This is not a death-threat: Vegan Cheetah's lawsuit.

06 March 2017 [link youtube]

The link to the lawsuit's fundraiser (describing the whole situation at some length):

Youtube Automatic Transcription

do you ever get the feeling that history
is repeating itself like you can remember years and years ago just feeling so shocked so astonished that Barack Obama was elected president United States he thought wow I thought this would never happen within my lifetime I thought I would I would never you know see this an african-american gets elected to be President of States and then you know a few years later a few years later you feel the same way when you find out that a white millionaire from reality television has been elected president it states you're sitting there thinking what Donald Trump was I never thought I would live to see this day I never thought I would live to see Donald Trump get elected to the United States do you get the feeling do you get the feeling the history is repeating it [Music] it's its lawsuit season beginnings are suing vegans again it's it's fashionable all over again I started this trend all y'all copy my style it's you only 10% dude watch sit on the Block in that lavender range waiting for fiends passing the cake [ __ ] and you will sell out your own friends and and you break all your own rules okay you defame me and say malicious things that impact me and my divorce and my ex-wife and my daughter you have no limits you have no druthers you have gone from being so many people cheered on heroically because you spoke truth to power you challenged powerful people like durianrider when they were doing things that are really important really criminal and now you've become someone who panders to durianrider now you've become someone who pretends durianrider didn't do anything wrong when he threatened to murder me when he threatened to have people beat me up in the streets you took a pause situation where so many people eat believed in you and so many people supported you because at the time when it really mattered you stood up and did the right thing and said the right thing in a storm of controversy about durianrider and you made a lot of videos that were entertaining and informative and that told the truth and you destroyed that and you destroyed that by telling lies and by trying to exploit your friendships with other people to make little nickels and dimes telling fake stories about their sex lives and their private lives and their moral failings that's what you've become you've become somebody worse than to rewrite ER you are the lowest of the low Anna Scanlon sent me a totally cute email saying hey I'm I'm pulling Anna Ballas yell like I'm I'm pulling at you she she sent me an email saying hey I'm I'm gonna do this lawsuit and do a fundraiser asking for donations to sports law state to pull cheetah into court and she's quite right she's biting my style you know um let's talk defamation has consequences there's difference between defamation and simply being vulgar difference in defamation and having a lousy sense of humor diverting defamation and criticism and and the difference is defamation is a crime it's it's not subtle it's not a small or minor difference cheetah you make your living you earn your living through slander and defamation and you know that these are issues that I know for a fact cheetah understands because I've discussed them with him myself and you know I think to some extent anyone with the shred of human sympathy can understand them defamation has consequences defamation as personal consequences what's written on the internet is written there in pen and it stays up forever especially if the offending party doesn't delete it I have a new girlfriend when I was first getting together with my girlfriend you know her parents were finding this stuff in the internet this terrible stuff that was said about me and I had to meet her parents you know I just talked to them via Skype but still now I don't think her parents were directly the ones using Google using the search engine I'm pretty sure that she had a brother and the brother was putting my name into Google and then the brother was telling the parents and then the parents were telling her so you had this whole broken telephone situation where lies that were made up built me by durianrider and by Cheeta himself we're getting back to my girlfriend's parents that my girlfriend was asking me you know what should she say or what should I say to her parents whatever so there are personal consequences and the personal consequences not short-term they're long-term there are emotional and behavioral consequences and I talks about the fact that other people say they would love to start a YouTube channel they would love to start a blog or a website talking about veganism talking about their aspirations of vegan politics but they're afraid of the consequences they're afraid that what happened to me will happen to them they're afraid that would happen to Ana will happen to them they're afraid that it will cause a problem either at work professionally or with their girlfriend's parents that kind of thing I think there are really interesting questions of how it changes all of our behavior I posted a photo myself recently myself with my girlfriend and you know the photo says the top of the bottom I want to share this photo with you but I can't and in the end what we decided to do was blank out my girlfriend's face and covering her face it says imagine how the world would be different without internet bullying it's just a selfie of me hugging my girlfriend it's no big deal it's a really nice moment for the two together and instead it ends up being this statement on the fact that I want to share private moments like that with you but I can't so there are changes there impacts in our behavior and you know those have knock-on effects for the future of the movement right there are political consequences there are changes for how the movement as a whole behaves when you scale it up you're looking at hundreds of people with thousands of people and when you look at individual people like me trying to get ahead we're both trying to push veganism ahead and we're trying to get ahead of ourselves after durianrider denounced me you know so thoroughly denounced me and defamed me and set all these terrible things about me what position am I in if I want to do fundraising for a completely legitimate completely normal vegan cause I have a children's storybook I'd like to publish if I'm gonna do fundraising for that story book where