Bad Writing Clinic: Season 8, Episode 2 of Game of Thrones.

23 April 2019 [link youtube]

Constructive criticism for bad, bad writing on Game of Thrones. And, yes, an attempt to have an in-depth discussion about a TV-show that now has zero depth. And yes, I feel like I'm the only person being honest about how terrible the writing on the show is nowadays.

Shout out to the ever-more-unhinged youtube channel, "The Dragon Demands":

And, yes, the video also alludes to the well-known screenwriting manual, "Save the Cat".

#ASOIAF #GameOfThrones #Screenwriting

Youtube Automatic Transcription

as pathetic as it is to see characters
like varies on screen now with no story to tell no plot to pursue just just really nothing to do but stand around and make one-liners and weedy aimless observations in a soundstage it's even more pathetic to come on YouTube and see the people who are at the intellectual deep end of the game of Thrones A Song of Ice and Fire commentary demi-monde see the people at the intellectual deep end trying to spark trying to muster up something meaningful and insightful to say in response to that aimless pointless poorly written script now I remember these same channels I remember these same dudes in a few cases these same ladies seven eight years ago whatever its pintail guess it's been more cuz that a long gap between these seasons I remember so you guys years ago and when you came on and did like explaining episode 4.2 when I was your video there was actually something to explain there were actually things like insinuated in the text that the audience might not catch or might not have understood like you might not have understood it if you hadn't read the books and in some cases even if you had read the books like several years ago like oh you don't realize like at this point there's a bit of an awkward silence but this is why Oh at this point they were alluding back to this other war that happened before and yes yes let's keep it all the way real some of what needed to be explained in earlier seasons was just the product of poor filmmaking the Battle of the fist of the first men it's like an example of collective hypnosis we've all convinced ourselves that they actually showed that paddle in the TV show but you never really saw the battle you sort of there was some misdirection so I can't remember that I can remember myself going and look in there like what well what they were in the snow and then this and then they show a guy in a horse and then they cut to something else like oh yeah yeah that was the if it's the first and it was it was too expensive or too difficult to film you know so sure but in the past there were actually things to explain there were characters with complex intentions and agendas to explain and now there is nothing to explain and I see people trying to come up with 20 minute video some of them are to our videos where all you're doing is reiterating the text and the text is really thin and there there is no subtext I mean you know give you an example I think this is season one maybe mr. Owen this is could have been season two or season three but early in the show Voorhies takes Tyrion Lannister aside and shows him a corpse nailed away in a coffin and the corpse actually horrific alee magically seems to be still moving and alive right and Voorhies tells this strange and complex story but how he was involved with black magic and he was a young actor and this man purchased him as a slave right and there were various things that are evocative and interesting about this it connects the issues about slavery and liberation it connects to the politics of King's Landing at that time but most fundamentally of all we don't know if this is true if it were true what is motivating baris to disclose this to Tyrion like in a sense if everything he's saying is true then it's bad writing from to be telling Tyrion because it's just meeting up with Tyrion someone who's basically as enemy at many many points in the book Tyrion threatens to murder baris and you know even in the TV show he lies to Vargas and manipulates Ferraris and uses threats tavares and so on he is a difficult rocky and dangerous relationship with Tyrion in a very difficult dangerous political situation why would he just invite your hate hey tyrion can you uh can you come into this cellar with me and i'm gonna tell you like the greatest secret of my life and something about my psychology and something that links me to black magic and something about my origin and where I come from in Essos in think what what motivates the scene what does he have to gain and even still how does it change Tyrians plotline where is it going when doesn't this now this may be one of those plot threads that in the books that george RR martin never gets back to george RR martin is not vegan there's like a big ticking clock until he hits his next heart attack we all know what's coming the last film footage of so he's lost weight he's actually lost tilted weights some so we're hoping he's getting on a slightly other diet like George you know all is impermanent so there's some plot threads that he may never get back to you just due to lack of time on this planet but there's some you may never get back to because it's a sloppily written largely improvised inspirational and inspiring work of literature but it's it's not that tightly written guys people who have green eyes in one scene