Any Excuse is Good Enough for Bonny Rebecca.

27 July 2019 [link youtube]

#vegan #vegans #veganism

If you don't know who Bonny Rebecca is, don't learn now. Here's her (ex-vegan) youtube channel:

Shout out to Simon Rex, formerly known as Dirt Nasty. He actually had a few messages back and forth with me on Tumblr, before I started this youtube channel, and back when he was still putting out rap albums.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

you hear a lot of doctors especially
plant-based doctors talking about heart disease and you know not have to have any oils or saturated fats because that can lead to you know clogging your arteries and stuff like that but what I never really heard anyone talk about is that having too low cholesterol is also dangerous because cholesterol is super important in the body what's up Dirt Nasty here I'm a day six of my cleanse I'm doing the this cleanse that I got from my my yoga instructor been doing Pilates been really healthy lately day6 feeling good sleeping good only fruits and vegetables only and waters liquids some vitamin supplements clean I'm really hungry all you know mikado how are some veggies raw fish maybe lots of water hotdogs hamburgers cheeseburgers chocolate stuff like chocolate ice cream chocolate cake pizza pepperoni pizza mushroom most vegetables on pizza any Italian food spaghetti tortellini linguini yogi most pastas most pastas are fine fried chicken a lot of potatoes a lot of soul food a lot of lots of you know dairy cheeses a lot of milk tons of tomatoes tacos most most Mexican foods burritos what else only allowed to potato chips candy lots of candy like gummy lots of gummy sour bears gummy bears whatever pop-tart cereal most sweets are fine eggs for protein I just came home and had breakfast my cholesterol was actually really low and I always thought oh that's good like I'm not gonna get hot disease or whatever but it was actually to like lots of grains like breads whole wheat cheese plates fast food any fast food is fine pastries Chinese food lots of bok choy lots of beef and broccoli orange chicken shiny all chinese current lots of Korean Indian food with rice Thai food most spicy foods are fine Indian food what else not but not East Indian food Native American Indian food which most people are not we're aware of am I forgetting anything I think we got it that's about it so I'm just gonna keep doing this cleanse for a few more days stick it out I don't think I'll starve I'm gonna make it all that I'm checking with you guys again soon tan tan tan [Music]