Keeping it Real with Vegan Gains (Toronto Vegfest)… If You Play By Your Own Rules…

09 September 2019 [link youtube]

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#vegangains #veganism #torontovegfest

Youtube Automatic Transcription

well what do you mean I'm actually
trying to understand why you think it is okay to unnecessarily cause the rape-murder and exploitation of chickens I can't be able to give you an answer that you're going to accept there are three different issues to deal with here and maybe two of them are flattering towards Richard towards vegan gains and one of them is kind of unflattering so it's kind of too bad it's kind of regrettable that they're all bundle up in one package the first issue is nobody should go to a conference just to lie and be lied to nobody should go to a conference just to shake hands and say flattering pleasantries it's a waste of everyone's time at best and at worst it has really corrosive effects on society as a whole especially on academia and especially on political activism that people show up and sit on a stage behind a table like this and they pretend that they're the ones speaking truth to power but as you can see in this clip they're totally unprepared for someone from the audience speaking truth to power to them so look that's the first issue is either you're keeping it real or you're not and I have a lot of sympathy for Richard standing up and trying to do something honest and authentic and this moment this moment that transpires in the audience I'm sure it was the most memorable and most interesting moment of the whole conference for the people who were in that audience the people who were in that tent watching would have that stage it was probably a very sharp contrast to the kind of pointless meandering discussion of abstract generalities that preceded Richard standing up and demanding to know hey if these are the principles you preach if you're about animal rights why is it that you're still eating cheese and eggs why is it you're still indirectly exploiting cows and chickens hi so I believe the your name is Steph correct okay so I think the point you brought up about intersectionality was kind of interesting especially since you're vegetarian on vegan correct okay so if you like you did just mention that we should treat animals the way we treat each other so would you rape murder and exploit other people like the way you support the rape murder and exploitation of cows and chickens I don't think that's a helpful question notice you know it no it absolutely is so this is a being an event where a trying to achieve with well know what we're trying to achieve with this event is to promote veganism correct not exploitation of animals so one of your organizers theory supports the exploitation of animalism especially since she believes in intersectionality I think it's extraordinarily hypocritical for her to claim that oh well you know it's wrong to you know ray will objectify it and all that stuff but you are in fact supporting rape exploitation murder with the food your food choices we've heard your point we appreciate your point well no no no I actually like her to actually respond to the question because I think I do have a valid point sure so like I mentioned the TVA as an organization that tries to meet people wherever they are in their journey so well how many years have you been vegetarian five okay so in those five years you haven't figured out how to give up milk and eggs so we like to meet aware okay so in those five Alicia please rise and no in this final here so right so in those five years you haven't discovered how to not include milk and eggs in your diet you have not discovered how to just eat swing-off and not eat eggs and like make tofu stream instead we're all us we heard your point thank you for your point we're asking you to sit down now please okay well she hasn't answered the question why you support theme I'm sorry she didn't know she didn't she just said she was right now she just said she was on a certain point in our journey I'm asking her after five years of being vegetarian why is it that you have not been able to discover how to not unnecessarily harm exploit rape murder cows and chickens I appreciate where you are in your journey and I think everybody is at a different stage in their life you may be serene vegetarian unified way please well what do you mean I'm actually trying to understand why you think it is okay to unnecessarily cause the rape-murder and exploitation of chickens I don't know that I cannot be able to give you an answer that you're going to accept so I think the conversation between us well what do you mean an answer that I'll accept just give me an answer we don't answer to you though like you're not the authority that we have to measure our own progress yeah okay so do you believe it is morally acceptable enjoy a nice letter in real we're trying to go you have any yet do you have matter no do you have an actual you guys like to know what do you have do you have a reasonable exploitation for unless you're a hypocrite you're a hypocrite or immoral hypocrite you have no reason no you have no reason you have no reason to cause the unnecessary suffering death exploitation of animals no no no guess what no guess what guess what you know guess what the animals that you cause the unnecessary death softly exploitation of they have no choice they have they cannot run away from what you do to them you are pathetic you're running away from what I'm asking though you're running away from the truth you're trying to make money you won't even make up an excuse you're just running away Oh poo then give me give me a reason for why it's okay to cause the unnecessary soft soft ring death and exploitation of cows and chickens why is it okay so you're telling me the way I'm she was worse than how you treat animals you're saying rape murder and exploitation exactly so you're dishonest power no you're dishonest power of an immoral hypocrite especially since you talk about intersectionality this brings us the second of the three issues although I may sympathize with Richard standing up and speaking truth to power this way with Richard standing up and saying something really honest and authentic and contrast to all the other nonsense that goes on at conferences this kind the truth is if you play by your own rules you either have to play alone or you have to set up your own league you have to set up your own team Richard is not gonna be invited back to this conference obviously his way of pressing the issue here was disruptive and rude so he'll never get to attend this kind of conference again unless he's the one organizing it unless he's the one hosting it unless he's the one leading it which he should he should have started doing that five years ago where's my kid maybe it's not five years yet but I mean when I first started to him years and years ago I was asking him like okay so what are your plans over the next five years and he had absolutely no interest in being a leader in the