have blue eyes in another scene there's the female character who has narrow hips in one scene and that's why hips another thing it is what it is it's not written that tightly there's no reason to assume we're ever gonna get a resolution even the something is obvious as whose dagger was this the question the catspaw mystery he thinks he sealed it up but it's it's really not sealed other realities my sense there are a lot of things we should get out the graph paper and shirt what happened in white even in the books it'll never be sealed up but here's my point there was a time when you could watch that show and there's this intriguing mysterious and highly motivated set of dialogues between Tyrion Lannister and Voorhies other characters to of course anything what's what's propelling these characters for where are they going why are they doing this well you know again is he telling the truth or is he lying looking back at this episode eight point two season eight episode two did did anyone lie in the whole episode is there even the possibility that anyone would lie in like is it something you can reflect on and be like wow you know I wonder if when this character that character was just standing there doing psychological striptease just standing there bearing their emotions well there were a wonder you know I wonder if they were trying to manipulate the other person is something there's no longer any scope for any kind of politically motivated or even personally motivated manipulation that would justify doing a podcast or doing a YouTube video in a very real sense the writing is now so bad that I feel there is nothing to say so this is not just complaining about my own creative exhaustion as a viewer who who decided to come on and come on and make youtube videos in terms of the aesthetics of the show because of course some people who just want you know they say no I'm sorry nice to say don't say anything at all some people who want to have some nice to say they were treat to talking about the aesthetics and the spectable part of me yes that accent spectacle but for me this only redoubles the nature of the failure throughout the show you have people standing in a large room with a crowd of witnesses communicating across the room in a whisper speaking at a lower vote on voice that I'm speaking at lower volume that's behind hell and their voice just clears across the room with no problem and nobody comments they say something that's a rageous or provocative and all the people in the cresting remained dead silent nobody sneers or laughs when the Kingslayer talks about keeping a nobody challenges that in season one two three or four there would have been noise from the crowd there would have been the dynamic sense that this is a feudal society with you know many many people with many motivations going in many directions there would have been there would have been someone like Littlefinger there with some agenda trying to twist the court case try to test twist the trial you know one way or another and there would have just been the skepticism and you know mystery and intrigue and doubt and there would have been so I'm talking about you know what I mean mmm I don't think I'm giving too much credit George I think there would have been selling meaningful there to something meaningful whether about slavery or feudalism or politics or the nature of hierarchy or being a servant on your life you know we got it sorry just today walking to the grocery store I was thinking of all these ways I could have made that scene more meaningful even if I was stuck within the structure of scene by seeing what happened in this episode all these way in which I could have made the structure of the scenes with John snow but we're working within the same structure even or if you can go outside the structure do all kinds of so there's another YouTube channel called the dragon demands he likes to complain in a somewhat overwrought manner about bad writing on the show I think we should just briefly recognize what it is we mean by good writing today in 2019 the preeminent most influential source text for what is good writing is a book called save the cat a guided screenwriting so I didn't have the author's name save the cat by Blake Snyder this book has been so influential that many people criticize movies now I'm serious film criticism by pointing out the ways in which it's following the formula in the book now I remember slant I said years and years ago Americans the Sun unique to American culture what Americans like to see is ordinary people doing extraordinary things and extraordinary people doing ordinary things so to give an example it's intriguing if you see Superman struggling with his relationship with his girlfriend you see Superman coming down from the heavens literally and figuratively and having to walk into a shop and buy tampons for his girlfriend and he's confused with sorry I'm supposed to do these have wings I want you know that's interesting that's why because it's Superman right if it's if it's just some guys others that's an extraordinary person doing an ordinary thing struggling with an ordinary problem and the American audience in America culture immediately sympathized with immediately where it relates to an ordinary person thrust into a situation of extraordinary responsibilities Jordan Airy challenge so you get a sense of someone's ordinariness that