Against Illegal Vegan Activism, Against Terrorism, Against Violence .

27 August 2019 [link youtube]

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#veganactivism #veganism #nonviolence

Youtube Automatic Transcription

your suffering will change you suffering
will change you not just in ways you can anticipate but in ways that you cannot anticipate and I've seen that again and again in the study of politics in the study of extreme politics to cut to the chase what I in university before September 11th 2001 before Stemper 11th I studied politics in the Muslim world and you saw all the time there would be guys who at one stage of their career were relatively moderate relatively pragmatic and then they got snatched off the street put into a ghost house tortured and when they came out their perspective on the world was different it's not a slippery slope the role of violence and again doesn't necessarily make people bitter but it changes people in ways they can't anticipate themselves if you think the level of hostility and backstabbing and suspicion and hatred that we have within veganism now is bad I can imagine it getting worse I think when you mix terrorism into what's already a bad situation I can imagine it getting worse but I've studied political history I can imagine veganism being less like a high school prom and more like the IRA and I want to stop that from happening but I know that there are people and I've met and spoke to people who want veganism to move towards violence or they personally want to join groups that use violence precisely because they feel that violence will discipline their fellow vegans that violence will bring a form of seriousness and earnestness to the movement or to their their group their cell within the movement certain groups of individuals who will not listen to reason and for that you need violence they want the secrecy and seriousness and self-discipline that violence will bring that the fear of state repression will bring they want the simplicity and clarity of purpose that hostility towards the government will bring whether they're in England or in the United States or Canada I understand that emotionally and intellectually I understand that but I'm here to tell you sincerely that you're wrong and you're not just wrong because getting on that path will put you in a cage will put you in prison you're wrong in your means in your motives in the ends that you're going to warrants you're wrong in the way that you're going to transform the activist group you're a part of the type of hostility suspicion etc I've already described and you're wrong because you don't know how suffering will change you you don't you think you're not a killer but you could be you could become one you think you're someone who won't rat out your friend to the cops but you could be you could become that person or you think you wouldn't kill someone who's currently your friend because they ratted you out to the cops or they ratted out another member of your activist group the cops but you could be you don't know how suffering will change one of the turning points in history this YouTube channel was when I pointed the finger clearly and directly at another vegan activist well-known vegan activist from Detroit Gary Yourofsky and said this is terrorism what he's calling for his violence legally speaking it's terrorism and it's not acceptable and I'm not gonna make excuses for it and neither should you there are definitely people who are still in the audience today watching who first discovered this channel and first figured out really who I was and what it was all about at that moment when I pointed the finger at Gary Yourofsky and I had quotations from Gary Yourofsky to back up those allegations that were as plain as day I'm not gonna put the quotation of this video because if you've been watching this channel you've already heard some 10 times over but I had a quotation of Gary Yourofsky for example of him saying out of his own mouth that he felt that the ALS a terrorist organization that the ALS were not violent enough played that clip many times I had a clip of him directly saying that he thought the time would soon come when people would actually be using guns really carrying out violent terrorist activity in slaughterhouses in the name veganism even when the message was that clear the vast majority of vegans the bastard people who saw those YouTube videos both on my channel and where they first appeared with Gary Yourofsky speaking from his own perspective the vast majority of vegans just didn't see the problem with it I've got so many messages people saying wow I heard that before and somehow somehow the excuse making mechanism in my mind was just so strong that I didn't really see the problem with it and that's exactly what I want to draw your attention to here the problem is not forms of terrorism that openly and overtly declare themselves as such the problem is the way in which individual people and a whole movement engages in or indulges in the excuse making mentality step by step like the so called boiling frog syndrome people become accustomed to certain justifications certain rationalizations certain assumptions they maybe even redefine what the word violence means what is and what isn't violence that was part of your off skis game too they define what activism means that defines what their objectives are they define what sacrifices they want to make in such a way that not only is a minority of the movement drawn into outright terrorist but what's worse the majority of the movement is implicated in the majority of people are discredited by it the majority of people in the movement who are doubtless are not terrorists and don't think of themselves as supporting terrorists they nevertheless step by small step end up creating a kind of smokescreen for the worst elements of the movement to act out their revolutionary fantasies so in this video I'm going to talk about two examples that are certainly much much less obvious than Gary Yourofsky directly advocating for violence Gary Yourofsky directly saying the AL F is not found enough but they're all the more important to deal with not despite that reason but because [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you think this is a minor thing but it's not you think that police keeping the peace peace order and good government you think that's a minor thing but it's not you think that the difference between having a social movement where nobody is afraid of the police and a social movement where everybody is afraid of the police where everyone is afraid that they're going to be ratted out to the police because everyone's implicated in illegal activity you think that's a smaller subtle difference it's not alright and these are the kinds of presentations of ideas that are