Vegan Gains STAYS STUPID (feat. Meaning of Life)
16 January 2019 [link youtube]
Did you expect me to put Durianrider in the title? TBH, the meaning of life material really gets rolling around the @15:00 mark. #QuitEverything #QuitVideoGames
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is this video about false rape
allegations is this video about rumor and innuendo and gossip and drama I don't want to think so I want to think we're going to deal with something a lot more meaningful and a lot more important here about what it means to grow old what it means to be mature how it is any of us can take responsibility for our own mental and moral cultivation and development as the years go by and yeah it's about an ongoing dispute between myself and Richard also known as being gains I have here on screen not the first email but the last email I sent to Richard on this topic and I said to him directly Richard from this timestamp this is only five minutes long whereas the other videos on this topic on my channel or 45 plus minutes long there's the link yes Hannah told me it was not rape privately yes Hannah told the whole world it was not rape publicly and she confirmed that after the fact in correspondence with me in email that there are screenshots of shown in those videos linked to and alluded to is there more to the story sure however this really does matter in the context of rape allegations I would be a complete hypocrite if I only objected during writer making false sexual allegations against me and I didn't object with similar allegations were being made against during writer and I know of counter-evidence myself so in a recent video that I'm sure Richard also watched I asked the question why is it considered extraordinary to stand up against racism when that racism would benefit you when you're in that category in the dispute why is it considered extraordinary remarkable to be opposed to an apartheid state if you yourself would be in the class of people of benefit and so on look guys I disliked her in writer there are a lot of ways in which I can say he's unreliable or dishonest or even crazy that doesn't mean that the people making allegations against him are being honest and I don't think it makes me a good person morally that I was willing to stand up for the truth and what's right simply because it's true and right I think it simply makes me not a bad person there's a distinction there hmm and it's a distinction we deal with within veganism all the time that being vegan isn't really morally virtuous it's just refused to conform with something that's actively immoral and evil there's got to be a difference between truth and fiction and when you're standing up for the truth it shouldn't matter to you whether people are your friend or your enemy justice and injustice you guys fill in the blanks I said just this video a just a sincere apology to to know I guess it's also a thank you maybe a bit of a thank you as well when it goes into this a whole you know nasty staff that's not good for the vegan movement at all so I would say you know thank you Richard for seeing that light and deleting all those videos I've looking to move forward now and I promote into being a message get out there stuff all that so it's good to those did you take those videos down because it doesn't help anyone go vegan what caused this what instigated this I guess some dr. evil you know dr. evil who I guess I maybes oh no I'm not apology Dean but maybe a thank you for he also deleted videos about me after our crazy stalker juror from Norway the lady talked with eyes'll dr. evil on the phone or Skype or whatever it was and she admitted that she had been lying yeah and so I was like hanging I can't support that as much as I don't like during Ida and I'll raise 10,000 bucks but you know in prison I can't support a full slanderous video about Harley buyers who saw through that and guess Richard saw through that as well so they're deleted deleted all their support for our crazy juror from Norway so yeah so thanks to you know dr. evil and if you guys know me you'll know that I want to get into the meaning of life discussion here as quickly as possible and I don't really relish the possibility of going over the details of false rape allegations again however as I said earlier that was not the first email I sent Richard and by the way I've had a reply from Richard from that same email account more recently in this discussion he did not respond to this but I'd have every reason to think you got those emails I have every reason to think he saw the videos about this on my channel when they were first posted before that and he was really choosing to disregard the evidence Richard did you see the videos I posted with direct quotations from written correspondence with Hannah Chloe and Nour vegan on this matter the fact that durianrider lies does not sadly mean that other people in this equation are telling the truth so pause the fact that during Ryder is an unreliable source information does not mean that vegan gains is a reliable source information it this sadly this applies across the board the fact that during Ryder lacks moral integrity doesn't mean that richard has got it now conversely what if you're wondering about me do I have moral integrity well look I told the truth when it was dissapears to me in this dispute with during Ryder I told the truth when it was dis advantageous to me when it was vegan cheetah making false allegations against theorem writer I told the truth when it was disadvantageous to me when it was Richard vegan gains making false allegations against de Marana the fact that I don't want during Ryder making false allegations doesn't mean that I would back up false allegations against Darren writers so some people