Durianrider is Innocent (Not a Joke, Not Trolling)

09 July 2016 [link youtube]

Human rights: either everyone has them, or nobody has them. Procedural justice needs to apply to the worst people in your society, not merely the best and the brightest.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

human rights are for everybody or
they're for nobody I remember there were debates at the time when the first scandals are breaking about the use of torture by the George W Bush administration in Afghanistan in Iraq etc and there were people primarily members the Republican Party who made statements such as why can't the journalists just understand that these standards of human rights these protocol and procedures do not apply to everyone that some people are so terrible or such grave threats to democracy that these standards don't apply to them and I actually never saw an article even bothering to to make the counter-argument to that but I mean the fundamental counter-argument is human rights are not just for your friends they're not just for your allies they're for your worst enemies they're for the people you despise they're for the people who harm you they're for the people who are threat to you or they're for nobody that's a tremendously important principle that helps to separate the modern world from the barbarity of the medieval world it is a supreme irony that right now durianrider is being accused of having sex with the same woman that he accused me of having some kind of sexual relationship with the same 16 year old in Chiangmai whom he very inconsistently and incoherently implied I had some kind of sexual attachment to you know you can read the actual messages they're observed here I have seen comments that he made on the internet where he spells it out a little bit more clearly but he kept it vague he kept it incoherent intentionally so that would be very hard for me to defend myself but he was constantly insinuating that I was contacting underage girls in Chiangmai and there only was one average girl in Chiangmai and so on and he would never answer the question what do you mean by con it was ridiculous most of you guys watching this already know that okay what a few weeks go by not only has durianrider been accused of very serious sexual impropriety he's been accused of of having sex with the same woman the same girl the same young woman what if you want to say so I am in the surreal position of saying to you that durianrider should not be falsely accused he should not be falsely treated as guilty until proven innocent for the same reasons that I should not have been falsely accused I should not have been defamed I should not have been treated guilty until proven innocent now there are differences between the two situations durianrider has met this girl they've spoken they're on video tape they spent time together I think they've been on bicycle trips together yes that's that's not a false I usually they know each other at least when the allegations against me were made part of what made them so absurd was that I had only been in Chiangmai for a few days I had not met or talked with any teenagers the only people I've met and spoken with were people you've actually you've seen on this same youtube channel i met with jake Eames i met with lea and you know i only been there for a couple days and i didn't have a girlfriend I didn't have any romantic contact with anyone now you guys know this is only part of the story the other allegations you know I mean this guy just made up at a thin air that I'm a wife beater that the reason for my divorce is that they're criminal charges pending and now I have to prove myself in it so everyone knows there was real malice real misconduct on during writers part that is totally different from what's happening now with people on the internet jumping up and down to accuse durianrider of having committed some form of sexual propriety but there are two things to remember here one morality is not identical to legality I mean among you know if durianrider has consensual sex with an 18 year old in Thailand or in many other places there may be no crime it may be weird it may be creepy it may be something people gossip about or it may not be I mean people you know people are gonna talk but it may really be that he has done nothing wrong and it is tremendously important that you appreciate that he should be treated as innocent until proven guilty and even in my own case even in his making threats against my person even in his defaming me even if it has you know insulting my mom you also have to appreciate that it's possible that he is not guilty of any crime whatsoever now all comparisons are odious but recently when I was talking about this with vegan cheetah I said to him look people who've donated to this cause people have donated money to me to take this guy to court you have to do it just because it's the right thing to do you can't assume there are gonna be positive outcomes in the same way it seems like every few months in the United States a black person is shot by police officers for dubious reasons you know I don't need to name the specific examples every few months during the last couple of years there's been one scandal after another where an African American a black person in the United States is killed by the cops and the journalists and the public are left saying why did this happen and it seems like they're at least initially it seems like there's absolutely no justification for why the police killed this man killed this man or killed this boy or Cubs teenager there of different ages of course and people do donate money to legal funds to go to court but sometimes those cases end by finding that the police officer did nothing legally wrong and we're left with something that's that has always been of profound discomfort in Western civilization it was a discomfort in ancient Athens if you go back and read the classics from ancient Greece we are uncomfortable with the concept that some things are morally wrong and yet they are legally permissible if if durianrider has a girlfriend who's 18 years old I don't know that he does I have no even think that I there is no evidence people are just making up garbage on the Internet so they can try to get views and some of them are making it up with malice in their hearts or have you that that's another story you know maybe it is morally wrong I mean I think gambling is morally wrong but all over the world there are places where gambling is completely legal you know my perspective I can come on the internet and I can tell you I have a cousin who was addicted to gambling and it ruined his life and an impacted his whole family I can come here and make that moral argument but my cousin never never broke any laws he became a gambling addict and he gambled in completely legal casinos and you know the usual story and it is a tragic story it is said and yeah you know I don't know a guy during Ryder's age he's the only a couple years old to me can have a love affair with a much younger woman and maybe it's tragic for him and maybe it's tragic for her and maybe emotionally and morally maybe there are all kinds of themes you can write a novel about or reflect on or philosophize about but there may be absolutely nothing illegal about it and again I've asked people to donate money to support my legal costs and a thank you of thank you before I thank you again I hope you donate it because it's the right thing to do because you care about the future of veganism because you want this to become a movement in which it is not normalized in which we don't accept as a matter of course defamation and threats of violence right because there was a long period of normalization where these things happen so many times to so many different people that there was almost an indifference people shrug the show you know durianrider called someone else a fake vegan during writers said someone else was on steroids during a writer called someone else a shill a fraud during writer called someone else a pedophile or a sexual predator it had there was a boiling frog effect very uh non vegan metaphor there was this gradual process of people becoming accustomed to a high level of defamation vulgarity just immoral conduct within the movement the movement that doesn't yet exist I hope it will in the future I hope we become but look we can have the same problem again now with durianrider as the victim instead of during writer being the perpetrator okay does durianrider currently have a 16 year old girlfriend I have absolutely no reason to believe that's true or to suspect it's true or to make up you know malicious lies or rumors about it on the Internet and the people who are doing that know there are differences I haven't seen anyone threatening to be terrain writer up I haven't seen anyone threatening to take him to jail etc etc I haven't seen anyone attacking Doreen Ryder's mom or daxing him or you know obviously durianrider takes these things to such an absurd extreme that we can't easily compare him to his critics and detractors but as a matter of principle I end this video by saying the same thing I said at the top either human rights are for everybody or therefore nobody even if durianrider is the most despicable human being in the world he deserves to have the same standard of procedural justice as anyone else he deserves to be treated as innocent until proven guilty