they're just another peasant you know when came to Thrones contests there Justin did the guy working behind the counter when Superman comes in but the they've ended up you know being in charge of something something terrifying something with tremendous consequences and tremendous difficulty save the cat you know he talks you through as a screenwriter how to give a sense of someone's capability someone's confidence to me in this episode so times were told that tyrion lanister is brilliant show don't tell when have we seen Tyrion doing something brilliant was it was it six years ago now was it because one sees it's one year it's been incredible in time so we saw Tyrion do anything inspiring let alone we even since he said something witty something you know whittier charming or insightful is has been a while but you know there would have been so many ways to structure even this episode around showing Tyrion Lannister whether you show him as ordinary or extraordinary Lannister rising to the extraordinary challenge of he's a dwarf he's despised he's despised because everyone in the north hates hosts Lannister they've just been at war this alone stir for years and he's got to walk around in the mud and give people orders that will save their lives and say no dig the trench here whatever it is I mean I'd like it if used if he was doing something really brilliant this is incredible he's right Tyrion Lannister could be saying they're saying hey guys if there's one thing I know it's wildfire there's one thing I know it's how to set up a trap with fire to burn the enemy this enemy is uniquely vulnerable to fire if this is my background at that in King's Landing I was in there and then his challenge is getting people to listen to him right and there's none of that here everyone everyone stances cyclists even though we have one scene indicating that that Tyrion and Jamie are not respected he's so easy to Reza that Jon Snow has come back from abroad he's come back from meeting his new queen and possibly his new bride all he does is stand around like a like a model in a soundstage he just stands around with blank expressions on his face we don't get to see him doing anything showing either extraordinary ability showing his capability showing that he's a he's a hero for the audience to look up to nor do we see him struggling for the position of being an ordinary guy hey he was a teenager his boss got killed on the job to a bizarre circumstance he got elected leader of the Nights Watch he was terrible at it he was killed on the job somehow he kept failing upward he kept failing and getting promoted and now he's king of half the continent he doesn't have any kind of training or education for this couldn't we see him but yeah either would be good if we saw him struggling with with taking that responsibility that would be great on the other hand if you saw him just being amazing at it just wow I guess I'm a natural oh gee maybe it's maybe it's because Rhaegar Thoren was my father would have if we saw him doing anything extraordinary and and there's none of that so again I mean these kinds of basic questions of eliciting the the audience's interest their sympathy showing the capability or heroic Ness of the characters of showing you know a character like Jon Snow at no point in these first two episodes do we see him caring about people who are starving or people who've lost their homes or even the umbers of the umber clan they've lost their lives and they've lost their homes and whatever you know maybe there are a few that would be again so easy to write there'd be a few refugees who show up and you show him really caring okay this makes him heroic this makes him interesting get this this is exactly the stuff that's in the screenwriting manual save the cat it's not genius it's not brilliant it's the level of competence we now take for granted and how Hollywood scripts are created how TV shows are graded and I think there is an inevitable tenants in the arts to want to rebel against that so to wrap this up we'll say I actually disagreed with this other YouTube channel the dragon demands I disagreed with him on the Battle of the bastards episode so that was one season ago it's a big battle and it made no sense and when oh and of course he is factually correct he has pointed out the whole chronology of how they started with a certain script and there were very irresponsible decisions made by the production by the the showrunners as they call very responsible decisions made and that forced them into a corner where if there were any delay in shooting at all they couldn't complete the script and what do you know it rained it rained sometimes and so at the last minute in the editing room they had to take a bunch of scenes that didn't make any sense and cope with missing scenes and missing chunks of the script and in effect come up with a new script after the 11th hour and it was a mess but you know what if you watch that episode as it today and you compare it to the kind of morally symmetrical plot and carefully planned script that was there you know I think actually the way that episode turned out is more meaningful precisely because it defies those conventions don't know I understand it's a product of chaos but what you ended up with in this bizarre meaningless battle in the Battle of the bastards you just see bodies writhing in the mud and nobody knows who's going on