Roe v. Wade is a Legal Fiction: Abortion in America.
04 May 2022 [link youtube]
If you want to know my political position on abortion _generally,_ click through to my earlier video, paradoxically but plainly titled: *"It's Infanticide: Legalize Abortion Anyway."* @Amazing Atheist @The Jimmy Dore Show @The Obama White House
Just one link:
Youtube Automatic Transcription
[Music] the united states of america has fewer than 1 million abortions per year on a good year 800 000 you can look up the statistics for yourself does that sound like a lot of abortions does that sound like if you fully liberated jose liberalized the abortion laws in the united states of america that that just couldn't possibly go up anymore that everyone in america has as many abortions as they could possibly need have you ever googled how many abortions there are per year in india do you think india is a highly liberal highly sexually permissive society for hindus for buddhists or for muslims there are more muslims in india than there are people of any kind in the united states of america oh oh oh all of a sudden 1 million abortions per year in america seems like nothing at all india you're closer to 16 million abortions per year and you may think well india has a much larger population than the united states of america it does but it's not 16 times the saudis the population of the united states of america proportionally americans could be having as many abortions as people in india you could be having far far more the same way than americans have more gastric bypass surgery more fake breast implants more butt enlargements more uh nose rhinoplasty more facial plastic americans have more of all kinds of medical procedures per capita than people in india but not abortions have you ever once in your life looked at how many abortions per person per year people had in former soviet states in eastern europe under communism have you ever looked up china have you ever looked up different countries in western have you ever taken a comparative perspective to this people act like there's nothing to be debated here okay people act like there's no point to having a congress or a senate or a parliament debate what kind of society you want to have i'm not some idiot who thinks you can have a society with zero abortions two i don't think that's possible and i don't think that's desirable i think there's a difference between having a society with one million abortions a year and 10 million abortions a year and i think there are a whole lot of important questions to be asked there and i would prefer that they be asked and answered democratically i think there are a whole lot of questions to be asked there that nobody in the united states of america is asking today nobody take a look at the inane pronouncements coming from barack obama former president united states barack obama himself is telling you to go out on the sidewalk and stand there with a sign or a t-shirt with a slogan on it why why why to influence the supreme court of all the branches of the government united states of america which ones are supposed to make their decisions based on um the mood and tendency of the mob the braying a crowd out of the cell oh oh none oh i'm sorry oh have you do you know anything about the writing of the constitution united states do you think do you think congress do you think the senate is supposed to give a [ __ ] about what you're chanting on the sidewalk but of all the branches of government that are supposed to be immune to pressure from protests that are supposed to be completely indifferent and unmoved by the chanting of protesters on the sidewalk from the lowliest court making a decision about unpaid taxes to to the medium-sized courts that are making a decision about a murder case up to the supreme court the whole court system is supposed to be immune to public pressure it's supposed to be completely indifferent to what the president the united states wants to what the democrat party wants to what the republican party wants to what any and all politicians want that even if every single senator in the united states of america stood up and said they want the supreme court to do this for this reason that the supreme court would say we don't care all we're going to do is interpret the laws and the constitution as they already exist we're going to completely ignore all pressure all suasion from the president from the senate from the congress and yes certainly from people like you standing there holding signs chanting on the street and you know what if you didn't have that principle enshrined in law enforcement constitutional commission then um murder trials would become a [ __ ] popularity contest oh oh well some people want this guy to be convicted for murder but there are a lot of people protesting on the street saying he's innocent oh and you know the democrats they have five people in the house saying that the judge should you know decide that he's not guilty of murder whereas the republicans say he is guilty that's not the way the court system is supposed to work and of all people barack obama should be aware of that the reality is in the 21st century americans are ashamed of their legal system but they don't want to admit it to themselves they don't want to lift a finger to change it americans are ashamed of their constitution on some level they know this debate about roe v wade this debate about griswold v connecticut is a fiction based on a fiction based on a fiction that there's even one word in your constitution about abortion that there's even one word in your constitution about the right to privacy that there was a court precedent that construed through abstract reasoning that you know um there's an implicit unstated unwritten right to privacy embodied in the penumbra emanated by the constitution as a whole and therefore it would be unreasonable for the government to intrude on the privacy of a married couple the implied prophecies nothing about marriage in the constitution nothing about sexual privacy nothing about you know the public interest of starting or stopping at the 12th week of pregnancy nothing about this a fiction based on a fiction based on fiction a misinterpretation based on a misinterpretation willful ignorance and self-delusion fastened on top of yet more willful ignorance and self-religion why so that nobody has to [ __ ] admit to themselves that the constitution is bad and evil and wrong and should be rewritten or you should tear it up and start with a new sheet of paper and just write whatever the [ __ ] it is you want the law to be that you should all just stop pretending you can misinterpret the constitution as if it limits for example your right to bear arms your right to carry guns as if it sets up the kind of you know gun control regime that many countries in western europe have for didn't take for granted but the authors of the american constitution never once considered possibility as if implicitly you can construe the notion of privacy as being an unwritten principle and then use that to make an excuse for why the government shouldn't take away people's contraceptives from their veterans because i'm paraphrasing the core decision on that one on the griswold case because you know just be unthinkable for police to kick down your bedroom door and and and search through the drawers you know of of a married couple and then arrest them for having contraceptives there oh oh unlike cocaine because it we just can't possibly make cocaine illegal as long as it's within this this penumbra this zone of privacy that a married couple enjoys where the government has no right to to tread as long as they're doing cocaine in their bedroom as a married couple you shouldn't kick down the door and look through their oh or is it because it's a private matter again there's no right to privacy in the constitution it's not one word about this oh it's a private matter between a woman and her doctor how about female circumcision how about muslims who want to circumcise newborn girls cutting off parts of the vagina crippling them for life that's that's real private that's squarely within that zone of privacy isn't it a married couple meeting with their doctor to have a obviously sexual surgical procedure so the government should fear to tread there you think there's a limit on what congress or the senate can do in legislating morality for private matters private decisions made between a husband and wife do you want 500 years from now in the future in the far future 500 years from now do you want people to still be cocaine addicts do you want muslims to still be eviscerating the vaginas of their daughters and sexually crippling them professional lives do you want newborn boys to be circumcised 500 years from now in the future do you want this the darkness or the dark ages to go on forever unquestioned and unchallenged and why because of this concept of a zone of privacy within within the marital bedroom based on a misinterpretation of a misinterpretation a fiction foisted on top of a fiction onto this ancient document that was bad and evil and wrong to begin with americans are ashamed of their legal system americans live in constant fear of their legal system if there's one thing every american knows it's that whatever disputes you have with people in life you've got to settle it outside of court because only the richest and the most privileged and most connected can use the court system only people like donald trump can benefit from the court system that normal people like you and i can just never have the courts work in our favor and you know throughout america there are people who don't get married because they don't want to ever have to deal with divorce they're people who never write a will they're people who never pay their taxes they're people who live their whole lives terrified out around the edges of this court system that can bankrupt you even when you're innocent this court system that just creates an army of barristers and an aristocracy of lawyers and judges who live as parasites forever earning their money through the interpretation and reinterpretation of what would be an embarrassment to the most mediocre of minds if it were written out frankly in plain english the constitution of the united states of america does not give you the right to abortion it does not give you the right to privacy it certainly does not give new york state or california state the right to take guns away from you to have any of the regulations totally unconstitutional totally immoral regulations that are currently in place that have been in place for decades in both new york and california and if you don't like it change the law