The Renaissance: Political Origins and Terrible Implications.

25 April 2019 [link youtube]

The cover-image reads, "A revolution. No, literally."

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and so we started this beautiful picture
to the my socks and most of the emphasis in the textbook is just about the art of the Renaissance about how beautiful the paintings are so again with the class of Berkley we checking how many of these words they understand know this season is called the ideal city so already we have a word in English that's important ideal this is partly about a few feet it's partly beautiful but it's partly political it's probably making a political statement about what kind of society people wanted in the Renaissance right so the Renaissance a theology of the ideal City what do we see in this city what do we see in this painting the textbook we assigned reading mostly talks about the techniques for why the paintings would be deployment style some of this is true some of it's just about technology so this is the first period in the history of the world were the East only old painting oil think so again in English have to check the class and they understand oil so if you take it will show you can go this is not gasoline it's not other cat's claw this is the same kind of oil we cook food with today but actually the paint is made of oil so this was a new technology the textbook talks of it another its geometry so again dejected they really no collection like young geometry and perspective so a check maybe the students need to know the Chinese Walker perspective or some of these other concepts so for the first time in the history of the world we have a correct perspective correct geometry but there were other important things about this picture what is the etiology of the Renaissance this is shown you a kind of balance between religion and going back to ancient Rome so this symbolizes Roma this is ancient problem but this building this is a Christian Church this symbolizes Christian this is something else very important here slavery so I know you can't see so quickly this is a black person you should feed you okay so this is this is in Europe this is wrong but one of the ideas from ancient Rome they wanted to go back to was slavery so already this picture is very political this tells you a lot the Renaissance is not important just because they had beautiful pictures or beautiful ideas there's also something quite scary something quite terrible but the Renaissance that this picture is showing and part of the glory of ancient all part of their power was that they did conquer Africa so the Roman Empire including North Africa and this painting is saying in the future we can again comfort on that path we have a lot of ideals of the ecology so here is another very beautiful and very famous painting used to have a little bit of Chinese orphan students from the history of the Renaissance this painting is called two schools of Athens showing you the philosopher Plato and the philosopher Aristotle again in one painting here we have a lot of use of the political philosophy of the Renaissance right and the meaning or friends thoughts itself so one idea of the Renaissance is that people in Europe had stopped reading Aristotle had stopped reading Plato that European culture was controlled by the church and that at this sign started in the year 1300 1330 there is a revival there was a renaissance there's a rebirth yeah yes a rebirth of interest in the ancient philosophy of ancient Athens and ancient Rome so Lucena Roma and that this was a struggle between the new idea of humanism so humanism is also an Indian Buddhism between humanism and the ideology of the church the control of the Catholic Church really this is not true really this is Miss Lee where is this painting the famous painting shows the the beauty of each eye crease and this blossom the painting is actually inside the Vatican this painting was paid for by the Catholic Church was Pete for representing it's actually inside the home of the Pope so the relationship between the Christian ideology and between the Renaissance no T they were not really enemies it's a little bit complicated but the idea of the Renaissance it is not simply about humanism against religion so I see here it was not an easy Christian movement into simple sets okay could you go back one second why is this so important why is this period physics important so you notice in the textbook for the students the Renaissance is chapter one this is the beginning of the textbook they choose this is the most important beginning of the history of Europe well before the Renaissance before 1300 England is not an important place in the in fact in China they had never heard of England before 1300 France is not an important place and so not just China for example China and India in India they never heard of these countries they were not famous they were not important from the perspective of India Africa China and Japan Europe was not an important place before Renaissance and then from the Year 1000 to the year 1300 approximately Muslim world you look a little more with Arabia okay this is part of the DAR baby's social support of the Byzantine Empire it's very interesting that the textbook does not begin with this period time instead so I just mentioned this is an interesting that he particular the textbook why they begin at the Renaissance well before the Renaissance the Roman Empire included Syria today Syria is in the news all the time there was war in Syria this is also a political decision of earlier but before breaking apart a visit even Afghanistan was part of the bleak and rimy world still today be important gangster so the wars this time right and do not let you talk about your uncomfortable talking about this history whereas the Renaissance you're talking about after 1300 during the Renaissance references this is the period when Europe begins conquering the whole world so before the ring sauce really Europe is not such an important place after the Renaissance Europe is conquering and destroying India Europe is conquering and destroying what becomes Canada Mexico South America this changes local and Africa okay and then just at the end of this period this ends here 1600 the year 1600 is the same area of the first European living in Beijing China this is the beginning of Europeans wants to Kanchana and we see this also is part of transmission so we talk a little bit about the technology of the paintings why are the paintings that we form obviously the technology of the boats the technology of the more fair it's in this period so let's get one exam the students computer is dead this is the first time in the history of the world one boat goes all the way around the world this happens the first time Europeans during the Renaissance why not China why not India these are also good questions but the answer is not just beautiful paintings so the textbook tells you about Petrarch Petrarch is the most important historical figures if I'm going to give the students a test Petrarch is the most important famous person associated the name of the Renaissance and the humanism humanism this is still an important even in Buddhism even in Taiwan I think we still talk about the city of humanistic innocence who was pitcher why is he so important most people will tell you then the textbook will tell you oh he's important because he went beautiful poetry Hey most people say petrol started the Renaissance into the first vandalism petrol invented humanism so this is misleading