Meat is manslaughter: reducetarianism is murder.

01 March 2018 [link youtube]

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I suppose the title is misleading, as we're really discussing the extent to which reducetarianism is WORSE THAN murder. :-/

Quote, "When push comes to shove, some people shove and some people get pushed."

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I don't think that ever will be a total
vegan I stress to eat less meat but not to eat no meat good day dr. Khan Khan Centre for cardiac longevity there is a movement out there I'm just sharing with you called the reduced Aryan movement the reduced Aryan a bit of an awkward word to say this is a book that recently came out by Bryan Kate Minh well you can safely take a deep sigh of relief knowing that I am a carnivore just like you even if we ourselves choose to eat eggs and mean we know our planet is in trouble and we know that meat production from the clearing of land and trees to the transportation of these products accounts for nearly 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions the raising livestock is the creates 28% of our greenhouse gases in the world so if you endure any of that then it means a lot to you to go can cut down because we have to reduce our greenhouse gases because we are killing 7 million people a year because of our pollution that is why a vegetarians footprint is nearly half that of a meatlovers and for vegan it's even lower and we also know that meat production requires a lot of water producing just one pound of meat protein requires 10 times the amount of water as producing one pound of grain protein it's a lot of water and we also know perhaps most morally salient that due to factory farming that animals are not treated very well they're not and they are incredibly smart and experience pain just like us I eat meat much less than they ever did before maybe two times a week meat I eat chicken a fish much more fish products than they ever did before and green I mean a lot of vegetables and salads and orders I think it's very healthy for our party so I mean that you don't have to be into that I just think that we all should work together to reduce our pollution because we kill less people and I think this is a very important issue about us yen so I said to you conversationally the other day but I wasn't I wasn't really joking around in reference to reduce that arianism and the core issues of veganism I said to you you know you know Melissa I can imagine a lot of different scenarios in which I find out that you'd murdered somebody and I'd be okay with it Oh like you know Merrik murders a serious crime but I can imagine a lot of circumstances I've been in pretty crazy circumstance myself where it's like wow you know that's too bad or like you know I even I chemistry but wow I'm sure you regret doing that or whatever or maybe not maybe the situation is so extreme that it's like yeah if you were in those situations if they were that situation again you'd kill him again and eat know what I mean but I was like you know um you know it's actually quite easy from aggen all kinds of circumstances in which committing actual murder of another human being is something I would accept of course it's not saying you approve of or celebrate of course war itself you know if you think war you don't murder people sure you do you know but you know by contrast you know what would really be impossible for me to accept if you decided you want to go back to eating like hamburgers bought from you know any of the fast-food restaurants that that surrounds I can't okay yes your airplane crash on a desert island and you know fine come up with ridiculous ridiculous name you said the only way to survive was eating out of McDonald's I mean oh whatever it's ridiculous but you know no I you know it's funny it's not about it being worse than murder this comes in a bunch of different ethics it comes up in terms of the reduce Italian thing with people trying to make this argument for reduce Italian a so-called pragmatic argument prettiest Arianism that I don't find pragmatic at all it comes up in for example the controversy we've just been seeing with Joey carb strong where for whatever reason I mean there are all kinds of issues worth talking about in terms of veganism terms what Joey carbon showing has been doing and so on but what the press has latched on to is exactly the use of words like the use of the term rape the use of the term murder the semantics of whether or not vegans have the right to use these words you know a certainly seems just it's the least the least worth discussing element of all the the issues raised but but and you know you know is it or is it not offensive to allegorically refer to these things as more but I've got to tell you from my perspective again whether it's you or again let's talk a little flipbook what do you think when my daughter grows up how many times is she gonna commit murder we don't know well you don't know your own kids you know but I can imagine of course they're worse there are some circumstances in which murder would be unforgivable and I'd be shocked and you know I break up with you or I'd you know I want to stop talking about a daughter or something I'm where it's so terrible and it's so awful but I can imagine a lot of circumstances have been through real situations myself blah blah blah anyone he's got a certain level of life experience and political awareness and what-have-you you know I mean you know when push comes to shove you know some people get shove and some people get punished don't quote me on that but it's it's awful but that's that's the world we live in and yet this this more of an ethical cause I how is it possible that this is applauded and this is treated seriously as as pragmatism in the so the initial speech I think the speech that really did launch the so called reduce it Aryan movement the justification given for reduce at Arianism is simply the desire to eat buffalo wings and cheese and eggs so as we look into the eyes of this very adorable baby pig we have to ask ourselves why do over 90% of Americans continue to eat meat bacon bacon is the reason we need for many the mere smell