which direction and everyone suffers and then it's all for nothing because another army shows up and that that also makes no sense it's very poorly written wrong but it's like well here is actually an artistic statement about war that war doesn't work like a well-written movie plot that war you know people we only see again in terms of making John a sympathetic ear to her hero you only see John failing and failing and failing he makes the wrong decision at every single step up to the battle he survives the battle he's a very good swordsman but terrible leader a terrible king every stage leading up to the battle and he wins anyway he makes all the wrong decisions and they're outnumbered and there's just mud and meaning in that and that's it and there it's not susceptible to analysis so that's one case where I have to have to disagree that the the sheer sloppiness of the Kapus production ended up making a kind of interesting eccentric and challenging antidote to the formula of standard Hollywood filming but you know you have to you have to really understand the art form to transcend the boundaries of the art form and what we're seeing here in season 8 and the vast majority of episodes for years and years and years now is not a group of confident screenwriters or competent filmmakers transcending the conventions the art form they're people who have not mastered the convention of the art form they're people struggling with the basics of storytelling and that that's all we've got we've mean I said in the video immediately before this it's almost as if there was a really great writer who gave them a series of books to adapt and then they just were books to adapt but it's even more bizarre to say that like they had no more books that had no more script and now they're filling screen time by just having characters stand in silence and just stick to each other's eyes Game of Thrones Season eight it really is that bad I really like the part in that video that you just recorded where you were actually providing real examples of how the writing could be better yeah I think it's easy to say all is so poorly written I could write a better scene when you actually provide examples I'm like oh yeah that's that's true that would have made it more meaningful and I just want to say at the end there you said that the screenwriters seem to be relying on staring into each other's eyes like I really do feel that maybe it's a symptom of long-running TV shows that the last season seems to always be like really reliant on emotion like the the viewers suppose it attachment to all of these characters it's especially literally nostalgia for earlier seasons where they actually mention they're actually shouting out events to oh remember when this happened in season two yeah exactly and you know I was just thinking of the one scene that the stairs with this episode seem to just draw out for so long when Breo yeah Brienne was being knighted this was really drawn out and dramatic and you said there were things that if anybody actually cares about the show they didn't name all of the seven you know they say seven gods like why did you cut that out like why not do all of that and cut out a little bit of the you know what's staring into each other's eyes supposedly meaningfully but yeah and like you know all the gathering around the fireplace of the difference that different characters that we've seen throughout the season it really just seems to be relying on the nostalgia emotional attachment to these characters so I don't know like what do you what do you think about this what do you think about how to end a show like this look this was a show where we're magic once mattered why does John Snow never show us any sign or symptom that he's a Targaryen that by blood he's linked to the Dragons you know to be so easy to write send me well and then you beat her so you could have that before he's confronted by Sam or you could have it after that Sam tells him this and then you know Jon Snow says to Daenerys you know before your dragons hatched did you have dreams about them did you have dreams both him the egg and she's shocked just you know yes yeah why and he says because I've been having those same dreams said you know let me let me show you something I keep having dreams that there's a dragon egg here and they go down into the into the pits beneath wonderful into the crypts and he digs through the dirt he moves a stone and he reveals a dragon egg he says it was coming to me at my dreams so there was a dragon anak buried in there you know and he picks it up and they and they relate you and they know whether it's again whether he's confronted whether or not and like that that they both have some kind of connection of the dragon so code you know you didn't know and again it's show don't tell you don't have to necessary you don't gonna pack any of it it doesn't he doesn't he doesn't even have to tell her oh you know I figured out that my ancestry by blood have some connection to the dragons under the Turin Arizona you know you could have a whole sequence of things you could have built it up over several seasons because all we've been shown about him in his appearance in the magic he has his connection to the wolves and everything everything connects him to everything connects him to how stark that he's the blood of host star which I guess he partly as violin I get it from my mother but