Jaclyn Glenn is lying, I have evidence.

28 September 2019 [link youtube]

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/npp201467

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#QuitEverything #Science #Pseudoscience

Youtube Automatic Transcription

marijuana's does not cause long-term
cognitive impairment yes people who use marijuana temporarily display a diminished capacity to learn and recall new information but this diminishment only lasts for the duration of the intoxication there's no convincing evidence that heavy long-term marijuana use permanently impairs memory or other cognitive functions you know we're all born ignorant but at some point in your life you have to stop blaming the school you went to stop blaming the church you were raised in the religion your parents forced on you as a kid at some point you have to stop blaming others for your ignorance and take responsibility for it yourself now in the era of the internet now more than ever before ignorance is voluntary people people are ignorant because they choose to be ignorant I meet and talk to people who act like they have no idea that broccoli is healthy and that eating eggs and cheese is unhealthy I just have no idea and it's like would that really be a five-minute Google search away but the Internet presents us with an almost infinite array of possible sources of information and our attention span is finite the amount we can choose to learn from it's very finite indeed so what do we choose well we often choose we we speaking for humanity collector we often choose what the information that comes in attractive packaging and that's telling us something we already want to hear Jacqueline Glenn for many years has been getting hundreds of thousands of viewers because he's got attractive packaging and she delivers you hard-hitting messages like the claim that marijuana doesn't cause any brain damage at all now here by contrast here's some here's some bad news in a plain brown package it's an unappealing package and it's telling you something you don't want to hear I'm gonna tell you the source I'm quoting in just a moment but pretend for a moment you don't know the source and the source pretend you're just encountering this as a scrap of text floating around the internet with no idea what kind of authority comes from and pretend there are no other sources available to allow me to prove to you that Jaclyn Glenn is wrong that Jaclyn Glenn has been lying that in fact marijuana does cause brain damage what would you make what would you make of this this claim I think there's something about the very structure and nature of the information being presented there's something something about it that demands to be taken seriously quote our study demonstrates a pattern of gray matter of volume changes in a group of regular cannabis users compared with a group of occasional ones just an interesting note everyone who participated in the study was age 19 to 29 so there were no effects of the brain here old age or other cumulative habits over many years interesting choice for the study design regular users exhibit a decrease in gray matter volume in the medial RV if the medial temporal cortex temporal Pole parahippocampal gyrus left insula and orbital frontal context cortex I'm not a brain surgeon I'm not let me ask you in the audience if I hadn't struggled to pronounce the different parts of the human brain there do you think any of you would have just felt comfortable with marijuana causing brain damage with marijuana marijuana causing the loss of very matter in just some parts of the brain and not others was there anyone in the audience who is sitting there thinking hmm okay the temporal cortex temporal Pole that I can live with that's no problem but wait a minute it causes brain damage also in the orbital frontal cortex okay forget it I'm out okay now I'm gonna take this seriously guys now I'm gonna quit smoking marijuana before the first four or five parts of the brain you mentioned being damaged by marijuana that I was cool with but not that last cortex that was one cortex too many that was a bridge too far I don't see it I mean there are people who decide to smoke cigarettes and they feel a disconnect like well that does damage to my lungs but somehow it doesn't do damage to me like as if who I am and my lungs are two really separable things they drink alcohol and they think it just damages their kidney and their liver and they say they're comfortable with whatever happens to their kidney and liver as if you know my kidney and my liver that's not who I really am that's not really me your brain is your brain is who you really are broth there's no way anyone could say they're at peace with just some parts of their brain being horribly damaged horribly embarrassed ruk chiral changes to their brain I don't think anyone's comfortable with any one of these locations of the brain being damaged by marijuana maybe I'm wrong send the email guys I'm not I'm waiting for that to come in all right so we continue here these changes strongly correlate with the monthly frequency of cannabis use in the three months before inclusion in the study specifically significant gray matter atrophy can occur either with a heavy cannabis consumption independent of the age of first use or with recreational consumption that started during adolescence before the age of 18 there's no convincing evidence that heavy long-term marijuana use permanently impairs memory or other