Vegan Gains: Antidepressants are his New Religion.

21 September 2021 [link youtube]

He's openly admitted that he's taking antidepressants… and I suppose he'd prefer if the title of this video were, "Vegan Gains is Cured! 💊 It's a Miracle!"

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he is suffering from being a psychopath
and probably from depression as well i think we should and i'm glad that more research is being done into how do we help people how do we help people with this condition because as i alluded to like this it's not like this is yeah so swayze uh you're not a psychologist you're not a psychiatrist you have no ability to diagnose anyone like she's literally calling me a psychopath because i was rude to somebody like holy crap i guess everybody at the dmv is a psychopath right because they're all rude like holy crap good for richard i do not believe he's a happy person at all i think that uh now that i'm on my antidepressants i am [ __ ] happy uh so thanks uh somehow she can know everything about me in my life how i feel constantly my mental state because she saw one stream where i made an insensitive joke yeah swayze i'm on antidepressants they've been working great i make a great living on youtube i'm making over 10k a month now like what is there for me to be like mad about why would i be constantly angry the only thing that upsets me is when i see people like you spewing absolute nonsense that's the only time when i'm upset so this is what it looks like and this is why i'm not terribly competent um doing basically any anything anything with any real reliable reliability stand still still if i try before i went on antidepressants i was completely wholeheartedly against them um but then i learned that they're actually wonderful and saved my life saved my life i mean it's ironic when you think about it isn't it that uh that a drug that's marketed as an antidepressant has a side effect of suicide to take the irony further now the fda's new label warnings uh and the canadian read like my books from 10 years ago that these drugs produce anxiety insomnia over stimulation impulsivity aggressivity hostility and a general worsening of their condition i have a blankie blankie is a blanket i have had since i was literally born out of the womb my aunt melody got it for me when i was a baby it originally had mickey mouse and minnie and it's my security blanket like i sleep with it every single night i like need it what's up guys welcome back to my channel sami marie here and i do videos all about mental health and today i'm going to be talking to you guys about my medications and the side effects of my medication now i'm on lamigdol haldol topamax and minopress and lamectal is a mood stabilizer topamax is a mood stabilizer haldol is an antipsychotic and minipress is for ptsd the side effects let's just jump on into that and for me the side effects for limital is hair loss it makes me kind of groggy and like numb and tired and i honestly i don't like it but i and it's funny because my doctor had me on 200 milligrams like a couple months ago and i stopped taking it which you should never stop taking your medications like just stopping cold turkey but i did and then um i recently just talked to him like a few days ago and he was like okay well we need to get you back on it so now i'm back on it 15 years ago i warned the fda and i warned the country and toxic psychiatry that antidepressants were causing a stimulant amphetamine-like syndrome that was resulting in violence and murder in 1994 and talking back to prozac i warned the country and the fda again this time with tons now of scientific data on the same issues during that period of time i was asked to be and this is very relevant to your deliberations the scientific investigator for all of the combined prozac suits almost 200 of them so i got to look at all the sealed data that eli lilly didn't want anybody else to see so about 20 books later now and a few dozen scientific studies and innumerable innumerable product liability suits where i've looked at sealed data i've come to tell you that you're evaluating junk you're evaluating carefully edited exportated data that i've seen and you haven't this is a most remarkable circumstance the first few weeks i was on antidepressants i spent every car ride just like laughing by myself so i was like oh my god i spent my whole life not knowing what this feels like and what we find is that it's that initial few weeks when the drug has the most impact but once i went on antidepressants and it worked instantaneously i felt happiness for the first time and i was so joyous and i was like wow i really needed this i do actually have an imbalance in my brain we don't have any evidence that any routine psychiatric problem from anxiety to depression and even schizophrenia has anything to do with a biochemical imbalance stabilize your chemical imbalance so where did an idea like that come from we know the answer it was actually made up by the brilliant mindset the drug company eli lilly even before prozac was approved for depression by the fda lilly was sending its minions its paid physicians and consultants out into the world to say that depression was caused by a biochemical imbalance and in particular a kind of sluggish serotonin neurotransmitter just not enough serotonin working but lily knew from the beginning that it wasn't very simple that this drug prozac wasn't exactly going to jack up your serotonin like it was supposed to the whole idea behind prozac