have integrity and some do not alright and those questions of moral integrity ultimately are related to the meaning of life and learning keeping an open mind and taking on board new evidence as life goes on and again this is ultimately about Richard spelled vegan gains why even if he didn't already know this evidence when I presented it to him I have every reason to think he did he already knew about the stuff that he was choosing to disregard it why didn't he just stop and say oh wow this is a totally new perspective on this issue gee I got to go back to the drawing board this comes back to the fundamental topic of this video and what is going to be in the title is there's being stupid and they're staying stupid right like I know we're all born ignorant but one of the ways you you stay ignorant you said you stay stupid is by covering up your eyes and ears whenever it someone's someone tells you something that you you don't want to hear so I'll stay on this for a moment I guess one conversation I had with Richard he was defending people playing video games because I've had many videos on this channel where I state my opposition to playing video games so to speak even though my own daughter at age 5 plays video games and I buy video games for my daughter and to some extent encourage you to play video games we talked about this with her I remember I said to her you know playing video games is childish and I hope you realize that in the future one day I'm gonna say to you it is time to put childish things away that you know after a certain age playing video games is not appropriate anymore it's okay now that you're 5 years old we can play video games together as adults well it's really another thing and she actually really agree with me it was interesting to get her perspective on that that she's aware of playing video games is a waste of time and she's aware that at 5 years old you still got a lot of time to waste I guess anyway Richard was writing to me and he defended video games by claiming understandably enough he said that I still think of video games the way they were decades ago when I was a child and that I didn't realize that they had now become something much more sophisticated that they were something more like watching a movie and to that I replied Richard if I knew someone who watched movies for 40 hours a week I'd have the same objection like from my perspective you're not raising video games above scrutiny by saying that they're on the same level as a movie I have no objection to that my objection is not based on cultural snobbery if I knew someone who watched movies for 40 hours a week or even 20 hours a week or even 10 hours a week I think there'd be a real question of hey you know for you as an adult you know aren't there aren't there better things you you can and should be doing with you so I think that's an issue not just with videogames and the problem with Richard what I said in my earlier video and what he didn't respond to he respond to everything else he responded to penis size and all kinds of irrelevant things we've already seen on screen um you know I'm asking about leading a meaningful life I'm asking about growing wiser as we grow older those the questions I really want to raise and Richards commitment to just doing whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it including making false rape allegations and so on that's locking him into a perpetual childhood I would have treated this correspondence as private forever but nor vegans stated that he would make it public and he did therefore I made it public also and indeed his coverage of the correspondence between us was extremely biased and unfair skipping over and misrepresenting what I had said all right then I have the link to the two long videos this material was boring to watch however one verbally via Skype Hannah spoke to me directly describing encounter with durianrider as normal sex not rape no suggestion of anything like sexual assault etcetera to in written form on the Internet she made a public statement that there was no rape and that she was not making an allegation of anything like rape this was her stated position both privately and publicly for a long time three you can consider the time line at the end of noir vegans own a final video as to just how late in the legal process they even considered or attempted to construct sexual assault allegations guys I hate to tell you this if you know anything about the process of the law these things really do invalidate your claims in court in some cases people who are really guilty get away with crimes because of these kinds of problems on the side of the prosecution the side of the the victim or what have you but there were really really serious inconsistencies shall we say in noir vegan side of the story which would be evident just from a careful observation of noir vegans story as he constructed and presented it which is something Richard was not interested in do it however I had my own evidence already presented for in this same correspondence shown in these two videos hannah is still not claiming right nor anything like rate there are many many things stated in your new video your part to versus during writer that I consider to be factually wrong during writer is an unreliable source of information however nor vegan also is an unreliable source of information you also Richard are an unreliable source of information I have never made up lies about during writer my criticism of him has always been factual and I could even say that it has been fair there are many other factual areas in which you could criticize during writer productively for example his claims about curing various incurable diseases etc but your commentary on his sex life is either poorly informed