Shoe0nHead is Single & Socialist: the Breakup & Breakdown.

08 September 2020 [link youtube]

And this is the part where I provide links to ShoeOnHead, in case you have no idea who I'm talking about. (1) (2) (3)

AND if you're wondering who her ex-boyfriend is/was (as he's alluded to here), that would be Armoured Skeptic, (4)

#Shoe0nHead #armouredskeptic #sargonofakkad

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there is a story going around the
internet and the reasons people have for telling this story are maybe more interesting than the question of whether it is false or true it ain't true like most stories on the internet it's kind of a fabrication made up of ready-made facts misappropriated and misassembled into something that i know it resembles the truth but there is a story going on the internet about a youtuber called shoe on head why should you care why would i care why would anybody care shuan had made the transition from being a comedy youtube channel to being a pretty serious political commentary youtube channel notably during the fleeting candidacy of bernie sanders what why does this matter to me i regard shoe on head as an idiot i wish i had 10 friends like she wanted my life i wish i had 10 friends like her yeah i'd prefer if they were smarter and more hard-working and more earnest than her i wish that which they have all kinds of redeeming quality she like but even even in the absence of such redeeming qualities sure i wish i had 10 friends who were coming on the internet and trying to talk about politics and trying to talk about how to make the world a better place and even if i regard shoe on head as an imbecile i can recognize that when she was covering and discussing the candidacy of bernie sanders she was really sincerely motivated by trying to make the world a better place and she she's someone who is trying to give herself an education in politics and economics that she had never received formally or informally and with that i can sympathize if you take a look at her instagram she still presents herself as a sexy teenager when i say teenager like she dresses up like a teenager or even like a child she dresses up in school uniforms school girls skirts she quite literally represents herself as being decades younger than she is there is a kind of strangely infantile quality to her behavior on camera and that originated as an imitation of another much more successful youtuber known as boxy it's boxy spelled with several x's um boxy grew up boxy moved on she has another youtube channel where she films herself not playing that fictional character that she developed when she was a teenager herself boxy is now a middle-aged woman with a normal job what videos she still has on youtube about that time in her life are quite boring boxy grew up and moved on there's part of shoe on head that refuses to grow up and move on and you know what i can sympathize with that too you know i can sympathize and want to keep this kind of insoucial youthful vibe on zero on camera persona all right but i think it insulates her against people really taking her seriously as a political commenter the most recent image she posted herself on instagram is her doing a sexy pose in like a teenage school girl uniform and the written comment is you guys like me because of my quality political analysis right right you know drawing attention is fact that in fact a lot of people and a lot of people will be addressed in this video because now she has broken up with her boyfriend she's single so the vultures are circling and people want to know who is going to be mr chuan head who's going to be her next boyfriend who's gonna be her husband what have you and her relationship with that boyfriend was very public and very publicly embarrassing and they talked about their sex life and there were a lot of things to be embarrassed about topic for another video the story circulating the internet today is that one during her relationship with her boyfriend she's never broken up with she became more and more left-wing and in her state of devastation after the breakup she has now been lulled into socialism she's been seduced into the slippery slope that leads to communism that she has become more and more left-wing you know in part because those people have reached out to her and been positive and supportive and kind at a time in her life when she was frankly vulnerable good story the truth is much stranger much simpler but also much harder to believe the truth is that shuan had today and for many years has been and still is a so-called left libertarian she describes herself as a libertarian socialist or a socialist libertarian a completely self-contradictory ludicrous and absurd political philosophy that has never commanded any significant percentage of the american public's attention and i would like to say in this video never will now i think libertarianism itself is dumb so it's not going to be surprising that i think left libertarianism and her particular version of left libertarianism is yet more dumb still and i would note that in her period of support for bernie sanders she never really dealt with the aspects of his political philosophy and his economic philosophy that really are conservative with a lowercase letter c i've made many videos talking about those things and no offense meant she went ahead i don't think she read his book i don't think she actually read bernie sanders book in which he sets out what his political philosophy is what his program for economic performance uh et cetera so she was piecing together her opinion from just bits and pieces of information on twitter i really am morally opposed to the whole