you know so so what I mean you could know if you wanted to do it in a non supernatural way you could have it in terms of his political characteristics or even like you know he's naturally a great musician you know he's like oh you know no one in House Stark plays music but always from I was great at playing in you know okay I get it from regards hearing he doesn't have the hair or the eyes of record nothing about him his library so couldn't there be something couldn't there be something no again I think the the connection of the Dragons is probably more compelling for the audience then he picks up a picks of a piano and knows how to play them keys you know oh that was Ray gars piano that's that's not a synthetically compelling but no I mean you know and again yeah in the TV show what does it mean to be a Targaryen because and in this in this in the same episode episode should be a meaningful answer that question there isn't there should be right in this in this episode episode 2 there was a scene with Sansa and yeah Daenerys and they were you know having a heart-to-heart about about Daenerys becoming the new queen because she fell in love you know who's who was tricking who into you know going to Winterfell you know she's Daenerys says that John is manipulating her as opposed to you know she's manipulating John and she says this says what's supposed to be I think meaningful in the context that you know women are good leaders like you know you could be a good leader like me like I'm I'm a good female leader and we haven't really seen Daenerys being a good female leader and if if if we have it wasn't for a long time you know like I think all the female leaders Daenerys and Cersei and Sansa the main way they demonstrate their leadership is through costuming they let the costume to prove it to the equity I'm standing here dressed like Darth Vader their form a great leader therefore she doesn't look anything now like you know the the beautiful most beautiful woman in the world is supposed to be what Cersei is description all right I'm not like faulting the actress of course the actress is beautiful it's just like the way that the doesn't really follow with what you know House Lannister is supposed to be House Targaryen is supposed to be and the books the books also I think to our attention that Hoddy of choosing your leaders based on who's good-looking and who was who has the right bloodline I mean cuz Cersei Lannister is a terrible ruler but so in a different way at this point in the book so is Daenerys Daenerys is not a not a good ruler either you just seem to be relying on like the audience expect like expecting the audience to care about these characters yes I shows brother forgetting is he on yeah so Theon shows up and it's you know there's this sentimental reunion of Sansa and you know like no I just think it could have been mmm more meaningful if she would have been like hey why did you burn you know like like confront him about this rather than having this teary cuz I don't think she's seen dionan Wow yeah right yeah how did Winterfell get rebuilt by the way I mean sorry I don't know like I agree with you like there are things like yours yeah the continuity errors are not so much of the problem when when you're doing a TV show it can't be perfect you know but um you know okay let me give you a pillow what if okay the key in a perfect world the continent the continuity errors would matter it would matter that Sam managed to walk there from Old Town in less time than it took the zombies to walk from the wall to Winterfell and then the same amount of time it took all these other people to arrive from all over the world and like the sea voyages back from from Essos - all right sir she's been pregnant for four months right that's right so right she's been pregnant for at least as long as it took her brother to walk to Winterfell and for a boat to go from King's Landing to Essos and back and there are a lot of holes but so in a perfect world there would be no such plot holes however what if they were abandoning the book and producing a show full of plot holes because they were really profoundly sincerely thematically interested in just focusing on war on the morality of war that could be a great show and we all be making sure we don't be willing to overlook the bug well you know what it's really sloppy right hang there's really no way to put on but you know what these guys show a real passion for dealing with war and its consequence what if okay instead what if they're all these plot holes but you could tell the are the author's really wanted to deal with the Upstairs Downstairs the economy their relation between masters and servants you know the fact that there are these people and Jon Snow's life and Daenerys is life who have been with them supporting them and they don't really get nothing for it the peasants and servants that's the relationship between aristocrats that could be a fantastic drama you know back in season 1 season 2 Daenerys hand recognizably some of the same servants around her all the time you know gqe and so on the you know her blood riders and so on who ceased to be referred to and have ceased to be seen you know and no no you know this is this is what you're expected to your whole life with no reward and you you know no advancement and possibly no pay and so on okay so what about that relationship you could have a show that's