FFS, Jeff! (Lawsuit Hypocrite Jeff Nelson still supports Durianrider)

08 February 2017 [link youtube]

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one minute response to Jeff Nelson
launching a series of lawsuits against troll accounts scattered all over the world the irony from my perspective is that the first time Jeff got in touch with me when he sent me these [ __ ] emails jets whole argument was that I should not sue durianrider and my situation with durianrider was much much much more serious Jeff none of these people were trying to beat you up in the streets of chiang mai when during rider came at me it was a credible threat we were both in Chiang Mai Jeff none of these people are destroying your job prospects by [ __ ] you know by claimed by making very serious criminal and sexual allegations against you I gotta tell you Jeff the outcome of during writers defamation of me it is real in my life I do think you know when I was applying for jobs in Japan the people doing the job interviews were putting my name is at Google and what do they see I do think it's a fact you there and there's one case where I know it's a factor I have a new girlfriend when I was just meeting and getting to know my new girlfriend I talked to her parents over skype at another face to face her parents put my name is a google they said they found that thanks to them but she has two brothers I think one of her brothers put my name into Google finds this bad [ __ ] about me so you know like Jeff I do not believe anyone really thinks you're in remotely so serious the situation with this definition as I was with mine is it defamation technically speaking yes but Jeff you're a liar and a hypocrite and an [ __ ] because your whole response to me when I was a very serious situation apart from publicly insulting me ridiculing me lying about me defaming which you did to me Jeff I'd be in a position to unicore Jeff Nelson you keep a critical socket [ __ ] but your whole argument in the friendly emails you send me because some of your emails were legit friendly you were trying to convince me to drop the lawsuit against terrain writer and you know your main argument which again I respect to a limited extent I respect some extent was that you talked about how [ __ ] horrible your own past experiences were with starting lawsuits and getting involved in the court system and all this stuff so yes I could quote your emails back to you the advice you gave me when you were trying to talk me out of a lawsuit with during right I get in my case it is not even a lawsuit the word lawsuit is very vague in English in my case I'm simply pressing criminal charges that's it so it's not like a civil suit it's not that involuted or convoluted and it may engine failure everyone is innocent until proven guilty and all the time you can pay lawyers and they do the paperwork and the case is inconclusive where the judge throws it out or the judge throws a technicality or the judge just says justice is not worth serving in your case go back to Canada I wouldn't blame the thai court system for being racist against me in that sense they may well have the sentiment that the thai justice system has better things to do than sort out a pissing contest between two foreigners who don't even live in thailand i can sympathize if my case gets thrown at a court you say well i did my best i put together this case in the interest of justice in the interest of raising the standards of conduct within the so-called vegan community community that doesn't exist a movement that doesn't exist yet of trying to yes punish someone legally for taking the name of veganism and dragging it through the mud to try to punish someone legally for taking my name my name that I got to use when I hand over my CV and apply for a job my name that my girlfriend's parents put into Google yes to punish him for dragging my name through the mud and Jeff you were one hundred percent wrong in the advice you gave to me and now you're not even following that advice yourself you're starting lawsuits over complete [ __ ] where you've got nothing to win you don't have an ethical [ __ ] leg to stand on you're not trying to improve and you didn't give a [ __ ] when it mattered when it matter when everyone on YouTube was freaking out and yeah I was breaking down court cry youtube holy [ __ ] where everyone was talking about the conduct of your best buddy during writer who you still support you still repeat his defamation about me I've got a video about that not so long ago on your [ __ ] blog you know in obscene in writing of you repeating the same defamation the same sexual gives me Jeff I could take your ass to court and have a ten times better case then you've got against any of these people on YouTube I mean you are making a case out of [ __ ] were you haven't suffered there are no possible negative consequences for you you know this you know that and not only get you back during writer at a time you back him after the fact when nobody's back endearing writer emo what Jorian writer himself has admitted that he was trolling and or lying I mean Jeremiah didn't really apologize but he kind of just confesses in his stupid way oh yeah this was all bs whatever look when that car diversity started Jeff nobody thought vegan gains was gonna back me up vegan gains and durianrider were very much publicly allies and on the same page nobody was expected nobody was expecting all the people to stand up and do the right thing you did and Jeff you stayed in your seat and when you finally did stand up you were doing the wrong thing and you're still doing the wrong thing now Jeff unlike me you're at an age where you're already retired you don't have to take your CV out and apply for jobs you don't think you have any new girlfriend's whose parents are going to put your name into Google and figure out what kind of guy who I think you're past that and right Jeff correct me if I'm wrong I don't think you're out there hustling the way I'm I don't think this stuff has the kind of risk of contours of you so Jeff I want you to think about the future I want you to think about your legacy and god damn it I want you to think about the future of veganism as a movement somebody has to for [ __ ] sake Jeff somebody has to