Unnatural Vegan: Naked Lies, Fully Clothed Onlyfans.

16 June 2021 [link youtube]

You heard the lady: she said that if she hasn't apologized for it, and hasn't deleted the video SHE STILL MEANS IT. So it's on. @Unnatural Vegan

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#unnaturalvegan #onlyfans #vegandrama

Youtube Automatic Transcription

not that i like name call or anything
like that but certainly i can have a pretty attitude and sometimes that's all that's all you need um so for those who don't know iselle of alicia he made a video recently another video discussing his views on pet ownership and he mentions that the criticisms of his views that he has heard that they aren't worthy of a response including uh my video that i did talking about pet ownership if i haven't apologized for something you think i should apologize for it just means i don't feel sorry i don't think i should apologize it's weird that needs to be said but it seems like now people that's like not an option if someone hasn't apologized it's because they're afraid to or they're like doubling down or they don't want to look dumb or something like that like there's not even options just like maybe they don't think they should apologize honestly right now i regret even discussing this in this video because i i do think my earlier videos on this subject raised a really important argument and i don't think i've seen even one person respond to the substance that argument in a way that's interesting or merits any further reply or comment on my point and of course for those of you know that includes unnatural vegan i mean obviously i appreciate that a natural vegan has shown me support in my recent dealing with uh threats of violence defamation with the ridiculous uh you know catastrophe that went down in chiang mai but no what she has to say about this topic there is not even one sentence of it that i think merits uh serious intellectual introspection reflection or critique so iselle sent me the link to this video uh i guess soon after it was posted at the time it was unlisted it was only for his patrons and i responded via email by expressing you know my concerns [Music] and he responded to my response via email [Music] to be clear my point with this video is not to denounce iselle or his channel or even really to encourage you to stop watching his videos if you do watch his videos um it's merely to explain why i personally no longer feel comfortable recommending his channel and why i have removed his channel from my recommended section on my channel page i often say that i when i make a response to someone i'm not doing it like for them to reach them but for other people anyone else who's like viewing the video because i think it's a much higher bar right he basically presents my response my email as me having hurt feelings because he disagreed with me and because he called you know my argument stupid i have no problem with iselle disagreeing with me you know i've disagreed with numerous points he's made in past videos he's disagreed with me on numerous stuff it's never been a problem because ultimately i saw his channel as uh as promoting a pragmatic approach to veganism which is very important to me and he also doesn't spew like anti-science anti-vac stuff crazy diets any of that kind of stuff um i also have no problem with iselle calling my arguments stupid or beneath contempt there are plenty of asinine disturbing beliefs out there that we all feel the same way about and i don't think there's anything wrong with saying that an argument is stupid beneath contempt whatever other adjective you would like to use my issue is with izelle's flippant dismissal of the argument this is the part that's really baffling and strange if she wants to criticize what i have to say that's fine that's great i'm happy to hear the critique but she pretends that i didn't say anything that i just flippantly dismissed her views without presenting any kind of in-depth critique of what the difference of opinion between us is as is referred to here on screen in the emails that pass between us before she made this video i had made more than 30 minutes of video content on this and i followed up with a 15 minute video thereafter again in the time before this email was sent which was certainly several days or maybe a week before she made her video in response to me i forget exactly how many days passed so she uses one short clip of me saying that i don't think her views merit serious consideration and then pretends that my great sin the terrible thing i did was not devote enough time to refuting her views when i had already made multiple lengthy videos refuting precisely those views you know he says in the video that he believes uh pet ownership is an important topic that he wants to just to discuss yet when others um including myself try to discuss it by sharing our own views he waves them away without explaining why if you were paying attention when you saw the text on screen before you've seen me apologize for hurting her feelings and my impression is that she had hurt feelings but even if she didn't have hurt feelings it is certainly appropriate in this context for me to apologize to her and say look i'm sorry if you found what i had to say abrasive but what's impossible for me to respond to is this bizarre pretense that i have never made my analysis of the ethics and the politics and the philosophical implications of pet ownership known as i just showed you in a screenshot there was already a metric ton of video content discussing this on my youtube channel at that time if you just search for the words pet ownership within my channel now these are the search results i got doing a google search for my own name plus pet ownership i have a playlist on the topic it is a truly surreal form of defamation to try to deal with what she has done in this responsibility to me that has been seen by hundreds of thousands of people and has influenced so many people in the vegan movement and it is very strange the way in which she now justifies a further denunciation of my character by alluding to my supposed silence on this issue that i have in plain english disgust to death it's already hard to admit when we're wrong and in that case where it's like you know you're admitting to potentially