of bacon in the morning that crispy crunchy texture that savory salty taste they give us a reason to smile that spicy buffalo egg that juicy steak they are the reason we mean I find that I find that so weak and in the Saint in the same video in the same presentation I can put in a clip of it you know he acknowledges the weight of the ethical argument he acknowledges the weight of the the ecological and environmental argument it's like well we know this is the right thing to do but it would cause us some discomfort you know and I'm sorry my girlfriend Melissa I think you've seen all 900 videos on this channel pretty pretty close to all my nervous so you you look you ever this for me before but you know again I don't know what kind of life experience these people have but like what if you have a brother or a cousin who's a cocaine addict and you've really got to make the argument to them you've really got to say to them like yeah I know you I know you love coke I know you love the flavor put it that way it's not of course is not the flavor you know you love the effect this drug as on you but I want you to take seriously some sense of moral responsibility just for being a better human being just for being all you can be and quit using cocaine you know eating chicken wings this kind of garbage eating cheese on toast or something you think it compares to cocaine and a four generation just let's let's be real mean addictive drugs recreational drugs our whole generation ISM is in the shadow of recreational drugs even if you stayed clean you do someone like Donald Trump enough do you know the split on Trump Donald Trump his brother was an alcoholic I don't know if you use other drugs also many especially if you're a millionaire and you're an alcoholic it's easy to you know it's easy for alcohol to be gatewood sure but you know Donald Trump watched one of his older brothers destroy his life with alcohol and then Donald Trump result he would never even try it and he claims he's never even tasted up like he went his whole life without ever using alcohol or ever using any worse drug and in that sense I think those of us who are or teetotalers however you want to put it those of us who totally refused to use drugs now still our refusal is in the shadow of that right still like both of us we were talking with us with quests and stuff we've grown up around so many people whose lives have been destroyed or distorted by drugs it's this is this huge thing so really I don't think it's a trivial or ridiculous comparison to say if you if you know this you know the ecological and ethical argument you know the imports of this and then you do you refuse to take responsibility for own actions you refuse to the right thing just for the sake of I guess sensual indulgence like to me it's debatable whether or not deep fried chicken wings taste good and I think it's like let's use it that fills up like our chicken wings were revolting or not I mean I think even most meat eater you can remember any [ __ ] like that right chicken wings there are little bits of did you know the seniors and crap the skin it's pretty revolting what you're putting in your body when I was a child I found all that stuff revolting into overwhelm that you know yeah right so you know I never ate it and seeing the bones on the plate afterwards the awareness of the waist you know says but but let me tell you something when you snort cocaine off a plate there are no bones left afterwards you know I mean how how do you expect to live in a society where people discipline themselves that way to refuse you know myriad drugs cocaine is not the only hand I think Canada's drug policy right I've seen of it so far show was that but the Canadian government doesn't expect people to refuse drugs they act accordingly and understand that people I mean it was a striking difference compared to where we were in China or anywhere in China I didn't see drug addicts on the street in China but I see drug addicts on the street in Canada and I don't know like what you know I don't know the answer but like I know those really I know I look on one hand I think it really does kind of go back for me my response it does kind of go back to Socrates and Plato and you know the unexamined life is not worth living and living a meaningful life and these these kinds of questions what not what is the meaning of life but how do we live meaningful lives and then coming up with answers that really have force and meaning and give us a sense of direction and purpose there was a famous novel written in Canada so it's especially famous in Canada about world war one and the novelist and interview said now is this true or not that's something the novelist said an interview that his he decided to write the novel he took on the whole direction novel when he interviewed a very elderly veteran of World War one and he asked him about kind of what why did you guys do it kind of thing like what more perfect timing okay let's keep rolling we can edit this actress I'm sorry can you can you just tell me who is this that's calling so I totally forget we're in this conversation do you remember so I have another jumping-off point you know in the produce to Tyrion video which has a thing about half a million views which is in some ways a hit video and in some ways not like compared to anything on Tanima shows to channel it's not that big a deal but in YouTube sure but they've got half of my views introducing the concept of reduced arianism at a TED talk and you know at one point he really is ridiculing vegans well we've all had that conversation before you're out to dinner with a friend or a colleague and you learn that the person you're with is it Egon you had no idea you're surprised and while the person in front of you may not look like this or like this your perception of them has immediately changed there is no going back to whatever it was you thought of them before this moment like I think it's important to point that out you know he shows a picture of a hippie he tries to get a laugh the audience and this is pointing the finger at being insane haha laugh at the vegans I think it's really important to point out gay rights went through a phase