Vegan Wars: Dr. Fuhrman Strikes Back.

31 May 2019 [link youtube]

Here's the link to Fuhrman's defense against allegations from Vegsource a.k.a. Jeff Nelson & T. Colin Campbell:

#VeganWars #VeganDrama #Veganism

Youtube Automatic Transcription

in the vegan Wars of 2019 today's
episode would be called dr. Fuhrman's strikes back we have here a compelling but brief article from dr. Fuhrman that challenges and overturns many of the most important allegations made by Jeff Nelson Jeff Nelson is also known as veg source now in my earlier video that on this time zone was just yesterday that I made commenting on this I basically said at one point look I've had my own conflicts with Jeff Nelson but I'm setting that aside here and I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that this is a sincere and factual conflict over scientific claims over the process of how peer-reviewed literature is presented and both directly and indirectly but the ways in which the profit motive tends to warp both diet and weight loss advice and vegan activism and those are all issues I sincerely care about what I learned today in looking at this article coming from dr. Fuhrman is that the opposite is true what I should have done is put my own negative experience with Jeff Nelson front and center and I should say look this is a guy I know lies this is a guy I know to be untrustworthy this is a guy I know to be unscrupulous and brazen and to be a draft drama monger and so you know what what what he says now no matter how ostensibly trustworthy of a peer-reviewed medical literature I have to look at it in the context of the negative experience I've had within myself I didn't do that Jeff fed source I gave you the benefit of the doubt and I shouldn't have you're a scumbag you're a piece of garbage spoilers don't worry we'll get into the details in just a moment this is an interesting and memorable day for me to be recording this video I'm not upset about it um I really tend to do my weeping in advance I when I have a kind of horrible challenge or struggle in my life I tend to do the agonizing and the emotive before the struggle and then when an act happens when the day of the event comes I'm not so upset but today was the upsetting day when we went to the hospital and found out why Jeff Nelson's diet does not work for my girlfriend now when I say Jeff Nelson's diet I mean the diet that he and his daughters Nina and Randa are supporting a diet that's made our lives miserable for the last six months and some of the claims in the diet are 100% scientific some of the claims are really just recycled from other well-known vegan doctors like dr. McDougall which by the way does not make them infallible dr. mcdougal has been wrong dr. Greger has been wrong these are all human beings they're all imperfect and it's worthy of criticism and cylinder approach these things um but once in a while he just gets into bro science and one of the most bro science claims of all that Jeff Nelson is pushing and then again he is profiting from he and his daughters this is their family business promoting this book and they go on tours and they give rock concerts they play their instruments on scrap it's you guys are running a three-ring circus around this diet Jeff so for you to say dr. Fuhrman is profit motivated and you're not I don't know there's altruism all around and there's also the influence of the profit motive all around people people say I have got the profit motive and I put up every month exactly how little money I make out of YouTube so if anyone here is not being warped by the profit motive in my case I'm making a lot less money from this video then I think Jeff Nelson would make from selling one book I don't know I don't know how much admit something maybe it's one book maybe it's ten but hey he also was selling diet books he is also part of the steering service but anyway one of the most bro science claims of all in that three-ring circus Jeff Nina and Randa you claim that it doesn't matter whether or not your acne is hormonal acne it doesn't matter the cause of the acne in that sense it doesn't matter shall we say the etiology of acne their diet is gonna cure your acne even the first time I read that I scoffed it seemed to me completely ridiculous acne is a symptom and it could be a symptom of many different underlying conditions including in Western society you may just have a peanut allergy and not know it you may have you may respond badly to nuts giving you acne and then you try this diet and your acne disappears and of course you're gonna attribute that effect to whatever the phony reasoning is said of you in the book and that's not a true cause and effect relationship scientifically speaking no the reality is you eliminated nuts from your diet so you've got this beneficial result um hormonal acne acne caused by a hormonal disorder is very very fundamentally different than acne caused by an allergic result that hurt me an allergic reaction to nuts and I gotta tell you something in this couple me and my girlfriend to us we're examples of both if I eat peanuts or peanut oil I will get acne I'll get redness in my skin and other other kind of reactions to the peanut oil and most of the time on this channel either have no acne or maybe there's ones it's somewhere it's caused by something else my diet and my girlfriend we have confirmed today she talked to three different specialists at the hospital she got tests done she's gonna make her own videos talking about it but her acne was caused by serious underlying hormonal problems and you cannot solve that with Nina and randa's diet she is living proof long story short