am I at when I have somebody like durianrider defaming me and claiming I'm a scam artist how can I ask for donations for a very straightforward vegan cause if there's a chorus of voices that are really seriously defaming me accusing me of crimes accusing me of criminal misconduct or the Internet and to give another example that may seem a little less salacious but it's really just as important German writer claimed again and again that I am Pro vivisection that I am a vivisectionist that I support torturing animals death for medical experiments now don't you know it is really possible for someone to do an intelligent video criticizing my view on vivisection to say it really briefly I've pointed out that vivisection although it's horrifying although it's morally abhorrent to me although I do oppose it in principle vivisection is not obsolete whereas shoes made of leather are obsolete so I have a kind of nuanced discussion about that where I pointed there are some medicines we can't replace there's some medical procedures that rely on the assertion that are not obsolete so ethically it's a very different situation for vegans as individuals and for veganism as a movement so I have talked about vivisection in a in a nuanced way and I could be criticized anyone's way but it's actually a very interesting form of death nation because if you just claimed as during Mardi donessa some others have if you claim that I am Pro vivisection under Canadian law that is defamation because it impacts my ability to do fundraising as a vegan activist for whatever causes or project someone undertaken veganism so even though that's much more subtle than someone making up a story that I had a love affair with a 16 year old Romanian girl both of them are defamation in in an interesting way that's worth talking about now look I remember you know one of the interesting responses to this problem was Joe vegans saying that he was morally opposed to anyone having to pay for access to the legal system okay that's fine but who is gonna draw the line and what's gonna happen if we refuse to participate in the justice system simply because there is a barrier to entry Anna Scanlon is asking for $15,000 $15,000 it's a significant cost it's a significant barrier to entry if you want to form oh now look I'll say this very simply I do not believe that access to medical care should be based on the ability to pay if you have two people who both need to get cancer surgery I do not think there's any moral justification for a society giving the surgery to one person and not giving it to the other based on their ability to pay I think that's a fundamental moral problem that all modern societies have to face I do not think that access to justice justice per se I do not think that access to justice should ever be based on the ability to pay if there are two people who have both suffered the same injustice I do not think there's any justification for one of them receiving justice and not the other because of their ability to pay their ability to hire a lawyer their ability to pay legal fees but you know there's another side to this that maybe you guys haven't thought about people tend to think about taking someone to court as if it were the worst thing imaginable as if it were the worst case scenario and it's not when people do not have access to justice they will more and more resort to violence I want to say straight up Cheeta if you watch this this is not a death threat Cheeta I am NOT threatening to harm you in any way but I've got to tell you on some level you know all around the world in many different cultures there are all kinds of people who would harm you who would beat you up who would stab you who would kill you for what you've said now vegan cheetah today lives in Los Angeles and Los Angeles is a cultural melting pot there are some people in Los Angeles Charles who will make you pay the price in blood and I really wonder Charles I really wonder if someone finally takes you off the census if someone finally kills you because you said they have AIDS because you said something but who they're sleeping with who are they're not sleeping with because you made up some dirty little lie about their sex lives just so you could hold the attention of your of your live streaming audience for another few minutes if you keep crossing the line with people this way you know sooner or later it's not gonna be a lawsuit someone is gonna take you off the census man you're gonna be in a you're gonna be in a cardboard box you should I even say a plywood box you're gonna be in whatever kind of box your estate can afford again this is this is not a death threat why do these systems exist why do we have these traditions within the West why do we have a culture of allowing people to sue one another and get restitution for defamation why is exist it's to make us less violent as a species as a society this kind of recourse to justice exists so that people do not have to take the law into their own hands it's so that people are less likely to use their own hands to use their own knives to use the forces at their own disposal and it's a goddamn shame it's a goddamn shame that anna has to ask for $15,000 because you know what's cheaper you know what costs a lot less than $15,000 Charles it would cost a lot less for her to pay any number of organized gangs in LA to hunt you down I don't even think that would be $5,000 Charles why don't you ask around about what kind of favors you can buy in the Greater Los Angeles area for $15,000 there are alternatives to dragging your ass into court Charles there are deadly serious alternatives and people like myself and people like Anna Scanlon we're not thinking about getting even we're not thinking about revenge we're not even thinking about silencing you we're in the ethical minority of people who are really seriously thinking about the future of the movement and all I can say is you've been lucky so far and that you've only been tangling with people like us but don't push your luck because the vast majority of people aren't here they're not thinking about the future of the movement they're just gonna be thinking about either how they can shut you up shut you down or how they can get even like why play the fake vegan card like cheetah cheetah you are a fake vegan you asked me about the use of the term fake vegan it's used to describe people like you because you're a parasite on this movement you're not making a positive contribution you're doing your little bit to exploit and destroy the movement you are a fake vegan cheetah