Idiots: Vegans On/Against Birth Control.

23 August 2018 [link youtube]

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when you get a vasectomy no one can take
advantage of you like that you have absolutely no risk and you can even go to a bar get blackout [ __ ] drunk [ __ ] a bunch of girls and you'll never get them pregnant you can't make any accidents any mistakes no one can take advantage of you and what I really wanted to you know bring across was you really shouldn't trust anyone you don't know what people have planned for you and when you get a vasectomy you have 100% complete control of your reproduction and in one of these videos Jen Radha also talks about vasectomies and how they're becoming more of a thing especially among guys in the vegan community which is really good because to be honest I don't think anyone should be having sex unless the guy has had a vasectomy and how he also talks about how there's so much pressure on girls to take care of everything like or you can take the morning-after pill I wanna wear a condom you know you can take the pill you can take that toxic pill and put in your body and like you know we'll be fine and it's like no why don't you just get a vasectomy everyone should be doing that anyways so you're having sex when the guy hasn't had a vasectomy I think it's kind of a separate issue but I just think it's selfish and irresponsible and I don't think I would ever do it and you don't have that level of testicular release in my opinion until you've had a vasectomy and you can just bust your nuts balls deep into your lady and now I have to worry about getting a knocked up you have to worry about her being on some toxic hormone pill or injection or IUD or whatever you have to worry about the condom breaking and getting prego you don't have to worry about all the other [ __ ] contraceptive methods that like the temperature and all this timing [ __ ] and [ __ ] rhythm method now I call it the [ __ ] [ __ ] method we use Daisy this is what we use for natural non hormonal birth control and the Daisy basically is an ovulation tracker so it tells you which days of the month you're fertile and which days of the month you're not so my current birth control method is called the Daisy this little device and it is a natural family planning method or a fertility awareness method the app peas is a fertility awareness method of contraception which is so sometimes called the rhythm method and using signs from your body like a temperature to predict when you're fertile and when you're not that's all during a cycle this method of birth control that I'm sharing with you today is for preventing pregnancy not for preventing STDs I use this method knowing that I have one partner one sex partner who does not have STDs hey guys I realize this is a gross and somewhat embarrassing topic but preventing pregnancy is something virtually every person on the planet has to think about and take responsibility for when you have sex there is always some chance of exile pregnancy but the chance varies with each method of family planning and how knowledgeable and accurate you are with your chosen method I am NOT a doctor and these are medical decisions that should ultimately be discussed with a doctor I've provided links to the sources of information that I mentioned in this video now that I've gotten that disclaimer out of the way you may ask why am i making such a video can't I get back to making videos about ancient Greek literature get back to making a video about to Sidda tease the other day my boyfriend was looking at James aspies YouTube channel called James and Carly he told me about a video James s B's girlfriend Carly recorded where she discusses their method of birth control as a couple namely the fertility awareness method I had learned back in high school that using natural family planning as a birth control method was basically signing up to get pregnant and we were both a bit stunned to hear that there was a well-known vegan who was advising young women to use this risky method of preventing pregnancy the next day I watched the video myself and I was surprised to hear and learn about a method I had actually never heard of before this is a method that relies on a medical device called the Daisy which contains a thermometer and a computer this computer uses an algorithm which uses the temperature data to allegedly tell you when you are fertile and when you were not you can then sink the device with your iPhone and see the data in the Daisy view app I was haunted by this video because of the claims that Carly offhandedly makes because I didn't know this so surprised that this isn't common knowledge but you can actually only conceive one day of the month on the day that you ovulate the egg only survives for 24 hours plus there's about a five or six day window before the day you ovulate where sperm can survive in your vagina and then you can conceive on the day that you ovulate even if you had sex days before that it will never give you a green day and let's it's ninety nine point four percent sure that you are not fertile that day so that's actually even more safe than the birth control pill in terms of preventing pregnancy so that's actually even more safe than the birth control pill in terms of preventing pregnancy and that ninety nine point four percent statistic is backed by two clinical trials that are in peer-reviewed medical journals as well as thirty years of research see this is over 99% effective it's 99% it's ninety nine point three percent effective which is just as effective as the birth control pill and IUD she says that it's based on the fact that you can only get pregnant one day of the month and that seemed misleading and dangerous to be telling women she says that it is as effective as the birth control pill that this device will only tell you when you are infertile if it