Vegan Footsoldier, the most dishonest dork in the demimonde.

14 January 2020 [link youtube]

If you're going to be a vegan on youtube, you deal with a lot of hostility, dishonesty and drama with other vegan youtubers (I never have this difficulty with meat-eaters, for some reason).

#VeganFootsoldier #VeganDrama #VeganDemimonde

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

people make mistakes and it's very
important that we don't jump to the conclusion that they have some kind of psychological problem just because they make mistakes people tell lies with all kinds of different motivations and it's very important that we don't jump to the conclusion that they have some kind of psychological problem just because they happen to have told a lie this is part of the perpetual fog and confusion of being an adult human being on planet earth and I really do make an effort to reach out to and communicate with all the other flawed human beings who are here on YouTube trying to pursue and promote some kind of future for the vegan movement for doing it for years and guys crazy stories have been made up about me on YouTube since day one of my being on this platform and I mean I can remember talking to somebody one on one because a story had been made up that I was trying to seduce another youtubers girlfriend different stuff and the actual situation was that that that girl she was trying to sleep with vegan gains she was like writing to me complaining that vegan gains his wife was now mad at her like like you know because she's been hitting on vegan gains that he was already married you know okay on a one-on-one basis I'm gonna take the time to try to defuse this situation before the room gets out of control I remember another youtuber writing to be in a really hostile way assuming I was trying to sleep with this girl I was like well guess what sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and you know people freaked out and made up all these stories about the financial arrangements when I receive donations and hired a lawyer you know among the people who are freaking out and spreading lies and rumors on the internet was was foot soldier himself at that time I mean I had to work so hard to communicate with foot soldier himself with a whole lot of mean-spirited malicious people like foot soldier people like Joe best who have now deleted their channels I really had to take the time at every stage when I played this game to deal with people one on one face to face through Skype or through email to try to try to defuse you know just dishonest hostility that's been directed towards me all right and you in particular foot soldier you're someone I now have years and years of history with okay you and I came through the durianrider thing together you and I came through the Chiangmai Frehley thing together however you want to put it you and I came through the Sugar Mountain Diet thing together you and I survived the rise and fall of noir vegan together foot soldier was a target for noir vegans insane rage almost to the same extent that I was he seems to hate me even more than he hates foot soldier foot soldier got dragged through the mud and he saw all the evidence about all the crazy claims okay so you know foot you and I have been through a lot together but if there's one thing you should have noticed about yourself in these many controversies and conflicts that we've had that have pitted you against me it's that you have a suspiciously bad memory you don't remember things the way they actually happened and in in every case that's involved the two of us I'm able to tell you exactly what happened because what happened is recorded on film and you can still just click with a mouse and see exactly what I said or exactly what happened exactly when here on YouTube so it's not just a case that my memory is better than yours but I have the ability to check exactly what was said in an email exactly what was said in a video so on and so forth foot you were upset with me for years because of something you imagined I said in a video about Nina and Randa for years and the last time I followed up with you about it you revealed that you actually had never seen the video that was in question what I actually said but even Aranda you commented to me oh well that think this this is years after oh well that thing you just said there that that's reasonable but that must have been something you said in a later video made up after the fact explained said no but that was the video you created all this controversy but this was what supposedly offended you so much and back years ago when I was trying to hash it out with him by email you know I kept saying look will you go back and look at the video and see what I actually say I can quote for you what I said but I didn't say what you think I said you know this is just not the reality I have tried to deal with this guy in a positive and constructive way through one controversy after another and you know what foot soldier you have not shown me goodwill you haven't you put on the Internet really a nasty vicious defamatory claim that I can't speak Chinese that I can't read and write Chinese and you made you made this claim along with saying that there were never any videos here on my youtube channel of me speaking Chinese fewer just searched my youtube channel you would have actually found several okay and I respond to you at first willing to talk to you in love the same way I diffused all these other carnivores like okay what do you want to talk to me about my experience learning Chinese or something like you know what do you wanna know the same way years earlier when people got in touched me saying hey what's the situation with you paying this lawyer I take the time and deal with it one on one and a few okay and