Veganism Has a Cancer Problem. @Krocks In The Kitchen @Vegan Gains

16 June 2022 [link youtube]

The book is better than the youtube video:

Seriously. #veganism #vegans #vegan

Youtube Automatic Transcription

so the crocs have a cancer diagnosis almost immediately after they made this diagnosis public they received twenty thousand dollars in donations from their supporters i think this instance i think this case study provides us with a moment to really stop and reflect on the messaging and the misinformation that the vegan movement is built on in the 21st century because the truth is veganism is not a miracle diet veganism is no more the miracle cure for cancer than it is the miracle cure for obesity cancer is a preventable illness that is caused by animal products and can be treated through a whole foods vegan diet it doesn't matter if you disagree with science because science will always be correct and it seems i was correct because pete got cancer again oh so sad and before you all start calling me a sociopath as some sort of attempt to insult me how about you consider the fact that furious pete makes fun of the suffering and death of the animals he eats on a daily basis so i don't see why i shouldn't make a joke about his suffering and death so who would like a haha you're gonna die of cancer t-shirt today i attended the funeral of my little pal lewis it was a tough one he left us at the tender age of seven and i guess that kid's louis so blah blah blah cancer is an almighty killer and i wish there was a cure for it i for one will be supporting team lewis in the future and hope you guys will too one day cancer will be a thing of the past and the memory of lewis will live on in the cure when it's found school shooting 18 kids killed wow [Music] it's pretty good usually they only get like four or five i guess i'll look into that huh [Music] that's right he's the goat have an animal that's bigger than you with horns uh just smash you oh yes [ __ ] get him get that stupid kid yes don't let him breed oh this is great oh my god that goat is [ __ ] getting him holy [ __ ] it's not the [ __ ] goat's fault what are you doing yeah i don't know how that kid isn't dead yet oh my god that's too bad yeah use your kid as a human shield good job dude as if it's the goat's fault [ __ ] those parents oh dude those goats have to uh have an uprising against those little shits kill all their children so they don't breed and then [ __ ] murder the parents in their sleep [ __ ] those people it's too bad that uh kids survive they shouldn't be allowed to reproduce there isn't any kind of central committee that decides who does and who doesn't get to become a car salesman and yet a certain kind of person ends up being recruited to become a car salesman a certain kind of behavior is rewarded once that person lands the job of becoming a car salesman and there is a cultural pattern across the united states of america around the world of what kind of person a car salesman might be have you ever worked as a car salesman have you ever even considered becoming a car salesman have you ever stopped and looked in the mirror and asked yourself do i have what it takes to become a car salesman well guess what there's no conspiracy there's no central planning there's no board of people who make the decision about who does and doesn't get to become a vegan activist who doesn't doesn't get to promote this diet and yet nevertheless a certain kind of person gets recruited and a certain kind of person gets rewarded once they put themselves in that leadership position what kind of person the kind of person who's willing to make grossly exaggerated and dishonest health claims sort of person who's willing to claim that veganism is a miracle cure for cancer that can be used for treatment of cancer once you've got cancer or that it's going to prevent you from getting cancer the sort of deeply dishonest immoral person like richard you just saw like vegan gains who's willing to claim that cancer is a preventable disease caused by meat products in the diet period quite quite a claim rich and as i warned for years we now have a movement that's been thoroughly discredited by its leaders taking its name and dragging it through the mud um what advice would you give yourself at the beginning of your whole food plant-based journey uh for you uh it would be stop judging yourself so hard yeah i was gonna say like be nice to yourself remember that you have spent x amount of years building up certain habits and it's hard to break those habits somebody commented on uh one of our instagram posts and said why are you fat if you eat a plant-based diet so like why are you so fat basically um i responded with this is my response that i gave on instagram i said we lost a ton of weight after switching to a whole food plant-based diet in 2018. we are fat now because throughout 2020 to 2021 we had a lot of ups and downs with depression and slipping back into our old eating habits that we each have formed over 30 plus years here on earth like i just mentioned uh but we refuse to give up and let the old habit those old habits win instead we continue eating plant-based and have actually been losing weight since january prior to this cancer diagnosis the crocs already were an interesting case study demonstrating what's wrong with the vegan movement and how social media makes it wronger for lack of word you know many people on the internet have the impression that vegans are tremendously attractive slender athletic demographic of people and that's because they're only looking at the most popular youtubers on the internet the most popular instagram models celebrities what have you and the irony is that distorting myopic bias it would be just as true if you were looking at carnivores there are people eating the 100 meat carnivore diet who have very impressive bodies here on youtube have very impressive bodies on instagram it seems like if that's what you google around for if that's true search for if those are the links you click on it seems like all you're looking at are tremendously attractive youthful beautiful people who eat this carnivore diet guess what every single other fad diet has enough