or dishonest or as you know it could be both so you know in terms of what he's written in to me again vegan gains just seems you know incredibly immature I put this first screenshot up this isn't even worth reading and I mean it's interesting is the question we were trying to discuss in the channel is to what extent will vegan genes grow up to what extent will he become more sophisticated or more intelligent as time goes on and you know obviously I'm a pessimist I think you can see living the life he chooses to live he's living life where he chooses to stay stupid he chooses to shield himself against exactly the sources of new information and challenges to his ego and his assumptions that could bring about some kind of personal growth or or a new learning so oh we have put on a silly voice yes lol aisel you accuse me of making rape allegations without evidence when in fact there's plenty yet you accuse people of being a racist with absolutely no evidence tell me again helping your penis is so yeah you've already seen my reply to that I have seen I don't I have not seen every single video Richards ton I have seen a video which his girlfriend his current ah he's wife now comments on camera that he has quite a small penis but you know guys like I said people with bigger ears don't have a better appreciation for opera um and then I replied the other part of his statement here by saying regarding lol you accuse me of making rape allegations that evidence no no actually I stated factually that you made rape allegations that are contrary to the evidence and that this was evidence you've already seen in my channel and that I reminded you of by email you chose to disregard that evidence and my interpretation is simply that this is your habit of quote-unquote doing whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it just like little cheetah formerly known as vegan cheetah who also made false allegations against during writer and I also defended during writer when that happened you may recall TL DR the summary some people care about the difference between right and wrong truth and fiction and some don't getting older and getting wiser are two very very different things I read the major works of Aristotle politics and constitution of athens at about age 20 and then again at about age 40 my impression and understanding of the book was completely different at those two ages what if it wasn't can you even imagine a parallel universe in which I read the political philosophy of Aristotle and I'm sorry I forget I don't know if I was 18 19 or 20 21 something something about that page if I read Aristotle's philosophy when I was 20 and then what did I do studied Buddhist philosophy studied Pali went to Sri Lanka went to Cambodia started learning lotion did humanitarian work in Laos got a series of other jobs you know even the work I did as an English teacher learned about politics and history and had so many experiences personal professional political and otherwise got involved in ecological activism got involved in vegan activism if I had all these experiences and then I went back and and read Aristotle again and it was just the same thing I just had nothing new to say about it I had nothing new to learn from it what would that say about me and also what would that say about the value of reading you know Aristotle's philosophy I'll tell you something else too you know I have I have gone back and looked at video games I played as a child partly because I'm shopping around for video games to my own daughter and it's it's really the opposite experience I put on zilean for the Sega Master System I loved that game I memorized every room in that game I don't I don't know what a Jo was 11 or younger must have been younger than 11 I was a little kid I played that game zillion and now if I put it on for 45 seconds I think what an abominable waste of time how can anyone do this for two minutes let alone two hours how could anyone do this with their time right there is a difference guys there really is a difference you know and for most of us whether you have a full-time job or not with your raising kids or not whether you've taken on other responsibilities like adopting rabbits and stray dogs and the things being gained says whether or not you spend two hours a day lifting weight to the gym the number of hours you have to put into challenging yourself cultivating your mind not just growing older but growing wiser it's too few hours of the day the number of hours when you're capable of the mental focus necessary to do it okay and it's with that sense of humility and with that sense of responsibility that I've got to invite you and I've got invite Richard to live your life a little bit more seriously to be a person of moral and intellectual integrity to step up to the challenge when someone tells you you've been making lies on the internet about a deadly serious matter like rape allegations or whether someone tells you hey have you ever thought about what goes on in a factory farm or hey have you ever thought about where democracy really comes from and how we ended up with this crazy social political system we all live in keep asking questions stay hungry stay dissatisfied and I hope whatever it is you do with your time you don't end up looking back on it the way I look back on video games like zilean with a sense of disgust and remorse and regret and disbelief that I ever thought this was a worthwhile use of my time because by contrast might look at the philosophy of Aristotle I go WOW there was so much here of value there was so much here to think about that I couldn't understand when I was 20 years old and there's so much more I get out of it now and guys we study history not for what it subtracts from the past but for what it adds to the present it's something really does add to the meaning of my life and what I'm trying to do politically and personally and professionally right now in 2019