genre of youtube videos that consist of people getting angry about things they've read on twitter could we just evolve past that and i would point out that someone on the far left like shuwon had is just as guilty of this as sargon of akkad on the other side like their idea of research is reading and contrasting some twitter comments to one another and they're getting animated getting heated about it on camera i have no respect for this mode of youtube broadcasting let people read it on twitter for themselves or do your own research or have have some kind of better message to bring in my opinion um left libertarianism or libertarian socialism it's very difficult to understand the abstract and then it's easy to understand if we deal with palpable examples education do you believe that education should be provided by the state by the government do you think compulsory education should be paid for by taxpayers and yes that people should be forced to put their children into a school where those children will learn how to use a condom how birth control pills work the theory of evolution the fact that the earth is not flat that it's round the history of sir isaac newton's discovery of gravity the terrible history of colonialism genocide and slavery a lot of things their parents might not want to teach them right i mean even even my own parents were really not comfortable with how awful the history of the british empire was they tried to flatter the british empire industry you got to go to school and learn some really sad things about history too in england they really in england they have huge problems trying to force students to learn the history of the holocaust a lot of students grew up with parents who were holocaust deniers and then they come to school and there's a conflict with the teacher home you're going to teach kids the reality of what happened in world war ii and if and if not the government then who libertarians definitionally by definition libertarians are people who believe that education is better provided from private for-profit companies with as little involvement of the government as possible or absolutely zero involvement from government and taxpayer subsidies they want to disentangle education from the state and if you ask them about this they'll say ridiculous things like well you know back in the 1830s uh the government didn't have any role in providing education and things were just fine oh yeah there were there were no social problems back in the 1830s there was no illiteracy back in the 1830s there was nobody who believed the earth was flat right there there was no problem with the baleful ignorance of the masses especially oh yeah and there was no problem with poor people lacking access to education right like the free market took care of it you know you're like one google search away from seeing just how terrible the world was in the 1830s and why there was the movement towards taxpayer provided state required mandatory education right having education system instead of the lack of a system right very brief digression here many of you in the audience will have only had experience with state subsidy provided education government education you may not have experience with the private sector alternative possible exceptions you might have learned to drive a car from a private for-profit business music you might have learned to play the saxophone or play the piano from a tutor or a private business that had no government involvement no government regulation no government oversight you just paid on a fee for service base for someone to come and teach you how to play the guitar or how to drive a car it's possible you have had some very positive experiences with private education my one positive experience is learning chinese i learned chinese from a 100 private for profit you know no government subsidy no government regulation no government control uh institution and i couldn't speak positively about that experience and i can even sit here and i could flatter the libertarian perspective on the world by comparing how awful my experience has been in high school government high school and university government i can sit here and talk about that um the cree the ojibwe the mohawk the dene the indigenous people of the great desert of the united states like the the navajo right the inuit people living in poverty-stricken remote areas who's going to provide them with education all right who's even going to provide them with access to learning how to drive a car you know like these kinds of things you may take for granted living in a big city that's possible for a for-profit company to offer driving lessons and music lessons and maybe even chinese lessons right downtown new york city there may be lots of private businesses doing that we'll go out to the desert where the navajo live go to the swamps of you know northern ontario where the cree and ojibwe and those people really ask yourself who is going to provide them with education and of course even within the big cities the poorest 20 of people whose libertarianism is just a laughingstock philosophy it is junk economics attached to junk politics wrapped up in a junk package that only idiots would buy right as it happens a small number of incredibly wealthy and influential people have become passionate adherence to the libertarian philosophy in the 20th century and early 21st century um alan greenspan a tremendously powerful influential guy there were you know at least one of the koch brothers who became very passionate about i'm not sure if all two or all three of them did dabbled with libertarianism and committed this to one extent or another so what is