is ninety nine point four percent sure that you are infertile I found many other female vegan youtubers espousing this method and even sponsored by this method so I wanted to look into this exhaustively and share what I have learned what I have looked into in this video proponents of the fertility awareness method tend to rely on a book as their gospel it's called taking charge of your fertility the book advises women to use the symptom old method which relies on tracking and charting not only your basal body temperature but also the cervical fluid and cervical position using this data they can then determine when they ovulate and therefore they then know when they are potentially fertile a huge part of this fertility awareness method is encouraging women to connect with their own bodies and that in doing so they will feel more powerful and confident in their femininity I can definitely sense a spiritual element to the rhetoric that women will be empowered by learning to track when their ovaries release an egg you get to know your cycle you get to know your body it's so [ __ ] cool and it just feels really empowering and it feels really it feels really great to just know more about something you experience every single month and by tracking these things it really allows you to become empowered like I feel empowered knowing what is going on inside of my body I think this rhetoric can be quite intoxicating it carries with it a premise that will attract many women to this method I could see from the comments section on these videos that there were many women who were enthused to hear about this method I think this is a totally natural human response and I can definitely sympathize with Carly when I went vegan I started being more conscious in terms of everything I was putting into my body and really questioning the concept of birth control pill and the way that it worked and if I really wanted to be something that was in my life and I thought about the fact that it was essentially putting artificial hormones into your body every single day and I didn't like the sound of that so I started to look for alternatives when I went vegan I also became hyper aware of anything that I was putting into my body and onto my body I've been on the yaz birth control pill since I was 14 years old I had acne and my dermatologist was going to put me on accutane accutane causes severe birth defects and babies so even though I was definitely not sexually active at the time I was prescribed the birth control pill the pill cleared up my skin enough so that I didn't have to start accutane and I just stayed on the birth control pill because it seemed to work for me in terms of clearing out my skin and then it became a method of birth control once I became sexually active I became vegan when I was 22 years old and like Carly not too long after I began to question what I was putting into my body and I knew I was approaching 10 years of being on the hormonal birth control and I thought to myself you know 10 years is a long time to be on a medication that changes your hormones so I looked into other options I really really did not want to get pregnant so I was looking up you know the most reliable most successful forms of contraception and I decided I really wanted to try the copper IUD I knew it would provide me with extremely reliable contraception for up to 10 years without the use of any hormones I had read that the insertion would be very painful but I actually felt no pain during it and immediately afterwards I was really excited to see what my menstrual cycles would be like without having any hormonal contraceptives involved but afterwards it just went downhill really fast I felt cramping I'd never felt before in my life I actually had no memory of experiencing menstrual cramps before it but the IUD gave me such horrible cramping you know the kind of pain that just radiates into your back I bled for over a month and then demanded that my doctor removed the IUD so I think I was only on it for about a month and a week or something like that the IUD was then removed and I resumed birth control pills immediately afterwards because I knew it was the most reliable method aside from the IUD and I had grown accustomed to taking it everyday and I thought that I would probably just have to continue taking it until I reached menopause reflecting upon it yes it's unnatural and a bit disturbing to realize that I have not actually ovulated since I was 14 years old there are some research articles about the birth control pill that are concerning to me but the fundamental thing that is concerning is that the hormones in your body regulate everything from muscle growth to emotional regulation and even brain structure there is evidence that being on the birth control pill makes it more difficult for women to gain muscle there is evidence that women on the pill have lower levels of nutrients in their bodies such as b12 and there have been studies that show that there are differences in the thickness of parts of the brain and women who are on the pill versus women who aren't on any hormonal contraceptives for me the benefits have outweighed the potential negatives namely I was able to get through my teenage years with clear skin and I have never had a pregnancy scare I am able to feel secure and in control of my reproductive health I feel confident that just by taking one pill every day at the same time I will not get pregnant it's a habit that like I said has become really just second nature to me I don't really appreciate how Carly in her video just offhandedly talks about all these negatives of the birth control pill and this is really common in all the other videos that I've seen about this fertility awareness method what the women say is that the birth control pill has such terrible side effects that it has it's correlated with all these negative