you can change the world by ordering a smaller steak I listen to this clip at least 10 times in preparing this video and you know the part I find most slippery and difficult to follow and disturbing is when he says he says so graciously that the meat eaters have a lot to learn from vegans and vegetarians but that vegans and vegetarians reciprocally have quote a lot to learn from us what really does he say after that what what direction does he take it in you you just saw it you just saw it ten seconds ago but can you remember what his point was what was it that vegans had to learn with all due humility from the omnivores of the planet he makes a segue after showing you an image of boxers in the boxing ring to saying in effect the problem with veganism is that it's based on the idea of being morally right and it's exhausting it's exhausting it's exhausting that's his [ __ ] excuse for phoning this Kelter movement to veganism not that veganism is wrong not that it can be improved upon and it can this whole channel we have hundreds of videos exploring ways to improve the vegan movement no no no that the base concept of being morally right of doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do is exhausting and this comes from someone who admits to you that although he was born Jewish and chose to become vegetarian he never had the personal integrity self-discipline or moral fiber to stop eating bacon for breakfast I'm vegan I've got a lot of problems in my life being exhausted is not one of them and feeling like morally I mean the right is not exhausting to me it's tremendously reassuring to live in a world where there's such an unbelievably gruesome spectacle of slaughterhouse footage in front of your face every day a world a society a civilization that in my case as a Canadian is built on genocide nothing I can do about that built on your tax dollars going to pay for wars you probably disapprove of nothing I can do about that long list of unbelievably revolting tear-jerking ethical problems I can do nothing about and you know what here's one here's one I could do something about every day without having the kind of power and privilege that this same guy Ryan Kate Minh has written all over his resume all over his CV that you can look up and read in the internet right now because you know it's not the fact that he's born and raised Jewish that matters here in case you hadn't guessed something I have in common with Bryan Kate Minh this guy went straight out of his university degree even while he was still in university in two elite level positions in the most well-funded bureaucratically powerful side of the ecological movement within ecology the whole world of people who want to make a positive difference from the grandmothers who donate a few dollars to Greenpeace to the pathetic penny-pinching people who try to you know take the little slivers left over from their bars of soap and mush them into a new bigger borrow of soap and who reused their their shopping bags for that puny tiny difference this guy is sitting on the top of the pyramid in terms of power and privilege and influence specifically in ecology and that's been his whole career not even since he finished college while he was still in college he was handed this and he cannot find the personal integrity to live up to his own convictions on this on just refusing to eat bacon for breakfast as he says in the full lecture his only reason he has no other reason is that he likes the taste and you know what they say the proof is in the pudding just looking at this guy walking back and forth on stage I don't know if I believe that I don't know if I believe that what this guy is addicted to is food just looking at this guy I have met a lot of people who we and French would call goon Indies I I have difficulty believing that of all the compulsive disorders this guy may have compulsive overeating I do not think is one of them I'm not a vegan well you can safely take a deep sigh of relief knowing that I am a carnivore just like you animals are not treated very well they're not and they are incredibly smart and experience pain just like us so as we look into the eyes of this very adorable baby pig we have to ask ourselves why do over 90% of Americans continue to eat meat bacon bacon is the reason we need for many the mere smell of bacon in the morning that crispy crunchy texture that savory salty taste my friends and family knew that I was a vegetarian and once in a while we would go out to eat I'd order bacon with my eggs and pancakes and they would literally catch me in the act red-handed eating a slice of bacon tell you this with sincerity not striking a pose I really don't like the fact that vegan gains and frame this debate by insulting a natural vegan calling her an inbred [ __ ] I really don't like that I really don't appreciate and it's not like I can say some of my best friends are inbred or some my best friends were mean I just got to tell you I don't like it the reality is I feel very fortunate that even within my own family I kind of won the genetic lottery I have brothers who were born really seriously mentally incapacitated I have one brother who was born so severely [ __ ] that he has never said a sentence in any language and I've been born with the capacity to travel all over the world and study so many languages and lived this wonderful life I've lived I have another brother of course it's much less severe but he was just born with dyslexia again ultimately a language impairment and impairment in the language side of your brain and I see the way that's totally I don't know shaped the development of his character his career and life okay mental disability is real and most of the time it's no laughing matter and it shouldn't be used as a caddy insult and it's very strange to me to hear someone who's so openly shares with the world on YouTube his own list of symptoms of serious cognitive impairment insulting unnatural vegan by saying that she is also somehow cognitively impaired somehow learning to say book I mean Richard Richard does not have a diagnosis Richard vegan gains okay anyone could just go through the videos in which you list off these really really serious signs of dementia hallucination depression that's not the whole list it's not just possible that Richard has a mental disability I think if anyone just sat down and kept a tally of the symptoms he's listening on I think any reasonable person with him yes in some sense in some sense whatever the diagnosis maybe Richard Burgess vegan gains obviously has some kind of cognitive dysfunctions some kind of impairment and you know the person on the other side of this debate it gives me absolutely no joy to say it but I am of the opinion also that unnatural vegan has some kind of learning disability after years of interactions with her years of watching her on YouTube and you know I wish her the best so the truth is my brother my brother who had dyslexia the real problem wasn't the dyslexia itself it was the excuse it gave him I've met other people to other people who had dyslexia and worked very hard to overcome that disadvantage to get PhDs in two very different fields and one of them he really was a severe or extreme dyslexic he didn't just have slight dyslexia and he sat down and talked with me at length about the symptoms of the disorder