Am I a Vegan Psychopath? (Politics & Personal Consequences)

08 July 2017 [link youtube]

The controversy-of-the-moment (that created this video) was a guy called Joe Best leaning heavily on allegations that I'm a psychopath, but, as always, I try to talk about broader (and more meaningful) issues in a way that would make this video interesting if I came back and watched it myself a few years from now.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

all the signs of someone that that is about the ego to parade your your you know your new girlfriend in thumbnails in bed in this way the kid but look I mean so this I want to make a separate video talking with this city of selfishness and the ego and stuff alright I'm willing to own it like you know I'm showing a video and a photo of me being happy with my girlfriend does that really make me such a piece of [ __ ] am I such a terrible person that I don't just share what we mentioned the book reviews and the political decisions I also share part of my life like I'm really happy I'm in this wonderful new relation with my girlfriend that I show me and my girlfriend being happy together and I talk about what a great time is that really make me such a terrible person heinous like compared to what anybody else is doing on being YouTube I know magazine yeah okay you can call that ego you know I have a video of one video of me playing with my daughter right so is that ego like I'm showing you what a great parent I am I'm showing you me playing with my daughter with like little you know colored bricks and stuff what a piece of [ __ ] who would put that on YouTube what a terrible person you are for sharing a daughter a video of you of you playing with your daughter and you know when you get in the other stuff in my life you know I'm very critical in talking about keep doing humanitarian work you know when one I did humans were you're handing out sacks of rice to serve people I think for a lot of people that is an ego trip I think it's worth talking about I'm gonna wet wall okay is this an ego trip you feel morally superior to others because you've done this humanitarian work is there you know like people say white guilt is there a guilt trip involves whether it's you know Laos and Cambodia or within Canada First Nations Cree in a jib way and den a trying to try and help those people you know when people write to me as nor vegan did recently insulting me and claiming that I'm self-interested when I do these these ostensibly good things I'm going to write back and say you're right I'm selfish I've said it myself in the video in the manifesto video I'm more ambitious than this I'm more selfish than this I I want more I'm not happy with what's going on in veganism I want it to be bigger and better and more and political and more effective to have real outcomes I want to be respected and respectable and want to step organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving that could get quoted in the press and that aren't regarded as a joke yeah I want more and there's an element of that which is my ego and is my selfishness I think to found a big successful organization like peda I think it takes some ego I think Gary Yourofsky has a lot of ego and and fine I don't criticize him for that sure there is a role of ego in this there is literally a roll of ego and selfishness in handing out food to starving people on a refugee camp you know there is a role of ego in standing up and saying hey hey there's no way I can study Cambodian there's no way I can study Palli there's no I can have a teacher I'll teach myself I'm gonna buy that aircon ticket I'm gonna go live on the Mekong Mekong River I'm gonna apply for humanitarian work oh I can't get ahead in First Nations like I'm gonna get the books out of the library and start studying created you boys oh yes there's a role of ego in all of those things and I'm willing to criticize it and talk about it openly and I'm going to talk about the role of selfishness even in humanitarian work I think that's actually a really deep topic and one side with the role selfishness in in vegan leadership sure so you know come at me Joe I'm not afraid of any of this stuff yeah and he was basing this on the thumbnail he didn't actually watch the video so he's saying that ISIL is parading me based off of this thumbnail this is me being in the thumbnail yeah it's really weird I'm sure they're having a great time she seems like a lovely girl thanks Joe he's always he always imagines that one he can be the victim and two he can be the nice guy by just throwing in this kind of [ __ ] throwing in she seems like a lovely girl doesn't make you a nice guy Joe what do you think you call you she's in love with me you call me a psychopath publicly you think this makes it okay to say you're sure she's a lovely girl look you don't need to save me [Music] please in German job s as a rule the only thing that can defeat a psychopath is a bigger psychopath I've mentioned in the past that you cannot be named we've held and I've said this because when I got interested in this subject last year I read this book called defense of the psychopath and in it it said that the only thing that can beat a psychopath is a bigger psychopath and this reminded me of when I was in my youth that there was these rough kids like in the gangs I was in that you couldn't be so you're a bigger psychopath and durianrider Joe better than this then the rough tough kids and the streets of London in the in the gangs in London that he was a member of right before his brilliant career as an international financier that keeps getting alluded to although his only university degree is in architecture he went for being in violent street gangs in London with rough kids to studying architecture university to being an international financier in the international banking system what a courier this guy said and people ask me for screenshots they asked me to prove that my passport is real when it's true my passwords mean nothing about this story is hard to believe huh nothing about his claims so based on his experience with street gangs in London he thinks I'm a psychopath that's actually the opening claim because they would go to extra mile so even if he was stronger even if he was faster you know they would always be willing to go the extra mile because that's what their life is and it's the same with narcissists on YouTube and social media they do so you're a narcissist too because I'm willing to go the extra mile what what does that even mean that I don't know I think he views your his interactions with you it like on screen it says cold and calculated worthless right right so a video of you and me having a spontaneous conversation in our bathrobes recorded after midnight and recorded before his video went up by the way yeah too late we didn't upload for a couple days we hadn't seen it wasn't response to this video that's cold and heartless by my behavior but like in what in what sense do I go the extra mile like even in the case with during Ryder look what he reached out to you just a week ago to write an apology email you didn't have any contact with him for months yeah right you know like okay anyone going going the extra-mile not necessarily a bad thing but like what my response to during Ryder would he call it overkill like I said okay during Ryder like look man if you if you want to arrest me that was an original claim was that he had criminal charges against me I said let's meet at the police station no problem I said if you don't want to me to the police station we meet at a coffee shop or we can hit a boxing ring your choice let's meet fine let's resolve this going the extra-mile therefore I'm a sociopath there are four of us I got that I don't know maybe I was lazy maybe I didn't go extra mile enough right like I man that you could see it that way and I don't know I would I don't think I went the whole nine yards to mix metaphors you know anyway a willing to open up troll accounts they are willing to write messages to themselves they are relentlessly attacking so just what have I ever done that even once they're ruining a great role yeah I know I know but this but you can see by the rebel screen this is this is this is part of it yes right you're worth but these are these are differences you me and everywhere they're not similarities these are things during writer does that I have never done once I don't have any troll accounts I've never done this kind of stuff at all what so it responds to one of the comments below this video do you remember there was a blow blow his video there was somebody saying that me and during Ryder are exactly the same was like yeah yeah yeah you know like we're exactly the same except I do book reviews talking about vegan politics and durianrider does like personal slander like based on people's sex lives like there's a really subtle difference but if you watch my book reviews talking about like Gary France a Monet or any of these other major figures in in veganism you know my book review of will Tuttle even you know to me talk about will Tuttle's book like I think if you watch my book reviews you'll pick out the subtle difference between me and dairy writer at our at our approaches this you know I can you where you just want to defend yourself and go to bed and have an life so they exhaust you so yet does this does this describe my relationship with your best in any way was I attacking him when he just wanted to be left alone what like at what stage does that remotely like in terms of the last year year and a half because my story with him goes back two years at war at this point like he made these videos defaming me where he was supporting durianrider and they were and saying his stuff with a financial situation in the legal situation and the fundraiser and this kind of stuff and also saying stuff about my private sex life where he was alleging and presuming that I was sleeping with a bunch of teenage girls in Chiangmai he was saying all this stuff and I reached out to him in a totally positive way and said look don't act like I'm a stranger here's the here's why I was in Chiang Mai he made a big deal about why was he in China shame and all this crap and saying if you want to talk to me on skype we can talk once I play mother I reached out to him positively and at that time his response to that was to say that I was guilty of ambient abuse whatever whatever the [ __ ] ambient abuse makes and now now he says I'm a psychopath so I've never said anything as negative publicly on the internet or privately I have never said anything as negative about Joe best as he's still sang about me so if he held himself to the same standard he'd have to judge himself a psychopath and nurses and every single person that has gone up against name withheld has burnt out because he will continue I'm not saying this is a positive attribute I'm saying that normal people who else has gone up against name withheld not you Joe you are a coward you didn't go up against them not when it mattered not what it mattered whatever was supposed to stand up and be counted you sat down okay so I mean well you know um vegan gains Richard vegan gained stood up against Dermer he didn't burn out because he's a man of principle he's a man with some characters most important fortitude eccentric as hell you know suffers hallucinations in dementia by his own account he has his own psychological problems but he was a man of principle nobody was expecting to do that he was a big supporter of Turing writers and durmitor supported him up to that point and vegan gains just because it