was that it would block the removal of serotonin from those active places in your brain called the synapses so here's the other cell and it's picking up serotonin and then comes prozac and it blocks the removal of the serotonin from this space and that's supposed to mean you're going to puddle serotonin you're going to increase serotonin in the synapse well in fact and lily knew this knew this before the drug was approved the brain doesn't like to have the serotonin puddling in its synapses and the brain responds by stopping producing serotonin it responds by increasing its ability to remove serotonin it responds by becoming less sensitive to serotonin so from the beginning it was a flimflam it was a pr claim that you got biochemical imbalances and prozacs gonna fix it so what do you conclude from this people who have emotional problems you me we all have emotional problems we don't have anything wrong in our brains and if we do if someday some of these problems turn out to be caused by something going on in our brains rather than in our lives in our emotions in our hearts in our feelings if it turns out to be so then psychiatric drugs aren't fixing them because psychiatric drugs are causing biochemical imbalances in your brain i'm on antidepressants they've been working great i make a great living on youtube i'm making over 10k a month now like what is there for me to be like mad about yes i am on antidepressants i have been for about a month and a half and my life absolutely changed like more than i ever expected when you're on them you don't appreciate their harmful effects anxiety insomnia over stimulation impulsivity aggressivity hostility and no general worsening of their condition if you do begin to become upset or disturbed on a drug let's say you're taking xanax or you're taking an anti-depressant you start to get irritable and angry and you yell at your family you're not likely to think it's the drug you're likely to think it's my wife or my husband or the kids or the boss or the job you won't get straight that you've been changed by the drug when i went on antidepressants for the first time i felt for the first time what stability felt like antidepressants some actually do help with anxiety so that has been the most amazing improvement for me i barely have any anxiety anymore you might think you're feeling better than ever when you're doing worse than ever and this is common this is really common it's related somewhat to the feeling of euphoria i'm so happy euphoria which is one gets from cocaine or amphetamine and can't often also get from the anti-depressants and that sense of feeling better than ever is as i mentioned in one of my earlier reports one of the most dangerous places you can get uh now that i'm on my antidepressants i am [ __ ] happy the psychoactive substances by diminishing our capacity by impairing our frontal lobes prevent us from appreciating their harmful effects i was on a lot of antipsychotic medications until i tried one particular psychiatric medication that soon after i started taking it i felt the best i did since i was a little boy when my psychiatrist warned me that i would develop physical symptoms as in several years in the future i wasn't really concerned about it because i was doing so well i don't want to have the risk of giving that up several years later i woke up one morning and i noticed that my cheeks were puffing in and out uncontrollably and i was horrified when i saw my image in the mirror i feel so calm i had no idea i could feel like this psychoactive substances impair our judgment about their effects on us this video needs to be made especially if we want to reach the goal of releasing that social stigma about mental health and making it more normalized normalizing depression is not the same thing as normalizing the treatment of depression this word normalize is so slippery it's so misleading are you really trying to normalize the experience of human sorrow anxiety misery suffering which is indeed as you say normal is indeed part of the human condition or are you trying to normalize a drug induced euphoria and then contrasting that to human suffering unhappiness and sorrow with the claim that any experience of that kind can be medicalized can be treated as abnormal can be treated as an illness an illness that has never been proven to exist by medical science on the basis of a chemical imbalance that is known now to be fictitious that always was fictitious by mustering together already debunked and disproven junk science from the 1990s what is it really that you're trying to normalize i traveled by public transportation and i have kids turn around and stare at me because they're curious or they don't understand why this man is making faces so i don't get upset about that but it does upset me when people see me grimacing they come to the conclusion that there's something wrong with me [Music] i'm so happy i feel so calm i had no idea i could feel like this normalizing human misery suffering and sorrow is the opposite of medicalizing it treating it as a diagnosable condition that can be remedied with a pill that has been in the last 20 years more thoroughly debunked than anything else on the psychiatrist's shelf antidepressants are a debunked fad drug from the 1990s people like you think you're doing something morally positive in normalizing them but you're not what you're normalizing is junk science what is so bad about my content that i should be thrown off the platform but everyone else gets a pass