beautiful people representing it or misrepresenting it to create this illusion i was here on youtube eight years ago saying guess what if you actually go to the animal rights conferences to meet vegan activists face to face if you actually go to more academic meetings people with phds who are coming to present papers about veganism if you meet people in any vegan forum that isn't pre-selected for the most attractive the most athletic people in the movement what you're going to notice right away is that we're not an especially good-looking group of people we're not even an especially slender or athletic group of people i said the um the vegan group at my university vegan student group and i would say it's true at any university if you go and attend they're not the best looking students at the university they're not the most athletic or the most slender or the most impressive in any way you got a bunch of real normal looking schlumels it's not a miracle diet it's not the cure to cancer and it's not even the cure for obesity and what the crocs demonstrate in their weight loss journey what they demonstrated by losing weight rapidly on veganism an early stage when it was basically for them a fad diet and then gaining the weight back again so in the man's case going from 500 pounds down to maybe 300 pounds and then up to 400 pounds again in broad brush drugs what they demonstrate is that these claims that veganism is a miracle cure for all that ails you it's just a massive distraction from the fact that the qualities you really need to lose weight and sustain a healthy lifestyle they're mental they're intellectual they're emotional their qualities of self-discipline and if you have that kind of self-discipline right you can look attractive you can have a healthy body on any diet and if you don't have those qualities if you're lacking those qualities you can't make any diet work for you now they attribute their relapsing into eating unhealthy food and unhealthy quantities of food they attribute it to depression depression means many different things to many different people and i only know what they tell me so i don't know a whole lot like most people on youtube on instagram on the internet they choose to only present to you their successes their triumphs there's a whole lot of information about the period of time which they were losing weight feeling great we're so happy and enthusiastic about the vegan diet and then there's this big gap reflecting on or explaining how or why they went back to eating animal products to eating meat dairy and eggs we don't know we just get this statement that they went back to eating the way they used to they relapsed into eating a non-vegan diet and then gained a lot of weight back right we're only kind of getting one half of the story documented and that's also what you're going to see with the success stories for the carnivore diet with the success stories for the taco diet for any other fad diet that comes or goes and i don't think any of these people intended to mislead the public i think they intended to mislead themselves i think even people who are really emotionally crippled who are dealing with depression whatever that might mean to them when they use the word they want to create an image of themselves on youtube on instagram an image that they hope will reach thousands of people and last for all time and image of themselves as highly motivated self-disciplined emotionally healthy happy people but an image of themselves that ultimately is just a lie it does have to be weird for people who pull in like you know now to our videos and pull them up and like they're like wait they're watching the first one and they're like wait now they're like you know better than they were before and it's very confusing um but like we say it's an adventure it's not a you know overnight thing um but the truth is like we have been you know honest and whatever we went back to our old eating habits that were not vegan during certain times of the last like not actually uh since this year this year we've been doing really great since january have been super super awesome whereas like over the few years before that when we were gaining weight we weren't eating plant-based 100 percent we have no balance yeah there what we'd have like oh yeah we'd have like a week or two we would do really good and then it'd be like oh everything's just back to depression and using food as a crutch and all that kind of stuff would you be vegan if you had absolutely certain knowledge that you were going to die of cancer anyway what would you say to someone what would you say to your own father or your own grandfather if you had managed to cajole them into adopting a vegan diet with a totally insincere exaggerated distorted version of the scientific claim that if they would just follow these steps you should have them if they would eat this diet assiduously everyday they would never develop cancer at all what does that accomplish do you want a movement that is comprised of people doing the right things for the wrong reasons do you want a movement that is led by leaders who are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and how are you going to feel when your father or your grandfather turns to you and says hey they've been eating this vegan diet maybe for 10 years maybe for 20 years because you push them into it and now they find out they're dying of cancer anyway there's more than one answer possible to that question some of you in the audience will say that if you had certain knowledge you were going to die of cancer anyway you'd go out and smoke as many cigarettes as you could drink as much alcohol eat as much pork bacon steak there are some of you who sincerely feel that you would live each day as if it were your last if you knew that cancer was coming to get you and that a vegan diet couldn't do a goddamn thing to help you well guess what the fate and the future of the vegan movement it rests entirely with people like myself who if they knew they were going to die of cancer will continue to be sober anyways would continue to be self-disciplined anyway and would continue to eat a vegan diet even if there were no benefit to me at all