was the right thing to do he stood up to be counted and it wasn't when it was convenient for him it wasn't when it was good for his channel it wasn't when it was the popular thing to do and you didn't do that Joe you were on the wrong side when it matters and no you want to pretend that you were a murderer and a victim and a hero all at the same time because you're doing it when it doesn't matter you're doing it a year and a half too late or something like that yeah now it's become fashionable right right so now you're just going along with the crowd now the same way you were just going along with the crowd before right I mean same same story one resolution they will be in conflict looking for resolution and if you don't get it you become exhausted and you go away if you want resolution why did you make a video calling eyes'll a psychopath right but look what if I want resolution what if the same thing applies to me Joe what if you send me your shitty apology at a time when you have more than four videos up on your channel still slandering me into family me videos that have been picked up and recycled by being in footsoldier recently videos that stole the negative embed mode and my response to you which you never admit I sent you a message back saying this stuff is still on your channel you never deleted it you never apologize even retract you never made another video talking about it sunny from new perspective you still have this stuff up bad-mouthing me you know blackening my character and again a lot of it being psychological these claims that I'm a terrible person and some deep psychological way which is much much worse is much worse defamation than me saying that Nina and Randa are not gonna have an easy time going to auditions in LA I'm you know kind of absurd contrast okay well what if you just said normal people want resolution Joe what if I wanted resolution with you what if rather than your apology which you know is like the fourth time in a year you've declared that your channels gonna take on a new positive direction what if I wanted resolution why don't you hold yourself for the same it sounds like one year ago when you reached out to him you were trying to get resolution with him when he was making up claims that you had been sleeping with teenage girls in Chiangmai use and you know he was asking why is he it was amazing watching my at all your you reached out to him and said hey I'm available you can talk to me my classic my what I say again again people don't act like it's hard to find me you can tell I would but I to be honest I would even call that resolution like wasn't for me it was really me trying to be helpful to him because like I know like if people don't have any other source information if all he's hearing are lies from these other crappy youtubers it's like well look I can show you a legal document that's real I can show you banking documents like you know I mean like I can just talk you through what the situation is and most people who talk to me if they just going on skype and talk to me like including clothes right clothes from plant-based news they didn't even want to see the documents just hearing my voice is hearing me talk through what the delays were and what happened they were like close just appalled he was like oh so I'm sorry man I'm sorry I thought it was a scam if they have no other source information can't claim so I would just say that wasn't even me looking for a solution Purcell was me offering to help someone who was in equal parts misled and misleading that's the situation and name we've held even talks about this in an interview with carb doping great who has been the most difficult role you've dealt with socially / legally no one's taking that cat yet because a lot of like they get on you and they go hard and they fizzle out and they want the long-term ones are pretty low intensity so generally the higher the patrol burns the quicker they fade or the more consistent they are the lower intensive they burn that's fair enough but who doesn't miss apply to who is still burning along trolling along attacking along without any sign of abating won't accept anybody's apology wants to be recognized for everything that he's done etc etc well this fella now this here is the biggest psychopath this got wet when have I done trolling like honestly in my whole youtube career in all the comments what would you characterize as drawing I can think of one example where the title of the video was drawing but not the actual video if you watch it I can think of one and I have I think now more than 600 videos but well over 500 videos on my channel sorry I don't know another number but yes I can remember one video I would say the title really was trolling but to characterize me in general as still trolling at no point was i trolling durianrider if that's reach I'm here at no point have I ever told Joe best in any of our jury and it was completely like by definition normally a troll is anonymous to start with but but if your trolling is based on lies and insincerity normally for comedic effect partly but also to be insulting or to get a reaction of somebody never even even someone like vegan Ava I wasn't trolling vegan Ava I mean it's like it's kind of hilarious my videos with her but like you know you remember the most recent one with vegan Ava vegan Ava claimed that my email to another youtuber was threatening and it so there's no trolling it's a 100% serious video I show exactly what the email says and I ask in what way is this threatening like why is this be sent I've never played the role of the troll neither in relation to those specific people nor relation the vegan movement general and even something like you know you want to talk about like the the diet advice from freely in Germany which is not my strong suit it should have been someone like vegan gains who took them on in terms their crappy diet advice somebody who really does diet and nutrition but none of that is trolling when I said no you can't eat unlimited carbs and not gain weight I'm not trolling like so this characterization of me I don't know what is it a mix of insincere and insane now this here is the biggest psychopath this guy here he's the one that's beaten name we've held you know he's got him on the run and he he just claimed on the biggest psychopath on vegan YouTube I got competition I got copies not just your inner either man in my opinion he ensnared him into a trap he baited him into a trap and used that to destroy him during that period I was a supporter of name withheld and I still stand by that in in from the point of view that I felt he was baited I still think he's wrong I still think he needs to go from this community or just lit at least leave it alone I think he's caused so much harm and destruction none of that I take back but it is very clear so what did I do to beat durianrider I during right because you made videos talking about his terrible diet advice apparently well so that is and yeah of course he had to make videos there he had to make comments right with death threats obviously that is the most logical like reaction to those videos yeah so you were totally baiting him once's well okay conversely of course would anyone even doubt that during Ryder was baiting me like when durianrider stated that I was on steroids he say that repeatedly on his blog he said that I was on steroids and giving weight loss advice on the basis of being on steroids is that baiting or not is that trolling or not that was his those were his first public statements about me his first so written statements on the Internet his first response to me on YouTube the original controversy was about Crohn's disease I say this again against I made videos really stating ultimately boil down the long videos durianrider claims he cured Crohn's disease I say he didn't I think this is an incurable disease veganism will not cure Crohn's disease Crohn's disease perfectly valid criticism Crohn's disease is a very serious incurable disease and you could prove that during Ryder was lying simply by contrasting a sound clip from an interview he gave to rich role to what he'd said on his own youtube channel more recently and less reasonable before and after so there were inconsistencies within Durham right a story that already made it impossible to believe that he actually had Crohn's disease that he could carry to prove he heard Crohn's disease but also I mean havea miracle of modern science if someone discovered someone discovered the cure to Crohn's disease on YouTube you know they were there this would be written up in scientific and medical journals okay this would be a big deal right so if you're claiming that is beating durianrider that's is that beating someone is that troy's that is that pulling someone to cover no no it's an invitation for him to say you're right I shouldn't say these things online I shouldn't say that I cured Crohn's disease it's not factual it's not something that I should be promising to people I you know people with Crohn's disease are desperate for cures yes and you can't tell them that eating a raw for diet is going to cure their Crohn's disease it's just not right it's immoral it impacts people's lives daily a lot of his advice is advice when he tells people to drop out of college she think it doesn't impact it was lives you know he gives a lot of bad advice that's worth present worth responding to about the pro notification lifestyle and everything else but I got not too just three or four emails from people with Crohn's disease and I got one guy writing to me who was who was a biological sciences major I forget his title I forget if he was technically I don't think it was a medical doctor but you know he was in biological sciences and the three or four people who had Crohn's disease they talked about exactly that their sense of desperation and of wanting to try anything to cure this disease and then the negative impact this had on their lives you know and you know and their exasperation but I remember one person said yeah you know eating more bananas kind of helps a little bit but you know like it's just having more fiber more at least five were passing through your system but to misrepresent the secure is nonsense and another person wrote in because I did look into the scientific literature this saying eating bananas doesn't help at all it's a complete lie anyway the scientific literature indicates that actually helps some people not others to eat a lot of loose fiber but it's not a cure not remotely a cure you know but I did actually get it get maybe three or four people who wrote long personal emails to me talking about this issue and the impact that in their life so it is an issue that has a face it is an issue that as victims or as real impact on individual individual people's lives and the the biological sciences student I mean he was writing to me with the technical details proving that Durham Ryder must be lying because like Durham writer described having the test that proved he did have Crohn's disease and then having a test later that proved he was cured so he claims that he'd had one test positive and then later at once as negative right like as if like as if it's a blood test and this guy was writing to me saying look that's not how the test works what he's describing is not the way the testing procedure goes reposed he was going through all the deals that it's not it's not a blood test no and that's what Gerry might describe was just having a drop of blood put on a slide for whether or not sugar chrome season that doesn't work that way let's not get into details