allegations is this video about rumor and innuendo and gossip and drama I don't want to think so I want to think we're going to deal with something a lot more meaningful and a lot more important here about what it means to grow old what it means to be mature how it is any of us can take responsibility for our own mental and moral cultivation and development as the years go by and yeah it's about an ongoing dispute between myself and Richard also known as being gains I have here on screen not the first email but the last email I sent to Richard on this topic and I said to him directly Richard from this timestamp this is only five minutes long whereas the other videos on this topic on my channel or 45 plus minutes long there's the link yes Hannah told me it was not rape privately yes Hannah told the whole world it was not rape publicly and she confirmed that after the fact in correspondence with me in email that there are screenshots of shown in those videos linked to and alluded to is there more to the story sure however this really does matter in the context of rape allegations I would be a complete hypocrite if I only objected during writer making false sexual allegations against me and I didn't object with similar allegations were being made against during writer and I know of counter-evidence myself so in a recent video that I'm sure Richard also watched I asked the question why is it considered extraordinary to stand up against racism when that racism would benefit you when you're in that category in the dispute why is it considered extraordinary remarkable to be opposed to an apartheid state if you yourself would be in the class of people of benefit and so on look guys I disliked her in writer there are a lot of ways in which I can say he's unreliable or dishonest or even crazy that doesn't mean that the people making allegations against him are being honest and I don't think it makes me a good person morally that I was willing to stand up for the truth and what's right simply because it's true and right I think it simply makes me not a bad person there's a distinction there hmm and it's a distinction we deal with within veganism all the time that being vegan isn't really morally virtuous it's just refused to conform with something that's actively immoral and evil there's got to be a difference between truth and fiction and when you're standing up for the truth it shouldn't matter to you whether people are your friend or your enemy justice and injustice you guys fill in the blanks I said just this video a just a sincere apology to to know I guess it's also a thank you maybe a bit of a thank you as well when it goes into this a whole you know nasty staff that's not good for the vegan movement at all so I would say you know thank you Richard for seeing that light and deleting all those videos I've looking to move forward now and I promote into being a message get out there stuff all that so it's good to those did you take those videos down because it doesn't help anyone go vegan what caused this what instigated this I guess some dr. evil you know dr. evil who I guess I maybes oh no I'm not apology Dean but maybe a thank you for he also deleted videos about me after our crazy stalker juror from Norway the lady talked with eyes'll dr. evil on the phone or Skype or whatever it was and she admitted that she had been lying yeah and so I was like hanging I can't support that as much as I don't like during Ida and I'll raise 10,000 bucks but you know in prison I can't support a full slanderous video about Harley buyers who saw through that and guess Richard saw through that as well so they're deleted deleted all their support for our crazy juror from Norway so yeah so thanks to you know dr. evil and if you guys know me you'll know that I want to get into the meaning of life discussion here as quickly as possible and I don't really relish the possibility of going over the details of false rape allegations again however as I said earlier that was not the first email I sent Richard and by the way I've had a reply from Richard from that same email account more recently in this discussion he did not respond to this but I'd have every reason to think you got those emails I have every reason to think he saw the videos about this on my channel when they were first posted before that and he was really choosing to disregard the evidence Richard did you see the videos I posted with direct quotations from written correspondence with Hannah Chloe and Nour vegan on this matter the fact that durianrider lies does not sadly mean that other people in this equation are telling the truth so pause the fact that during Ryder is an unreliable source information does not mean that vegan gains is a reliable source information it this sadly this applies across the board the fact that during Ryder lacks moral integrity doesn't mean that richard has got it now conversely what if you're wondering about me do I have moral integrity well look I told the truth when it was dissapears to me in this dispute with during Ryder I told the truth when it was dis advantageous to me when it was vegan cheetah making false allegations against theorem writer I told the truth when it was disadvantageous to me when it was Richard vegan gains making false allegations against de Marana the fact that I don't want during Ryder making false allegations doesn't mean that I would back up false allegations against Darren writers so some people have integrity and some do not alright and those questions of moral integrity ultimately are related to the meaning of life and learning keeping an open mind and