Vegan Neo-Nazis Actually Exist (Beneath Contempt).

20 February 2016 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey this is a rare situation in which I
feel I could summarize everything I have to say in this video in like 15 seconds although a lot of my own life is devoted to a critique of the left wing including communism including mass murder and atrocities under communism Soviet Union China Cambodia the reality is I don't engage in a critique of the right wing only because the claims made for the right wing are so ridiculous are so laughable are so impossible to take seriously that nobody would bother wasting their time critiquing this stuff so look while I've commented in recent videos that I am vegan and people often assume I'm left-wing because I'm vegan and I'm not really left-wing I am NOT right-wing I am NOT I'm not even a conservative I'm not even on the right-center but some ideas such as the ones you're about to see from an influential vegan youtuber show why nobody would even bother expressing contempt for these views we have a misused phrase in English beneath contempt the difference between contempt and beneath contempt is that if something is beneath contempt it's not even worth getting upset about it's not even worth disagreeing over right if I have contempt for something I think it's bad but if something is beneath my contempt it is either so trivial or so ridiculous that I can't take it seriously that I can't critique it I'm not even getting it upset about it it's beneath contempt when I talk about all of Hitler and the Second World War let us have a mature and intellectual discussion about all of Hitler and the Second World War now first of all and we've all seen the bad side of adult Hitler I'd suggest that you have a glimpse at the good sides as it were I will link the greatest story never told below so you can get an ultimate view of things for me all of it there was a very accomplished economist and that's basically it realize this their own including evil there's only tribes and nations fighting against each other for me I say let us not take any side no matter if you're German or English or whatever whatever [ __ ] European country you're from we don't need to take a side in that conflict we can only say to yourself like okay that was a very stupid thing to do both in World War one in World War two so I don't want to use Hitler aesthetics in my in my work I say we leave it will transcend that we're not so big that and more this is a whole European thing and if I say like oh he clear was so good and everything what do I say to my fringe true friends for example or my Dutch true friends that were occupied by the Germans during the war I can't take a side like that this is team [ __ ] Europe so I'm on I'm with Europe's side against the islamization of Europe and then like the conflict between Poland and Germany like who started it who was right who was wrong there is no right and wrong Germans Germanic people and Slavic people in the East Germany west of Poland they're competing for the same [ __ ] territory of land we clearly learned that multiculturalism having different ethnicities in the same place will lead conflict that's the only [ __ ] thing we can learn and that's also majorly what sparked world war two that poles were committing transgression against Germans the official narrative of why the Second World War happened is so childlike in its simplicity so I just have to get a video out there giving a more realistic view of the world basically what Tord in school etc is that Hitler was a power-hungry man you want to destroy everything and then you have this misconception of the masked race etc and let me just clarify right now that this is not really historical and now it's being used as some sort of oh you know Hitler only like this set of qualities and he wanted to create these mas traits like yes adn expose a part of many European nation including Sweden at that time but that was hardly the primary golden and nothing through with the war there were a lot of individual Jews fighting in the Wehrmacht during the war and this poster boy for the very mask for example was half Jewish so no not all Jews were targeted by and persecution in Germany however let us not fool ourselves I've seen a lot of red pill guys I like oh you know nothing bad happened to reduce during Hitler's Germany that is absolutely false we have 300,000 people Jews dying of malnutrition in working camps and you know the Kristallnacht it's hardly a conspiracy if you believe that Germany during these years was a happy place with a huge community that's equal stupid us believing the official narrative it had nothing through weed with a madman hungry for power wanting to conquer everything like that's a childlike explanation of a war of this magnitude although Hitler and the National Socialist Party of Germany kicked out the banking interest and now you can say like oh the bankers were Jews all you can say that they were bankers I really dislike to paint all Jews as evil because as I said like they were there are so many different nuances and all Jews are hardly part of the international banking system and there are a lot of regular white Christians part of that banking system as well so it's more about the international banking system versus Germany keep that in mind and keep the anti-jewish rhetoric to a minimum if you still horrible this all the delusions then ask yourself this why in the name of God after so many Jews who supported Hitler and who joined the very market during World War two if this was something against all Jews so if you have these sort of anti-jewish sentiments please drop them as soon as possible if somebody is born at you don't hold it against him hold it against him if he is some sort of a scientist now this guy I'd love to pretend that he's just a clown or a joke or doesn't have any impact in the outside world but I recently saw a channel from a young woman who's maybe 20 years old she could be 19 she could be 21 I'm not gonna name her a link to her channel because I hope she turns her life around but it was directly