but I remember that guy talk to me with a little bit so yeah you know that's sure and so therefore Joe best is gonna blame the victim here and say well during Ryder was baited look I think if you make the claim that you've cured an incurable disease something seriously like Crohn's disease I don't think my criticism on that is disproportionate or unreasonable and you know yeah you know this isn't the first time that I've heard somebody say this because when I've talked to my dad about this because he's like you know why why did he get online in the first place and criticize this person who was clearly a psychopath Wow that's such a funny iron go on yeah yeah and I was like well I think it's pretty brave that he did and I think that he probably did help people who were under durianrider spell maybe maybe your videos did help some people sure and yeah I mean you incur it a lot of horrible things since then because of how you you know how you had made videos criticizing him but I I think it's something brave you know I respect that you did that well happy that I'm happy that you did look it's also it's a lot easier to be a gracious loser than a gracious winner one of the reasons why I take the attitude I do towards this is just that I'm humble about the fact that my side won you know I said this recently didn't or vegan or as saying to him look you know you got to be careful what you say about German I'm not comfortable with calling during right or in our system really not I'm not comfortable meeting that allegation against I don't I don't I basically don't think we should be defaming him that way so you guys don't remember I stood up and defended during Ryder when vegan cheetah started defaming him I said no I didn't start my case so that people would stop defaming me and defame other people instead defame permit said I want nobody to be defaming anyone and that was when cheetah started hating me I made one video saying no it's you cannot say that this man has hiv/aids which she has said back then he made a video it was deleted where he claimed that that Jeremiah in showbiz and then he stuck with that he made a video where he didn't use the person's name but he was looking at the guys blood tests and insinuating this person said none of this is acceptable he made another video suggesting durianrider was having sex with somebody I'm get I'm just not gonna say who to be polite and ice on all those issues I stood up I said to cheetah publicly and privately no the point was not to just stop defame me you also can't defame during my we have to have one moral standard a minimum moral standard that applies to everyone and yeah I'm I'm duly humbled with the fact that some people think I cross the line and think my videos are immoral but like if you think it's way over the line for me to say as I've said that Nina and Randa when they go to an audition in LA are not the best-looking girls in the room no one's gonna gasp in amazement when they show up at an audition in Los Angeles if you think that's that so outrageous I understand that like maybe my own mother would feel that way you know what I mean I actually not true of either of my grandmother's but anyway hypothetically one of my grandmother's might have felt that way but if you're someone who's a fan of durianrider who consumes his channel the level of vitriol slander personal insult and just needless criticism of people just crappy personal criticism him laying into Tana mojo like why that's crappy you know for needless vicious criticism people and then you look at my channel you think I'm way over the line that's what doesn't make sense to me but for sure if my channel is over the life you don't watch it you know simple as that you know another thing think of think of your behavior when durianrider asked you to make an apology video really right and you did right but he didn't accept that apology he didn't change his behavior after that yeah I could totally over that good point yeah you didn't make a video calling him a psychopath you still never sunk to this level that's that Jo vest is thinking - that's true that is true I made an apology video - during Ryder and freely just because Jerry might her asked me and you know it was when I was going through the screenshots what he said to me everything he said to me was either a threat or an insult to rely except this one thing is that the one genuine thing in it was that he asked me to apologize - freely because he claimed that what I'd said about her hurt her feelings freely has never said that by the way very easy for morality we're within the six degrees of separation we have friends in common freely and I but I said okay this is a man asking me to apologize to his girlfriend cuz he said it or he films I'm gonna do it I'm gonna take that as a positive opportunity and for him that would have been a great out that would have been an opportunity to move the controversy another direction and do something more pause the whole thing he didn't he didn't take it that is true yeah yeah and you know think of how this video might make me feel my boyfriend is not a psychopath yet there are people online saying that he's a psychopath before we're even together I wanted to defend him because all these things seemed ridiculous ludicrous yeah are you going to apologize Demi for hurting my feelings Jonas are you gonna apologize Alfred calling was like that and would would eyes'll be in the wrong if he did not accept your apology then yeah yeah anyway okay but it's very clear that the person who is coming up in the shadow is also someone to be warned of and not just because he's going after me he's done that many sir I know we've only got one sense there but look what I'm not coming up on his shadow my video my channel has not gotten any bigger basically since before the controversy with during Rider my channels stay the same size I have approximately the same number of regular viewers and that's probably because the kind of people who won't watch my channel don't want to watch five videos a week I have a lot of regular viewers who've been with me for years I think they put on YouTube once a month they're people with real jobs they're just they're not the kind of stereotype YouTube comments section troll or teenage or whatever they don't do that kind of thing that's not my audience I got a lot of fully grown adults who watch this channel and they watch it once a week or once a month and that's that's about it but my audiences stayed the same size but this is before I started to say you know it's easier to be a gracious loser than a gracious winner it's easier to be kind of you know humble or you know I expect late we've destroyed we collectively have destroyed during writers life we've destroyed his channel his channel has collapsed and I think some degree of kind of you know humility is in order about that and even I've made videos saying look I feel bad for durianrider you know it's it's really sad well this is the only thing yet so if he doesn't have any other job he doesn't have any other career he doesn't many let's go on and we've destroyed it you know now I didn't destroy it for no reason I didn't destroy it out of mean-spirited vindictiveness where's a lot of what he does against me and other people it just means they're very vindictiveness but still you know again unlike Joe best who's perpetually presenting himself as the victim I don't see myself as the victim I think we have to talk about this as winners not whiners and say look we have changed the face of vegan YouTube we have we we me and a bunch of other people including Bing and Dan's Gaines vegan gains and carry my carpet and even unnatural vegan share with our natural vegan put our foot down and said no here is the line this far and no further and it ended during writers career it destroyed his credibility it destroyed his festival in Thailand it has destroyed his life durianrider has been sitting there weeping alone with his girlfriend and his last two supporters when they go to lunch they film it they're posting photos and videos of themselves there's four or five people out to lunch right and the festival of people who hate during Hunter which includes some of his ex-girlfriend's as you know that has more than 15 people at it's not a huge crowd but you see the photos of them having lunch so this was supposed to be a festival with a hundred people attending you know going walking riding up the mountain to hear during writers philosophy of life and so on obviously you know he's destroyed his own career to a very large extent obviously his own ridiculous Spade responsible that but I think you have to see it in that in that framework I'm not coming up and during writers channel during writers shadow sorry but my channel isn't growing it hasn't grown and for the most part you know I have the same the same regular viewers that I had before any other started and I remember I tracked it you know even when when vegan gains gave me the shout out supporting me in the video I don't think I gained even one subscriber from them because the type of people who are fans of vegan gains are not fans of my content no complaint that's it it's just different types people wanted so if I have 2000 people who care about my channel I'm happy I think that's wonderful you know it's great because I know all kinds of people with PhDs university professors and research and they can't get 2,000 people to show up to their lecture they can't get 2,000 people to read their article if it's a PDF unlike they couldn't get 200 people to watch a YouTube video of them talking about the things they're passionate about and do research about their lives so I'm duly humble about that I don't expect my channel to grow and it's not like now you're going to be in charge of the Thai fruit festival it's not like you're coming up in his you know you're taking over his place or something and who is the whole point Joe best himself he very much is trying to come up into much he is trying to take over the festival he is trying to take over a leadership role in Chiang Mai Thailand and exactly that scene so if anyone's trying to come up off of this tragedy Joe it's it's you and not me I don't want to play that why that kind of leadership rolled so I do not want to play especially not in terms of the permanent vacation weight loss right a bike side of veganism no man that's not my aspiration and not my interest at all because it's very clear that he exhibits extremely similar power-hungry traits as name withheld the big difference is okay what have I done in the last three years of my life okay and like we can contrast' this the advice I gave I gave Joe best himself I moved from Taiwan to Canada I enrolled in a second BA I already have a BA my first bi honors BA in political science I had the humility said well there were no good masters degree options from me there no good PhD offers for me I'm gonna go back to school get a second BA and of course a lot of thought went a lot of agonizing right it's a hard decision to make and I was sitting in class I mean in Canada you get a rage rage but I was in class with people aged 18 to 25 primarily you always have a few mature students in every class you know this is this is the this is the situation I learned Chinese for a little less than one year I had to stop on Chinese and learn Japanese I got myself a very peculiar job as a university professor in China like in what would the basic la in my spare time I come on YouTube and talk about stuff how is this in any way comparable to what during writers done or what he's claiming about my life and and my