like this I've mentioned this at some point last 900 videos on this channel but you know there was a phase there was this famous TV show called soap and there was this period where laughing at gay stereotypes I mean of course some people were uncomfortable with of course some people were offended by it but it was almost like a step forward from no recognition at all to people having a laugh about the fact that least admitting openly that homosexuality exists even if they're ridiculing it but pretty quickly we move past that pretty quickly we move past that in every way and our culture is saying no look you've got to recognize you know these people come from a very particular struggle that includes being burned at the stake me oh I'm sorry but the persecution of homosexuals historically been a very real thing in Muslim countries still today it's a variable thing mostly being stoned or executed being thrown off a building and this kind of thing but you know yeah this is a real and you know that we still have you know refugees human rights claims on the basis of being homosexual one countries where homosexuality is illegal still today in 2018 and you know in that sense it's not a laughing matter of course we still have stand-up comedy joking about gay stereotypes of course there's also some some room for that but you know it's even worse when you're talking about vegans when you're really cleaning is because vegans are people who actively have chosen this as an ethical position as their attempt to to make the world a better place whether it's more free ecology or animal rights or ethics or whatever combination or health whatever but I mean the health crusade is a crusade in its own way to people who want to get rid of cancer on heart attacks this is its own shred of moral fiber you know no doubt and this is what you're doing is you're ridiculing these people while presenting yourself as offering a more pragmatic solution to the same problems you know how can it be pragmatic to not practice what you preach I want to come back to you know drugs alcohol cocaine etc you know there's there's a lot of work here in Victoria in Vancouver in being a drug counselor you know you know offering various kinds of social services for people who are former drug addicts our current drug addicts can you do that job if you use cocaine yourself once a month what about twice a month what about once a week like is there a position of being a moderate cocaine addict counseling people who are out of control cocaine addicts about how to be moderate on a totally theoretical physical assault level I think many people could answer yes maybe if a teenager is watching this it doesn't have real-life experience with this stuff they might say yes milk maybe some people say theoretically someone with that kind of lifestyle someone using cocaine once a month maybe they can relate more to the addicts you know I mean like maybe a better counsellor because there's still a cocaine user you know what I mean but I think you know in the real world for a lot of different reasons including this thing that you know hypocrisy is real you know these questions of who are we and who to aspire to be you know it's it has real gravitas I think you you can't you know it's totally unacceptable to even use cocaine once a month and be a drug counselor you know helping addicts like if you accept the position and many people may not but then that's not a good role fee that's not a good job for you if you accept that the dogmatic position it may just be dogmatic that human beings should not use cocaine that you know cocaine is not fit for human beings put it that way then how can you dabble in cocaine while preaching to others too with the drug I eat meat much less than ever did before maybe two attempts a week meet the raising livestock is the creates 28 percent of our greenhouse gases in the world that is why a vegetarians footprint is nearly half that of a meat lovers and for vegan it's even lower well you can safely take a deep sigh of relief knowing that I am a carnivore just like you if you take the position the worlds in a position of ecological crisis this is immoral this is unethical etc etc but you're still going to do it a couple times a month you know whatever the rate is yeah you know I again it's not actually from a philosophical position that you can't I think a teenager or someone looking at just theoretical mats Oh someone in that position is even better able to preach because they eat meat wants no you know they thought it's like or something but I think it's it's it's profoundly incoherent it's a dead end in every way and it's it's not like that it I mean a lot of human behavior doesn't make sense but you know a lot of people will eat something decadent and say oh it's so bad but it's so good and that for them is thrilling or in some way devious satisfying and I think cocaine even more so but go on yeah yeah yeah I think a lot of people that are reduce it Aryan have this understanding that what they're doing is wrong but right they just pretend they can't help themselves hurt or maybe they really can't help themselves you know we're too strong-willed people yeah um remote people that have completely quit alcohol any drugs Yeah right any animal products and some people I don't know I don't know cannon can you really have that expectation for every look let's let's I want to bring this back to rape and murder which you know is what got Joey carps drunk on water we have one famous vegan Mike Tyson Mike Tyson is a former heavyweight Asian is a convicted rapist he was convicted raping one person once okay I assume he's guilty I'm just gonna be honest with you like you know III you know he had his day in court he had a very good lawyer it's not like he's a poor person to defecate legal defense I assume that he was convicted because he's guilty nice guy Mike Tyson interesting guy Phyllis off there it not very well spoken but if you can understand what he's saying I've had some clips of him on this channel saying some philosophically interesting things and he's he's a real vegan you know he's not a fake vegans real vegan now you know of course it's terrible rape is a serious crime he did