taking on board new evidence as life goes on and again this is ultimately about Richard spelled vegan gains why even if he didn't already know this evidence when I presented it to him I have every reason to think he did he already knew about the stuff that he was choosing to disregard it why didn't he just stop and say oh wow this is a totally new perspective on this issue gee I got to go back to the drawing board this comes back to the fundamental topic of this video and what is going to be in the title is there's being stupid and they're staying stupid right like I know we're all born ignorant but one of the ways you you stay ignorant you said you stay stupid is by covering up your eyes and ears whenever it someone's someone tells you something that you you don't want to hear so I'll stay on this for a moment I guess one conversation I had with Richard he was defending people playing video games because I've had many videos on this channel where I state my opposition to playing video games so to speak even though my own daughter at age 5 plays video games and I buy video games for my daughter and to some extent encourage you to play video games we talked about this with her I remember I said to her you know playing video games is childish and I hope you realize that in the future one day I'm gonna say to you it is time to put childish things away that you know after a certain age playing video games is not appropriate anymore it's okay now that you're 5 years old we can play video games together as adults well it's really another thing and she actually really agree with me it was interesting to get her perspective on that that she's aware of playing video games is a waste of time and she's aware that at 5 years old you still got a lot of time to waste I guess anyway Richard was writing to me and he defended video games by claiming understandably enough he said that I still think of video games the way they were decades ago when I was a child and that I didn't realize that they had now become something much more sophisticated that they were something more like watching a movie and to that I replied Richard if I knew someone who watched movies for 40 hours a week I'd have the same objection like from my perspective you're not raising video games above scrutiny by saying that they're on the same level as a movie I have no objection to that my objection is not based on cultural snobbery if I knew someone who watched movies for 40 hours a week or even 20 hours a week or even 10 hours a week I think there'd be a real question of hey you know for you as an adult you know aren't there aren't there better things you you can and should be doing with you so I think that's an issue not just with videogames and the problem with Richard what I said in my earlier video and what he didn't respond to he respond to everything else he responded to penis size and all kinds of irrelevant things we've already seen on screen um you know I'm asking about leading a meaningful life I'm asking about growing wiser as we grow older those the questions I really want to raise and Richards commitment to just doing whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it including making false rape allegations and so on that's locking him into a perpetual childhood I would have treated this correspondence as private forever but nor vegans stated that he would make it public and he did therefore I made it public also and indeed his coverage of the correspondence between us was extremely biased and unfair skipping over and misrepresenting what I had said all right then I have the link to the two long videos this material was boring to watch however one verbally via Skype Hannah spoke to me directly describing encounter with durianrider as normal sex not rape no suggestion of anything like sexual assault etcetera to in written form on the Internet she made a public statement that there was no rape and that she was not making an allegation of anything like rape this was her stated position both privately and publicly for a long time three you can consider the time line at the end of noir vegans own a final video as to just how late in the legal process they even considered or attempted to construct sexual assault allegations guys I hate to tell you this if you know anything about the process of the law these things really do invalidate your claims in court in some cases people who are really guilty get away with crimes because of these kinds of problems on the side of the prosecution the side of the the victim or what have you but there were really really serious inconsistencies shall we say in noir vegan side of the story which would be evident just from a careful observation of noir vegans story as he constructed and presented it which is something Richard was not interested in do it however I had my own evidence already presented for in this same correspondence shown in these two videos hannah is still not claiming right nor anything like rate there are many many things stated in your new video your part to versus during writer that I consider to be factually wrong during writer is an unreliable source of information however nor vegan also is an unreliable source of information you also Richard are an unreliable source of information I have never made up lies about during writer my criticism of him has always been factual and I could even say that it has been fair there are many other factual areas in which you could criticize during writer productively for example his claims about curing various incurable diseases etc but your commentary on his sex life is either poorly informed or dishonest or as you know it could be both so you know in terms of what he's written in to me again vegan gains just seems you know incredibly immature I put this