really meaningful and moving and has a kind of political content social commentators because that you know I wouldn't be interested they could in theory do a show that was entirely focused on the romantic element that really nailed that where the the romance element was really great I think you meant you can't compare them just like perfect I don't think there's one romance on the show today season 7 season 8 that is as well realized as the romance between Superman and Lois Lane in the original Superman movie which i think is 1978-1979 you know i guess it's not not a master you know they're incredible zoom whether they can whether it's something socials like political you know it could be something political with the capital letter P could be talking about you know it could be something political in that small personal scale of hey you know you're the guy who grows the corn and me because I'm born with this last name you know I eat the corn oh and yeah this you know it could be some of that and it could be the romance there could be something the writers are focused on and passionate about and what that's what they're delivering and then we might be inclined to overlook all all these holes but there's nothing there's just nothing it just feels like such a meandering directionless poorly written you know cash grab I don't have other words for it you know yeah I was just gonna say reflecting upon it the only romance that seems to be I don't know having the semblance of like genuine genuine romances between grey worm and Sunday yeah yeah even that in that scene like we got we got her saying like oh I wish I could go to Knauth like the view were supposed to remember you know in some ways the the show seems to be trying to appeal to like a mass audience but then there be like no sometimes have these callbacks to two very particular moments not in the book or or in the series but look I I you know Pete people ie the other critics especially the critics here on YouTube they're praising this episode by saying an examination of kind of fear and terror when you know waiting for sound I don't I don't think there was any examination of that and that's that's a pretty well worn you know library yeah pretty well worn you know shelf of the library you know especially with something like World War one waiting in the trenches and the horror of you know waiting and waiting for the death to come and war or something there have been a lot of kind of masterpieces of film and book whatever and this this is not one of them um I also don't feel sorry mentioning romance is is Breann supposed to be in love with Jaime Lannister if so it's not well written or well realized you know you could make a whole list of all the different pairings of people Jojo you know I mean there were other things that would have been easy to easy to cash in on I mean you know and again there isn't even any comedy in in the show anymore you know but you know if you wanted if you wanted to give VAR EES something to do you know or any of those other characters to you know you could discover that the red woman is hiding within Winterfell she's wearing an assumed identity or something and they they track her t she's there for good reason she's there cuz she wants to help Jon Snow Jon Snow sent her away you know you could have a little subplot that there's so many things that easily could be written in that would make it actually you know interesting but again all that stuff sorry I didn't even suggest this you could take the religion seriously nobody cares that Jon Snow died and came back from the dead you can easily write a whole show where people are really seriously interested in and find it compelling that you know like like I eat the people within the show find it compelling and the writers find it compelling like hey it transforms the way peasants regard this man that he died and came back from the dead or where people are really sincerely struggling with hey we used to have this religion where we worship the trees and then this new religion arrived the religion of the god of fire and they started performing miracles and they brought Jon Snow back from the dead now that's transforming the kind of psychological emotional and religious and cultural background those are those are big interesting themes you know and the the Ironborn have their own gods and their own beliefs there's a lot of material there that could be really compelling and that then we might be inclined to say well the fact that the plot really doesn't make sense and that you know the amount of time that passes between events is completely ridiculous and so on well we can overlook that because at least there's some really meaningful reflection on this this religious world building it was built up over additional time but today that there are no excuses to be made for that there's just there's nothing in the other side of the balance there's nothing in the other side of the scale when we were watching the most recent episode you said that the red-haired character I think is named is tormund yes yeah yeah you said that in the book he was known for japes actually funny yeah and you actually could have like had the director instructing him to to say his lines in a funny way you know about you know to about drinking the milk of a giant yeah and you know it could have just been a joke but like it just loved people like what awkward