obvious that she's a young vegan woman promoting a vegan diet Fitness vegan lifestyle and she's also plugged into an influence by this neo-nazi propaganda and specifically the guy you've just seen clips from and she thanks Semin links to him it's it's not my imagination it's an it's an explicit connection so these things do have consequences they do influence other people in this case I think he influenced a pretty naive and ignorant young person and the fact that people like myself do not stoop to even ridicule these types of people there's no negative intellectual reaction nobody even wants to take the time to acknowledge that this stuff exists that is problematic in its own way and this issue of things being beneath contempt so I mean you know Noam Chomsky is wrong but I feel there's a real need to engage with what he says and what misconception is popularizing I may feel contempt for Noam job what Noam Chomsky has to say about Cambodia I do feel contempt for and anyone who has real expertise on Cambodia would by the way but I noticed for example when I do a Google search for the Pro neo Nazi propaganda film that this guy mentions as a source that he recommends you view and so on so you can relate to where he's coming from on these issues the movie listing page that IMDB it lists zero critic reviews so this was a pro neo-nazi documentary film that this guy is partly influenced by abasement views on and not a single newspaper like the New York Times not a single mainstream source on cinema reviewed it at all now obviously if they reviewed it they would review it negatively but this is an issue with something deserving contempt or being beneath contempt and it is problematic because obviously these people they have their own soapbox they have their own subculture they have their own intellectual ghetto and there are more and more reinforcing their own delusions influencing one another even if they don't influence a broad section of the general public and the way that Noam Chomsky does so if you were to ask me why do I bother to engage in a critique of Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky happens to be left-wing he identifies as an anarchist well Noam Chomsky does promote and popularize political half-truths that are dangerous not because they're false but because they're plausible people really do believe the things Noam Chomsky says and they're very often influenced by presump presuppositions he makes just in the process of presenting his argument many people will be influenced by the veneer of respectability the seeming expertise of Noam Chomsky and he may be making very misleading and propagandistic claims that really influence people because they are plausible so that's worth engaging with there are other reasons why engage with critique of left-wing history of of communism and so on it's been a big part of my life I've lived in two different communist countries and even when I was living in the Western world the political views and aspirations I had to debate with both respectable and not so respectable we're basically left-wing I lived in the People's Republic of China I've lived in the People's Democratic Republic of Laos those are two communist dictatorships but you know when I was living in Toronto Canada and when I was living in Cambridge England I was surrounded by a lot of Communists and people on the far left and those were the political debates you know about the past present and future really about history so that I had to engage in that's been the reality of my life guys like this far right-wing neo-nazi people have not been a part of my life in terms of where I've lived and what issues I've dealt with one of my reasons for making this video now I was having a conversation with Charles the vegan cheetah about this and I had to admit to him in passing one of the reasons why I've mentioned that I'm Jewish so many times on this channel is that I've really been aware of and reacting to anti-semitism within YouTube specifically within vegan YouTube Judaism and anti-semitism have been part of my life but as I've already mentioned I lived in China I lived in Laos I lived in Cambodia it's very difficult to communicate to someone who grew up in an isolated Asian country just what anti-semitism is how deep it is how profoundly distorting it is really for all of Western culture and civilization I was saying to someone the other day you know Europeans were already obsessed with Jews before they ever engaged in the transatlantic slave trade like anti-semitism is in that sense just deeper then it has a greater pedigree then racism against Africans in Europe it goes back more than a thousand years in Europe if you read the magna carta a British Constitution British legal document the magna carta only mentions one ethnic group the Jews in theory the magna carta could have had statements about Scottish people about Yorkshiremen about all the myriad ethnic groups within England and why they mattered to the constitution of that nation the only ethnic group mentioned in the Magna Carta is the Jews so in many ways I'm resigned to the fact that this is a deep aspect of the Christian and you're at Western European worldview and it's not going to go away and it has been surreal for me on some occasions to be sitting with someone whose lotion someone who is familiar with racism in the sense that Chinese people are racist against people from India and people from Thailand or racist against people from Cambodia people from Cambodia racist against people from Vietnam those are really intensely felt racial conflicts but even so it is very difficult to explain to someone from say a Buddhist or communist cultural background in Asia that the whole Christian religion is simultaneously built on Judaism and also built on the hatred and fear of Jews it's something very difficult to even educate the younger generation about within Europe within Canada within the United States and an invite you to imagine how difficult it be to express these things across the cultural barrier across the language barrier in the context of South East Asia East Asia