The Problem with Vegan Gains: Gun Control and Self Control.

19 March 2018 [link youtube]

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hey guys this is a video that nobody has
been asking for because most people have been watching my channel for a long time already know my position on this it's years and years ago though since I had a video harshly condemning vegan gains for his threats of violence for his having guns and knives on camera and it's so long ago that back when I last discussed this the main problem really was what he did on camera when he was playing a fictional character and I didn't defend him that way we're saying look you can't judge someone's mental health you can't judge someone's character or to what it's that they're a threat when they're actually playing a fictional character in a comedy sketch and I still stand by that that's true of many of his videos however conversely there's another genre of video you're about to see some clips from where vegan gains is very much speaking in the first person about his mental health problems is who he really is now to me there's there are exactly two edges to the sword there are two sides this story I think it's really positive that in the 21st century people with serious mental health problems come on the internet and talk about them that didn't happen in any other century didn't happen just a few decades ago you didn't get the perspective of people who suffered things like hallucination and vegan gains I think is doing some really positive becoming the internet and talking about what it's like to be someone who suffers from hallucinations whatever his underlying medical condition maybe I don't know I assume I will never know maybe he will get a diagnosis I know he's an MRI scans done and that sort of thing that's certainly very positive now on the other hand I think even if you just asked Richard this Richard is speaking gains if you described his symptoms that he has and he said Richard somebody else who has this checklist of symptoms and problems do you think they should be stockpiling weapons do you think they should be carrying a knife from the Goron town do you think they should between these things that you are doing by your own account by your owners description if somebody with this checklist of symptoms was seeing things on the internet such as you've been saying in terms of making threats against people and so on you know do you think that would be a problem now I think just one year ago I think he would have been kind of affable and self-effacing or to said yes he would have admitted it's a problem when people who are crazy or even people who diagnose themselves as crazy because again to give him credit he does diagnose himself as having some kind of serious mental disorder I think one year ago he would have said that yes it was a reasonable concern for someone with such serious mental health problems to be acting out in this way even if you believe in something like GERD of therapy some people believe that it helps people think about violence actually act out this kind of violence like you know to go and stab a pillow or shoot a dummy some people believe in that it is not very popular as a method of of therapy or you know psychiatric treatment most people think that only makes it worse that by acting out violent scenarios and violent urges you're actually making the person more dangerous or more unhinged and less less self-contained in self-control but there are actually different theories about that some people consider that therapeutic maybe it's therapeutic for some people some of the time but it's dangerous um it's a it's a bad sign we can say that I think that just one year ago he would have been self effacing enough to recognize yeah this is a problem he would see it as a problem in others and therefore he'd be willing to see it as a problem in himself I think that today his political position has hardened I know he's made videos lately that are repeating talking points from the pro-gun lobby from the 1980s that weren't even believable or credible 1980s he's using tired old memes about oh well the Nazis would have never come to power if only there were more guns in the streets of Berlin and you know that's that's sad in many different ways that's sad partly because it just shows vegan gains and ask yourself have this in common I don't think either those guys have ever read a book I mean I don't think he's read one book on the history of what happened in Berlin when the Nazis rose to power I don't think he read one book that describes the gun violence that was on the streets from corner to corner from coffee shop to coffee shop from pub to pub in the years leading up to us as pawns rise the Nazis and the role of gun ownership or guns being really available there it's it's a lie built on a lie built on a lie and it reflects a really kind of bad set of motivations on his part but those political beliefs which are his his beliefs directed outward I think in large part they reflect a self justification to acted inward that he doesn't want to deal with anymore what I've just suggested that if he applied rationally his own standards to himself as he would apply them to another person in that situation another person with the same symptoms stockpiling arms acting out in the internet making threats in the earth way is I think a part of him feels a great sense of shame and guilt that he really does believe the police ought to intervene in those circumstances he believes the police ought to intervene against him and it's easier for him to subscribe to a kind of air SATs right-wing ideology which I know he didn't believe in just two years ago cuz I used to talk to the guy he used to describe himself as a socialist even it's not a hunk ago he used to describe himself as quite left-wing on a number of issues and generally but he's now putting together a bird's nest of bits and pieces of political ideology that are projected outward their claims about society their claims about the world but I think they're real psychological function is projecting inward it's a self justification in the strictest sense of the term badness yen I just had to appear in court the stupid thing with the police and them trying to ban me from owning any weapons that's still going on problem is I'm still waiting for the psychiatric assessment from the psychiatrist so I just had to explain to a judge that I have to wait on that assessment