and how it changes she how it shaped his law he talked about his period being in the American military and the Navy and how you know it really did slow down him getting to a level where he could get a university or he got got a PhD in English literature in the end but he talked through the type of hard work and education he embraced to overcome or compensate for this this disability so we're all born with different advantages and different disadvantages in the world and you know in some ways the greatest gift is having that that motivation right the motivation to as I say you know do the right thing just because it's it's the right thing to do I mean when he was he was literally you know sitting around in a submarine with the US Navy and you know putting in long hard hours memorizing poems and then reading the back challenging that part of his brain to get better at recognizing and remember words and language going through these kinds of exercises over years and years and he probably didn't know what the outcome would be probably didn't know for sure if any good would come from it right but he did it for his own improvement and because it was the right thing to do okay and that is the ultimate reason why we have to reject reduce at Arianism okay because we don't just do this for the animals we don't just do it for ecology we do it because of the type of person we aspire to be or become and it doesn't just happen overnight but yeah you put in years of hard work and that little bit of discipline to not order bacon and to read the fine print on a label check things here and there it becomes second nature even becomes gratifying and pleasant and enjoyable and it's something you can feel positively about not ashamed of it's like you feel proud of it's your little tiny contribution to making the world a better place globally but within your own life it's a discipline that massively improves who you are as a person look guys I'm a pretty self disciplined person okay I probably could choose to use cocaine four times a year and never become an addict and probably I would never have any brain damage that was visible to an employer like I think is a scientific fact it would cause brain damage but whether or not that's detectable or perceptible or actually gets in the way of my job okay why don't I do that why don't I take the attitude that Brian Kaman has Brian Kaman who apparently finds bacon for breakfast as irresistible as a crackhead finds a fresh vial of cocaine if that is his problem if he's being on the level here because I don't really know I choose not to be a reducer terian in relation to to cocaine I'm not asking you or my brothers or sisters or sons or daughters I'm not asking other people around me to merely reduce and be moderate in the amount of cocaine they use I'm asking them to use none at all because ultimately I'm not asking that for the sake of the plants or the ecology or any external variable I'm inviting you to do that because of who I think you should aspire to be what it means to be a good person and what it means to be a good person in this society in every society every historical period has these hard minimum standards of dignity and indignity of justice and injustice if you'll want to use that kind of language fine okay there is a fear of using labels about permanent any I understand a natural vegan saying oh well wouldn't it be better if we just don't have any labels if you don't if you don't get caught up on the labels okay but the label we're never going to get away from here is two letters long it's me it's Who am I okay and my sir to that question has myriad little traceable impacts from the decisions I make every day from the books I read and the push-ups I do and all the habits and distractions I refuse to engage in because of the person I want to be and the vegan movement is not just for athletes it's not just for brilliant people it's not just for people with I don't know like Brian Kaman who led an Ivy League education and went into elite positions in ecological ecological bureaucracy you know ultimately veganism is for everybody veganism is for idiots - and if you have any kind of little shred of brilliance then in a sense I think you owe it to yourself and others to set that positive example and show the world and tell the world how easy it is how difficult it is show others around you who they can be we do that every day in so many small ways when we live up to our own standards and when you don't live up to your own standards how can you possibly be a political leader asking others to live up okay does it matter is this just a question of academic definitions it matters right now the number of people playing video games is growing and growing the market for video game consoles is shrinking and shrinking why is that sorry I know I said this real quickly more people play video games than ever but if you're a company like Nintendo or Sega or Sony the number of people the maximum size the market for buying a video game console is smaller as well you know why this is why people have a cheaper easier and more convenient alternative they can play video games on their phone or tablet and for an 8 year old kid maybe they don't notice the difference in quality between you know a full-scale console system and and some kind of portable game I'm completely willing to admit that reduce at Arianism is a very fundamental threat to veganism as a movement it's a threat precisely because it offers something easier and more convenient catering to the same need or interest ironically the fundamental claim made by Brian Kaman was that when he rolled out this ideology you can see it in the very title of that video that he was gonna unite and unify he was going to end the battle between vegans and everyone else and the effect is the exact opposite right I've just been talking about why ok I understand when people react very defensively to veganism when I talk to people who are from a traditional religious background for whatever reason they really feel that veganism is a threat to their cultural tradition their heritage to the accumulated experiences of a thousand years I can relate to that I can sympathize and I don't deny it veganism is a threat to basic assumptions of what's gone on in almost every culture in the world for a thousand years five thousand years you name it okay people react to it as a threat because it is a threat but by the same token vegans are going to respond to the reduce it Aryan movement as a threat because it genuinely is a threat and it's a threat that is so mind-numbing Lee stupid that it can only appeal to imbeciles and eight-year-olds but in the same way that the video game corporations have to reach out and appeal to millions of in SILS and eight-year-olds we can't pretend that veganism is for some refined intellectual elite who will easily laugh off statements such as you can save the world by eating a smaller steak not everyone is laughing we have to compete also for the hearts and minds of the stupidest and the lowest and yes children teenagers everyone across all ages in the society okay reduce that arianism is a real threat to the future of the vegan movement I don't suggest making common cause with them and as harsh as Richards criticism of the reduce Italian movement is we could all be even harsher [Music] - yen