illnesses because there's a lot of you know the birth control pill has a lot of side effects people experience mood swings depression and anxiety weight gain people have even experienced cervical cancer infertility ovarian cysts the birth control pill is correlated with all of these serious conditions any of that stuff is you're basically putting toxins into your body is absolutely garbage when there are so many other options out there and you don't have to [ __ ] your body around yeah for that period that you're using that product because you at some point you get to come off them that's when you'll see a lot of the damage and with those things as well you're not sure what the long-term effects can be I've known many people who have gone off the pill to try and get pregnant and yeah we can't light it exactly but you put two and two together by seeing that kind of get pregnant yeah all of them have to go through IVF to try and get pregnant I just want to have my body do its own thing and not be interrupted by like hormones and stuff the whole month like charted like criminalizing it like all these like different ways and like when one Foreman rises the other one like fall was this beautiful kind of like wave movement and taking the pill actually takes that away like it just flatlines her home was for a three weeks then you stop taking it for a week and then you have a period which is not really a period you're just losing blood there was no ovulation there's no like dancing of different hormones if something you mean was like that just feels wrong like but we can't think as humans that we can do that to our bodies and not have like repercussions I know a lot of people say like the same amount of time that you're on it it takes that amount of time afterwards to re-regulate your hormones and balance everything else what's wrong with the female contraceptive pill it disrupts the natural hormone cycle of a woman's body which is never a good thing and causes a myriad of problems the same pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the female contraceptive pill are often also chemical companies like Bayer for example who make the brand levelin edy that Natasha took for 10 years they are manufactured the deadly gases used by the Nazis in the gas chambers to exterminate the Jews during the Second World War and now produce genetically modified seeds as well as a systemic pesticide responsible for the colony collapse disorder of the bees who in their right mind would put something into their body made by such a company so you know I think people should really be cautious about that and look into it if they're really concerned about it and not just take Carly's word for it on that I can see that other women may be in a similar situation for one reason or another they were prescribed birth control pills and would now prefer to be on something that doesn't change your hormones but I get so many women who ask they're like okay right like I know hormonal birth control isn't good for me I don't want to be doing any more but I don't know what to do I don't feel confident enough for myself to just do a fertility awareness method I think many women will see these messages and buy into it because it's easy to fall for a smiling pretty face telling you exactly what you want to hear in this case it's that you can be saved from pregnancy without any hormones if you just use this Daisy device but what is this device exactly what products are you buying if this method doesn't require ingesting anything there are two devices that I know of the Daisy and the natural cycles the Daisy was created by the same company that sells lady Kampf in the UK across Europe and in Australia natural cycles was actually created by one of the nuclear physicists on the research team that discovered the Higgs boson particle the Daisy is not approved by the FDA but natural cycles was actually recently approved by the FDA as a form of birth control I take issue with the misleading information in Carly's video and the fact that she has obviously been sponsored by Daisy however the basics are fairly accurate the Daisy is a three hundred and thirty dollar US dollar device or 410 Canadian dollar device that consists of a basal thermometer and a computer that uses an algorithm to compute the data you enter allegedly the algorithm is based on five million women cycles and has been tested to be quite accurate at predicting ovulation [Music] natural cycles is an annual subscription of $89.99 which comes with a basal thermometer or you can buy your own basal thermometer and just use the app for a monthly charge of $11.99 instagramers social media influencers youtubers and so on have endorsed their product you use the app along with the to decimal thermometer much like this one here their advertising is well designed and visually appealing and it's tailored to women who are into a more natural lifestyle now the truth is you don't have to use any of these devices to use the sim totoro method the book taking charge of your fertility teaches you precisely how to use this method and it advises women to be extremely cautious about it the author recognizes that this method is prone to use failure in that humans can become lazy and that this method can become less effective something that concerns me about all this is the wild variation between the statistics there is a difference between the statistics for the actual technology the medical device the algorithm and so on and there are also statistics for the method itself without the use of any app with just tracking with pen and paper there is also the issue that on the CDC and World Health Organization information there isn't a separate category for the symptom a method by itself there are quite a few fertility awareness based methods that are all grouped into one category the symptom all method is not the same thing