Ecology and Veganism: the Lost Cause.

29 October 2021 [link youtube]

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this is the most important
information in the western world at this moment in history dare i say it and this is the evidence right if you go and deliver leaflets in the uk broadly speaking and arguably anywhere in a western city deal with 5 000 leaflets most of their people they're going to get it aren't bothered right well they're so like repressed they're not going to respond but that one percent of people right 5 000 leaflets maybe 10 000 people look at it right 30 to 50 people arrive at a talk these are the people they're going to change the regime like these are the low walls and this is the key thing four people will be prepared to be arrested engaging seal two people will be prepared to go to prison so here we are this is the most important part of this talk go and do the maps [Music] right in most western democracies if say 3 000 people are arrested then you'll get legislative change right in most western democracies if three 400 people go to prison you'll get legitimate change [Music] you have just been presented with the appealing myth that all you need to do is print enough pamphlets to motivate enough people to get themselves arrested to achieve legislative change in any western democracy and we are even given a precise ratio between the number of pamphlets to be printed the number of people who go to prison and you can crunch the numbers and do the math for just how many million pamphlets this would take challenge yourself think this through for a political set of demands an ideological movement that you have no sympathy with whatsoever in every western country there are some people who would prefer to have sharia law they're not afraid to go to prison for it it's a minority they're a very vocal very well organized minority in paris in berlin in new york in california there are passionate devout members of the muslim faith who would prefer to be under sharia law or some kind of muslim majority government do they believe that if just 3 000 of them go to prison it'll bring about their desired legislative change if you look today in britain it's capitalism secularism freedom liberty cannot provide the solutions for people so at a time like this it's actually quite important for muslims to vote especially with the sort of rise of islamophobia voting for a legislator instead of god it is the greater evil about you know that is the greatest evil voting itself it is the greatest crime afford against god much worse than uh all of the crimes of christ the people who are behind bars without trial i don't know where you stand on the abortion issue i've made many youtube videos discussing it from many different angles do you have any doubt in your mind that in the united states of america that in england that in france there are 3 000 people in each of those countries who aren't just willing to print pamphlets who are willing to be arrested who are willing to go to prison to change the laws on abortion you know what you can say it both ways there are people going to jail to make abortion illegal and there are people willing to go to jail to make abortion much more readily available in all of these western countries why is it that they don't believe that 5 000 pamphlets or 3 000 people in prison will accomplish that legislative change and and and and haven't they already tried it aren't they engaged in these sorts of methods right now is it really a purely hypothetical question we're asking or is this something that has in our times within our lives already been tried tested pushed to its limits and utterly debunked this youtube video is in part a political critique of a particular leader of a particular movement of a particular ideological tendency in our times but as with the vast majority of my videos it also provides a more general sort of education in how to use your mind to destroy the ready-made meanings that are presented to you in our society in our culture on the internet on television on the radio in the newspapers one of the most fundamental functions of the human mind is to tear apart complex ideas into their constituent parts to see the cracks in the facade of the appealing image presented to us by ideologues whether those be radical dissidents or whether those be members of the establishment [Music] [Music] how many people in the united states of america are willing to not just print pamphlets on paper but go to jail to support the state of israel and how many are willing to not just print pamphlets but go to jail because of their opposition to the state of israel one way or another whether they be anti-semitic or pro-palestinian or part of the left-wing bds movement there's all kinds of different voices in that chorus you think there's any shortage you think it's fewer than 3 000 people you see how such an appealing illusion starts to fall apart but he doesn't have to convince you and i he's only trying to convince a tiny minority of the audience that he refers to as lone wolves these are the people they're going to change the regime like these are the lone wolves he knows that his words only have to make sense to a tiny minority of desperate people to bring about the outcomes that he's really seeking changing history changing the world in six months is all about disruption plus numbers the situation is you've got your five people and the standard model that's happening in the western world at the moment and it's a little bit speculative but you know it's a robust robust potentiality as they say right she's got your five people your five people they're going through an extended hunger strike or they go and paint on a building or block a motorway and it's filmed and they go to prison