and you you know I mean foot soldier again I don't know you seem to just not remember things when it's convenient for you to not remember them or you invent a new memory that's self-serving and just isn't true it doesn't reflect what you actually said and what I actually did and so on you really warp the past this way but you know a foot soldier I've made this kind of effort with you again and again again and you know whatever the bare minimum is of human respect and decency that you should show me in return you're not doing it foot soldier you're really not I'm just gonna ask you now man-to-man I am gonna ask you to delete the most recent video you made about me I know you're not making any money out of this you and I both we both know the reality of YouTube it's not about money it's about the future of the vegan movement okay in that video I know from your perspective you think you don't have any bad intentions and you think you're not misrepresenting me but please keep in mind there was a time when you defended during Ryder when you propounded his lies against me when you whitewashed what he had done and when you vilified me and at that time you didn't think you had any bad intentions and you didn't think you were being dishonest and the reality is if you look back now with detachment you were really malicious and you were really dishonest and even the controversy between you and I the conflict about Nina and Aranda that I made I made an effort in in I made a goodwill effort to try to settle that with you okay and you never you never reciprocated that goodwill you were a complete [ __ ] to me the controversy would need an Aranda you may think you only had good intentions and you were being honest if you look back now you have to admit to yourself you had bad intentions and you were being dishonest you never actually watched that video consider why's it because I was completely willing to talk it through with you I was well look if you're offended by this this is what I said that I didn't say this other thing let's talk about it however it is you feel about this I'm willing to make you feel better I'm going to satisfy your sense of umbrage what do you want to say here okay you may not realize footsoldier the extent to which still to this day you are lying about and misrepresenting what I have said what my positions but all I'm asking for now is for this to stop please delete your most recent video about me and please never make another video with my name in it again or spying me again that's what I'm asking of you I made a goodwill effort to address your concerns about the statistical decline of veganism on YouTube I showed you charts I showed you statistics and my efforts my sincere goodwill efforts to flesh of the argument and demonstrate it in response to again on your part what was really not a sincere argument okay you may have already forgotten this but that inspired another guy named Theo Theo is well known in terms of the you but the vegan demi-monde here on YouTube Theo's a well-known character Theo did a lot of research and a lot of computer programming to bring together statistics from across all of YouTube so he really did a kind of watertight statistical analysis I also gave those numbers to a journalist who wrote a formal article on the internet it was gonna say a newspaper article anything it's on paper but there's an Internet article that also gathers that all together and looks at the numbers okay your initial skepticism you thought it's reasonable you made a skeptical claim that only some vegan YouTube the YouTube channels were declining but that others were increasing and that it balanced out okay we really took the time in good faith to demonstrate you that's not the case the decline in some in total is very real okay we tried to have a productive and sincere discussion about it okay foot soldier I know that you don't realize the extent to which you're lying about and misrepresenting what I've said I know that you don't realize the extent to which you're engaging in fallacious arguments you're really presenting logical fallacies with no sense of irony and no intentional crafty design okay I do not want to be put into a corner where I have to respond - that kind of dishonest circuitous argument okay and dude can you have a little bit of respect for me think about how many hours I put in think about how many hours Theo put in to responding to your complaints before in all of your experience the internet do you know anyone else who has been more generous with their time you come to me with completely insincere and malicious complaints in relation to durianrider in relation to Nina and Randa in relation to my court case in relation to whether not I speak Chinese completely malicious completely informed you make zero effort you don't even do a Google search you just come to me with allegations and defamation and insults and I've got to take the time to talk you down off a tree branch and say okay well here's the here's the situation here's the reality with me and Nina Miranda Kerr's the reality with my core case here's the reality with the history of how many years have been studying Chinese in my level book okay I do all that and with this thing about declining statistics on YouTube the level of effort I put in and the level of effort that you put in to educate you to show you the facts to talk you through the statistics what they mean and what they don't mean how to get correct Google Trends data how do a bunch case we put in a lot of effort okay and I personally have put in a lot of effort with you foot soldier to cultivate you as a colleague in the vegan movement and what I'm asking for you to do now is to delete your most recent video about me and never speak to me again never talk about me again cuz I'm done