Unnatural Vegan & Joe Rogan: the Anti-Vegan Clique.

10 April 2018 [link youtube]

The moral position adopted by Joe Rogan is, in fact, very similar to that of Unnatural Vegan: they both support eating eggs from "happy" chickens, and they both put a lot of effort into blaming vegans for "being crazy" (against a very flexible and self-serving standard)… which is to say they both approve of the moral goal of abolishing slaughterhouses and factory farming, but they're not willing to do anything "crazy" (meaning: anything at all) to make it happen. :-/

For an earlier videos discussing my fundamental, moral opposition to Unnatural Vegan's "philosophy", see:The debate has been "fleshed out", but with the positive participation of one side only (i.e., myself). See, e.g.,

(1) "Captive Animals ARE NOT Companion Animals (Unnatural Vegan is NOT Vegan)". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHTNMYBiTic

(2) No, You're NOT Vegan: Unnatural Vegan, Fully Raw Kristina, & Peter Singer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A3GlQK_0JU

(3) "Castration: vegan excuses for enslaving animals. [vs.] Unnatural Vegan." https://youtu.be/rf8pHjhsTE8

(4) "Stop castrating dogs and cats, stop making excuses for it." https://youtu.be/6ax--rEsXWE

(5) "Your Cat Hates You: Unnatural Vegan is Wrong, and it Really Matters." https://youtu.be/rsUu3aYdbRU

Unnatural Vegan actually takes a step further than Joe, in that she approves of drinking "happy" cow milk (something Joe regards thinks is not morally acceptable —making him more vegan than U.V., paradoxically enough).

