Ally Hardesty: the Deeper Issue.

05 April 2021 [link youtube]

A video that is neither about David Dobrik, nor about Durte Dom. @Ally Hardesty

#allyhardesty #onlyfans #advicenobodywantstohear

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

i was lowballing the whole college thing
like my parents were gonna make me go but i was trying to like getting out of there as quickly as possible for my high school in ohio where i graduated there was a graduation requirement you had to take a class called life management where they basically taught you how to play it safe they taught you to check the job market check the salary when you're picking your major for college so for me that was a really big attraction that drew me to community college this is a way for me to compromise with not only myself but my parents who really wanted me to go to a four-year but i think now they're happy that i didn't because it's way cheaper and my grades are a lot better than they probably would have been if i went straight to a four-year to be honest i think i probably would have dropped out don't do what you want to do do what you think is going to pay off and you're going to be able to find a stable job with which i guess it's like it's smart it's like good advice like you don't want to pick something that you can never get a job for but because of that i wanted to major in i wanted to become a dental hygienist and there's nothing wrong with that at all i but the reason why i picked that major was hey i don't have to work a ton of hours a week you can do it part-time hey you make decent money for an associate's degree hey there's a lot of available jobs for this that's how i picked my major and i thought i was so smart for this i was like oh heck yeah like this is going to be perfect i'll be out of college in a couple years you know i won't even have to get a bachelor's for this because i was lowballing the whole college thing like my parents were gonna make me go but i was trying to like getting out of there as quickly as possible this is a video i never thought in a million years i would be making right now but in a weird way i almost knew that this was coming i was going to school and reading which was like a good six hours from the city i drove like six plus hours to pick her up from the airport and where we were basically supposed to stay was at this motel with two other strippers who she was gonna be dancing there with and pretty much what got me started was i had a friend she lived out of state she was a stripper i just thought that she had the coolest job ever i was living vicariously through her every time she would tell me stories i was like that's so awesome you don't have to wake up for like 8 a.m classes you could just sleep in it was almost as if the universe was telling me i shouldn't be in school these weren't things that i was deciding to have happen on my own they were circumstances way outside of my control obviously it was my decision to actually drop out of school but i didn't foresee this happening i wasn't trying to get to this point i did genuinely try to stick it out i was kind of put in the position where it was like okay but do i stay here alone at the motel which is like really sketchy or do i go make some money with them and initially i think that i thought i could just go and watch but what i didn't know was that at this club it was 21 plus but to work there you only had to be over 18 so basically the only way that i could even stay there was if i was hired there like if i was also a dancer and i was going through a lot at this time like i'm not even going to bore you with the details but i was going through some boy drama like i had just gotten out of a couple different breakups and just feeling really down on myself and kind of like heartbroken i was just in this phase where i was like i don't even care like you know what you know what like what do i have to lose right and as you guys know i have severe adhd which makes it extremely hard for me to concentrate in school as it is and i take medication for it i take concerta the highest dose that you can get prescribed stimulant medications are far more dangerous than most practitioners and published experts seem to realize animals and humans cross addicted to methylphenidate amphetamine and cocaine these drugs affect the same three neurotransmitter systems in the same parts of the brain it should have been no surprise when nadine lambert presented data the consensus development conference attached indicating that the prescribed stimulant use in childhood predisposes the individual to cocaine abuse in young adulthood furthermore their addiction and abuse potential is based on the capacity of these drugs to drastically and permanently change brain chemistry studies of amphetamine show that short-term clinical doses produce brain cell death similar studies of this drug known as ritalin and by other trade names show long-lasting and sometimes permanent changes in the biochemistry of the brain and as you guys know i have severe adhd which makes it extremely hard for me to concentrate in school as it is and i take medication for it i take concerta the highest dose that you can get prescribed for that and with concerta you're not really supposed to drink alcohol mix other substances that sort of thing because your heart rate will go crazy like if you don't have adhd people will use this recreationally to get hot and everyone kept making fun of me because i was like 19 i'd barely drink alcohol so long island iced teas which get you messed up and i didn't know that at the time also adios like i learned a lot about honestly alcoholic beverages and i don't mean that from like a drinking standpoint but like i could be a freaking bartender because i learned so many of the drinks from doing this and they let you drink at the bar like these guys would just be buying me drinks and the guy that i sat and ate a salad with i think he ordered me ice cream too like i seriously just went down the menu and got whatever i wanted he handed me 300 for eating with him and a psychiatrist told me that i have severe anxiety and she could not believe that i had never been diagnosed with this it was amazing the next day we got our nails done you know we slept in till like the afternoon and i had money to blow like i had never been in this position before like i really could just buy whatever i kind of wanted so throughout my life as i mentioned i've always had adhd and i guess a lot of the things that i associated with my adhd were actually symptoms of anxiety as well the number of children on these drugs has continued to escalate a recent study in virginia indicated that up to 20 percent of white boys in the fifth grade were receiving stimulant drugs during the day from school officials another study from north carolina showed that 10 of children were receiving stimulant drugs at home or in school the rates for boys were not disclosed but probably exceeded 15 percent with 53 million children enrolled in school probably more than 5 million are taking stimulant drugs a recent report in the journal of the american medical association by zito and her colleagues has demonstrated a three-fold increase in the prescription of stimulants to two to four year old toddlers all stimulants impair growth not only by suppressing appetite but also by disrupting growth hormone production this poses a threat to every organ in the body including the brain during the child's growth the disruption of neurotransmitter systems adds to this threat and that's another thing a lot of these girls are on drugs but i'm not trying to like stereotype strippers because a lot of people in life in general are on drugs but yeah a lot of the customers in there are doing coke and a lot of the girls are doing coke with them this club i don't even know how they hired me like i was just some bootlegged chick off the street who had no experience like this club was nice like girls were flying out to go to this club and work there for example with my adhd it's very easy for me to forget things so i'm constantly making to-do lists and writing things down and i will get myself so anxious thinking i'm going to forget something that's anxiety or when i'm trying to focus and concentrate on something which is hard for me because of my adhd my anxiety is just worrying about all these other things i need to do and i'm going to forget about realizing that i've had anxiety my whole life has actually made a lot of sense and i can't believe i didn't realize this sooner since the early 1990s north america has turned to psychoactive drugs in unprecedented numbers for the control of children in november 1999 the u.s drug enforcement administration warned about a record six-fold increase in ritalin production between 1990 and 1995. in 1995 the international narcotics control board and agency of the world health organization deplored that 10 to 12 percent of all boys between the ages of 6 and 14 in the united states have been diagnosed as having add and are being treated with this drug commonly known as ritalin in march of 1997 the board declared quote the therapeutic use of methylphenidate is now under scrutiny by the american medical community the incb welcomes this close quote the united states uses approximately 90 percent of the world's ritalin my sling is editorial explicit material briefcase show live and stereo flow fill me