so subtle I mean what she's calling for here doesn't sound anything like terrorism there's a second example wanna bring in here I'll come back to Aaron Janis real quick but you know there was a youtuber here he's a critic of what's going on in the movement the good bad and the ugly and he made this case that sounds so appealing he made this case for extending disruption to disrupt the supply chain that's how he put it to to directly tackling you know like specific slaughterhouses you know the animals being shipped to the slaughterhouses and being shipped from the slaughterhouses after they've been they've been killed and so on that you know if you could just set up these disruptions to the supply chain in a focused way you know in illegal and slightly violent way that you know that that like somehow you'd cause you'd cause the price of pork to go way up in a particular City because these disruptions you're messing up you're messing up the industry yeah yeah yeah but you know what that's not all your messing up you're putting yourself in a situation where now the police are not your friends they're your enemies and then we're people within the movement each one of us is hostile to and afraid of the others can I trust you can you trust me because you all know that what you're doing is illegal you're implicated in something illegal and then step by step you know that experience and that sorrow and that isolation it changes people and they may not have started out advocating terrorism they may have started out just advocating crimes against property and disruption and disrupting the supply chain and so on but guess guess where it takes you and guess where it takes where it takes the whole movement I'm serious here you may think it's cute and it's harmless for Aaron Janis to endorse the strategy of playing a sound reporting of pigs screaming while they're actually playing that at a high enough volume that it ruins everybody's day in the neighborhood that all the houses in that neighborhood nobody can sleep for nobody's kids can play in the backyard because there's this horrible noise playing of pigs being executed would you um will you agree that that's a good tactic for any ideology other than your own would you make that excuse for any cause any political organization that that you do not happen to sympathize with that you're not a partisan for hey she you know what um you may feel you may viscerally feel the way Erin Janice does you may be willing to weep and scream about this you may feel hey there are lives on the line there are people dying you know what not the only cause that's true of how would you feel if you were walking through a Jewish community and there were anti-israel protestors whether they were pro palestinian or pro syrian or something and these people wanted to play at deafening volume play at a high high volume sam recordings of bullets going off and bombs going off and people screaming and people dying that was their form of protest there were maybe in front of a synagogue or in the middle of a jewish neighborhood this is what they wanted to do to shock people using exactly the same reasoning erin genesis there were you could you could quote whatever janice said verbatim and just replace a few nouns and have a justification for this right what how about the opposite what if it was a group of pro-israel protesters in a muslim neighborhood what if it was a group of pro-israel protesters in front of one of those one of those apartment buildings in toronto there were many one of those apartment buildings that's all palestinians you know it's not quite a whole neighborhood but still or in front of a mosque and they want to play the audio recording of the the sorrow and the misery and people screaming and dying they have an audio recording of palestinians Palestinian terrorists bombing shooting and killing Jews in Israel they want to shock people with that suffering are you comfortable with that tactic no I mean the type of excuse making mentality going on here is exactly the same as a Christian who will make elaborate excuses for what's wrong with the Bible they'll make excuses for slavery in the Bible they'll make excuses broken at the incoherent things that don't make sense about you just try to stop them and ask why is it you only make these excuses for this one book you'll do this for the Bible but you won't make the same excuses for the Quran from us you won't make the same excuses for Hinduism or Buddhism you're capable of seeing this as something wrong or bad when it's not your religion when it's someone else's religion you're capable of seeing what's really wrong with this kind of activism when it's Muslims protesting against Jews or Jews protest against Muslims but you can't see what's wrong with it when it's you when it's your beliefs when it's your own idea hoji you can't have that detachment and sympathy and analysis you can't appreciate that what that police officer was doing was 100% correct that he was keeping the peace that the question really is how can we all live in a society together where we have profoundly contrasting and conflicting interests where some of us feel this is a crisis this is an emergency some of us want to shake others out of their indifference you know vegans are not the only ones these tactics people are endorsing okay so let's say you let's say you endorse disruption you endorse disruption of the supply chain don't quit contrast there would that be a good tactic if what you're trying to do long term is create a society in which nobody smokes cigarettes when you endorse disruption of the supply chain or outright terrorism against you know the trucks that bring the tobacco back and forth from the tobacco farm to the factory or whatever and then from the fabulousity would you try to disrupt the tobacco industry so that like temporarily the price of cigarettes goes up and I guess the newspapers would all be complaining gee there are these anti tobacco activists engaging in illegal methods that are screwing up the industry would you endorse that just think through the next steps on a human level then the police become your enemies you know please get involved what you're doing is criminal organization becomes paranoid same way the IRA was most people remembers the IRA it's the Irish liberation movement Irish terrorist movement you know they weren't afraid of the cops they were terrified all the time other people inside the organization that's kind of fear they all live with the brutalization movement because you're because you're engaging this but ultimately also that the type of suasion you're using is irrelevant to what it is you want to achieve what are these people trying to abolish cigarettes what do they want to achieve they want other people to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do