Dogs and Cats: Veganism's Little White Lie, Huge Hypocrisy.

26 August 2020 [link youtube]

On this issue, I'm a minority within a minority within a minority: an ethical vegan opposed to pet ownership, opposed to killing one species of animal to feed it to another (e.g., killing cows to make pet-food for dogs), and opposed to surgically altering animals to make them into "living toys" (castration, spaying and neutering, etc.). It's remarkable that so many of my videos on this topic have reached 10,000 viewers because, as I say, I'm a minority within a minority: my views on the issue are unpopular in the extreme. But hey, I happen to be right. ;-)

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#vegan #vegans #veganism

Shout out to TITANIC SINCLAIR, btw:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

it's very troubling when people make
videos that are difficult and hard to understand consistency is important rationality is important but it's also part of a mature perspective on the world a mature perspective on ethics to be able to recognize and talk about with detachment the circumstances in which we ourselves become hypocrites the contradictions and paradoxes that life in practice draws us into in the wild that dog would kill and eat you wild dogs kill and eat human beings you think having a piglet as a pet is cute not only okay wild boar is in the white you want to google this right now it'll disturb the hell out of you do a google search for wild boar eating deer in the wild pigs kill and eat large mammals like deer they are true omnivores they will kill a deer and strip the flesh off it raw they will eat the corpse directly human beings can't do that you know human beings think of themselves as omnivores but we're physically incapable of tearing apart and eating uh you know a corpse like like a deer or even a pig or what have you off the ground if you know people from the back woods they'll tell you in the old days when people would commit a murder one of the easiest ways to cover it up to destroy evidence to make it harder for the police to investigate was to take the human body and throw it into a pig pen domesticated pigs in a few hours would tear apart the corpse and eat the flesh off a human corpse that's your cute cuddly pig what is it that makes it so cute and cuddly depriving it of the wilderness depriving it of socialization with access to members of its own species you think it's cute for a human being to hold a baby bottle and feed a piglet i don't think that's cute where's that pig's mother right where's that pig's pack it's social organization a pig or a wolf grows up in a pack that socializes it to have the instincts and behaviors that it needs to survive that it needs to compete within its own species that it needs to ultimately kill members of other species including human beings because we are naturally the enemies of these other species in the wild including pigs including wild boars if you encounter a wild boar or even a feral boar in the woods it's terrifying even if it's alone let alone in a pack and you want to take this animal and deprive it of its socialization deprive it of its natural habitat the private of its instincts and ultimately deprive it of its sexuality which one of the most uncomfortable things to talk about right you think your dog is happy the dog that sleeps on your couch you think that dog one didn't want to know its own mother two you think that dog didn't want to be a parent itself the dog didn't want to be a father or a mother depending on its gender you think that dog doesn't want to have sexual relations within its own species you know and to compete with other members of those species how are you gonna provide that you can you can take away the wild from an animal you can never give it back you can [ __ ] an animal mentally and physically so that it can't survive in the wild but can you do the reverse it's so strange to me that that vegans themselves are so deeply conditioned by speciesism that they see these problems when it's a monkey or a lion but they don't see it or they refuse to see it when it's a cat or a dog and the excuse is i love my dog i love my cat the hell you do okay what what does it mean to love a lion it means you respect it enough to give it its autonomy and its independence and to live in the wild at least most of the time let's just uh kick this off with a hypothetical you're vegan you go to a vegan protest you meet someone else who introduces themselves as vegan you decide to go back to this guy's house he owns a cat you think okay that's normal there are there are vegans who own cats uh and you ask him so tell me um do you buy cat food that's made out of dead animals do you buy you know a tin can that has a chopped up cow with chopped up lamb in it you know what do you what do you do with this cat you do you try to feed the cat a vegan diet he says you no no no i also have pet rats oh really okay well that's that's not so unusual these days you meet vegans who keep rats as pets but you know um what do you mean and he says here let me show you he takes you upstairs and he has two rooms in his house one is full of cages with his pet rats and the other is for his cats to lie around in he says yeah i raise the rats over here then every day i take a few of them kill them and feed them to my pet cats in the other room i think you would be horrified i think that anyone would be horrified not just vegans i think a meat eater would find that psychologically disturbing and i think the average vegan would find that ethically wrong why why is it that the same people who make excuses for buying a dead cow cut up and put into a little metal can to feed to a cat which is completely unnatural in the wild a cat would never kill and eat a cow that those same people think it's immoral for you as a vegan to kill a rat to feed your cat or to kill rats under any circumstances i have an earlier video on this channel that i encourage you to go back and take a look at that's called vegans kill rats a lot of people misunderstood the point of that video i do not believe that killing rats is okay i do not believe that vivisection on rats is okay i'm morally opposed to all vivisection but i am willing to talk about the ethical contradictions difficulties and paradoxes that being a vegan leads us into and one of those paradoxes of course is the whole paradigm of pet ownership and domesticated animals within veganism why is it that there's such a difference between the excuses these vegans make for house pets such as dogs and cats and the way they regard a monkey captivity all right if i had a monkey in my apartment here you would not give a [ __ ] if i told you that the monkey was happy doesn't matter my perspective does not matter any of you would be asking the hard questions you'd be saying well look um you know you say this monkey is happy but uh you know it doesn't really have the kind of habitat it would have in the wild oh no no don't worry it's happy i can even show you photographs on instagram i can film him and put him on youtube and show you how happy he is maybe i can even compare him to monkeys being kept in a cage the conditions at the zoo or the conditions at the lab and say look my monkey is really happy i treat him better than than some other monkeys maybe my next door neighbor has a monkey that's being kept in much worse conditions i can compare that the comparisons are irrelevant people seem to recognize that this is creepy this is immoral this is wrong when it's a monkey on the couch when it's a dolphin in that scientist's tank i've heard about people trying to keep uh goats as pets i've met one person who kept goats as pets you know goats in anything resembling the wild you know the violent territorial instincts the competitions between the males you know rutting bucks the the the males butting heads and so on what do what are you going to do to control those instincts to turn this defiant independent animal into your toy into your slave into your play thing it's sick domestication of animals as your companions is sick [Laughter] and if you claim your pet dog is happy that is every bit as absurd to me as if you claimed your pet goat was happy your pet lion was happy your pet ape was happy the hell it is the difference for us as vegans or just as people who own pets really is the juxtaposition between animals that we still think of as wild versus animals where we have forgotten or lost the reference point for wilderness as i say i think pigs are an example along with cats and dogs where people including vegans have given into a speciesist mentality and thus justify a form of slavery without even thinking it through because they do not when they think of a pig whether as a cute piglet or as a farm animal they do not think of a wild boar you're vegan you own a dog is your dog spayed or neutered [Music] really think about what that means if i owned a chimpanzee as a pet would it be neutered would i take it and perform a medical operation on it to deprive it of its natural instincts and behaviors so that it could be a better companion it's so easy for people to think that way to question that way when it's a monkey or a lion they'd say oh well this is immoral having a lion with its balls chopped off a neutered lion you know kept in a cage or kept in your living room just to amuse you oh that's that's immoral but a cat doing the same thing with a house cat you see this is morally acceptable why that is speciesism for all of the bs talk about speciesism and slavery that difference that excuse you're making for a dog or a house cat that you wouldn't make for a lion or you wouldn't make for a chimpanzee that is real speciesism and it's really a problem within veganism it's very troubling when people make videos that are difficult and hard to understand and it is my goal to make videos that are relatable and make you the viewer feel engaged and happy with the content providing content to you is the most important thing in my life and it's very special that i'm able to share this communication with you