The Ethical Omnivore Revisited (Vegan Masterpiece Theater)

30 August 2016 [link youtube]

Shout out to Ryan Clarken, you can find his channel here:

My own contribution to this area of discourse (i.e., heaping scorn on "Ethical Omnivores") is one of my more surreal videos, as I recall:

vegan / vegans / veganism / Melanie Murphy / ecology / animal rights

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as offensive if you are easily offended i highly recommend not watching this video so you may or may not know about this interpreting Melanie Murphy she has just over 400,000 subscribers congrats I guess you're in the vegan community you might know she is cuz a lot of vegans like few months ago made a video about her because she was following a plant-based diet for a bit and then jumped off and made up some like [ __ ] excuses on why it was just but anyway yeah I had watched those videos but this video showed up on a recommended section called what a 8 plant-based edition food diary friday i had clicked on this because it's a plant-based edition in the title i was like oh maybe she's trying out a plant-based diet again so i just thought that i would like to show you this clip cuz I literally started laughing when she said this because of how [ __ ] idiotic get wise I've told you guys about this before I kind of tend to eat palm face maybe for like maybe three four days every week don't you worry I'm still an ethical omnivore and I'm very happy to be ethical omnivore ethical omnivore I go omnivore ethical omnivore go omnivore omnivore go omnivore go on the door ethical omnivore omnivore ethical omnivore um so if you did not hear that she said that she is still an ethical omnivore and she's very happy to be an ethical omnivore just that term alone ethical omnivore it's so idiotic what I think she means by this is that like okay well she said she eats plant-based most days of the week which is a good start but she used to fully plant-based and now she's only doing it like a couple times a week I'm assuming she's not doing it for like the ethics considering she's not even like fully plant-based and she's only doing a couple days a week what I think she means by this ethical omnivore is that she follows the typical [ __ ] like free-range grass-fed humanely raised me you know like that's all [ __ ] they literally do that just to make you feel good about your bad choices like it's not okay there's nothing ethical about that and we're happy akin we're happy Hey mmm see was that pig ethically killed did you epically exploit those chickens and take away their eggs Oh were these turkeys ethically killed what about these like a vegetarian meat substitute but it's not vegan because it has got egg in it free range egg see it has egg but you know it's automatically okay because it's free range ethical omnivore Oh