cognitive functions then we have the next segment which is where the psychiatrist comes in and this is my favorite part because she speaks so much [ __ ] that's gonna take me forever to cover so I'm gonna try to sum it up but she starts off by saying marijuana is actually not good for you then she goes on to say that if you smoke at a young age you have a higher incidence of psychosis and psychotic disorders and that at alters my organization of the brain cells and that the brain continues developing through your early 20s therefore if you affect the myelin ization of brain cells before this point you have permanent brain damage after now she is right that marijuana can have detrimental effects to children with developing brains and certain people with latent schizophrenia or other disorders but so does alcohol so does Big Gulp so peanuts and a plethora of other things that I could probably come up with that aren't good for you however her claims about tea modernization are factually incorrect cannabinoid receptors are actually indicated in the treatment of demyelinating diseases this woman obviously has some preconceived notions about cannabis and how it's bad for you and she's grouping pieces of information together to support her argument I am NOT gonna trivialize the problem by claiming that Jacqueline Glenn is just a pretty face you can see that the message she's delivering is much more dangerous it's much more harmful because she is wrapping herself in the cloak of skepticism her audience is supposedly comprised of skeptics and yet this is the most dangerous kind of pseudoscience what she's presenting it's more dangerous precisely because it has more of a resemblance to real and credible science and it's presented you in appealing packaging how can we expect the fine publishers over at nature to compete well look at what they're managing to put out here neuropsychopharmacology come on that's a journal nobody can even spell the title it's a terrible name for a journal how are you gonna sell any copies on newsstands with a title like that yeah well it's a respectable peer-reviewed journal that's what I was quoting before and that's what I'm interested in quoting again our findings corroborates several animal studies adding evidence that the duration of exposure to cannabis is indeed associated with localized volume reduction in regions rich in cb1 receptors correlating with the amount of cannabis used let me just let me just emphasize here mmm volume volume it doesn't mean doesn't mean they're turning down the volume in the brain it's not it's not about sound here okay localized volume reduction that's talking about the actual shrinkage of lobes of the brain okay the loss of gray matter being visible as shrinking hemispheres of the brain shall we say continue our conversation here the progression of them a long-term exposure to drugs toward the development of substance use disorders and addictive behaviour is often associated with deficits in decision-making fMRI Demps as the fMRI is a type of brain scan demonstrates altered brain activity in core regions linked to the motivational and affective aspects of decision-making mean lee in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortices and insula in this regard that has been demonstrated that substance dependent individuals in patients with vmPFC lesions exhibit similar behaviors that lead them to make similar decisions in real life preferring choices that bring immediate benefits even if coupled with negative consequences thoughts so what they're saying here is the type of brain damage they have proven proven marijuana to cause it doesn't just show up in a brain scan on a computer screen down at the hospital it's also evident in changes in human behavior in the types of decisions people make we continue in our study we complement the functional evidence of altered activity and nodes related to decision-making by showing in regular cannabis users a decrease in gray matter volume in the insula and pre kunis this is a word that can't even gets out of pronounce regions that are part of the motivational and affective components of this network it's like something however you pronounce it that is not a part of your brain that you want to shrink and have gray matter loss and permanent impairment and structural changes in I don't think there are any parts of your brain you'd want that in quote in addition to the changes in the polar regions there are also changes in the medial temporal cortex which is one of the structures often reported to be associate with cannabis addiction and where we find a strong bilateral decrease in gray matter volume in the population of regular cannabis users such a pattern of atrophy has also been described in other forms of addiction such as alcohol addiction but not in heroin users however other patients with severe non-toxic behavioral addiction such as pathological gambling do not present the same form of atrophy suggesting that temporal atrophy is indeed associated with cannabis consumption rather than a dick behavior itself despite the fact that the neurobiological interpretation of this volume reduction so again volume reduction the shrinking in size of parts of your brain that sorts argue about you despite the fact the neurobiological interpretation this volume reduction is still unclear studies on rodents give some clues on this point skeletal back in 1987 found a THC induced decrease in the mean volume of hippocampal neurons