vegan movement not even to this extent those idiots who were sitting up with that table Richard they they don't have any skills you lack it's not like they can do something you can't do if you wanted to be the one organizing people under that tent and setting the rules for discourse what was acceptable what was you know politically and otherwise you could have been doing that for three years by now all right you chose not to Richard you chose to play video games so when you show up at this conference you are a guest in someone else's house instead of being the host so they get to set the rules they get to decide who's being polite who's in flight they get to kick you out to get to exclude you and now because you're chose to play by your own rules that's where it's at obviously I can sympathize if you play by your own rules you play alone or you step up and take on that leadership role this brings us to point three on the list and it's really a shame that I have to have this in the same video I'd rather this feel relatively positive video talking about vegan gains standing up at this conference and taking a completely meaningless conference and turning him to slim meaningful that's more public part of me that's more positive story but point three is unfortunately Richard is still playing this game of demanding evidence for his own political views and the political views of others and then saying no no no you can't prove it I wish it were a meaningless example that we went through this with the connection between Richard and Cory McCarthy Richard and Tara McCarthy I publicly made videos criticizing and pointing out the extent to which Cory McCarthy and Tara McCarthy really were racists really were white supremacist I don't mean racist in the sense that they're just like prejudiced that they were actively advancing a white supremacist racist political pavment platform overtly and intentionally that was the political platform they were advancing they were advancing for example the notion that the United States and Canada should exile all black people all people of African ancestry and Tara McCarthy was asked in a Q&A session would she include vegan gains because they were friends they were publicly friends they knew each other if they she was asked if she were to kick out all the black people would she kick out her own friend Richard vegan gains and long story short her answer was yes that exiled that'll be sent back to Africa so that was their political program and Richard I presented the evidence of how racist they were on my youtube channel and also just he and I talking I remember talking him directly I remember saying to him look this is the front page of their website click on the About tab this is what it says under about how can it possibly be that you are denying that this is racist like here let's just read off explicitly what their goals are politically like if this isn't racism and racial ISM it's like and at that time on their website the website is now gone they were explicitly committed to eliminating intermarriage between the races like black people and white people marrying each other and having kids it's like Richard and their reasons for doing it were racist it's almost needless to say you know like you are gonna deny evidence this blatant when it's shown to you to your face just because it's inconvenient for you it's just not what you want to believe it's an inconvenient truth whatever and my experience with Richard is yes that's his attitude he's friends with somebody or he P maybe on some level admires Cory McCarthy as a body builder and then he just will not hear anything inconvenient you know I made a huge video so just huge in length and how much it covers I made a huge video dealing with brain damage caused by marijuana vegan gains supposedly a man of science who can appreciate peer-reviewed research that video was a stack of peer reviewed evidence about brain damage cosmic marijuana even more science has come out since then of course continues to be researched now that marijuana has been legalized what are its harmful effects in the brain Richard was completely capable of just dismissing and denying that oh all this evidences it's inconvenient not interested so I mean Richard I hope you develop some self-knowledge because that's the kind of guy you all whenever something is politically inconvenient for you whether it's someone pointing to your own political statements of the past or Cory McCarthy's political statements or something in modern medical literature scientific literature if you don't want to believe it it doesn't matter how much is presented to you you're never willing to take criticism on board in a meaningful way and respond in a meaningful way and none of those would be hard to deal with like it wouldn't be hard for you to react to oh okay this bodybuilder turns out to be a member of a white supremacist political party the reason why they'll be intellectually challenged if you deal with there's no reason why I would be challenging for you to deal with someone disagreeing with you about any of your specific your view on gun ownership or your view on black lives matter as a political movement slang why can't you deal with that in a sincere and authentic intellectual way and it's tragically parallel to what played out just now at this conference where you're talking to this woman on stage sitting on the podium sitting behind the desk up on the stage and she's just not capable of even recognizing and responding to your arguments or your question even though it should be so obvious it should be so easy for to do so so look man the moral this story ultimately is keeping it real cuts both ways talking truth to power cuts both ways it's not just about vegan gains stuffing it in other people's faces Richard you're also the target of political critique and cross-examination and even scientific and medical critique and across invitation not everything on your channel that way has been entirely accurate you've made some mistakes to say the least you're not a research scientist you're not you don't have any formal training or education in nutrition or Dietetics you've gone way outside of your area of expertise many many times does anyone else remember him attempting to interpret a coroner report after the mysterious death of a certain bodybuilder like you step way beyond your ability to interpret peer-reviewed scientific literature you take a stand like that all the time and you step way outside your area of expertise in terms of society and politics also I used to always say about Richard the problem was he was capable of really focusing and doing detailed you know research on a topic like cholesterol levels but he would just never never rise to that level of self discipline and focus when dealing with political questions whether not even if it was something as obvious as hey let's read the front page of Cory McCarthy's website let's face up to the reality of just how explicitly racist this person and their political agenda might really be [Music]