his time in prison and said he's a convicted rapist who went to jail for it but evaluating the moral character of someone like that is totally different from someone who is committing rape whenever they feel like it or a couple of times a month or even if they don't if that's just their attitude is that whatever they feel like it you know no getting murder I don't know how many times anyone commits murder in a lifetime now I ganas I can't come up with an example parallel offhand but again I can imagine if it's my own girlfriend or my own daughter or one of my own brothers I have so many brothers probably one of them has committed murder and just never told me I wish I was joking but I'm not you know I mean um you know people get themselves into situations where they end up killing someone to get out of it or whatever the story is you know life is full of desperate unforeseen circumstances and you know of course it's bad and it's awful and it's tragic and you know but the contrast between that the attitude of doing something you know is unethical you know is immoral and that you actively preach is immoral but doing it whenever you feel like it because it it feels good it's funny because as I say these people are getting at you a carb strong like well how dare you call this murder how dare you call this rape there is a sense in which I've got to say eating a hamburger at eating a hamburger whatever you feel like it is really worse from my perspective I can't I can't sympathize at all you know out of out of weakness I would have you know out of what desire sorry depressing depressing topic conversation I you were just talking the other day saying that you would watch an interview with Kevin Smith's wife right yeah and when he was really overweight he would wake up and before having breakfast you know he would eat he would candy every morning handfuls of jellybeans was the precise quote yeah yeah and she said it made him happy that was his happy place yeah I guess for people a lot of people cruel you know like that that is if bacon is your happy place you know dead animal flushes your happy places if it's cocaine if it's rain if it's murder there are plenty but you know what I mean it's just you know trying to understand the motive anyway it's it's weird you know I've been I've been reading about the history of the civil warning one in the 1640s and that was really the period when some of the basic concepts of religion and politics were changing in England and where the idea of the church coercing people into good behavior was really switching over the idea that you and I ourselves voluntarily form churches and coerce ourselves into a good behavior which is very much the model of Protestantism in the United States of America you know partly it was very influential on you know the colonization of an and later government of America and someone but that's also one of the funny things of veganism is we're never talking about these things in terms of actual coercion in terms of like the equivalent of the medieval Catholic Church forcing people not to eat it's really just acting asking people to live by the dictates of their own conscience and to take some responsibility for the consequences of their own actions again ecologically as well as in terms of you know whatever you want to say Fix animal suffering or or what have you you know if you wouldn't slit this pigs throat yourself yesterday we talked to that guy the guy in the shop he was tied with him he could never kill a fish himself he could never go fishing himself and even clubbed a fish on the head or whatever he eats meat every day yeah I I buy Carter's I would have no problem with cutting down a cocaine what you know cutting it down cocaine plants oh but I don't want to use cocaine I see nothing unethical and the growing harvesting of the plant but there are all these unethical things they're after you know but yeah it's just interesting the very idea of free association and of people morally policing themselves in the English language tradition really emerged in that period in the 1640s and of course the other thing is very funny about it when you're reading about that period was people were really enthusiastic people thought like now that we've got the Pope out of our lives and now that we've got the episcopate out of our lives now they've got the bishops out of her lives with no more bishops bossing us around now we can really get down to business and of course that one of the results was Puritanism one of the results was persecuting which is instead of a great example sorry in the history book a small town in England of course the church spire was the highest point in the town you know it's true in many traditional villages so god it got struck by lightning you know more often than than you mind so whatever got struck by lightning they'd interpret that as a sign of God's dissatisfaction and they'd they'd start persecuting heretics and people of like small extent they're a little witch on tour whatever you want to see because people were really enthusiastic to take over policing their own morality at that time and anyway look I mean Duty is a is a kind of terrible and frightening thing you know you read the history of almost any culture you know China Japan Western Europe would have any culture we have a lot of written records for even India and the you know the massacres and you know abominations that a sense of duty and honor drives people to is enough to convince you okay maybe it's better that we have a society it's composed of stoned idiots who play video games you know what I mean it's it's pretty scary what duty and honor based societies are like but it is also scary to me that we now live in a society in an era where people are so totally fixated on their own self-indulgence with no sense of duty that this is what we've got to debate that this is what we've got to debate and that reduce at Arianism can be perceived as pragmatic at all you can change the world by ordering a smaller steak small steak and s words double [Music] this is a very depressing topic of conversation click on the link below this video and join my picture on dit shear us the [ __ ] up [Music] evolution