Are We All Millionaire Shills on Steroids, or is Durianrider Just Lying?

04 September 2016 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys you may not have taken this
seriously when I said it before but I have said many times on this channel I do not cater to the stupidest ten percent of my audience I really don't if anything I try to cater to the most intelligence twenty percent maybe forty percent when I'm feeling generous I think there is a very overt elitism to this channel and what it's about uh people send me email telling me what my audience supposedly wants to hear and they're talking about the stupidest ten percent um I'm sure that the book review I put up on the weekend book review of a very interesting worthwhile book dealing with ecology and habitat conservation and future of planet Earth that book review may not be as interesting to you as yet another video that's dishing dirt or exchanging insults with one of my fellow the youtubers but that is not what this channel is about that's not what this channel is going to become no matter how much dirt is out there or no matter how much micro fame or micro money I could make by engaging that kind of stuff is not what channel's about it's not what's going to turn into um so I don't I don't cater to the stupidest ten percent of my audience and the stupidest ten percent definitely includes during writer himself and anyone who at this stage is foolish enough to believe the allegations he makes up let's start with the word millionaire I would challenge you you guys in the comments section let's get a let's get a game going here how many people can you name how many people can you remember who have been denounced for being a millionaire bye bye durianrider by mr. Earley johnstone have any offhand I remember he said many many times that hey Nia hey Neos parents are millionaires we we've seen the home that hey Nia's family lives in on her YouTube channel and Kenya herself most of the time still lives at home with her parents not all the time but a lot of the time she's at home with her parents do you believe Kenya's parents are millionaires do you believe that this allegation or insult if it is an insult it's not bad it's not bad to be a millionaire it's not bad to be born rich vegan movement needs more millionaires I hope more millionaires sign up I hope whatever Elon Musk I hope Bill Gates I hope they all become vegan be wonderful for the movement I don't I love probably be millionaires hey Nia manias parents are not millionaire my parents also are not millionaires and the allegations are equally credible in both cases I i forget actually with Jason I think durianrider claimed that Jason himself was a millionaire not the Jason's parents were millionaires i'm not sure but the list of people whom he has reproached for being a million quite long and i would suggest to you that the the insult is equally credible in all cases we used to say it is not credible at all how many people has he called a sexual predator back when i was first going through it a lot of people send me email mentioning past examples that I couldn't remember myself where I didn't know about cuz I'm I'm not a fan of during writers channel I don't watch his videos and some people have been you know talking during Ryder online following his career for many many years so they know of many more examples and I do how many people has he called a sexual predator can we make a list can we get the comments going in the conversation how many examples there are out each of those examples I would like to suggest you is equally valid but which I mean not valid at all yes as much credence in my case as it does in one of those other cases how many people has durianrider reproached or insulted for being an anorexic or and here's a great piece of God by being an anorexic or an eating disorder person he doesn't always use it as an insult but quite a few people he has a he has put these charges to again whether or not that really should be an insult as another matter but he certainly does use it in insulting and denigrating way to to dismiss people and say they're not real vegans or they're not involve vegans with the right reasons or dismiss their criticism of his diet plan or what have you shil Sh I ll shil is a word that's not very commonly used but during writer uses it all the time it's worth thinking about this allegation of shil why he says it about me so many times why he never backs it up it's a very specific accusation if I'm a shill it means I'm working for the other side it means I'm actually employed I'm actually paid to be a representative of the meat and dairy industry or somebody something if I am a shill why is there no evidence of this divider keeps coming with what he thinks is embarrassing or shocking evidence if you read my old blog I had a blog about veganism before YouTube channel you're gonna find I mean you might say that I'm obsessed with veganism you might say that I'm obsessed with ecology you might say that I'm obsessed with Cambodia Sri Lanka Human Rights various civil wars their articles on that blog about marijuana use and alcohol use and why you shouldn't use these drugs you shouldn't smoke marijuana should doing uncle there's a lot of stuff that's consistent with the material of this youtube channel there are a lot of discussions that against this and there's some joking around does anything about that blog suggest you that I'm a shill that I'm actually employed by Monsanto or any well anything on this YouTube channel and again you do you want to make a long list in the discussion below this video how many people has durianrider accused of being a shill i would say again in every single instance this has been an equally valid a key accusation equally valid allegation it has had absolutely no validity not even in one case is there even one example of durianrider accusing someone who was a shill and backing it up and the person actually turning out to be show some people are shells back when I did politics at City Hall I met people who were shells there were people would be you know for example a shill for the energy industry for the the power generation companies from the companies that would make profit from laying new power lines the companies that would make any profit from installing new infrastructure for sewage there were people who were shells that really was their job they were a shill for the power industry what have you and they went to City Hall to you know give depositions the city hall that represented the interests of those companies how those companies wanted to make more money or what they wanted to install or what their concerns but there were no see we don't know say it but there are shoals for organized labor I remember guy giving a very passionate speech he was representing the the cleaning staff at City Hall people employed to mop the floor he was a shill for organized labor doesn't mean he's a bad guy that's just his job that that's what he's paid to do he goes to that meeting and he speaks to the government representing that interest real it's a real allegation am I a shill if you make a list of you in five or six the other people he's called the show and evil-looking to it how about fake vegan fake vegan and you know one he doesn't do as much in more yeast always accused me of drinking alcohol and a sign of how little credibility he has does anyone believe I drink alcohol if you search for the word alcohol or there's another config circular cocaine on this