Youtube Automatic Transcription

you can get bioavailable protein from
plants it's not as good as the the protein that you get from meat it's just not can it sustain you yes it can can you be a healthy person and live a [ __ ] balanced life on a completely vegetarian diet 100% but I would always recommend eat free-range eggs you're not hurting a chicken nothing gets hurt it is free food we have chickens they roam around they eat vegetables nobody eats them the chickens live a [ __ ] healthy life they lay eggs we eat the eggs the eggs are healthy as [ __ ] Cheetos find a place that has free-range chickens ate the eggs eggs from rescued chickens that live like in someone's backyard and they're well cared for they're treated like like you would treat a dog or a cat right I think a really good example would be again a backyard hen you know having a hen who produces unfertilized eggs and then consuming those eggs assuming the Hinn is well cared for and loved and all of that kind of stuff what would be the harm do we really think that a chicken if a chicken could care that she would care about us consuming her period I've had like a dream where I would have chickens when I have like my own house one day with like family I would have chickens and I want to eat their eggs I'm not into animal suffering I don't think they should suffer but if you try to say the people are not herbivores or that people are herbivores rather and then we're not omnivores you're crazy it's just not true it's not fact and they show picture these are not the teeth of a carnivore these are the teeth that were not carnivores stupid or omnivores they show you a chest and everything yeah we look real similar and our teeth too [ __ ] chimps and chimps are omnivores and the human diet is a very complex thing when you attach that human diet to ideology then it gets really screwed because you're not dealing you're not dealing with people that are being honest about dietary like what is really important and for our dietary requirements how your body functions what the studies show I wanted to start this video outside over here because it's nice and sunny I was thinking about how I was vegan for 18 months and it was a long 18 months and biggest thing that I that happened to me was that I developed some serious health problems it made my life miserable and that's what I want to talk to you guys about today is the eating disorders that so many people have because of what they think is healthy and unhealthy and it wasn't so much that I suffered physically I did but I also suffered mentally even my mother she said hey you know you're running into some some health issues maybe the vegan diet isn't the best diet for you and what's funny is that she is vegan if you look at it objectively the objective the first thing anybody should say first thing across the board get rid all the [ __ ] sugar that's number one yeah get rid all the refined carbohydrates eat more vegetables I think you guys don't eat more vegetables eat healthy fats get some form of omega fatty acids recognize that the omega fatty acids you get from flaxseed oil are not as bioavailable it's fact from studies not as bioavailable as in mega fatty acids you get from fish and meat yeah just not the meat the protein you see well broccoli has 15 verbs okay it's not as bioavailable you [ __ ] and you know it's not it's just not yeah so you can get bioavailable protein from plants you get it from hemp you get it from quinoa you get it from peas pea proteins very good but it's not as good as the the protein that you get from meat it's just not and I got a real belly and I got to love myself and then I thought I think that I need to eat some meat so by the weekend I delved into eating some salmon and fish and eggs I feel so good I want to cry here's some of the symptoms I was experiencing for the past couple of months I was extremely bloated every second of the day my stomach would swell and I felt sick I have indigestion my acne has gotten way worse my nails started sucking my toenails fell off I was experiencing hair loss which really sucks because I have super fine hair in the first place I started gaining weight even though I was working out more than I ever had before and probably the worst out of all of this was the fact that I couldn't control my eating and I was just on a binge every night what were you saying before the podcast started you were gonna bring it up again about veganism coming from a religion yeah veganism started with the 7th Adventist Church I believe and so these people that were in this church were like the first real group of vegans the Church of 7th Adventist I think is what it's called is where it came from like 1863 is when that like movement I guess started everybody I'd started early I'm sure people were doing it earlier they're not obviously but I think that that's where the the roots came in and I just find that really interesting because it does you know it does seem like a religion it seems like today it seems like a lot of times you get I get called out a lot on Instagram and stuff like that from people that are vegan saying like I can't believe you do this and bla bla but I would never go on their page and say anything to them at all well so they're proselytizing I mean that's that's a big part of this whole community is its there's a moral high ground they stand on it and then a lot of these people especially people with vegan in their name and their screen name they always go after people yeah and they try to shame people and vegans are slightly absolutely crazy like you don't realize it until you go and be friends with sort of people on Facebook people just general vegans who do activism and stuff that they are that crazy and it kind of really hurts me because in a way I feel like they are causing people not to be vegan because they are the kind of crazy people that you see on the internet that meat eaters and vegetarians would just be like whoa I don't want to be vegan because they are crazy and but basically I've been told multiple times like people on the internet that I'm not vegan and Anna's come to that point now where I've just decided you know what no I'm not vegan I just want to completely disconnect myself from the world of vegans because they're all freaking crazy and not all of us not everyone some people are really nice but a lot of people are just absolutely crazy what they're doing is in in many ways is a very good thing they're not participating in factory farming right they're not participating in the horrors that we see in these [ __ ] PETA videos where you see cows and pigs and chickens are just being tortured all that [ __ ] that is disgusting and that should be eliminated and shouldn't be a part of modern culture but in terms of like the humane raising and killing of animals look they're not gonna live forever and I don't care what you say I don't think that killing an animal is wrong I don't think that death is wrong I think that death is just as natural as life so I have many times contemplated going out and going fishing and catching my own fish or going I don't think I could ever go hunting I don't think I could bring myself to do that even fishing like I don't think I could bring myself to be the one who actually does the killing just personally but I know plenty of people that go hunting and they bring food back or go fishing I have so many guy friends I go fishing all the time and bring food back and I don't think there's anything wrong with that and I don't think me eating that food there'd be anything wrong with it if you want to get rid of dairy and you don't want I get it man I've seen Garrett dairy farms it's [ __ ] up you see what they're doing it cows and they you know what the way they treat them the way they raise them and just the whole idea behind it like making them lactate the only time but cow's lactate is when they have a baby Yeah right so they keep them in this state and it's just it's unnatural and that is a reality of dairy production and if you don't want to be a part of that that's a hundred percent Noble it's the same position that I hold on drinking cow's milk it if it can be guaranteed that the animals do not suffer as a result of you doing that then I have no problem with it we use animals and people for a companionship for support you know emotional support financial support we don't consider these practices exploitative or abusive so you have like a sheep as a pet and you share it and you and you where it's it's waste again we're talking about essentially a waste product it's something that would go to waste if it were not used again if assuming that the the sheep that the animal is well cared for and loved and all of that and not harmed what is the harm what what is wrong with that situation it's morally unjustifiable to unnecessarily take advantage of an animal merely for the resources that it can provide there is a reason why the word milk is synonymous with the word exploitation whether a cow can conceptualize the exploitation or not is besides the point the fact that we can recognize such acts is immoral therefore means 'we have a moral responsibility to not commit tsar jack we have to be honest about nutrition requirements not about the ideology of veganism and this is the problem with these people and so many of them especially the ones with vegan attach to their identity because they use the name like V I'm I'm vegan warrior this is vegan Prince and the vegan defender they're [ __ ] morons who joined a gang that is why I am no longer vegan and I do not want to be associated with it I think it's gross I just oh no they are a bunch of crazy psycho people no no all vegans some vegans are absolutely lovely but like this is the problem the majority of people that I have added have turned out to be crazy and I got told I was this that's all potatoes you cannot be vegan if you vote Tory but you can't and I thought this is stupid of course you can be weak enough rotatory like that's just you know that that should political views they shouldn't be even though they also have a part of it they shouldn't just be instantly put on you like oh you vote Tory you're no longer vegan like I broke down literally broke down and cried because I was just like I have been trying so so hard to be a good purse and give up animal products and do all this stuff and it's a hard journey I mean people are no vegans always say oh it's super duper easy to go vegan but it's not always SuperDuper easy you know it takes a lot of concentration and a lot of preparing and you know it takes a lot and then to be shut down by a group of people saying you are 100% not vegan is just kind of like oh thanks you know all my efforts that I put in well they're not wasted but my whole point is is that there are some people who want to be part of this vegan community because it seems like a lovely community of people but unfortunately it isn't and what they do is they start eating plants they start talking [ __ ] and they go looking to just go after anybody who's not on the same page as them and a lot of these people they give up a lot of these people they get to a point where the health can't take it anymore and I [ __ ] give up there's some people that own that restaurant in California in Hollywood what is it called something Cafe Thank You Cafe Gratitude yeah yeah these people were I mean the [ __ ] health was falling apart so they decided to raise their own cattle and eat their own me and vegans found out they got death threats and people were [ __ ] going after them yes man it was a terrifying thing for these people they're older folks and they they they have their own farm they were raising their own farm animals and they decided to start eating them and when they made these posts about starting and these people went after them and you know it's not this is not kindness and you know this is not someone who's compassionate he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] in a gang and that they're in the plant gang [Music] evolution