Bios3training vs. vegans: it's not preaching, it's about respect.

11 May 2017 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

ah Luo Yin as youtubers or people with
the platform some of the things that we put out there are entertainment some of them I think are really important messages and this is going to be one of those important messages that I feel you know I kind of step back and I'm like why are we why do we as human beings want to push our thoughts and our agendas and other people so much that we feel like we need to be in their face debating arguing fighting protesting we need you to all this [ __ ] to get our point across because we're right you know vegans are the same way I think the two mistakes the jury makes here is first of all thinking that we do this because we're right and secondly that we do this just to try to bring other people over to our side if you're pushing something you are trying to forcefully change someone's mind which is not going to work in the first place human nature when you're being pushed to do something is to fight back in the opposite direction all the time as vegans we're dealing with people who have never heard of veganism and you don't appreciate that it's an ethical issue all the time we deal with people who respond to veganism as if it's just equivalent to I don't like salty food I'm trying to cut down on salt and people who will serve you a dish that has little bits of meat in it and will say oh well come on what are you complaining about it's just a little bit of meat right so I realize that Outsiders will perceive what we're doing is preaching we're just trying to get across that minimal point of staking out our territory so to speak of saying look they completely disagree with me this may be completely alien to you but this is who I am this is why it matters so much to me these are the rules I live by and now you and I have to live together as co-workers as colleagues as friends as family members whatever the case may be you know human beings have both social and anti-social instincts when we communicate with others we're not always looking for their approval we're not always looking to convert them in the workplace I talked about being vegan openly I really think in the same sense someone is homosexual is prone to talking about homosexuality openly it's not with the expectations they're going to have love affairs with their coworkers let's say it's homosexual persons already married or in a steady relationship whatever it's not because they're going to convince them if they're homophobic that being gay is a good thing and it's definitely not that they're going to convert straight people to being gay right but you're open about it and I think you probably want to espouse a certain kind of self confidence because you're really staking out your territory at the office you're probably not doing it to make people like you or to express how much you've got in common you may just be expressing to other people in what way you're alien from them and a large part of human cooperation doesn't rely on agreements it instead relies on a certain kind of healthy recognition of the ways in which were alien from one another and then working around and beyond that with some level of respect respect is too strong a word mutual recognition you know vegans are the same way I get the fact that they are feel very strongly about not hurting animals eating else all of them I get the fact I get that and you can sit there and talk to people now that I call my god I agree with you so much instead of think I'll need a hamburger you don't even know about it you know I mean like they you know they need to be on a journey for themselves like 2.01 why do you assume that i'm going to talk about veganism or in some sense preach veganism in order to convert somebody else let's say it's a pretty girl I have a crush on and she's not vegan don't I just have to communicate to her this is who I really am this is who I am I want you to know who I am and why I am this way what motivates me and that girl is going to respond to it and take it in whatever direction right now a lot of people may perceive that as preaching whether it's a girl you're flirting with or it's a co-worker at the office or it's relatives at home vegans we all have this experience even if you're just talking about this is who I am this is how I live this is why it matters to me from just talking about myself where other people are going to respond to that is preaching it may be a lien eating for others I may not be building on common ground with you I may be showing you this is where our common ground stops but that's tremendously important for us and again I think it's in the same way as someone is homosexual not to everybody if you're gay you go to the bakery you don't have to tell the baker that you're homosexual if you're vegan you go to the same bakery record regularly actually you do have to tell them that you're vegan again to get it again so as a vegan it comes up a lot more often but a lot of the time I mean just think about that Jerry whether it's in the school yard a kid who's vegan who doesn't want to get bullied it's in the workplace you don't want to get disrespected or it's in the first rotation with somebody you want to start up a relationship with there are actually a lot of reasons here not related to trying to convert people not really trying to convince people for why we have to stake out our claims again and again and say this is who I am this is why I am this way this is why it matters to me so much now why a vegan would push veganism so much on people that don't want anything to do with it you know their their minds are made up they don't want it is beyond me fundamentally it's because I have to eat at the same table with you I never tried to convert like my own grandmother to veganism but you have to sympathize