channel I've talked about drugs and alcohol use again before I even had a YouTube channel back on my blog could give some links to old blog entries talking about that stuff does anyone believe during writers allegation did I drink alcohol and if not if you don't believe it why do you think that any of the other allegations are any more credible what he won't be more valid than his making up stories about my drinking alcohol we had this event back in Chiang Mai with the event at the karaoke place and during a rider insulted me again again by saying that I was getting drum beating out drinking alcohol there does anyone believe it does anyone think that's credible now he makes up allegations that I I threatened him at a mystery event I think at a bar again to other vegans nobody seems to believe it everything he keeps inventing allegations out of thin air nobody takes them seriously and yet you guys think this is like a crisis for me to address that he's rehashing the same imaginary nonsense from four or five months ago is not that much difference between the lies he was telling them lies it's only now so do I drink alcohol why don't you put them comes well how many people has durianrider called a drug addict or an alcoholic or a drinker how many I mean off an obvious vegan gains is one right now does anyone believe vegan gains drew I think vegan gains talks about exactly his drug use I myself I'm completely a teetotaler and I what years ago when I for starting to me as i remember was one of things we talked about was my my anti-drug attitude and contrast is attitude but you know in all cases these allegations are are equally valid they're equally just made up in malicious and what have you um fake vegan how many people is he called a fake vegan long long list you want include that below how many people has he called fat he's called me fat so the Lighting's not that great what do you think so my gym is closed right now for seven days gym is closed for renovations fat enough for you I could whip Texas can i maybe thirty percent body fat I'm 37 years old this is not the meaning of life for me I'm quite happy with my level of physical fitness I'm 6 foot 3 100 kilograms my life has a lot more to do with you know things like learning Chinese sorry muck and father holding up I spent hours and hours studying languages studying politics studying history I'm not natholi i'm not selling you a diet book although compared to many followers of durianrider at this point I could I could claim to sell you a diet book I'm in a position do so how many people is he called fat I'm an example again you can make a list how many people has he claimed were on steroids for some reason he's given up on those allegations they're out of fashion for him but one of the first things he ever said about me publicly was that I was on steroids he said that many many times on his on his tumblr and I have screenshots and the screenshots have been included in some videos here on this YouTube channel and of course I just laughed at it it would you think these results are from steroids look I'm all natural and I never thought I'd be something I have to boast about it I'm gonna have to prove my teeth are real to people is nothing fake about me how credible is it the during writer has claimed repeatedly that I'm on steroids if you want to make a list of how many people he said are on steroids it's a long long list uh finally we get into these more vague characterizations of being a manipulator of being manipulative I would challenge you guys to really think about what that means given everything I've just told you there's a very real sense in which it is says self-evident truth the durianrider himself is a manipulator he is being manipulative precisely by lying in these ways but when someone like durianrider or someone like Joe best accuses another person of being a manipulator you have to think seriously about what that really means what is the nature of the allegation what does it mean when Joe best says that hannya is a manipulator I mean she's lying to you about eating bread just nonsense you know Jerry right how many people is he called manipulator of manipulative again look at the allegations he made against Jason Posey no they just don't make sense Jason passinho is selling t-shirts therefore he's a corporate shill therefore he's part of a conspiracy all of these accusations and allegations have equal validity okay uh I do not believe in the slippery slope thesis I actually want to make a video for some time without the concept the slippery slope thesis but I do believe in the boy who cried wolf thesis okay durianrider has made one false allegation after another again and again and again and for the most intelligent forty percent of my audience he has lost all credibility and there is no need for me to waste your time respond to those allegations the idea that I'm a millionaire or the allegation I'm a sexual predator or the allegation that I'm a shill working for the meat and dairy industry or the allegation that my steroids they're all equally valid their insults and nonsense made up out of thin air and if you really haven't figured that out I mean I apologize it's possible this is the first video you've ever seen on the topic you don't realize that this is going on for years that this has been tearing the vegan community apart it's not even a community it's been precluded vegans really working together really getting organized really forming a movement or a plurality of movements it's been preventing our political progress it's had tremendously harmful effects in every way in terms of diet and nutrition advice but in terms of real political activism also this has been a poison and a cancer at the heart of the digital vegan demi-monde and has all kinds of knock-on effects in real life it has not gonna fix for me in my legal situation my divorce the fact that I'm in court and tylium right now I don't want to be doing this with my time I have better things to do some of you say wouldn't I prefer to be you know running an animal shelter or were you know running a political lobbying group we're taking the money and putting it into an animal shelter a political of me yeah sure there are a lot of things I'd rather do with my time and money I don't have a choice I didn't choose this contrary to some again lies derivatives I didn't create this drama he did I'm dealing with the consequences okay ah but I can't cater to the dumbest ten percent of my audience because then this whole channel would turn into stupidity those of you who have been smart enough to figure it out I hope you stick around I hope you keep watching my videos I hope you watch the video i put up a couple days ago this book review talking about ecology have debt conservation politics i hope some of you have interest in building you know a real movement in the future engaging in real community activism really saving the planet i hope some of you are motivated by that because if you're motivated by seeing people insulting each other back and forth we're spawning too ridiculous made up allegations whether it's ridiculous stories about my divorce or ridiculous stories made up who my parents or anything but people who don't know me who don't know any of people volved do have no source of information or stories about my sex life you know that can't be the future of the movement now say somethin for I'm not saying it shouldn't be the future the movement I'm saying it can't be there is no future in that