aspirations and so on here you know there's there's no resemblance in the reality of my life what I'm doing and what I'm aspiring to do and what he's charging with here I there are people there were many people on YouTube who wanted to be the next freely and I don't even really shame them for that they saw a successful model and they wanted to be the next really and I think there were people who saw what Gerry mitre didn't directly imitated him and wanted to be story writer there is no sense in my life professional or personal whatever in which I've been trying to be the next day miner none but we talked about this of all the time we have all kinds of videos talking about career in education we have all kinds we decide what activism and what kind of political role I do want to play in veganism you know and even the kind of the politics that are built into something like me writing that children's story book right so you know and what way is that Kampala so like sue durian riders way to the top was slander and defamation and celebrity call-out videos yeah so that's what you do I use any of the same methods use I'm writing a children's story book I study foreign languages I do history and politics of Asia of Canada would like there is nothing in common in our approach and in terms of our objectives I've said very clearly I want to be involved in public education and outreach I want to imitate the success of mothers against drunk driving I want to have civil society organizations of my manifesto video my whole political approach eggman has nothing in common with during a minor I also am NOT giving weight loss advice unlike Joe best to give weight loss advice the big difference is and I don't want to sound like I'm going soft on anybody at least name withheld has got a positive contribution what we've all said all of us that have fallen out of him is you do bring good stuff but you spoil it by doing so much bad stuff when people don't agree with you that is it my issue with that man was that the whole cancer girl thing when he asked is she really dead I saw that and I thought I cannot be this man's friend it's not going in the same direction of life that I'm heading in so what is laughable that I can't even laugh well they either you have no positive contribution right in your channel so in terms of when you first got interested in my youtube channel like what was the positive content you responded to ask for you was an example yeah yeah well the first video that I saw was passion and protests won't save the planet alright and that's me it was really interesting I didn't hear anybody else on YouTube talking about this talking about what is effective activism how can we improve activism how can we make it so that there are more vegan people in the world that is I think the number one thing that vegans want more vegan people more people that are interested in ecology more people that care about animals more people that want us to be able to survive as a human race on there is our planet and your channel was discussing so many interesting things so many valuable things that nobody else said or you know I maybe some topics other people had commented on but like you know you have like almost 600 videos talking about Pekin politics talking about the future of the movement talking about I mean your life - I mean your life is just interesting you're like all kinds of different topics that I don't think anybody else yeah I don't know maybe I'm biased you know I'm biased because well I'm in love with you like you know you've you've made a really positive contributions in veganism you've done book reviews you know you guys doing well ok this came up in the conversation read in a children's book this came up in the conversation with Josh aka big and revolution right but that was one of the only parts where there was really communication he had nothing to say but he didn't disagree with me he said that I was a divisive and negative figure in the movement and my response was it assumed I said well ok let's talk about him what sense I'm divisive so the stuff I say about what is effective activism protests the stuff I say about vivisection or domestication of animals so castrating dogs those kinds of issues is that if you regard that those as divisive issues to debate or discuss I think they're really worthwhile and meaningful yeah I don't think this even a meaningless or counterproductive or negative say it's meaningful because it will invite vegans to discuss these matters to come together and talk about these issues move it becomes stronger and more clearly focused than we disambiguate things that are ambiguous and confusing than the movement but he didn't object he didn't disagree and he was foster he was based like yeah that's yeah right that's true so I mean obviously that was an incredibly negative interview overall credibly hostile but in response that he had he had nothing hostile or negative to say he just responded that by saying yeah that's that's right he agreed he thought that was a positive contribution in the movement that's that's one side of it and the other side of it is uh this is mostly on Twitter but also by email when somebody like vegan foot soldier made the claim there was absolutely no positive fountain on my channel I wrote back to him giving examples in both their counter examples like I have a playlist for book reviews those ten videos of a book reviews I don't think there's anything that positive on all of Jabez channel there's definitely not anything that positive on all of durian writers channel and this claim that during writer stenciling I suppose those you know I def you know again to be self-critical you can see videos where I just say Gary France aione is an idiot you know when I don't really go death I also have a video that's one hour and 20 minutes long you'll see it in that playlist for for book reviews where I say a lot of positive things book a reference they own in a very balanced way we talk about the legacy of his work what's good and what's bad and his approach what's good and what's bad in his book you know we're talking about a particular book but also his legacy as influence in the movement in a very responsible measure way so you know both are true of my channel but if that's not positive content what is like I can really ask the question so my playlist even if that's the only positive Kannada my channel which it isn't but there's another playlist you know the the wildlife management approach to veganism talks about the importance of wild animals and the role of domesticated animals and how we philosophize about veganism i we think of this political movement all the stuff on effective activism so many videos you know street protests versus lobbying government public outreach and education all that stuff so if this is not a positive contribution what is and you will search in vain for anything that positive enduring writer's channel you will search in vain for anything that positive and enjoy bests whole whole record so yeah i mean people like you got interested in my channel because of I would say substantive content I mean positive and negative are kind of meaningless here but this is substantive content really showing concern and interest foreign in the next 10 years of the vegan movement and what I want to do in it and saying that I'm a psychopath and I'm an even worse psychopath and durianrider that is Joe best response to that contribution and I'm oh make the contribution I can jury and writer has no job during writer has no kids I have a full-time job and a four year old daughter and I'm enrolled in university and I've been enrolled in language classes you know at the moment I'm not but you know I was for my first seven months in China and so on I have other responsibilities in life sometimes people say to me they think I'm not doing enough and I say back well right now I'm doing the best I can we're about to fly to France and take care of my daughter for 15 days I have other responsibilities so I do what I can for veganism and that's why I talk about something like the illustrating the children's storybooks to wrote this children story book translated at getting it Illustrated that's something positive I can do I can't form a big organization like petaa out of thin air I don't have the money I don't the time I don't you know I don't have any means to do that so the type of activism I can I think is worth talking about and I get all kinds of email back from other people to talk about this for just email from someone saying they have a busy job they're an architect or something and they're looking for the ways in which they can make a positive contribution in the movement within their limitations so yeah and Oh Joe best why don't you ask yourself what you can do for the movement cuz this ain't it homeboy the few the two vegan friends that I do have I really encourage them to watch your channel because I don't know you've said though that people have written into you saying that they're your content made them go vegan yes oh yeah that is yeah sure like I wouldn't say you're an introductory vegan Channel no but once you are a vegan you want to talk about these things you know like it doesn't just go away you don't just become vegan and then you're like oh okay like there's nothing to talk about like no like this is something that's I'm going to be interested in talking about for the rest of my life like this is something that had a huge impact on my worldview what I wanted to do with my life like how I see your own your own relatives and friends how you get along with your parents that stuff I regard that as positive content even again to share that one video my video with Zarya over an hour long and she talks about how her relationship with her parents changed when she became vegan I talked about my relationship with my parents change and I became vegan talked about going to farms and seeing animals getting slaughtered there's a lot of that kind of positive content and people like vegan foot soldier and Joe best and even Noir vegan they want to dismiss that and call me a narcissist and a psychopath like I'm not gonna recommend a foot soldier to my vegan friends because what are they going to learn from it how is it gonna positive impact their lives yeah and in terms of this question this is often given as a justification for durianrider well people have converted to veganism because well people have converted to veganism because of me too I can really ask well what kind of human being becomes vegan because the term rider and then what are they gonna do positively for the movement in the future that's their main interest if that's their guiding influence yes right yeah then I don't I don't really have a lot of lead you know if this is what the episode yeah I don't have a lot of confidence that they'll be vegan forever if that's why that why they became vegan because the health argument you know beautiful and thin and young like that that isn't something that's going to last what is going to last is a lot of influence that your channel is they had the the maybe they do stay vegan but they stay vegan on during writers program which is drop out of school hate your parents get a vasectomy never have kids go on permanent vacation live by your own rules live for your own personal short-term happiness there were a lot of layers to that message and there are people have changed their lives because of that message I don't think they're gonna have a positive impact on veganism the claim was that by glamourizing veganism by making it seem glamorous they would