her skin condition did not get better on that diet it got worse and now we return to the controversy of dr. Fuhrman's response to Campbell / Nelson accusation so T Colin Campbell is another figure in this controversy best-selling vegan author and researcher and Nelson refers to Jeff Nelson so 0.1 on this list obviously I'm not going to read the entire article to you point 1 is the allegation the dr. Fuhrman falsified data in his study published in 2008 to make himself in his die look good then I quote this directly and call this room an quote though I am very upset by the errors in the study I had no role in the data entry statistical analysis or calculations my role was to allow a researcher Barbara sarter PhD to review my patient charts around 2002 here is a statement by dr sardar the lead researcher of this study quote i conducted this chart review project is a completely independent unfunded research activity while i was an associate professor at the university of southern california the research report was published in the journal alternative therapies in health and medicine with my nameĆ­s first author this this comes back as a controversy right there were allegations made about this with my chiefest first author dr. Campbell in the middle and dr. Furman as third author and now as was established in jesu that was the agreed-upon relationship right dr. Furman played no role in the collection of the data or the analysis the results dr. Furman was accused of putting dr. Campbell's name first on the study like that he switched it up later then he later somehow through subterfuge switch to make it appear as if dr. Campbell was the primary research of the study where's Campbell only agreed to have his name less than second but guess what this publication they have a separate website which is the archive of their their past articles and on the archive site the names are simply listed in alphabetical and the letter C comes earlier in the alphabet than the letter F so that was the mystery so if you get the PDF of the actual study you get the actual publication the names are in the correct agreed-upon order but if you look it up on their archiving website you get the names in alphabetical order that's just their convention that's it I guess to make the names easier to find out the core so I guess sardars name is less less prominent it's really tough being a scientist whose name starts the letters is ed I guess that's Z those of you from the United States American I happen to be Canadian as you may or may not know so they give you a screenshot of the physical copy of the 2008 journal and showing you the order of the names Serdar first then Colin Campbell then joel fuhrman and they claimed that there's actually faked screenshot that has changed the the order of the names now I am NOT going to back it up one way or another the underlying issue is the confusion with alphabetical order used in the archive versus the act what the actual published document looks like so there are other specific false claims here refuted Nelson Jeff Nelson veg source stated that darker Serdar was an intern paid by him and that's not true they go over the details of that it's already really been covered what the what the financial and organizational situation was number four on this list that the allegation that dr. Fuhrman refused to retract a study from the journal when dr. Campbell asked me to do so so this is not true hmm he pulled his name off the study he did not discuss with this with me or give me options of how to handle this that would have been a good idea the fact is I phone dr. Campbell and got him on the phone to try to ask him what else I could do to rectify the situation period he hung up the phone on me period um I gotta say Campbell you agreed to have your name on this article as second author and from all the counts you did zero research it sounds like you even read the article there's no one here thinking this is on you homeboy you did something unethical any moral if if I agreed to have my name on even cited as having consulted on a pop buddhist publication I would have vetted the hell out of that I would have read every word of that and I would have yelled at the author to correct everything I disagreed with my name appears in a couple of books on Buddhism just like special thanks to where it doesn't really tell you what I did I wanted to make a video talking about that there's one book where the whole chapter about poly poly and Buddhism is completely derivative of my work and I was paid and it just says special thanks to and you don't actually know I'm like the ghost off there for that chapter so sometimes your name appears and you did a lot of work you really were a big influence but in this case it sounds like you know Campbell was putting his name on this without having read it and then years later you regretted it well that's on you you were supposed to have invigilator at a minimum in vigil aidid and check the quality of this that would be why your name was on at a minimum or you could have been desired you could have been involved in designing the study or in the research and some other way but it sounds if you had zero involvement and you know now he got sour grapes man all right point six the allegation that dr. Fuhrman lied that the study Brazeau pardon me he law the allegation that he lied about the results of the study in order to exaggerate the weight loss etc etc so here's where the details get a bit mud quote all of my statements about the study outcomes were supported by the original as well as by the corrected data analysis the number of subjects included was inaccurate by one