first screenshot up this isn't even worth reading and I mean it's interesting is the question we were trying to discuss in the channel is to what extent will vegan genes grow up to what extent will he become more sophisticated or more intelligent as time goes on and you know obviously I'm a pessimist I think you can see living the life he chooses to live he's living life where he chooses to stay stupid he chooses to shield himself against exactly the sources of new information and challenges to his ego and his assumptions that could bring about some kind of personal growth or or a new learning so oh we have put on a silly voice yes lol aisel you accuse me of making rape allegations without evidence when in fact there's plenty yet you accuse people of being a racist with absolutely no evidence tell me again helping your penis is so yeah you've already seen my reply to that I have seen I don't I have not seen every single video Richards ton I have seen a video which his girlfriend his current ah he's wife now comments on camera that he has quite a small penis but you know guys like I said people with bigger ears don't have a better appreciation for opera um and then I replied the other part of his statement here by saying regarding lol you accuse me of making rape allegations that evidence no no actually I stated factually that you made rape allegations that are contrary to the evidence and that this was evidence you've already seen in my channel and that I reminded you of by email you chose to disregard that evidence and my interpretation is simply that this is your habit of quote-unquote doing whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it just like little cheetah formerly known as vegan cheetah who also made false allegations against during writer and I also defended during writer when that happened you may recall TL DR the summary some people care about the difference between right and wrong truth and fiction and some don't getting older and getting wiser are two very very different things I read the major works of Aristotle politics and constitution of athens at about age 20 and then again at about age 40 my impression and understanding of the book was completely different at those two ages what if it wasn't can you even imagine a parallel universe in which I read the political philosophy of Aristotle and I'm sorry I forget I don't know if I was 18 19 or 20 21 something something about that page if I read Aristotle's philosophy when I was 20 and then what did I do studied Buddhist philosophy studied Pali went to Sri Lanka went to Cambodia started learning lotion did humanitarian work in Laos got a series of other jobs you know even the work I did as an English teacher learned about politics and history and had so many experiences personal professional political and otherwise got involved in ecological activism got involved in vegan activism if I had all these experiences and then I went back and and read Aristotle again and it was just the same thing I just had nothing new to say about it I had nothing new to learn from it what would that say about me and also what would that say about the value of reading you know Aristotle's philosophy I'll tell you something else too you know I have I have gone back and looked at video games I played as a child partly because I'm shopping around for video games to my own daughter and it's it's really the opposite experience I put on zilean for the Sega Master System I loved that game I memorized every room in that game I don't I don't know what a Jo was 11 or younger must have been younger than 11 I was a little kid I played that game zillion and now if I put it on for 45 seconds I think what an abominable waste of time how can anyone do this for two minutes let alone two hours how could anyone do this with their time right there is a difference guys there really is a difference you know and for most of us whether you have a full-time job or not with your raising kids or not whether you've taken on other responsibilities like adopting rabbits and stray dogs and the things being gained says whether or not you spend two hours a day lifting weight to the gym the number of hours you have to put into challenging yourself cultivating your mind not just growing older but growing wiser it's too few hours of the day the number of hours when you're capable of the mental focus necessary to do it okay and it's with that sense of humility and with that sense of responsibility that I've got to invite you and I've got invite Richard to live your life a little bit more seriously to be a person of moral and intellectual integrity to step up to the challenge when someone tells you you've been making lies on the internet about a deadly serious matter like rape allegations or whether someone tells you hey have you ever thought about what goes on in a factory farm or hey have you ever thought about where democracy really comes from and how we ended up with this crazy social political system we all live in keep asking questions stay hungry stay dissatisfied and I hope whatever it is you do with your time you don't end up looking back on it the way I look back on video games like zilean with a sense of disgust and remorse and regret and disbelief that I ever thought this was a worthwhile use of my time because by contrast might look at the philosophy of Aristotle I go WOW there was so much here of value there was so much here to think about that I couldn't understand when I was 20 years old and there's so much more I get out of it now and guys we study history not for what it subtracts from the past but for what it adds to the present it's something really does add to the meaning of my life and what I'm trying to do politically and personally and professionally right now in 2019