until they can kind of make a ruling on it so the next like court date is May 5th so I just have to make sure that the psychiatrist I hired gets his report done by then and and hopefully he thinks I'm not completely absolutely insane hi everyone today I just wanted to give a quick little mental health update as some of you might know I had a bit of a mental breakdown only a few weeks ago hasn't been that long and I had a bit of a panic attack I was hallucinating and it's primarily stress-related but I have been taking b12 injections to see maybe if it would help maybe partly it was a b12 issue but I did have another bit of a mental breakdown just a few days ago I took a few days off the YouTube just to calm down and relax and deal with it I was seeing really bright flashes of color and patterns and I was hearing this ton of chatter and voices inside my head it was like a hundred people were talking to me at once and it made it really [ __ ] hard to concentrate I was getting super nervous and I couldn't relax I'm telling you this to give to give myself some accountability because a problem that I have is just accepting and recognizing that I do have some problems that I need to deal with because for the longest time this type of [ __ ] was just a normal day for me yeah hallucinating freaking out having anxiety that was normal and for somebody to come along and say you really need to relax calm down change what you're doing it's kind of weird and hard for me to take this is my bowie knife in here that they took so I got that one bad so you might recognize that from Ninja Turtles Raphael uses them and Elektra uses them is extendo baton I have another extendo is just this is a larger extendo baton this is the airsoft revolver that I had yeah chopped up people and shoot their eyes out with the airsoft gun cuz I'm a psychopath um let's see these are just these like fake bullets are for the BB gun there and here's mr. Stevenson's big axe because I don't know why the [ __ ] they take an axe from me I guess they figured I'm gonna go outside and chop people to death with [ __ ] axe because I'm an axe murderer carry a spoon with you just to build up your story just make sure you tell them it's for fruit how about I just take my gun and put it raises a lot of questions for police as to why no one reported him I got to go down to some police lockup place and retrieve the [ __ ] they stole from me like my hunting bow BB guns and people already know that this kid was a problem how do we just let him go this is Gary the vegan carburetor and I want to put out a warning about vegan gains we often don't act until it's too late we just don't think it's gonna happen if you've been watching the news you've seen that this is what people are talking about there was another shooting one of the biggest in the United States and not only the media is talking about it Ben Trump and other politicians saying that we can see the signs oh and psychologists on TV are saying people don't just flip out in an instant there are signs and you know what those signs are having depression having many weapons going around making threats and that's exactly bacon gains I would talk to a hundred million different people I could list off that are on the right but I would never ever talk to be engaged cause vegan gage does an actual piece of [ __ ] and he has no desire to actually have an intellectual conversation all he wants is attention well he wants his drama and controversy to stir the pot without any actual you know desire to have a legitimate adult conversation so no I will not debate deikun games and what they were able to find was really disturbing items on his social media pages the items about guns of different things he talked about killing law enforcement the police they're wondering why is it that when he expressed the words he used about killing the pictures that he use of the weapons why is it that no one went to police to report this slitaz [ __ ] over this knife it raises a lot of questions for police as to why no one reported him and the sheriff sort of stressed this tonight he said you know if he's this whole idea if we see something say something and he kept talking about that this was the third thing I got at the shooting range I think the main problem is that our society is uncaring we don't help people when they have a problem and people are having more problems than ever on every level physical mental emotional financial but that's not even because of his his political stances it's because of the way he carries himself in the way he speaks and and the in Seoul City throws up people threats that he throws at people and he's just he's like a very angry person full of rage she's like not a not a nice person in my opinion so I'll talk to people who have different opinions I will not talk to people who are belligerent yeah but oniisan and I had personal beef like it was very personal in my like about my you know private life and I felt the need to do that but he never has he's never like threatened to kill anyone over the years to protect your child if you have people with illnesses and people already know that this kid was a problem how do we just let him go let him loose the kids were joking saying we knew they know about this kid so this recent shooter the signs were all there even on social media he's made threats you know you know the drill and vegan gains has the same stuff we've seen him make threats to people and not only do a lot of people think he is a sociopath he actually agrees with them and this guy should be being watched there should be something to try to prevent something from happening also police often know of these shooters before the shooting like the Las Vegas one hey they weren't able to prevent it and they weren't watching him on that day and the police no vegan gains - about a year ago they confiscated his guns and he won the court case and got them back well the system is letting us down here now here's a clip of vegan games actually talking about how to evade the police and throw them off track from the weapons he's caring good a nice good big knife if you're gonna carry a knife like this never ever ever ever ever tell the cops it's for self-defense purposes it in Canada it's illegal to carry a knife or any weapon for self-defense so just make sure you tell them it's for fruit or some sort of practical utility purposes carry a spoon with you just to build up your story [Music] evolution