Stella Rae was the future of vegan activism, promoted by PETA, L.A. Vegfest & Vegsourceā€¦

25 July 2019 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

someone says to talk about the single wire that's a simple life okay Paris this is the single life everything has up ups and downs just as a relationship doesn't mean you're gonna be happy this is your single the room and you're gonna be happy or I feel like it's just it's just depend on you and your mindset in your relationship with yourself so I'm really not to her bed I'm like I would say this in a podcast but if you know where you are at the core of your view your self know what that is and how to identify with that as well so that you can really have any experience and you're gonna like most of it and it's gonna end up being a positive experience because you will have gained something from and you're less likely to like judge yourself based on mistakes because you're like okay right I Know Who I am and I know what I stand for I know what I want and what I don't want so it's not gonna change that you know it doesn't have to change let me know if you've ever thought about that or yeah honestly yeah this is my favorite time of year I love the time when I thought out I love my birthday's just so [Music] [Music]