for a week two weeks that's step one and beforehand they make the videos about it and there's loads of detail in this point right and it goes on social media and twenty thousand people watch it and then they come out and it's not like hey i'm gonna go and have a holiday no they're doing a job you're in prison you come out you're on to the job what is the job you're then on to your tour right you know mostly if you king used to do like five five speeches a day that's how you change history you don't go oh i'm off to recover now it's like that's how you change history you know have two days off and then you're out around the country doing a tour talking to people okay and people go oh my god this person's gone to prison here's here's a pathway to actual action i'll do it as well and they sign up so you go again right eight weeks later note the time not like four months later like two weeks right you go once you've got those 50 people so 50 people go to prison if 50 people go to prison in this country right newspaper people have said it'll be on the front page it's major right this isn't a fetishization of prism by the way right this is causing disruption putting the authorities in a dilemma and they go okay we're going to take this disruption and give them loads of publicity or we put money in prison and we give them lots of publicity it's a win-win non-violence properly designed is always a win-win so there's 50 people going to prison and you know what happens next right this is non-linearity they're out proactively designed civil resistance this is the heart of this video's proposition right you've got your five people you've got your 50 people the 50 people go to prison they come out they all do 20 meetings each in four weeks that produces your massive takeoff right your moment where you're going to get a thousand people prepared to block the motorways block the infrastructure whatever it is and they're prepared to go to prison we are now living through the last few months of 2021. do you think there were fewer than 3 000 people willing to go to prison to overturn the election of joe biden and instead install donald trump how many people on january 6th in washington dc were willing to go to prison to change history with non-violent methods by this very same definition of non-violence and what were the real outcomes of their struggle in the months since then how many thousand people have been willing to go to prison over the vaccination issue and how well organized and well funded any of these groups do you think vegans are as well organized and well-funded as the crazy abortion people do you think do you think they ever will be do you think ecologists will ever have the sense of mission and purpose motivation that we saw shine so brightly during the year 2020 in response to the brutal killing of george floyd in broad daylight on videotape with witnesses do you think there were fewer than 3 000 people willing to go to jail when they were demanding fundamental social political legal change after the police killed george floyd just in the year 2020 did anyone even need to print pamphlets the response in all these examples it was so visceral it was so immediate it was so extreme and it mobilized not hundreds of people not dozens of people not thousands we're talking about tens of thousands or millions of people rising up around the world and demanding change and yes non-violently by this by this very strange definition of non-violence that really includes quite a considerable amount of violence when you think about it if we can't say that this ideology has been discredited if we can't say that this methodology has proven to us all that it does not work now then when the pattern that i see is that one demagogue after another rises up preaching non-violence achieves absolutely none of his or her outcomes uh none of the legal legislative political changes that are demanded but what they do achieve is their own personal wealth and fame and as soon as they are caked out in the parlance of our times like the leaders of black lives matter suddenly they seem a lot less interested in leading a movement of radical dissonance suddenly they seem very highly motivated indeed to become members of the establishment instead of wiggling against it that for me is the lesson of history and i think if i were going to foretell the future six months from now one year from now five years from now that's the future i foretell for the leaders of extinction rebellion such as roger hallam that you've just seen in your screen they will go on to the same kind of comfortable life as the leaders of people for the ethical treatment of animals and so many other once radical movements that have come and gone of being invited occasionally to appear on the news as a talking head to give their you know esteemed opinion on the issues of the day well they've built up for themselves a comfortable bank account a retirement fund and a perpetual position on a tour on a speaking circuit that never ends what they have secured for themselves is money fame power respect and sex not necessarily in that order once they've got that we see just how little radicalism is left in them and you know the funny thing is it's you and i who get to choose we get to choose our leaders whereas the leaders of this world they don't get to choose their followers roger hallam puts this message out there and he has no idea what kind of stupid malevolent people are going to take those orders and how they're going to interpret them and how they're going to apply them and how many people are going to die and what the consequences will be we get to choose our leaders they don't get to choose us and that's why in politics nobody knows what will happen next [Music] maybe we can we can practice