as the rhythm method which is nowhere close to as reliable as the simple thermal method so that is a bit misleading and worrisome so how about the statistics for the method itself this to me was the most fascinating shocking and interesting thing to me studies have shown that the simple thermal method actually has a perfect use rate of ninety nine point six percent effectiveness I found this really hard to believe but there is legitimate medical research about this that confirms this rate [Music] I am skeptical but if you are extremely cautious if you educate yourself and if you follow the method precisely as is outlined in the book taking charge of your fertility this method can be used to effectively prevent pregnancy however I am not convinced that this is a method that should be widely used because I think human beings are unreliable and prone to failure and prone to taking risks the simple method is based on the biological reality that a woman can only fall pregnant if an egg comes into contact with sperm during the 24 hours it is viable if a woman releases two or more eggs during ovulation then the length of time increases to 48 hours however sperm can live in a woman's body for up to five days therefore there should be at least 7 days that the woman should either abstain from sex entirely or use another contraceptive method such as a condom to be even more cautious as a buffer at the number of days that are considered fertile could be up to 10 days perfect use for the simple thermal method requires tracking your temperature with a basal thermometer every morning before you get out of bed tracking your cervical mucus and tracking the position of your cervix one obvious issue with this to me is that women's menstrual cycles are notoriously unreliable this method is only advisable to women whose cycles are regular and between 21 to 35 days women's cycles can be impacted by stress diet illness vaginal infections its alcohol and drug use lack of sleep and so on what if you have some illness that causes a fever what if you ovulate earlier than expected what if you ovulate later than expected it relies on getting three hours of continuous sleep and then measuring your basal temperature with the thermometer immediately upon waking what if you have a sleepless night what if you don't get three consecutive hours of sleep in one night this method can work for the right person this person would be in a stable mature monogamous relationship and have enough stability in their lives to be on top of the tracking now the statistics for the devices these devices also have legitimate research backing them up [Music] the dayz uses the same algorithm as the lady comp which has been around for much longer than a daisy the company responsible for both products is valley electronics which has been making these devices in Germany since 1986 their devices are sold in 35 countries and millions of women have used them worldwide lady cop has had a decent amount of research behind it but the dayz specifically doesn't have as much researched on I found a research article that claimed that there was a fundamental flaw to their 2018 clinical study and that's concerning there are women who have fallen pregnant while using these apps of course one woman spoke out and actually had a meeting with the creators of the natural cycles app they said that the number of women who have fallen pregnant with this method is accounted for in the research because the typical use reliability is 93 percent the manufacturers alleged that the devices get to know your cycle that the device is cautious at first but once it gets familiar with your cycle it will start giving you more Green Day's which means you can have unprotected sex fundamentally these devices are using algorithms to try to make something inherently irregular and unpredictable predictable and controlled part of taking charge of your fertility is taking away the notion that women's bodies are so mysterious that we can't predict what will happen however it's not a mystery it's just true cycles are often unpredictable and irregular other obvious issues are just the amount of effort compared to other contraceptive methods and the fact that for at least a week out of the month you have to either abstain or use another contraceptive method anyway like a condom I remain skeptical about the medical devices and the algorithms involved but it is ultimately up to the individual to choose for themselves what they trust and what they want to use I really don't think it's a good idea for any social-media influencer to be spreading the idea that this method is just as effective as a condom or the birth control pill there is a difference between method failure and use failure with perfect use the birth control pill is 99.7% effective with typical use which accounts for human error it is 91% effective with perfect use the condom is 98% effective with typical use which accounts for human error it's 82% effective with perfect use the simpler mo method of fertility awareness method is 99.6% effective with typical use which accounts for human error it's 76% effective this rivals the pullout method which is 96% effective when used perfectly but 78% effective with typical use so ultimately it is up to you to decide what method of pregnancy prevention you want to implement in your life talk to a doctor about it do the research for yourself links to research articles are in the description box below so thanks a lot for checking out this video guys stay safe stay healthy alright peace out it's been a little bit of a process trusting the Daisy and I was actually gonna make this video last week but my period hadn't come yet and I was nervous about making the video because of it and then my peer did come when I first heard about this method I thought what probably a lot of other people think I am going to get pregnant