Vegan Gains is a Coward; Inmendham is a Coward.

23 September 2020 [link youtube]

Anti-Natalists are Cowards. The decision to have kids, and deal with all the suffering that it brings (known and unknown, predictable and unpredictable) requires courage, daring and self-discipline --and not everybody has what it takes, but anti-natalists want to flatter themselves as superior to the rest of us, precisely because this courage and self-discipline is something they lack.

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#VeganGains #Inmendham #Parenting

Youtube Automatic Transcription

no when i think of babies uh happy
gurgles and giggles don't come to my mind i think more uh whiny annoying loud stinky smelly waste of time life for ruiner so if you go to the gambling house all right and you're going to play dice and on the dice are skull and crossbows on each dice and let's say they're 20-sided dice just for fun and so you think the odds are pretty low no big deal but if you get two you know snake eyes two skull and crossbones a gun pops out of the table and shoots your wife you still gonna gamble now we'll see when it's some non-thing you know it's a thing in the non-verse and you're just going to pluck it out you don't know it yet you don't know it's disposition it's welfare you don't know its sensitivities you know what if i found the thing that your wife fears the most and the worst possible kind of death now put that on the dice you still gonna play the game i mean really people like to disrespect my crew but the fact is that you know my name and i don't know you philosophy is about problem solving sometimes the problem we need to solve is the attitude that lurks behind an argument not a specific factual claim and not a flaw in the explicitly stated argument the attitude that this youtuber in mendem is demonstrating for you here is an attitude that i hear from vegan gains again and again and again and the attitude is that they as people who would refuse to have a child ever that they are doing something bold and brave and defiant whereas in fact what they're doing is cowardly and they're trying to justify and normalize their own cowardice to the assertion that everyone everyone shares this trait with them everyone is just as averse to these risks these negative consequences as they are or anyone who doesn't share their cowardice must be insane in mendem seems to think that it's absolutely absurd to take this risk to risk sudden violent death at a rate of 1 in 20. he thinks nobody would take that gamble if they knew what they were getting themselves into in world war 1 of canadian soldiers who served more than 50 000 died very roughly your odds of being killed be one in 12. in world war ii strangely the statistics are even more vague i couldn't find out precisely how many people served in the military perhaps one in 22 perhaps we could round it off further and say it's about the same as his image here of rolling a 20-sided dice that your odds would be one in 12. now this is canada we're talking about in world war ii your odds of dying in world war ii if you were born a citizen of poland or shockingly staggeringly terrible the fate of the polish people as whole both jewish and gentile during world war ii will give you nightmares so it gets much much worse than these statistics and some people were cowards some people were cowards and some people found ways to struggle and fight that were not nearly so easy as joining a conventional army that would at least provide you with meals and a place to sleep you know some people had to fight in much more terrible circumstances if your position is there is no risk worth taking at a rate of 1 in 20 that you wouldn't roll the 20-sided dice and risk your own life you are a coward and i understand that you want to justify that cowardice by generalizing that cowardice by saying that all of humanity shares this trait with you but you're wrong having a child takes guts having a child involves elements of risk you have to be bold enough to endure unspeakable suffering not everyone should join the army not everyone should become a combatant not everyone should become a parent not everyone has what it takes and i would never attempt to convince vegan gains that he should become apparent he would doubtless be a terrible parent he is dealt with correct in his assessment that he should never have children but isn't it fundamentally humble humiliating to stop and reflect that this is something i can't do this is something you personally can't do this is something you're lacking but that others should do must do that even perhaps is a little bit heroic when others do it that's something you might be able to admire in others no no no what people like in mendem must do is justify their own ego by vilifying more than 90 percent of the human race by saying that everyone else is crazy everyone else is crazy because they don't share this fundamental cowardice there's a philosophically significant contrast between this problem i've been describing and what goes on in the minds of newly converted atheists people who've just made the transition from american christianity to american atheism in the 21st century let me just pause to disclose i am myself an atheist and i am not one of these atheists who has the attitude of whatever makes you happy like you do you i'm not an atheist who's in favor of spiritualism or spirituality or continuing to celebrate christmas just so that you can sing songs with your extended family i am i am much more of an extreme and uncompromising atheist but nevertheless i'm not interested in supporting an atheist movement that's built on a lie anymore that i'm interested in supporting a religion that's built on a lie i'm quite willing and eager to examine the defects and disadvantages of atheism and the attitudes atheism brings into our lives in the same way that i'm willing to examine the defects of religion and the attitudes and assumptions religions bring into our lives all right and there is a huge phenomenon in the 21st century searching now on youtube i couldn't find a single video examining it or discussing it there probably are videos and they're probably very censored and hard to find within youtube topic for another video um i couldn't find a single video just now talking about the psychological pattern of people converting from christianity to atheism and then assuming and then imagining that the most heroic thing they can do is live a life of sensual indulgence live a life devoted to sleeping around or seducing other man's wives or engaging in whatever sexual acts were forbidden before where suddenly they regard it as courageous heroic and manly shall we say to do all of the things their grandparents would have forbidden them to do before precisely because their grandparents forbid them to do it before they're incapable of recognizing that there is a kind of heroism there is a kind of virtue there is a kind of self-discipline in being a good person in the absence of that religious tradition their grandparents have in the absence of the delusions their grandparents subscribe to nevertheless they face the same challenge of what it means to be a good person especially in relation to controlling one's sexual desires or whatever other miscellaneous desires before they subordinated to these ridiculous religious delusions all right in the same way it seems to be very easy for people to convince themselves that there is something heroic about anti-natalism that there was something heroic about refusing to take on the responsibilities of a parent just because their religious tradition just because their parents and grandparents conditioned them to believe that having a child that raising a child that making those sacrifices that taking on those responsibilities was something they were obliged to do okay in rejecting religious belief we reject the obligation as irrational and i would agree that you have no obligation to any god to be shall we say sexually a good person to be self-disciplined in dealing with your desires and the consequences of acting on those desires for yourself and others you have no obligation to any god you have an obligation to yourself you have an obligation to others you have no obligation to any god and you have no obligations your parents your grandparents your cultural traditions that may be outside of religion strictly defined you have no obligation to your ancestors stretching back thousands of years or any of those values in your family you have no obligation to anyone to have a child and yet you should still be able to recognize the type of self-discipline the type of self-sacrifice and yes even the type of heroism that is required that is involved in making the commitment to have and raise children when i look at people like vegan gains when i look at people like admandom and when i look at people who go off the deep end after converting from christianity to atheism and suddenly have to indulge in sex with prostitutes use of recreational drugs in all the things that were forbidden to them before all right what i see is a kind of cowardice what i see of course is a reckless lack of self-discipline that they are justifying in their own minds as if it were courage because for them it's an act of rebellion against these absent grandparents these absent ancestors yes even these absent gods don't talk what you like tell people that it's the same because you can stand that i suck ninja still spreading my name