Put Durianrider in Prison: DONATE NOW, Legal Action Against Violence & Defamation.

16 June 2016 [link youtube]


(1) Through "generosity.com", run by Indiegogo:


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Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys this evening I'm coming on
YouTube to ask you to donate some money I'm asking for a few thousand dollars in total so that I can follow through with the promise that I made on this channel to take during writer to court is this a charity yes but it's a charity of a very peculiar kind I remember a few months ago the Erin Janice came on YouTube and asked for a few thousand dollars to save the life of one zebra and one donkey as vegans were used to a particular type of charity whether it's supporting animal shelter or supporting a protest movement even supporting the creation of videos here on YouTube with the vague hope that by making those videos we're going to create a better future for ourselves and for the planet the type of charity I'm asking to contribute to tonight is in fact a charity that will take a stand in a very direct way having very direct outcomes take a stand against the use of violence and defamation within veganism right now in the year 2016 in the last five years man named durianrider has boasted that he has been the world's most effective vegan activist I can't say he's been the most effective but he has definitely been one of the most influential he's taken the name of veganism and he's dragged it through the mud and he's taken the name of a long list of individuals and dragged those names to the mud as well my name is only one he's done it to me he's done it to others he's done it before he's going to do it again and even now even when he makes videos that supposedly apologize from one or two things in those same videos in those same few minutes he's making up new lies new malicious statements new slander on some level we all know this game is not going to stop until we force it to stop because we've all seen him playing the same game for years it's a game that's had terrible devastating consequences for some of the individuals whom he's targeted but worse than that and more generally it's discredited veganism itself I see veganism fundamentally as a very wholesome social cause it's something morally good and in a sense that something nutritionally good as well it's something you can recommend your grandparents do it's something you can recommend your grandchildren do veganism at its most simple level is a man in a subway station looking at a tray of muffins and doughnuts and he's hungry but he decides that on a point of moral principle he's not going to buy anything he's going to get on the train and he's going to wait another half hour because he knows that invisibly those muffins happen to contain eggs and he doesn't want to make that compromise even though there's nobody else watching there's nobody who's going to blame him there are millions of people all around him for whom it's the most natural and normal thing to eat eggs products like muffins made with eggs on a daily basis but he decides no the principle of the thing matters he cares enough about the ethics about the ecology both the animals to take that stand in his own small way invisibly day after day and to go hungry even if it's just for those few minutes so that he doesn't have to make that ethical compromise that's something simple and beautiful and wholesome and pure we all can do it and in terms of who's watching this video we all do it on a daily basis and in the name of proposing in the name promoting veganism as a lifestyle as something glamorous as something that had to do with weight loss and bikinis and bicycles and celebrity gossip durianrider and people like him have taken the name of veganism and made it something shameful this whole debacle I think we can all agree is shameful and I wish I was here asking you to donate money to something as simple and wholesome and pure as saving the life of one zebra or one monkey or one dolphin but I'm not I'm asking you to donate money so the durianrider will be legally accountable for the crimes that he's committed and that most of you have seen that he's committed with your own eyes some of you will donate out of a sense of justice and injustice some of you will donate because you're mad because you want revenge maybe because you've suffered yourself or your friends have suffered from this man's conduct and misconduct over the last five years but some of you I hope will donate because when you look back at what veganism became over the last five years when you look at the shameful tobacco of just the last few months you think I want the next five years to be different we can do something better we can do something positive veganism should not be a game the cruel vicious games that people like durianrider have been playing have to stop I'm asking you to take a stand and to donate money so the future of veganism definitively is one that is not based on defamation that is not based on threats of violence the reality is that people like durianrider get away with the game they're playing because in the one hand they offer people the promise of fame and money and the other hand people like durianrider are wealthy enough that they can go to court that they can settle out of court that they can pay lawyers and they can win if you donate this money I can't guarantee that my lawyers will win I can't guarantee their outcomes but I can guarantee that this is the right thing to do and while people like durianrider may show themselves as poor may sit on the floor of their kitchen or sit around on the floor of their hotel room film themselves sitting on the curb with their bicycle the reality is we all know just how much money they've made from youtube from the sale of diet books etc these are wealthy powerful and influential people who've done real harm to me personally and have done real harm to because for the rest of my life I'm going to have to cope with the fact that my employers can put my name into Google and see it attached to pedophile wife beater sexual predator numerous other ridiculous allegations the during right are made and you watching this video most of you now have seen enough of the evidence to know that none of those allegations at any basis in fact but my boss the people who hired me to start a job you're in China in a few months will they know that it's quite possible this will have real negative impacts for me for the rest of my life but more importantly if we don't take a moral stand if we don't ask this to stop it's not going to stop in many cases social change only happens when good people stand up and demand it and this evil that we've all witness together happened because for so long good people stood by and did nothing