silence and you know The Onion Knight is like oh I guess I'll have that drink you know just really you know all these people are together in one room oh my god that's great there's there's comedy but there's also tragedy with those same characters you know so both what we're gonna comment on torment and on the man who's missing a few fingers Davos so you know there's a dialogue these are all very brief in the books the books are so long but a lot of these scenes are really brave where John and torment have this dialogue in which torment makes a lot of jokes and they're funny and they're genuinely humorous and tormund makes some some joke I think he makes joke both Assizes penis or something and then and john stole a still torment you haven't changed at all like you've been some relative long time so what you haven't you know and torment he immediately becomes very choked up with emotion he says yet I have said no you're wrong I've changed and he says you know my son died you know just the other day and a few weeks ago you know my other son died you know in the war and circumstance through the war I think one of his kids became a white Walker became a zombie he had to kill him himself he had to put him down you know and you know I was like no no John like I've changed like I'm really scarred Davos the fellow is missing some fingers you know Davos has various complex things about his character including his his commitment to religion in the books but I think three of his sons have died more he had to get a lot of kids he's he has a wife and a large number of kids and several of them have already died in the plot and we in this show now he has nothing to do we had no motivation it's going nowhere and there's but but I mean there's stuff that's meaningful in that and even if you wanted to have a romance between him and Masson day which I'm for in principle it should have that weight which would be like hey this is a man you had eight kids or something and three or four of them are already dead and he doesn't think he's ever gonna see his wife again and he wants you and he knows you already got a man and your man ain't got no dick and he's got a dick and he's here to come that could be that could be a compelling storyline you know Davos steps and sadducees like twenty-eight-year-old Masson day so if she's a fully room in the books Masson day is a totally different character but on the TV show she's a fully grown woman and you know okay like that's you know that could be but you'd have to have that agony and that vulnerability and that suffering behind it you have to you have to put the pieces together and again I say this you think off camera last time what if Cersei Lannister was responding to being seduced by this pirate captain with some real vulnerability what if she was saying to him don't leave me everyone's left me my father is dead my twin brother abandoned me everyone I loved and relied on has gone my own son committed suicide which has never been mentioned in one line of dialogue my son threw himself at the window everyone else I cared about was killed in a terrorist bombing that she herself devised whether she admits that like you know the city I knew is gone the family I loved is gone all three of my children have been murdered you know don't leave me and even if we're even if she doesn't love him because sometimes a woman is not in love but she wants a man to be there for her and be strong for her you could have a really compelling really vulnerable Cersei you know this is this is stuff writers come up with around a table well what if she was one and then the opposite extreme sorry just to give a gloss on the same screen the same possibility and again guys I'm not a professional writer I'm just better than these writers it's thinking this the sort of thing you talk about at a table reading or at a writer's meeting you know where this work should be at a workshop stage not the same stage okay what about at the opposite extreme what if she responds to this and she's completely cold she doesn't care like she's broken she's past it like what if you know she takes this Pirate King decides it's okay you want to sleep with me okay guess what this is here sleeping with I buried three of my own children this year I don't give a [ __ ] I feel nothing you know and you know what you know my own brother just my twin brother just stabbed me in the back and went to join the other side in this war and I feel nothing so you know what you want you want to have sex with me I'm gonna feel nothing nothing to me and when this is over you know I can kill you too like you could take her to that extreme instead where instead of vulnerability there's a total lack of vulnerability and show her as someone who's powerful but pathologically powerful and you know and then build that up and then show her and show how she moves and she's gonna have some other people around her then you know then you've got to have some minions and peons she's moving around when she's not just standing there alone but she's got people who respond to that energy and where she's directing was it you know show her really make her powerful and where she's like okay okay little man okay little pirate you want to come off your boat and come sleep with me well guess what you know guess guess what kind of monster you're sleeping with that works too so you know again I could keep going you