that's very different from what Jeff Nelson claimed okay it was inaccurate by one it says here I reported accurately what the study concluded in its original published report which stated quote weight loss appeared to be sustained in those who returned for follow-up close quote and this was true so again there's a cab either of those who returned for follow-up however many that is who came back a lot of people maybe they didn't come back to follow up and they were the ones who have bad results furthermore a review of the corrected data still substantiates that these patients of mine did not have significant weight regain and my statement was not false here is dr. sardos response based on her published erratum and reanalysis of the original data so i just mentioned that also was not stated Jeff presented this as if this article was a scam and then it was snowed over or covered up and that as if dr. ferma continued citing this he did not give any weight to the fact that the author who was most blameworthy dr. starter actually made a big effort to go back and redo the analysis and correct the errors that's part of the progress of science that's part of the progress of medicine even if it was bad okay well you know she deserves sorry he he or she he he deserves some credit for um we should really use gender-neutral pronouns we he deserves some credit for going back and and and you know making a sincere attempt to correct it which the other coverage of this controversy did not recognize quote I corrected these mistakes and submitted an erratum to the journal reporting that the actual mean weight loss of the group so mean and this context is average the average weight loss the mean weight loss of the group of eighteen who had a two-year follow-up visit was thirty seven point six pounds so only eighteen people came back to the follow-up isn't it was already hinting at that because possibly a small number so on average they've lost thirty seven point six pounds the most significant weight loss controlled within the Army occurred within the first year of follow-up for all participants out of the eighteen people with two year data none regained their original weight at two years four had regained five pounds or less and one person in the study had a ten pound over again from their lowest weight so there you go significant regain would be defined as ten percent of original baseline weight and using this criterion no one were gained a significant amount after the original Iowa significant loss no one regained back ten percent of the way now can you say that Jeff was mistaken or was this a lie I'm gonna leave it there I'll give you guys the I'll give you guys the length of the article not all of the allegations made by Jeff are refuted here his kind of more petty complaints about people making sarcastic comments beneath his YouTube videos who may or may not be linked to dr. Fuhrman or may or may not be Fuhrman himself on the very shaky basis that they both used the for every one finger that's pointed you there are three fingers moment that's not covered you know I gotta tell you my experience with Jeff has been incredibly negative a lot of people in the so-called vegan community in the so-called vegan movement have a really negative experience with Jeff and you know I'd like to believe he means well I'd like to believe he's uh sincerely mistaken and not intentionally lying and deceiving people I'd like to believe that he really cares about the future of the vegan movement and that he is not trying to create drama and controversy just for the sake of drama controversy Jeff if you come out and make a video apologizing it will be possible for me to believe that is true you should make an apology you should make a retraction just like the the doctor you criticized who had to come out with another study new analysis correcting the errors in the original analysis and Jeff in all the other controversies you were involved in including your conflict with me your classic conflict with durianrider your conflict with quote unquote Chantal Robin the legal action you took against basically everybody promoting veganism on YouTube you possibly could in the so-called Chantal Robin terrorism death threat mystery affair this whole crazy thing you made up I don't remember you coming out and making an apology once I don't remember you coming out admitting that you were wrong and obviously the case I know best is the one that involves me Jeff you were wrong and you know you were wrong and you know the adult thing to do would be to take responsibility man up and apologize and I have seen you advising others to do that and I've never seen you taking your own medicine I've never seen you taking responsibility or so on that more scientific level Jeff if you go back and take a look at the diet you're promoting right now the cure acne under all circumstances that the promises you're making if you really go back and do a second addition maybe you've got to check yourself Jeff maybe there's some bro science in there maybe there's some wild leaps of inference like oh yeah in Okinawa almost nobody has acne therefore laughable laughable unscientific leaps of inference like that Jeff that you used to support your diet which has no resemblance what people in Okinawa actually eat anyway Jeff if you could rise to the high standard you demand of dr. Furman and the dr. Fuhrman is here living up to it would be a wonder to behold for one and all whether you did it in the sphere of YouTube drama in the sphere of veganism as a political movement or in the sphere of Dietetics and nutrition I'm in Bangkok Thailand for six more days hit me up