Petrarch was part of an actual revolution it is true that he was a poet it is true that working for voluntary it is true that he was also part of the church you can see from his style clothing it's a very strange style clothing today but also keeps his public politics so there was a real revolution in Rome in the year 30.7 at this time the point of the revolution was to stop the social system that had returned to the style of government they had in ancient Rome so the textbook mostly talks about this just as an aesthetic just as a style of art that they wanted to go back to in jamar know the name they usually changed the political situation and this Revolution lasted for only one year but one in the feels like a long time if you are looking at this sign and Rome was the most important city of your everyone watch this history this was a very important moment here's the thing Petrarch is seven letters by cicero so at this time and it's for the next 500 years Cicero is the most important philosophy I should say Jung out the tissue it's IO Jo your most important today No pizzas whoa whoa time to go zero inches Thundercats ho America today nobody needs this room but for 500 years at this point he was the most famous most important and this picture he was a poet he goes to the library alone and just by rock just for accident the library they didn't oh hello Jimmy he finds an ancient book he finds a book more than 1,000 years old and nobody had read this book before so he becomes famous because he's so Patrick is also the first person to describe the history of Iran in terms of the dark ages so this is very important next slide see this so we keep using these terms leads to revival and the earth what do they want to revive did they want democracy was the point of the Renaissance to return to democracy with the system of voting the answer is no no Cicero this very important philosopher actually was not Pro democracy so there were many ideas from ancient Greece and ancient Rome their interest in not democracy so 500 years later Europe becomes we're interested democracy but at this time they're not just next slide thank you very strange for more perspective so in both humor in Asia every period of history has beautiful art every period of history has Bogard if you ask why is the Renaissance so important the answer cannot be because the article can be just is therefore at the same time in India they have beautiful art the same time in Mexico and in China a few floors but there's something very important how can in Europe it's connected okay the Dark Ages so I get the Chinese here it's a very good idea the idea was both in the ancient periods like come on Oh everything was really good you know civilization and culture and then everything onion because of Christianity because of the Christian society everything becomes worse and worse or maybe 1000 years everything it's really bad and then afterwards everything becomes this is and why because of the Renaissance so this is very powerful idea but if you ask what what is this don't you brush your money whatever sort of what it's an idea about civilization so just shoot one me but it is not a very specific idea so we mentioned picture are introduced to give the dark ages you two ideas are late you only know what do we mean by darkness we know relative to light so we have talked about this members can park nuts what do we shouldn't buy like huh so this is the map of the Roman Empire right and everyone wants to forget this woman in the background far far far to the east the Roman Empire could be that would be interesting guilty right this is Turkey and Greece and here are the countries of Western Europe with me next light this is the dark ages this is the dark days and this is the extended Islamic empire and this is only a few hundred years later at 750 MB so the Roman Empire really ended in failure most people don't want this does this and then there was a huge Empire we are not talking about eat so this is sage it's about even Spain was the star could be as long again apart does it makes it smell nice afterwards this is what it never ends so the idea that the Dark Ages ended and we went back that we will revive that we will soar the Roman Empire it's not true in fact the Muslim world in fact became more and more powerful they so control all the board that and including Greece you should see that it's an important part of Europe and this also became Muslim in control by month long so again where what really would be the idea of restoring the Roman Empire something else that have to rinse off they did not take back right so sorry so yeah the same idea before or after before after so we instead what does your up doing during this time Europe Rosa and conquers the rest control and this is really a period of slavery and genocide on a huge scale so you can imagine with the students I want to make sure they understand what isolationism these are beautiful pictures when the reality of what they're up did instead is very scary in this again this includes Asia this includes places like India includes Canada who's Mexico okay so we don't worry about them I try to go over very quickly so conclusions we never get this beautiful picture give me this reminder the mystery of history this was ultimately about slavery of a be conquering Africa taking sledge America so this is part of the picture part of the ideal city in the future during the rest of time next picture okay so this year I would ask the question people say the Renaissance was an eighty church an easy Christian moment is this true or is this false also this is Dante the textbook talks about Dante so I would if there are real students I've asked you guys what do you think was easy for the church or biscuit you've got some questions like this okay so you probably know the answer already you are adults speak English okay well no actually this is very complex really it was not a simple it was not a simple anti church movement then work together you know his translator and he was a very religious person exhibition another question during the Renaissance people became less and less religious with fewer religious wars is this true or false okay the textbook is very vague about this isn't me in fact this is false there was more war religion became more dangerous did more crazy in the rock this is the period when the starting wars in huge channels huge numbers of people being killed so actually you're more religious there's more war probably this is in chapter 2 of the textbook maybe chapter 3 there will be more lessons on this this is just the beginning of the room talk during the Renaissance people started reading her startled again and demanding democracy right so most even in America Canada most people believe this people start to Reno some people start here he mocks so we already talking with this actually this is false really is false for two reasons one a result Lee never stopped reading Aristotle during the Dark Ages in bumper and to actually this time democracy was not the political philosophy instead it's the political philosophy but sister it's a good thought next people say the Renaissance is just a style of art or literature and this is included even in the chiming of me this is just about the art is beautiful but then they need one of my lectures to say no the most important ideas do not have to do so yeah this is also something to discuss with a student may be the most important question why this humanism so important 600 years ago is it still important for the same reasons today [Music]