and a 44% reduction in the number of synapses up to seven months after exposure in relation to gray matter volume reduction and regions linked to affective and emotional processes described so far the insula and the orbital frontal cortex we also show structural variations in the temporal Pole to our knowledge ours is the first study showing gray matter atrophy in the temporal Pole in regular cannabis users and the degree of atrophy related to the frequency of drug use in the three months preceding inclusion studies pause here this already gives you the sense that this is not the only peer-reviewed study I could be quoting I have in the past put up a video that's nothing but me reading out PVCs but it seems like no matter how many sources of God no matter how the evidence stacks up no matter how about many new publications brag that they found yet more evidence of yet another specific type of brain damage being caused by by cannabis by marijuana by THC that's really what we're talking about here it seems like people once dead opt for the form of information that makes excuses for their bad habits that comes in the pre-packaging and guys I confronted Mike the vegan with this mic the vegan is University educated as a health health educator health expert he supposedly does science-based health education videos he's 100% committed to living a lie on this issue he's out there encouraging people to get brain damage just like Lachlan Jacqueline let's live there but don't you want to take down your videos when you're supposedly scientific argument have been debunked as pseudoscience and when you could have at any point in these last 10 years just done a couple of Google searches challenged your own biased assumptions and found out that no there really is hard evidence that marijuana causes brain damage shouldn't you feel some sense of responsibility for giving this bed of ice to people vegan gains you guys know I used to talk to him then he threatened to sue me and we stopped talking um vegan gains out there claiming to be a man of science he doesn't care he consistently lies in this issue he lies to himself and he lies to others and a lot of people out there including ask yourself they make it seem like marijuana is a harmless or recreational activity and the scientific evidence says otherwise ok so to conclude here in our study we provide new arguments about the effects of long-term exposure to cannabis on brain structure integrity do you value your brain structure integrity enough to quit smoking marijuana I think most people have more of a sentimental attachment to the integrity of their brain structure than they have to their their lungs their kidney deliver maybe I'm Way off here it's a sentimental decision really it's up to you it's up to you as it's legal now so you know your choice we were able to support all the hypotheses raised in the introduction one we demonstrate that regular cannabis use is associated with reduced gray matter volume in regions rich in cannabinoid cb1 receptors that are functionally linked to motivational emotional and affective processing you know those processes they're a significant portion of what we might call your personality or who you are it's a pretty significant part of your daily brain function we're not even getting into memory here another proven problem with marijuana use - we complete our findings by showing that the magnitude of changes in these regions correlates with the frequency of cannabis use and 3 is modulated by the age at which consumption was initiated the choice is yours but I'd invite you to really question why it is you're making the choice Jacqueline Glen is an attractive woman I mean a lot of my viewers make fun of me because I'm very stingy when it comes handing out compliments indeed I just see no reason to participate in this 21st century culture of panting accomplice to everyone all the time telling everybody they're beautiful the people who really are beautiful don't need to hear that they're beautiful the people who aren't beautiful don't need to be flattered either it's demeaning to everyone no matter which way the compliment game goes but yes Jacqueline Glen is a good-looking woman and you know men do foolish things for good-looking women all the time with this latest controversy with the Prime Minister of Canada wearing blackface the question I want to ask is who are these two women in the photograph with them what were they thinking they're into it and was he dressing up in blackface to impress these these chicks everyone he was hanging out of the party I don't know I mean obviously of course he's gonna bear the blame for this but I have to wonder if this falls into the category of amazingly stupid things that men do trying to make a positive impression on women I where are those two women now I don't know Oh in any case you know there's a huge range of terrible lamentable awful human behavior that's motivated by you know the desire to just be around attractive people even if you're not seducing them you know heterosexual women want to be around other attractive heterosexual women and heterosexual men have their own reasons obviously there's a very strange effect on the ego and on the course of reasoning that physical beauty seems to have on people because this is this is nothing to play with this is not gossip this is not drama this is brain damage if we can't take this seriously set aside our own biases and learn truth from facts what can we do [Music]