thousands hundreds of thousands of people like it's a whole it's a whole nother level so yeah i don't make a video to reach them i make a video to reach people who are you know probably less invested maybe more willing to learn more willing to change we're being criticized we need to feel like we're being respected and like or even if we're just being taught something something that questions our lifestyle i think we need to be kind of handled with kid gloves a little bit he's only inter interested in discussion when he thinks he can win you know in this case it seems he can't actually counter the argument and is just simply unwilling to admit that he was wrong there is no way to make sense of this claim neither by watching her youtube video in isolation nor by going back and rereading the emails she and i exchanged before she made the video what does the word it refer to in this sentence what could it possibly be that i can't defend or am unwilling to talk about but just just can't admit that i'm wrong and reading the emails what could it even be that she is deluding herself into thinking i feel this way about he can't actually counter the argument and is just simply unwilling to admit that he was wrong the only possible answer to what the word it means in this video is that i know and i've admitted to myself that there's nothing immoral about killing a cow to feed its meat to your own pet cat that i i really know that deep down inside and i just you know lack the moral fiber necessary to come out on youtube and admit that i'm wrong and that explains my silence on the matter right like it's not like i made 15 videos adding up to hours and hours of content discussing these issues in depth but i really try to not to not be so smug and i think i succeed and then i go to edit and what the hell it's just it's just there it's just in me i don't know i don't know what to do how do i fix that and maybe that's kind of inherent to criticism in general i mean why is it that virtually all of the the drama channels the response response channels whatever they're run by like me you know it's it's because we're the ones who are willing to do it we're the ones who like get off on doing it we actually like doing it um and we're also the ones who are rewarded for it certainly i mean people want to see people be angry or snarky or whatever they don't want to see like calm compassionate you know criticism you know he did the same when commenting on peter singer but even worse so you know instead of one particular argument that singer has made eizel says that nothing singer has ever said has swayed him or inspired him you know everything he has to say regarding veganism and animal ethics is stupid so he is essentially painting an entire person's career and contribution to something very meaningful as as meaningless does that sound like a fair and reasonable summation of my views on peter singer or does that sound like a catty baity gossip and drama channel trying to create interpersonal conflict out of nothing if you don't have um a sort of kind of confrontational maybe personality you probably don't want to do something like this that is kind of inherently involving confrontation right if you don't like that you would hate doing this even though you might be the the best at it if we encourage people to just trust us to just believe what we say is true that our argument is right end of story and that their argument is wrong end of story um we run the risk of people treating anything we say as gospel this is the part of her video that most people remember and indeed it is memorable where in a strange stumbling way she equates what i'm doing on youtube with dangerous people like freely and durianrider because i'm asking the members of my audience to just take my word for it to just trust me to just have faith in what i'm saying the effects of throwing intellectual honesty to the wind and giving into cult mentality are unpredictable but almost always negative and the negative effects you know these negative effects of fandoms echo chambers cults whatever you want to call them it runs both ways i'm not suggesting that this is where iselle and his channel are headed obviously i have no clue um i'm simply stating that someone who sees no issue with painting an argument as stupid without explaining why who sees no issue with painting a person as uninspiring with nothing of value to say without explaining why and who sees no issue with providing incomplete information so that viewers are forced to have faith that what he's saying is true that such a person comes across to me as someone who isn't concerned about the potential for fanaticism and echo chambers the fact that i expressed this concern in my email and that he didn't even bother to address it in his video response that speaks volumes to me i have never once recommended a brand of toothpaste on my channel and i'm incredibly cautious incredibly cautious in even recommending that you read a book i don't want to waste people's time and say this book would be worth reading for you and you and you in the audience because i don't believe that i think books that are worthwhile rewarding and important for me to read are probably going to be a waste of your time if you don't have the same research interest i'm someone who's incredibly cautious in asking you to take anything on faith but what did the word it refer to here what was this controversy about that a natural vegan managed to escalate and dramatize out of all proportion pet food you know what you got me swayze i really am asking you to trust me to take my word for it to accept it as a matter of faith that if you pay someone to kill a cow so that you can turn its meat into cat food and you can feed it to your pet cat that cow is killed exactly the same way as if you were buying its flesh to feed yourself paying people to raise cows and kill them in slaughterhouses and process their meat into food it's exactly the same it's exactly the same moral economic and ecological problem whether the mouth that devours the flesh of the cow is your own or that of your pet cat trust me no footnotes no citations no further explanations not that i like name call or anything like that but certainly i can have a pretty attitude and sometimes that's all that's all you need