Freelee's New Scam: Let's Do the Math.

10 September 2019 [link youtube]

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#vegan #freeleethebananagirl #freelee

Youtube Automatic Transcription

let's let's do some simple math freelee
the banana girl is asking you to donate fifty five American dollars per month fifty-five and I used the word donate because I can't say she's asking you to buy anything she's not really selling you anything you don't get anything in exchange for giving her fifty five dollars a month okay so uh fifty five dollars a month times 12 months that equals six hundred and sixty dollars how many people you think are stupid enough to sign up for this like what's what's a conservative estimate is it maybe five hundred people do you think she's gonna get five hundred people signing up for this wow that's that's a lot of money if she can get five hundred people the sign of this and what is the topic of the first video she's promoting on this new paid service what is it she's gonna explain to you what is it she's gonna tell you if you sign up and donate this money you get to see a special video now that will explain to you her rationalization and her excuse for why it is you're gaining weight instead of losing weight on her fabulous primarily raw fruit diet hmm yeah so this explanation you can figure it out for free you could google around you don't have to donate the money it basically boils down to the idea that you have an imaginary disorder called metabolic damage now I call it imaginary because it has no symptoms there's no blood tests that can prove you have it there's no stool tests there's no way you can go to a doctor and test for this metabolic damage as she uses the term it doesn't mean anything that exists in the real world it's nothing measurable it's not that your basement of all grade is different there is no empirically valid reality to this disorder of disease she claims you've had this for years because of your unhealthy diet and then it only becomes observable it only in merges for you to observe it in reality when you start eating her high fruit healthy vegan diet that suddenly the accumulated metabolic damage of the past emerges not because your diet got less healthy but Paradox's because your diet became healthier and results in you gaining weight now if there were any truth to this wouldn't the metabolic damage exhibit itself whether you're eating tacos and pizza or you're eating a vegan diet wouldn't it be worse on another diet no no no no why don't you donate the money and listen to her [ __ ] you and try to explain this you know mysterious explanation for why people gain weight instead of lose weight at some other simple math we can do 30 bananas a day how many calories for banana 89 calories per banana I get two thousand six hundred and seventy calories from eating 30 bananas freelee the banana girl she started using that name because her original website the website that made her famous her website was called 30 bananas a day she encourages people to eat 30 bananas day not every day only on your mono meal days where you eat nothing but mangoes all day or eat nothing but bananas all day yeah a high fat part of me a high fruit low-fat diet can be a very high calorie diet it's not it's not so mysterious as to why people might be experiencing weight gain rather than weight loss on this you know it's really easy to talk yourself into um new era thinking it's really easy to tell yourself there's no way now in 2019 Frehley can just go back to the same scam she used to run in 2015 right there's no way that someone who's been discredited for lying about her credentials and by the way I believe this YouTube channel was the first to discredit her there was a mainstream newspaper I forget who was in Australia or England that did indeed follow up in the story I think they did the same thing I did I got in touch with the college in Australia that she your credential came from and I figured out that it was pretty much impossible that she had that credential um someone who lied about her credentials someone who lied about the diet someone who lied about what she actually eats that was revealed primarily through durianrider someone whose career has relied on a lot of Lies and bullying and manipulation including in the weight loss game and someone who was also discredited for running a you know coaching service where people donated money to have some kind of quality time with her and then all they got were like one sentence email saying you go girl you can do it in this kind of thing so this is someone who's been discredited from many different angles for many different reasons but it seems she's able to come out of the jungle in 2019 and one this same scam again and just ask people to line up and pay money for nothing really I remember when you used to come on camera and sincerely preach that you didn't use soap and you didn't use shampoo I remember when you used to preach that you didn't believe in modern medicine but I guess those just weren't making enough money for you so you kept changing hats you kept switching beliefs switching ideologies you went back to using shampoo I guess just because that would make more money for you but when you left the game it's like nobody even noticed you leaving you used to boast that you were the most effective activist in the world and when you went out the door there were just crickets and smirks laughter all the things you used to boast about that you had accomplished the huge difference you made in the world where's your boasting now what are you but another dried up bimbo another aging wannabe starlet another scrawny old woman with a dishonest diet book and a pair of fake tits another woman who never had the talent to be an actress never had the voice to be a singer never really danced she sold a digit diet book and she convinced herself that she wasn't just saving the planet she convinced herself that she and her boyfriend were the most effective vegan activists in the world okay let me tell you something in politics it may be hard to tell what a difference somebody makes on the way in it's hard to tell at the beginning but it's real easy to tell on the way out babe I'm sorry freely it's it's real easy to tell freely if you were the most effective vegan activist in the world why didn't make a goddamn bit of difference when you quit why couldn't we all see the change why couldn't we all look around at what the vegan movement had become without you and say wow it sure was different things sure were different around here when Frehley was in charge things sure were different we had freelee's leadership think sure we're different we had freelee's activism I mean people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you know my name is I don't know