spread veganism I don't think durianrider sitting on his kitchen floor ranting about how much you hate psychiatrists and how much and how old medical doctors are scam artists I don't think that glamorizes veganism I think that discredits mechanism I think it does a lot of harm to the perceptive perception of veganism but that is the the excuse or justification for it yeah and look the people who convert to vegan is because of my channel which I have I have had emails to know people so if there's an excuse ordering writers excuse for me I think those are people who really probably will have a positive maybe those are people of a more intellectual carrier I showed you recently about a week ago I got one message though that they wrote to me there basically while they're converting to veganism and they said look I've been considering converting to veganism I was looking for in-depth meaningful discussion of these problems I have with veganism and they said yours is the only channel that addressed or dealt with any stuff and they wrote to me saying they really appreciate my contribution so that's out there and I don't care maybe it's only 100 people ever for my channel whereas it's a thousand people for during Ryder it's not millions of people for dinner maybe it's 5,000 people for daring writer but sure those 100 people could have a really meaningful long-term impact cuz they're the people who care about those issues and think about the political consequences of their actions you know they're not a bunch of teenagers Steve's was a little cheering for you know the defamation Olympics someone like Jermaine Ryder or someone like vegan cheetah clowning on the internet and you know clowning in a way that really harms people in terms of their personal lives their sex lives their professional lives you know I how am I supposed to apply for a job with this kind of stuff about me it really impacts my life yeah yeah and another positive thing I can share your videos that aren't even about veganism with I've sent a few videos to my brother one being like the one about not getting offended oh right why it's pointless to get offended because he had made some some comment to me how quick people are to get offended you the other day a couple days of you shared my video book caffeine can be shared and I feel comfortable sharing your videos because they are informed they are you know respectful they're not they're not like content that durianrider puts out alright anyway anyway but it seems to be a really easy way to slander someone's you just say their their channel as absolutely no content I have one 500 videos and I can send you as I did with foot solar I can send you counter-examples you know and it's so easy for him to claim I don't accept criticism i consent videos showing hey Here I am responding to criticism in a really meaningful way calling me a psychopath is not really criticism but here I am now responding right so taking the time out of my day I mean we're treating this fairly seriously even though it's impossible the trees and I started challenging his nutritional advice he went after me like a madman relentless and that's when I realized I definitely cannot be associated with this man well how do you think I feel Joe like why is there no capacity for sympathy or empathy there you feel so sorry for yourself you're such a victim that during Ryder went after you gee can you think of anyone else who's had a similar experience and might might endure similar feelings you know I mean evidently I am I am tougher than Joe best despite his background in the street gangs of London hanging out with really tough Psychopaths in the street gangs of London Joe that's your claim but I'm tougher than you homeboy I dealt with a lot more than you and you could have reached out to me positively at any point during that period and you didn't you didn't stand up and do the right thing what it would have taken guts when it would have taken courage or when it would have just taken some human empathy some compassion some sympathy you didn't do that at all you piled on you rode with bandwagon when it was fashionable to say that I was a scam artist and that my court case was fake you rolled with it and now you're riding with the other bandwagon you're a piece of [ __ ] either way man the problem with this fella here a baseless seal as a mossad is that he doesn't contribute anything positive anyway there's no positive content that comes out of there because it's all designed to undermine anybody with whom he criticizes he claims that what he's doing is that he's provided like he says every movement needs a critic but what he what he's really saying is every movement needs a leader who insults them and that's me but the glaring red flag to me is so Jovi Moritz over this but he hasn't watching these videos and he is I think too stupid sorry job job asked up st. Joe vegan waxed in there okay so my critique of ZOA Palace is a book written by a Canadian University professor with a PhD who is influential within animal rights at least at the academic level that book propels the notion that rats should have civil rights rats in city should have civil rights it prepares a bunch of really crazy no will Tuttle again in my book review of him contains insane supernatural notions a book a book but but xalapa less is a good example you can check the book reviews playlist on my channel do you actually think there's no significance to my sitting down and making video warning people most soom have not read that book and will never at that book and most whom just assumed these are respectable store as most people I've talked to they just assume will Tuttle was a really respectable representative of veganism because I don't know he wears a nice suit he's published a book and he travels the world giving lectures on veganism then that video is really warning you wait there's something important here you don't know that's ethically wrong and morally wrong and intellectually wrong same with Gary Yourofsky so many people send me emails thanking me because they said they had no idea what gary yourofsky's position of violence was and i puts it together of anywhere i'm quoting end point and I explained look this is this is something I have so we can't compromise with this is morally wrong and it's politically wrong it's tactically and strategically wrong no Gary Yourofsky we really have to recognize his position on violence is and will chemicals name of the professor wrote zoo Ovilus will Kim Luka what he's actually saying about rats and snakes and by the way what he says about backyard chickens laying eggs he has this ludicrous justification which is I mind anti-vegan of why it's okay to eat chicken eggs whites okay don't even ride a horse or keep horses this kind of thing horses and cows net there's a justification or happy milk which i think is really dangerous than the vegan movement other people wouldn't know about that without that critique without my reading the book and doing the book review discussing it you know and you're not undermining you're not undermining the authors you're talking about what the authors talked about right well in discussing it and providing a book review for somebody else and what is Joe best doing here yeah he's just going me a psychopath right right right but if but if I am undermining the author's even we accept that even if it is negative this is the negative book review right I mean it's a negative book review sure it's not a positive book review you can call it negative but it's critique but something substantive that matters if I'm undermining the author's why okay yeah I'm undermining the idea that rats should be citizens the brat should have civil right so that that's what meaning fortunately do you expect me to apologize for that it's not the same it's not comparable in any way to what durianrider has done to undermine people in terms of their personal integrity their sex lives their private lives during right are going after me in terms of my relationship with my own ex-wife murdered my daughter him making criminal allegations about me how is that comport when anyways a here's an academic with a PhD you published a book and I'm gonna criticize some of the political ideas in that book you can call it negative you can say I'm undermining the person how is that comparable to durianrider claiming I'm a sexual predator claiming that I'm a wife beater which isn't real claiming that I was he claimed that I was kicked out of a vegan group in Quebec because I slept with so many of the women in this group and stuff there is no comparison whatsoever all right you can use the verb undermining for both you can use the Dan adjective negative for both but I mean Joe best you're you're so far wrong on this and you mean I guess you can't see it yourself ma'am but the glaring red flag to me is what kind of critic can't take criticism what kind of critic has their comment turned off it's like he stands though of a megaphone tells you exactly what you need to think and then puts his hands over his ears it is absolutely preposterous so now I'll say about this but we just saw this video from Joe best and it didn't just have a lot of comments below it you could see Joe took a lot of time to read and reply to every comment Joe best doesn't have a job Joe best doesn't have kids Joe best is on permanent vacation so he can do that I can't I tried for a couple months meanwhile I was a student and couldn't mang I did put in my level best to interact the audience that way and you know moderate the comments section and this stuff and you know at the end of that time okay I'm not a student anymore you know I got this job and moved to new location so on I don't have the time to do that I also don't have the interest you know like I really you know that quality of comments you get on YouTube most of it is not worth time but but Joe has I guess I don't know if he considered himself retired or not he has no job he has a lot of time on his hand I don't I don't want to maintain a comment section I've described why I've made multiple videos talking about why there's no comment session on my channel I do take the time to reply to people on patreon those people pay one dollar a month if you write to me on patreon email me within the you know you can privately message me with a patron or publicly comment within patreon I do answer those comments and that's part of how I use my time effectively a right now this weekend I have to grade 150 exams I have both oral exams and written exams I'm a university professor in China and I'm still a university student in Canada getting this second degree real people do real things Joe and different people use this medium use YouTube in different ways yeah and I think you're really confusing critique with insult because most of the YouTube comments would be insulting the majority of them would not be a critique of what you say because I remember what kind of comments you used to get again and I see the kind of comments that were left on Joe bus video right insulting to you right they will just come into your comment section and insult you there and you're gonna have to you know I mean just leave them up leave up insulting comments I mean what's what's the point I can't justify using my time that way now you know maybe it would be different if I was in the position to rewrite or Joe Besser maybe if I were retired and I just had a lot of time to burn oh no even that you know so much more potential to comment on I got the comment again and again I don't know if it ridges to remind people writing to me saying that