come with like six different possibilities that are powerful and that also advance the plot and that also give consequences to earlier events so sort of one thing leads to another but you know I said to you just while we were watching it oh yeah remember when the Hound so different character Sandor Clegane remember when he had a religious experience and it changed his character that happened at least twice there were two different significant religious experiences he had his life saved by the faith of the seven and then he had his life transformed by the fire God and so on like okay he was supposed to go through some kind of transformation and here he is the the same character or worse it's a worse written shallower version of who he wasn't season one he doesn't even look impressive anymore looking he's just sitting there getting drunk against the wall in season one he we saw him standing in full armor and the whole crowd was off regarded him as awesome his first sword fights in front of a crowd back in season one probably don't know it's a long time we fought against the mountain and at a Joe stand the whole crowd was was impressed you know he just looked amazing in armor and he was this amazing when he walks around Katzman nobody's impressed to see him nobody says wow there's how do you know he was the greatest he was or is the greatest swordsman in the whole country like he's this great he just looks like another drunken hobo hanging on the wall and there's but one is there's no there were no consequences hey this is the guy who won the the greatest tournament at King's Landing a couple of years ago this is this guy who stands six foot six in armor and it's just this amazing you know but he's this this guy who's fought so many battles and everyone finds that that shallow but still by doing that you show there are consequences to earlier events and you know that matters that gives that gives everything weight as opposed to you know weightlessness namelessness direction this but then also you know again just like I said about torment where torment says to John no John I have changed you know you've got to see that he's changed when he meets when he meets a little girl when he meets Aria he should be sick he should be saying to her the Aria I've changed like it's changed me like Aria you know you should know like you know and whatever terms he put it in you know Steffes it's just awful the rating is abysmal but like you know remember we took all this time to show him meeting this family with aria and then he comes back later when he sees them as corpses they've starved to death and Nicole they're frozen to death they're the corpse in the house and he tries to give them a funeral when he says you know you deserve better than this and so on so this was his big transformation right he's just he's just another hobo I know that's that's what all that's what all the Cara's out there the whole script and all the characters in it are listless and aimless it's it is it is objectively better you know we were just saying about Davos Davos the chapters in the Game of Thrones series those are probably my favorite chapters his character isn't done justice on the TV show never had one word of motivation for him after Stannis dies why does he follow Jon Snow and again so again just like I said with Cersei you could take it to one extreme you could take it to another you know what if Davos his attitude was I don't care I've got to serve somebody Stannis died well okay that's it game over for Stannis but now I'm committing everything I've got to just because that's the kind of guy I am I just serve whoever's the king that would be again a kind of chilling and weird and there's okay so wasn't about a personal relationship for you but between you and Stannis you just believe in the authority of command and that's it you know it's so you back jonstone know again that doesn't really work with the plot as they've written but that would be one kind of character then you have the opposite where it really is for him based on a personal assessment of that he thinks John Snow has some quality where you know after John Stone was assassinated that he still believes in this corpse and what it makes no sense you know that it's a religion we know he doesn't believe in that he believes in this religion bringing this guy back from the dead and why why do you want this guy in charge or anyone else you know like where something has to be worked out or something or whatever something gets reflected on or again there are like six possibilities or maybe the only thing he says is the only chance I've got to ever getting back to my family and seeing my children again is this so maybe John's stones a terrible person but the hell with it but I mean you've got to have high stakes you gotta have commitment you gotta have character is telling you who they are and how they feel for a reason not standing around listless on a soundstage unpacking their feelings for no reason you know but we're you know I'm gonna get that that that it's suspicious when Voorhies does that in season one like well why why are you telling me this you know you gotta have a reason you know for for telling people these things and then hopefully there's some kind of meaningful insight whether it's political or sociological when they say those things okay guys that's a wrap Wood 3 my expectations are sub-zero [Music]