they want other people to get informed and get motivated to quit smoking they don't want to just temporarily raise the price of of cigarettes and antagonize the whole of society against them including the legal system that's not ultimately what you want to do see anti tobacco activists ultimately they want the government to adopt laws and and public education programs that will really tell people hey hey you've got to quit smoking that'll inform children and schools don't use tobacco don't use cigarettes this is what vegans want also guys I'm sorry if you can't follow the argument or what vegans want is for schools to stop serving bacon and stop serving hot dogs you want schools to educate children that no milk is not healthy eggs are not healthy in the past we thought these things were healthy and just now progress of science we know they're not we want schools to educate children hey you know what in the past we thought hunting animals meant that you were brave and strong and today we really have to change our mindset that raising millions of animals in captivity and torturing them to death this is not for the good of society it's not for the good of our health it's not for the good of anything we want public outreach and education we want public policies and yes you're ultimately in the same way that the final end goal of the anti tobacco activists probably is to make cigarettes completely illegal even if it's 300 years from now probably yeah sure you know what the ultimate fantasy of the vegans is that we convinced the government to make leather illegal to make veal illegal step-by-step for meat and dairy to become illegal or so strongly to score urged by you know punitive taxes and what have you that they really become something marginalized in despising sight how could you possibly get there for anti tobacco activism or for say anti-alcohol activism or for vegan and how could you possibly get there through violent disruption of the supply chain it's so stupid and it sounds good but it's a smokescreen over terrorism this is step by step what leads people into terrorism how about Catholics who are pro-life who want to protest against abortions do you think they start off with the mentality that what they're gonna do is terrorism no they go into it step by step in this same way they think through a rationalization just like Aaron Janice is doing here just like the other guy did with you know concocting this idea about disrupting the supply chain they start off with the redefinition of the meaning of familiar words violence doesn't sound like violence anymore when you call it disruption things that are illegal come to be justified again and again because after all animals are dying people are dying these languages used created us versus them you know that cottony and struggle which Aaron Janice is doing there also step by step people come up with justifications they get involved in illegal activity they say oh it's not it's not violence against people quote unquote it's just violence against property right that's what Gary Yourofsky is always preaching it's the baby steps towards outright terrorism you know they engage in creating this smokescreen and sure it's partly to deceive others but it's also to deceive themselves and you know step by terrible step those people who probably started off with the loftiest of principles imagine one certainly in their own eyes they had good engines those people I mean would you ever make the excuses for pro-life activists for anti-abortion activists would you make excuses for what they're doing that you might hypothetically be making already now for vegans engaged in disruption for vegans engaged in illegal and violent activities in the name of veganism I don't think any of us how do you feel when you walk past pro-life protesters who are genuinely trying to disrupt abortion clinics who are trying to stop people going into hospitals and going out of hospitals and it's kind of how do you feel if they're trying to stop an ambulance going in the back door all these things they try to stop doc you know and you know where it leads you know how step by step those people and if government repression makes it worse as I said at the beginning of this video the one thing you don't know is how your own suffering will change you it once you get involved with this kind of activism once you get involved with this kind of social scene and this excuse making once you've already had your turn doing a hunger strike at the slaughterhouse once you've had your turn immersing your arms and liquid concrete once you've had your turn being arrested for chaining yourself to machinery once you've been in a jail a few times for disrupting the supply chain or for stealing animals from a farm or a slaughterhouse that cycle of suffering you're doing it because you think it's gonna change the world but much much sooner than it changes the world it changes you it changes who you are and it changes all too rapidly what your view is of violence how much you're willing to get your hands dirty even if it's only to provide a justification for the sacrifices you've already made looking back at history there were a lot of people with good intentions who made excuses for communism look it's narrow it down there were so many well-intentioned left-wing people who made excuses for the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia there were so many people who thought they had pious humanitarian reasons for making excuses to support the mass murder of innocent people by communist regimes including the communist regime in Cambodia and afterwards when all the excuse making is over and done with a few decades look by a few decades go by and then they can look back and say wow what we were doing was creating a smokescreen for violence we thought we might've even thought of themselves as peace activists that was the most common thing with communism they think they're protesting for peace but in reality they're providing a justification for and a smokescreen for violence there is something similarly paradoxical going on here within veganism and normally it's much harder to see than it is in the case of an imbecile like Gary Yourofsky pointing his finger and directly calling for guns and violence and terrorism most of the time it's going to be a whole lot harder to discern certain groups of individuals who will not listen to reason and for that you need violence spare me the [ __ ] adages about violence beginning violent and doesn't always be good violence in most cases it actually ends violent I didn't even finish high school you know and I haven't go to university and I say the same thing Oh bonus yen what is your malfunction let's get one thing straight meatball face but I work alone except when I work with Ronaldo which is all the time