my watch was worth $2,000 I got that so many times in the comments are like oh there you are with your $2,000 watch what you know where is this covering why should I reply this is not critique this is not talking about political views and this kind of thing you know and again really nasty personal insinuations about my daughter and my divorce and my psychology and what-have-you it's like well if this is what you want to do with your time Joe you know do it but you're making it worse you're an example of this why do I got a reply to you some idiot calling me a psychopath you know more than 10 times in this video it's not it's not critique it's just an insult or it's just defamation by oneself preposterous there is nothing more narcissistic than having a debating dialog provocative channel where you don't let your audience have a say the funny thing is there's an implicit compliment there that doesn't square with his other criticism so you're saying it's an intellectual debate type of channel right well that's not what you said a minute ago and maybe so there's absolutely no positive comment on my on my channel so you know if there's no positive content what you've just described is a is a channel with a lot of positive content but you wish you could leave comments and the videos Joe if you want only comments in the video pay one dollar one dollar per month to join patreon and that's where people have comments and discussions and many of my videos are me replying to I've got another one that's not uploaded yet we recorded yesterday me replying to comments then page your own that I get from people and including criticism you know I'll give that 47 minute long video which is all me replying to you know a credit a very angry harsh critic who wrote to me on patreon so you know anyway this is this it's so easy to just say this person doesn't reply to criticism well Joe best back when I wanted to talk to you it wasn't really criticism was just trying to overcome your misconceptions you were not willing to talk to me back when you were saying that I was committing fraud back were you saying these terrible things when you were backing up during writers criminal allegations about me I was going to talk to you I was going to answer your criticism and you you weren't willing to you you claimed anyway you claimed you had dyslexia whatever yeah I can't understand why anyone would watch these videos when you can't have a say it's like someone giving you a one-sided argument it is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever I think there is some truth to that but you know I think that broadcasting is one-sided and there's literature I mean with the exception of when I do a podcast talking back and forth somebody like I had you know criticized me dumb vegan do you remember that I did that with them vegan and dumb vegan said that he didn't believe certain things were totally relaxed smiling happy way you know responded to his criticism so ain't no thing you know but that's you know I do dialogues I do podcasts I do discussions with people but with that aside you know don't kid yourself broadcasting is a one-way format you know if you're watching my video basically I talk and you listen you know yeah there's no there's no overcoming that and in terms of what fits into my life I can take the time to record this video which I don't even know a lot gonna be 20 minute long video or something and then I can upload that and then I can go work out and great papers today I'm gonna as mention I'm gonna be grading exams you know yeah I can't sit and mine the comments section I can't sit and do an open chat forum would you exists on the internet that's not really what YouTube is but they're all you can do reddit or something well you really have an ongoing discussion with the person I can't take the time to do that and also in my experience with vegans like Joe best that's really not rewarded that lowers the intellectual caliber compared to my playlist of book reviews I'd rather take that time and do a book review and do something really substantive for the future the vegan movement of people to engage with but sure anyone else wanted to reply to those book reviews or anything I say in terms political content great yeah no get the ball rolling yeah you can reach you oh yeah somebody can reach you through patreon and the patreon is like a $1 filter to have right yeah it's an easy for you to have um uh to separate you know intelligent responses versus just insulting responses sure it's I think it's very rational and I think it's a really good thing that you basically is the barrier that keeps the trolls own yeah whatever but I also do live streaming where anyone can talk to me I do it like you know I'm not hard to reach one of the other criticisms was that I didn't talk to people who disagreed with me in Chiangmai it's completely untrue on both trips to Chiangmai I met up with people who hated me when they were going to meet with me or they were interest in talking to me I've been open to talking to you know so-called enemies you know most of whom as soon as they meet me they confess that they know I'm in the right and that during writers been lying and stuff you know I was going to meet with and talk with even people like vegan Ava so I've always had the door open that way and there's been dialog with a lot of people who have you know very contrasting political views to mine on this channel I mentioned yet but the the Mormon woman American unicorn she's a religious conservative Mormon obviously a lot more right-wing you know that I am or anyone I know is and you know I've been open to that that stuff you know I know I know one conservative vegan who I had on livestream you know who's like more of a Republican kind of guy I had him a legend he's not been on that YouTube channel yet I'm sure he will be in the future vegan dreams this is screen name you know I really opened that stuff and I discussed that a lot in my videos so yeah fundamentally this is a one way medium and I only have enough time to really kind of do this stuff one way but in the past when I tried that stuff when I tried using reddit or using more you know more of an open back-and-forth conversation it was not a worthwhile use of my time yeah yeah I also kind of see you as a professor you give a lecture you don't stay after and I'll leave comments that's true that's true and some of this stuff like you remember I remember I did a video that was about the essay I'd written on the history of Russia China Japan and this massacre that happened in 92 is an instance of political mass murder and communist revolution and I just did a video talking about that what do you think like you think look you think YouTube comments it's how you're gonna get meaningful feedback from some of that sure I mean some of the videos it's one-sided you know another video that got a really positive set from the video I did called why I have no future or maybe it's why I don't have a future search for the word future you'll get it but it's a video talking about my own life talking about my career talking McCune very self-critical totally incompatible with the thesis that I have narcissistic personality disorder a narcissist could not make that video there's a lot of videos self-critical in this way and you know I'm happy to talk more about my life with people somebody like Maude vegan somebody knows know what she does talk to me about you know my life and career choices in education and stuff but that's not a case where like the meaningful feedback you're gonna get are gonna be you know two sentences on YouTube on the contrary what you can you know I got anti-semitic comments and comments insulting comments about my mom I might divorce my daughter that's a lot of what you get you know and my $2,000 watch you know at this kind of stuff so yeah I mean we all make choices this is how I choose to use YouTube but I mean I guess where people are used to is what when she did it or you guys don't remember edgy when she would enter videos by saying I love you guys I miss you guys so much this is what people expect on YouTube this really high level of flattery and praise all the time coming from the youtuber and that's not who I am I'm keeping it real I'm gonna I'm gonna give it to you raw and I'm not the only guy who does I think a guy like Joey carbs strong Joey carbs from basically only does two things on his channel now I mean his channels changed a lot in a year because he stopped believing enduring margitta jus encryption if he does Street protests you know and street activism tell you outreach education talking to people on the street and he does real talk about his life where he talks about you know he's got a prison record and the cops check up on him and what he's what he's doing in his life and he moved back in with his mom he talks about real life those are two things that respect one is real activism the other is keeping it real and talking about your life in a down-to-earth manner and you know I mean my channel is more in that category I'm not selling you a dream and I'm not telling you that I love you when I don't even know who you are and I'm not telling you I miss you when I haven't made a video in two weeks because I've been busy or something you know some of us some of us want to keep it real and sure for me you know I have the comment section off as part of that but anybody get that including Joe best Joe best of all people has had tons of email correspondence in the last two and a half years anyway I mean look it suppose it's a way to discredit somebody that's all this video does is try to discredit me and claim on the psychopath yeah and you've told me that it's depressing that you don't have enough intelligent responses that you don't have people who are actually giving you valid critique you want that you want to be critiqued you want like your idea is to be discussed you want sure keeping it all the way real that's why the book review stopped because the book reviews there wasn't there was no snowball effect there wasn't even one person who made a response video coming back to it and we're applying what have you and you know by contrast some stupid controversy involving vegan cheetah or something it will win that way of people responding to it in discussing it from different angles or even you know soon as I did that I did the video about hiring a nanny hiring a babysitter you know and that was me responding to a controversy on someone else's channel and you know i think i think i provided intelligent discussion but whatever make up your own mind that's a it's a short informal video so no there was no intelligent debate or discussion on even one other channel you know in response to those book reviews i did I mean the only exception was Maude vegan herself and her responses on my channel it's all I was not complaining but she came on my channel we did a further discussion of a of a book I read and responded to but it was like well if there is if there's just no other intellectual weight out there in veganism to respond to this stuff I'm not gonna put my time into into doing these programs and we'll see maybe when I get back to Canada you know when I have access to a library which I don't we're in China um you know maybe I'll change my mind I'll try to do book reviews again test the waters and see how that is but yeah sure I wish I had contemporaries I wish I had colleagues I wish I had critics dealing with the political and intellectual content on my channel whether that's about politics of Asia or politics of Canada or politics of Vedas and I don't what