the prospect what is the political potential of left libertarianism or libertarian socialism um in shoe on head's own words and this is where things get really contradictory where libertarian socialism or socialist libertarianism starts to sound like hot ice or dry wet or square circle it just becomes completely confusing is that she believes the government should only be involved in society in order to do good not to do harm i suppose and then beyond that the government should just stay the hell out and have no involvement in her example i kid you not for example of this of how she's still a libertarian despite in some sense supporting a socialist state he's gun control the government just shouldn't take anyone's guns away from them everyone should be allowed to be heavily armed people people should be allowed to have machine guns rocket launchers grenades billboard that from her perspective it just it just makes no sense for the government to regulate restrict take guns over people now that's an interesting contrast just a few years ago she did actually make videos talking about control that i have i think about four or five years ago now so her her position has changed so she still wants to flirt with or retain some of this uh rugged individualist and indeed implicitly right wing libertarian ideology while pretending to support state socialism in as much as it helps rather than harmless people okay let me tell you something about politics in politics you don't do good and you don't do evil you do things and you find out afterwards sometimes tragically decades afterwards you find out which one of those things was good and which one was evil which one worked and which didn't which was harmful and which was helpful you don't know you can look at some of the worst disasters of the 20th century including the disasters of communism where not just millions of people died but tens of millions of people died and you can look at people involved in those projects and say that they had sincerely good intentions they were there were people who had good intentions when they were putting bayonets into babies i kid you not you can read history from their perspective you can see it through their eyes and think what that was they were they were trying to accomplish unbelievably terrible atrocities are routinely committed and are still being committed to this day and yes because of the power of the state more often than not these things are done with taxpayers money and they are done by governments not by mere individuals if you look at the greatest atrocities of the last few centuries pretty much all of them seem to be paid for by taxpayers rather than being done by the free market free market's done some terrible things don't get me wrong polluted some rivers you know ruined some forests when you look at tens of millions of people dying in china under communism it's it's hard for the free market to compete with when you look at stalin hitler mao zedong it's it's hard for a it's hard for coca-cola to ever do something that terrible i mean the bow powell disaster you know there have been some don't get me wrong um but yeah state state services state authority and the budget provided by the taxpayer tends to be involved in the greatest disasters in history all right um you can't say that you only support socialism when it works you can't say that you only support socialism when it's done for good and not evil and you have to be willing to look back at the history of socialist experiments not just the soviet union not just china a lot of really embarrassing failed socialist experiments in africa a lot of really embarrassing failed socialist experiments in south america latin america right you have to be willing to look at those situations and say these people thought they were doing something good they thought they were using the power and wealth of the state and the government to do something wonderful and it was a disaster and yes in some cases tens of millions people died and in some cases look at what happened with salvador allende do you think he was trying to destroy the economy of his own country do you think he was trying to achieve hyperinflation or ruin the value of his currency no he was pursuing policies very much like the ones that are popular on the left wing of the democrat party united states today people who are supporting mmt people are supporting printing tons of money and running the government into debt and thinking that it's infinite thinking they're never going to hit a brick wall if they just keep spending billions of dollars people get into their minds that they have good intentions and are pursuing good objectives and you don't find out until afterwards and often all too often you don't live long enough to find out at all okay i don't expect shuan head to be brilliant well-informed or well-researched in our political opinions i really do believe in freedom of speech within this kind of political frontier if you like you know i think it's a good and positive thing for someone like her to come here on youtube and struggle to educate herself and make her own mistakes and yeah she's had periods of time where she was more right-wing and now she's going through a period of time where she's more left-wing um i think her youtube content is absolutely dreadful and awful and misleading and wrong i wish i had 10 friends just like her i wish i knew 10 other youtube channels just like her that are engaged in a sincere struggle to make the world a better place and where the personality you see on camera however flawed is in a sincere struggle with their own ignorance to become better informed to become a better person