Jerry the level of conviction I would have to get across for my own grandmother just to tolerate me at the dinner table for her not to try to force me to eat meat and to for me to have co-workers that don't try to denigrate me ridicule me push me around trick me by serving me meat like that stuff all vegans have dealt with I mean most of something like a brother or sister someone of the same generation and it's not harmless ribbing to us even if it's us literally trying to get through a wedding or a funeral or trying to get along with your co-workers that's actually a huge challenge for us where the objective of those discussions it's not even to make friends it's not to get you to agree with me it's not to get you to see how much we have in common it's not to convince you to become vegan it's just to try to set up the basis for a minimal level of cohabitation because we as vegans have to live in a world that is made by and for meat-eaters it's a world that shows us very little or very grudging respect and actually day after day in intimate relationships and interactions with strangers it shows us a hell of a lot of disrespect reserved all vegans you know vegans going out there and really put their case out and you understand it and then you can get it and you fully comprehend it and behind closed doors they still eat meat you know they look into their faces again I totally understand something understand and behind closed doors they still eat meat right but what they learned was not about veganism what they learned was about me they learned Who I am and that conversation is going to inform enrich our relationship hopefully it sets up a situation where my workplace is not toxic where my school-yard is not a place where I'm being bullied where my professor is not disrespecting me and I know Jerry it may be hard to imagine this stuff but as vegans we tolerate all those scenarios you're not converting anyone who [ __ ] doesn't want to eat meat you're not I mean who wants EB you're not the people that you do all we save them they don't eat meat now they were already on that journey by themselves seeking the information to make a change on their own you helped guide them in that direction even if I agreed with this philosophy how could it change my behavior what are the stakes here what are the consequences if I can only know who was on this mysterious journey after the fact looking back at what happened then I'm just going to have to do my best to deal with everybody fairly I can't even say equally but fair ruin on some other basis because it's impossible for me to know when I meet them when we have these conversations who is on a journey and who is not you can do that by just putting up a website not [ __ ] getting in someone's face at the supermarket or protesting or [ __ ] being pushy every time that you [ __ ] come in contact someone because you feel like they should need me but the only way change happens is when someone is looking and wants to and wants to create it for themselves within themselves you can't push it on I think that really is the perspective of a personal trainer who after years of experience has just come to this point of saying hey if somebody's not motivated there's no point in trying to motivate them and there's a very different political perspective if you instead see this in terms of respect in terms of staking out your territory why would a gay person try to push gay rights on their own grandparents because they don't want to be disrespected and denigrated and humiliated every time they go to Christmas dinner alright that's that's really being pushy you got grandparents maybe who are kind of homophobic or traditional Christians or traditional Muslims and where every time you deal with them you're not you're not waiting for them to be on a journey you're not waiting for the dad this ineffable you know interior spark of genius or light or hope or whatever it is nope you got to show up and argue your point you got to be pushy you got to be demanding you got to stake your claim you got to say this is who I am this is what it matters to me and this is the bare minimum standard you need to live up to otherwise I can't work with you and it happens at the office it happens in the school yard it happens in the university it's in so many different places that we as vegans in making an ethical claim actually do have to fight for our right to sit at that same table I know it's hard for outsiders to relate to I know it's hard for you to understand and I know like it's very unsympathetic because we chose this right most people who were born Muslim have to go around explaining Muslim dietary rules didn't choose to become Muslim they were just born into the religion and now they got these crazy rules about what they can and cannot eat that are based on the religion many centuries-old magical thinking and nothing else so there's a kind of sympathy there from the general public and we as vegans don't get this sympathy instead what we fundamentally deal with again and again is a hostile attitude of why are you being pushy but Jerry what I invite you to imagine is maybe I'm not trying to educate you about veganism maybe I'm not trying to convert you to veganism not even if you perceive it that way maybe what I'm really trying to communicate to you is Who I am and what we don't have in common and I'm asking you to respect that and respect my boundaries the same way that a gay person may be maybe in the end you just can't go to Christmas dinner at all right but if we're going to share the same table as co-workers as family as friends whatever the case may be yeah this is the kind of challenge to the status quo where we have to stake our claim we have to say who we are and why we are this way we let you know the rules that we play by and if you can't respect those rules you ain't going to see us around the new Yin