I have is Jo bass saying that I'm a psychopath sure you don't have anybody right you know there's one person who knows dong died yes yeah you know you you reached out to him sure to study with him right no response right well I still have even with that guy he doesn't but yeah yeah yeah but anyway that that video gets in the details of that my relations with other scholars and you know for me I have this contrast my experience with veganism my experience with ecology you know a green party formal ecological politics my experience the veganism my experiences Buddhism you know and yeah I mean long story short I am Canadian I am very disappointed with the intellectual caliber of my fellow Canadians this generation I can even contrast veganism and my experience with First Nations so that's native people of Canada at the Cree the Ojibwe the den a you know indigenous groups people who lived in Canada before white people got there and the politics of their education and languages the threats that were interesting I was involved in those both excel so I can I can compare you know what's going on intellectually in these in these different fields but sure I mean I didn't I didn't come on YouTube to be alone I came on YouTube to engage with other people and engage with other people about these issues and debate and discuss this and ultimately instigate new organizations new institutions new foundations for which my usual comparison is Mothers Against Drunk Driving civil society organizations real political organizations not just screaming at strangers on the street you know and lobbying government and getting involved in public education and lobbying the school board trying to get rid of the idea that eggs are healthy or milk is healthy from what children are taught in schools those are the kind of issues I want to get you am writing a children's story book all this other positive those were those are my aspirations so I didn't come on YouTube to be alone yeah and yes being an intellectual on YouTube is lonely and is mostly repaid with this kind of response from Joe bass like calling you a psychopath which may indeed make it harder for me to get a job one day having stuff on the internet saying you're a psychopath and saying you're a predator it's not it's not it's not real good for that way and I think it scares other intellectuals away from it they don't want to they don't want to have them because they have two other comments about the no comment section yeah one good thing that I think the comments section being turned off allows is to it looks more respectable if you should I share a video with somebody they may scroll down and see that there's no comments but right if there were comments it probably would just kind of a lesson lesson the quality I've had that experience I've seen a lot of times many times people sent me email responding to a video and they even said an email well I only watched two minutes of the video but I saw in the comments section that you say this so therefore I'm writing to you now attacking you so a lot of times people prejudge the video based on what it says in a comment session of course that can happen also with other people bad like Joe best bad-mouthing me now on his channel but that definitely avoids that and I've seen that every seven periods of time on my channel where the comments were enabled and opened to everyone I've had periods when they were open but they were being censored and I've had periods where there's no comments and definitely the best my channel works the best when there were no comments because then people will at least watch the whole six minutes of the video hello and allow them allow themselves to make up their own mind rather than looking at other people's comments right okay cool you said you were two comments like it makes more respectable and also allows people to make up their own minds right and I can't imagine why you would watch it so my strategy and this is what they advise in narcissistic psychopathic circles is you must cease contact now if you notice on the screen Trey says not interested I have not watched this video then why are you making a video in response so the guys I have made other videos document artistic personality disorder NPD this is narcissism in the strict psychological and medical sense just gonna say this real briefly I have met I've met two people I'm very confident at NPD I've met other people where I suspected because of that experience those two people only one of those two people admitted to me that he had been diagnosed with an VD because most people MPD will not admit you they have a diagnosis and even then it's quite it's quite a rare diagnosis it's not that common to get diagnosed partly cuz there's no treatment anyway you know it's not they can't help you that much with it it's like you have your establishment but anyway be that as it may it isn't NPD narcissistic personality disorder is a behavioral disorder it specifically is a disorder of social behavior alright it's totally possible to meet someone who has bulimia and talk to them and not notice and not suspect that bulimia because the nature of the disorder of bulimia is more private is more separated from social interactions like conversations at debates you know that probably happened the bathroom and in the kitchen and you don't you of a co-worker less bulimia and you're not even aware all right NPD is not like that narcissistic personality disorder even if you don't know what the disorder is if you meet and talk to somebody who really has it like even if I just stick with a one example of the guy I knew who was formally diagnosed well there are two people who I really feel confident but I knew over a long period of time who have the disorder their behavior is very very strange it is very abnormal alright and this is something people want overlooked they just want to use this as an insult this is a really serious disorder but it's specifically a social behavior disorder it's a disorder of how they interact with other people so it's it's really not the case that you can meet someone with NPD if you meet some of them being you know nothing about MPD you'd walk away from that interaction thinking there's something really wrong with that guy and I'm not saying that then he heated my heart to the people who struggle with MPD it's a real disorder currently most people assume you're born with it that it's innate that it's not you know acquired through trauma or something like that it's not like post-traumatic stress disorder most people assume it is innate we don't know yet it's really the the level of Science in the field is still pretty pretty sketchy still at a pretty preliminary stage but this idea that someone like me if you know anything about MPD that one video I made you know why I don't have a future the other video I made the forty seven minute video responding to criticism from a viewer people with MPD can't do that they can't do it in the way I do for people with MPD I mean the one guy I knew who was diagnosed with it the hardest thing in the world he gave me basically the the plants the plants suffer to argument that plants plants want to live that your heart hurting a plant when you kill an argument and I responded to him very brief in a very friendly way and he was completely incapable of replying at all he couldn't admit he was wrong he couldn't joke about it he couldn't say yeah I guess that's another perspective on asan interacting with people who really have MPD is not like interacting with a normal person in some ways they aren't all people I think one reason why they can be successful in society is when they sit alone at their computer they can hold down a job they can be successful financially there are a lot of jobs that can be good at but specifically something like an informal conversation is really really hard for people with MPD I just say because I've been getting email lately from some of my some of my number one fans claiming that I have narcissism at MPD and I can't take it seriously cuz I do know about the disease I have done some research in the disorder and I have known I think two people for sure who really have it and ultimately if you know people with a disorder I think it's normal to feel pity for them because a lot of the time they're struggling to kind of be all they can be or be as good as they can be in their way but things that are easy for you and me are really really hard for someone with narcissistic personality disorder it's all I got to say about that but anyway this is just more slander and defamation from Joe so I have not watched this video I will not be watching this video for one I think the thumb now is just heinous look at no point diamond this is also a problem with autumn my critics how valid would my book reviews be if I didn't read the book and all these people foot soldier and vegan Ava and you know even nor vegan they would say well I haven't really watched your video but are they're criticizing it is when I write back and say oh well do you actually watch this video about that topic they haven't seen it I mean very fundamentally you know you have to read the primary source of what it is you're criticizing and obviously jovis is just going by some other people's comments about this video how is he basing his response to this video it's just slanderous just I mean look some of the stuff I've looked at I didn't want to I didn't enjoy watching when I criticized freely I did my due diligence and I went and watched exactly what she said I based my criticism on exactly she said somebody's what she's written she had some writing on her blog you know I went in did that work when I criticized unnatural vegan I went and reviewed what she actually I was a responsible critic of actually going through point by point and making sure it's responsible contrasting what she said to a written source and this kind of stuff you know just recently when you did the video about Earthlings and you watched my videos from that's right get a sense of his channel that's right in addition to the videos I actually quoted because I do have some clips of him in the video I made sure I watched a number of our other videos to have a feel for what his content is like yeah I do my my due diligence and most of these people who harshly criticized men condemned me they don't and they often say in this kind of self-important way well I haven't watched your videos but I mean that's the foot soldiers approach would say well he hasn't watched any of my videos but he's confident there's not any positive as a substantive content of my whole channel and then when I write back saying well there is here's a link you know well here-here's a counter example or when these people say there's no example of me responding to criticism right well here's an example I have I have over five minute videos quite a few of them I am responding to criticism you know they have nothing to say you know this is nothing comes back so it's supposed and no it's not legitimate and I can't make any excuses for it if you want to criticize freely ordering writer or me or anyone else you got to work with primary sources you go to criticize what I've actually said and what I've actually done it so it's a very basic minimum standard because otherwise it it's all the signs of someone that that is about the ego to parade your your you know your new girlfriend in thumbnails in bed in this way okay but look I mean so this I want to make a separate video talking with this city of selfishness and the ego and stuff all right I'm willing to own it like you know I'm showing a video and a photo of me being happy with my girlfriend does that really make me such a piece of [ __ ] am I such a terrible person that I don't just share what we mentioned the book reviews and the political decisions I also share part of my life like I'm really happy I'm in this wonderful new relation with my girlfriend that I show me and my girlfriend being happy together and I talk about what a great time is that really make me such a terrible person heinous like compared to what anybody else is doing on being YouTube I know magazine yeah okay you can call that ego you know I have a video of one video of me playing with my daughter right so is that ego like I'm showing you what a great parent I am showing you me playing with my daughter with like little you know colored bricks and stuff what a piece of [ __ ] who would put that on YouTube what a terrible person you are for sharing a dot a video of you of you playing with your daughter and you know when you get in the other stuff in my life you know I'm very critical in talking but I'll keep doing humanitarian work you know when one I did humanism were you're handing out sacks of rice to serve people I think for a lot of people that is an ego trip I think it's worth talking about I'm gonna wet wool okay is this an ego trip you feel morally superior to others because you've done this humanitarian work is there you know like people say white guilt is there a guilt trip involves whether it's you know Laos and Cambodia or within Canada First Nations Cree in a jib way and den a trying to try and help those people you know when people write to me as nor vegan did recently insulting me and claiming that I'm self-interested when I do these these ostensibly good things I'm going to write back and say you're right I'm selfish I've said it myself in the video in the manifesto video I'm more ambitious than this I'm more selfish than this I I want more I'm not happy with what's going on in veganism I want it to be bigger and better and more and more political and more effective and have real outcomes I want to be respected and respectable I want to step organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving that could get quoted in the press and that aren't regarded as a joke yeah I want more and there's an element of that which is my ego and is my selfishness I think to found a big successful organization like peda I think it takes some ego I think guys like Gary France aione have something Lee has a lot of ego I think a lot of I think Gary Yourofsky has a lot of ego and and fine I don't criticize him through that sure there is a role of ego in this there is literally a roll of ego and selfishness in handing out food to starving people on a refugee camp there is and we can talk about that example I had a Skype call with a guy who was just doing humanitarian work in in Syria and we the Syrian civil war and you know we talked about that kind of stuff you know there there is there is an element of that which I'm willing to be self-critical about you know there's an element of ego I'll even say that's because First Nations have mentioned this year my decision to study those languages and get involved with our politics and everything else there is an element of ego because fundamentally I grew up as a child not willing to accept the status quo I lived in a wealthy country where our native people lived in poverty I lived in a country where our native people had much worse access to education and drinking water than anyone else I grew up in a country where when I went to a bank machine it had English French and Chinese you could choose the language of the bank machine and it never had curry or a jib way or Mohawk or any native land where I never saw a single no smoking sign in a native language I lived in a country that I felt was guilty of slow-motion genocide and I said this is not good enough for me I refuse to be a part of this you know there is a role of ego in standing up and saying hey hey there's no way I can study Cambodian there's no way I can study Palli there's no I can have a teacher I'll teach myself I'm gonna buy that aircon ticket I'm gonna go live on the Mekong Mekong River I'm gonna apply for humanitarian work oh I can't get ahead in First Nations like I'm gonna get the books out of the library and start studying created you boy so yes there's a rule of ego in all of those things and I'm willing to criticize it and talk about it openly and I'm going to talk about the role of selfishness even in humanitarian work I think that's actually a really deep topic and one's ugh with the role selfishness in in vegan leadership sure so you know come at me Joe I'm not I'm not afraid of any of this stuff yeah and he was basing this on the thumbnail he didn't actually watch the video so he's saying that ISIL is parading me based off of this thumbnail this is me being in the thumbnail yeah it's really weird okay yeah when it's not like it's an interview between the two of them it's more like a prop he's got the microphone ball the girl the bedroom the white robe whatever it is it feels like it's all props to shore up an ego I'm sure they're having a great time she seems like a lovely girl but the signs to me are thanks yeah he's always he always imagines that one he can be the victim and two he can be the nice guy by just throwing in this kind of [ __ ] so again she seems like a lovely girl doesn't make you a nice guy Joe Joe you're a piece of [ __ ] and you've hurt my girlfriend's feelings what do you think you call you she's in love with me you call me a psychopath publicly you think this makes it okay to say you're sure she's a lovely girl look you don't need to save me Joe he always thinks he's the victim and he always thinks he's a nice guy I never know of somebody who is completely intent on showing up and eager so I'm not gonna watch this video in fact what I've discovered on YouTube because always up to speed of it you can click on the three dots next to the recommended or the posted side things and just say not interested and they won't show up again jump cut jump cut masterpiece of editing and now what we have on stream are the words unfortunate victim and that is what Joe best thinks of himself and he then has a clip from somebody else's video you know this is basically condemning me as being a psychopath and we're to skip this I think because we don't either I don't does he talk again towards the end of the video but he's advising you on how to handle me as a psychopath with a clip I assume it's from some psychologist or psychiatrist I mean it's just from some other youtuber I don't know this source okay so let's let's see if Joe best has anything else to say and then we can wrap this up what I'm advocating here is I'm switching off to both the point of this video is vote with your view in the same way in the world you can vote with your dollar vote with your view we have watched this before so I do remember what he says the respite I think we can we can wrap this up and you know I say that to people so that yesterday did somebody on livestream I said if you want YouTube also this is not a captive audience I totally agree with Joe best about this if you don't like my content if you don't respect my perspective don't watch my channel and you know I wrote to an old friend the other day I noticed this I said to myself in a self-deprecating way I wrote a friend haven't talked to you in years trying to stay in touch this guy and I just said to him you know just so you know most of my web presence is pretty close to self parody you know I had the link to my youtube channel you know some of the stuff in my channel is silly some of it's ridiculous some of it you may find offensive I don't find it offensive you may you know I listen to rap music I mean what I find offensive is maybe not the same thing that you find offensive I do find it very inconsistent that people who don't find durianrider offensive claim that they find me that there are some very strange than that but fine as he says vote with your view don't watch it very often stay assuming the other day we talked about other vegan youtubers very often I say whether use look I don't think this person is an idiot I don't think they're bad only development but their content is not for me most channels like there are so many channels that have a ton of followers and they literally film themselves grocery shopping they film themselves at the grocery store looking at packages and saying oh maybe I'll buy this maybe not not for me I don't think you're an idiot I don't think you're bad for veganism I don't have anything harsh or Cadi to say about you I'm not gonna slander and defame you about your sex life or your personal fitness or how fat you are or how fast you can ride a bicycle up a mountain it's just not for me and you can normally see from the viewers there's maybe 10,000 people who want to see that video okay fine wonderful so why is it so hard to have mutual appreciation across those boundaries I think I mention this before shall we carb strong I had a positive interaction with him this is Facebook messages and he said to me you know his channel is totally different from mine but he could appreciate that I was presenting a different message that reaches a different audience and we need that kind of diversity in veganism so why is it so hard for someone like Joe best ordering my trans people to just appreciate I have a different message and a different style that reaches a different kind of audience and it it reached you you know it brought this wonderful person in my life who I'm in love with and you know we live together in the same apartment and we're going we're gonna fly to France and you're gonna meet my daughter she just met my mom for the first time is a big part of my life and you know right off the bat in this relationship we had something well we had a lot of things in common but you know you really knew who I was you know the good and the bad of it you had a real sense of my character from watching my youtube channel and for me that's the ultimate reward of keeping it real you know is that it brings people into your life you can have more meaningful relationships in your life of people who meet you through YouTube people who meet through social media and if I put on the facade which I guess is what Jovi Joe Joe best wants me to do and just pretend I'm cool with everybody I'm so happy or I mean the easiest thing to do to shut to prevent drama like this is just write back to people and say yeah thanks that would be great we should totally do a collab sometime and then never schedule it right just like oh yeah maybe next month sorry I'm busy yeah great I saw your video that was great talk to you soon and then goes and then goes right like and that's I think that's what a lot of youtubers do to save face you can do that but I mean I'm keeping it real I'm giving it to you raw about all this stuff the successes and the failures in my life about everything else and there are advantages and disadvantages one of the disadvantages of this guy calling me a psychopath but the advantages are it brought this woman into my life and from day one I mean you knew me so much better than I knew you and by setting out who you really are at videos then you can find the other people who have common ground with you whether that's for love or for friendship or for collaboration in veganism as a political moment this is my beautiful girlfriend oh I only have her on camera to show up you got anything else to say before it calls a wrap thanks for parading me around that's a wrap so wrap Marty